Example #1
        private static readonly Regex _regex = new Regex("[^0-9.-]+"); //regex that matches disallowed text

        public AddStudent(AttendanceDatabase database, ArduinoSerialComms arduino, bool editStudent = false, Student student = null)
            this.database             = database;
            this.arduino              = arduino;
            this.arduino.TagReceived += TagReceived;
            editMode = editStudent;

            //If we are editing, the setup the window
            if (editMode)
                this.student          = student;
                Title                 = "Edit student";
                txbTitle.Text         = "Edit student";
                txtFirstname.Text     = student.firstname;
                txtLastname.Text      = student.lastname;
                txtOasisID.Text       = student.oasisid.ToString();
                txtFinishYear.Text    = student.finishyear.ToString();
                currentUid            = student.uid;
                btnSaveNext.IsEnabled = false;

                //If we have a uid, then update the textblock
                if (currentUid != 0)
                    txbUID.Text       = $"Tag will be set to {BitConverter.ToString(BitConverter.GetBytes(currentUid))}";
                    txbUID.Foreground = Brushes.PaleGreen;