Example #1
        private void RunEncryptionUsingTripleDES()
            Console.WriteLine("Encryption Using Triple DES started");

            CryptographyExample cryptographyExample = new CryptographyExample(8);

            // we are using 24 bytes to make use of the tripple key variants of triple DES
            // 24 bytes represents three 64 bit keys or three 8 byte keys
            // under the covers our data will be encrypted with key1, then with key2, then with key3
            byte[] key = cryptographyExample.GenerateRandomNumber(24);

            // we could just send in 16 bytes and it will still work fine, however this means that
            // under the covers our data will get encrypted using the first key, then encrypted again using the 2nd key, then once more
            // using the first key again.
            //byte[] key = cryptographyExample.GenerateRandomNumber(16);

            byte[]       initializationVector = cryptographyExample.GenerateRandomNumber(8);
            const string originalMessage      = "Text To Encrypt";

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Message before encryption: {0}", originalMessage));

            byte[] encryptedMessage = cryptographyExample.EncryptUsingTripleDES(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalMessage), key, initializationVector);
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Message after encryption: {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(encryptedMessage)));

            byte[] decryptedMessage = cryptographyExample.DecryptUsingTripleDES(encryptedMessage, key, initializationVector);
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Message after decryption: {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedMessage)));

            Console.WriteLine("Encryption Using Triple DES ended");