Subaru SSM2 packet base class. Designed for object reusability which means immutable. Properties can be changed and will only affect those packet bytes. I.e. once header info has been set, one can modify payload data, header bytes won't be rewritten. Also avoids many backing fields since most properties directly read/write packet bytes.
Inheritance: ISsm2Packet
Example #1
        public void EmptyPacketSpecifyingBuffer()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[Ssm2Packet.PacketSizeMax];

            // Constructor for initializing packet object by
            // providing own (empty) buffer

            // For parsing existing content use instance method .FromBytes (buffer) or
            // static method Ssm2Packet.NewFromBytes (buffer) instead!

            Ssm2Packet p = new Ssm2Packet(buffer);

            // packet buffer mostly contains zeroes
            // undefined, don't check:
            // Size, CheckSum, etc.

            //Assert.AreEqual (0, p.Size, "Size");

            Assert.AreEqual((Ssm2Command)0, p.Command, "Command");

            // Assert.AreEqual (0, p.ChecksumCalculated, "ChecksumCalculated");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, p.Check(), "Check");

            // not useful, just demonstrating that packet is invalid
            // byte[] buf = p.ToBytesCopy ();
            //Assert.AreEqual (0, buf.Length, "buf.Length");
Example #2
        public void Parse1()
            byte[] expected = TestPacket1;

            // Static method NewFromBytes () analyzes packet type,
            // and returns a specific packet object.
            // Based on given data in this case we know upfront,
            // it'll be an read-addresses-request.
            Ssm2ReadAddressesRequest p;

            p = (Ssm2ReadAddressesRequest)Ssm2Packet.NewFromBytes(expected);

            // check standard properties
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, p.Size, "Size");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, p.Check(), "Check()");
            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Device.Engine10, p.Destination, "Destination");
            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Device.DiagnosticToolF0, p.Source, "Source");
            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Command.ReadAddressesRequestA8, p.Command, "Command");

            // check packet type specifics
            IList <int> addresses = p.Addresses;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, addresses.Count, "addrList.Count");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, p.AddressesCount, "AddressesCount");
            Assert.AreEqual(0x123456, addresses[0], "adr[0]");
Example #3
 public bool Equals(Ssm2Packet p)
     if (p == null)
     return(this.GetHashCode() == p.GetHashCode());
Example #4
        public void EqualsDefaultPacket()
            Ssm2Packet p1, p2;

            p1 = new Ssm2Packet();
            p2 = new Ssm2Packet();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, p1.Equals(p2), "Equals1");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, p1.Equals((object)p2), "Equals2");
Example #5
        public void NewFromBytes()
            // best for parsing as it does not allocate anything
            var p = (Ssm2ReadBlockRequest)Ssm2Packet.NewFromBytes(TestPacket1);

            // Same static method can also be accessed like this:
            // Ssm2InitRequest.NewFromBytes (...)

Example #6
        public void NewFromBytes()
            byte[] packetData = EcuInit1;
            // best for parsing as it does not allocate anything
            Ssm2InitRequest p = (Ssm2InitRequest)Ssm2Packet.NewFromBytes(packetData);

            // Same static method can also be accessed like this:
            // Ssm2InitRequest.NewFromBytes (...)

Example #7
        // overriding Equals, GetHashCode etc. not necessary
        // but provide much better performance if used

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            Ssm2Packet p = obj as Ssm2Packet;

            if (p == null)

            // Return true if the data matches:
            return(this.GetHashCode() == p.GetHashCode());
Example #8
        static void AssertProperties1(Ssm2Packet p)
            byte[] expectedPacketData = EcuInit1;

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(Ssm2InitRequest), p, "type");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(Ssm2Packet), p, "base type");

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPacketData.Length, p.Size, "Size");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, p.Check(), "Check()");

            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Device.Engine10, p.Destination, "Destination");
            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Device.DiagnosticToolF0, p.Source, "Source");
            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Command.InitRequestBF, p.Command, "Command");

            byte[] bytes = p.ToBytesCopy();
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedPacketData.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedPacketData[i], bytes[i], "bytes[]");
Example #9
        public void DefaultPacket()
            Ssm2Packet p = new Ssm2Packet();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, p.Check(), "Check");

            // Following tests are very implementation specific
            // and rather for debugging purposes!
            // Real code should not depend on most packet properties
            // except Check(), Capacity, Size.

            // packet is almost empty since no properties haven't been set yet
            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Packet.PacketSizeMin, p.Size, "Size");
            // only 1st byte is set to 128, all other bytes are 0,
            // therefore checksum is 128, too.
            Assert.AreEqual(128, p.ChecksumCalculated, "ChecksumCalculated");

            // not useful, just demonstrating that packet is invalid
            byte[] buf = p.ToBytesCopy();

            // generic packet type has minimum size
            Assert.AreEqual(Ssm2Packet.PacketSizeMin, buf.Length, "buf.Length");
Example #10
 public bool Equals(Ssm2Packet p)
     if (p == null)
         return false;
     return (this.GetHashCode () == p.GetHashCode ());
Example #11
        static void AssertProperties1(Ssm2Packet p)
            byte[] expectedPacketData = EcuInit1;

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof(Ssm2InitRequest), p, "type");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof(Ssm2Packet), p, "base type");

            Assert.AreEqual (expectedPacketData.Length, p.Size, "Size");
            Assert.AreEqual (true, p.Check (), "Check()");

            Assert.AreEqual (Ssm2Device.Engine10, p.Destination, "Destination");
            Assert.AreEqual (Ssm2Device.DiagnosticToolF0, p.Source, "Source");
            Assert.AreEqual (Ssm2Command.InitRequestBF, p.Command, "Command");

            byte[] bytes = p.ToBytesCopy ();
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedPacketData.Length; i++) {
                Assert.AreEqual (expectedPacketData[i], bytes[i], "bytes[]");