protected void LoadDatabase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Black; lblMsg.Text = "Upload A CSV File"; string fileType = ddl_fileType.SelectedValue; if (fileType == "1") { if (fu_UploadFile.HasFile) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fu_UploadFile.PostedFile.FileName); if (fileInfo.Name.Contains(".csv")) { lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Black; //reset label color string fileName = fileInfo.Name.Replace(".csv", "").ToString(); string csvFilePath = Server.MapPath("Files") + "\\" + fileInfo.Name; //save the csv file on the server in 'UpLoadedCSVFiles' //fu_UploadFile.SaveAs(csvFilePath); SqlProvider sqlProvider = new SqlProvider(); sqlProvider.LoadClassListFile(csvFilePath); lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Black; lblMsg.Text = "CSV File Uploaded to Database"; } else { //alert user that file is not a csv file lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblMsg.Text = "Uploaded file is not CSV file"; } } else { //alert user no file found lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblMsg.Text = "No File Found, Try To Re-Upload"; } } if (fileType == "2") { if (fu_UploadFile.HasFile) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fu_UploadFile.PostedFile.FileName); if (fileInfo.Name.Contains(".csv")) { lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Black; //reset label color string fileName = fileInfo.Name.Replace(".csv", "").ToString(); string csvFilePath = Server.MapPath("Files") + "\\" + fileInfo.Name; //save the csv file on the server in 'MyCSVFolder' //fu_UploadFile.SaveAs(csvFilePath); SqlProvider sqlProvider = new SqlProvider(); sqlProvider.LoadSESFile(csvFilePath); lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Black; lblMsg.Text = "CSV File Uploaded to Database"; } else { //alert user that file is not a csv file lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblMsg.Text = "Uploaded file is not CSV file"; } } else { //alert user no file found lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblMsg.Text = "No File Found, Try To Re-Upload"; } } }
protected void Btn_UnionSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string subUnionQuery = string.Empty; string UnionQuery = string.Empty; lb_ResultFeedback.Text = ""; lb_Error.Text = ""; if (cb_SavedSearchList.SelectedIndex != -1) //if an item in check box list as been selected { if (cb_SavedSearchList.SelectedIndex >= 0) //if more than one item in the check box list selected { try { int check = 0; //Loop through Check Box List and Build Selected Save Search for each save search foreach (ListItem lt in cb_SavedSearchList.Items) { //get where clause from daabase string queryString = string.Empty; SqlProvider sqlProvider = new SqlProvider(); string query = "EXEC dbo.Proc_GetWhereClauseBySearchID @SearchID = " + lt.Value + ", @UserName = '******'"; queryString = Convert.ToString(sqlProvider.ExecuteSqlScalarCommand(query)); if (lt.Selected && check == 0) { subUnionQuery += " " + this.BuildAdvanceQuery() + queryString; check++; } else if (lt.Selected && check > 0) { subUnionQuery += " UNION " + this.BuildAdvanceQuery() + queryString; } } //Build Union Query String UnionQuery = this.BuildUnionSQLQuery(subUnionQuery); //Populate gridview gv_StudentData.Height = 310; gv_Result.Height = 310; try { this.PopulateGridView(gv_StudentData, lb_Error, UnionQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { lb_Error.Text = "Invalid Query String"; } if (gv_StudentData.Rows.Count > 0) { lb_ResultFeedback.Visible = true; lb_ResultFeedback.Text = gv_StudentData.Rows.Count.ToString() + " Record(s) Found"; } else { lb_ResultFeedback.Visible = true; lb_ResultFeedback.Text = "No Record(s) Found"; } } catch (Exception ex) { lb_Error.Text = "Opppsss!!! Something Went Wrong"; } } else { lb_Error.Text = "To View A Union Search Result, Select Two Or More Search"; } } else { lb_Error.Text = "No Search Selected"; lb_ResultFeedback.Text = ""; gv_StudentData.DataSource = null; gv_StudentData.DataBind(); } //Build Union Search }