static void Main(string[] args)
            SqliteConnection db = DatabaseInterface.Connection;


             *  1. Query database
             *  2. Convert result to list
             *  3. Use ForEach to iterate the collection
            // List<Exercise> exercises = db.Query<Exercise>(@"SELECT * FROM Exercise").ToList();
            // exercises.ForEach(ex => Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Name}"));

            // Chaining LINQ statements together
            db.Query <Exercise>(@"SELECT * FROM Exercise ")
            .ForEach(ex => Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Name}"));

                    INSERT INTO Exercise (Name, Language) VALUES ('SQL', 'C#'); ");
                    INSERT INTO Instructor (FirstName,LastName,SlackHandle,CohortId) VALUES ('Kimmie', 'Bird','KimmieBird','3'); ");

            db.Query <Instructor, Cohort, Instructor>(@"
                SELECT instr.CohortId,
                FROM Instructor instr
                JOIN Cohort c ON c.Id = instr.CohortId
            ", (instructor, cohort) =>
                instructor.Cohort = cohort;

            .ForEach(instr => Console.WriteLine($"{instr.FirstName} {instr.LastName} {instr.Cohort}"));

            db.Query <Student>(@"SELECT * FROM Student ")
            .ForEach(stu => Console.WriteLine($"{stu.FirstName}{stu.LastName}{stu.Cohort}"));

            //   //Cohort Evening8 = new Cohort("Evening 8");
            //     Cohort Day25 = new Cohort("Day 25");
            //     Cohort Day26 = new Cohort("Day 26");
            //     Cohort Day27 = new Cohort("Day 27");

            //     //instructors
            //     Instructor Meg = new Instructor("Meg", "Ducharme", "slack", Day25);
            //     Instructor Jenna = new Instructor("Jenna", "Solis", "slack", Day26);
            //     Instructor Steve = new Instructor("Steve", "Lastname", "Slack", Day27);

            //     //students
            //     Student Gretchen = new Student("Gretchen", "Ward", "slack", Day27);
            //     Student Maddie = new Student("Maddie", "lastname", "slack", Day27);
            //     Student Leah = new Student("Leah", "Gwinn", "LeahGwinn", Day26);
            //     Student Wyatt = new Student("Wyatt", "Nutter", "WyattN", Day27);

            //     //exercises
            //     Exercise classes = new Exercise("classes", "C#");
            //     Exercise hashsets = new Exercise("hashsets", "C#");
            //     Exercise chickenMonkey = new Exercise("chickenMonkey", "JavaScript");
            //     Exercise nutshell = new Exercise("nutshell", "React");
            //     Exercise loops = new Exercise("loops", "JavaScript");
            //     Exercise practice = new Exercise("practice", "JavaScript");

            //     //assign exercises

            //     Meg.AssignExercise(classes, Leah);
            //     Meg.AssignExercise(loops, Leah);
            //     Meg.AssignExercise(nutshell, Wyatt);
            //     Meg.AssignExercise(loops, Wyatt);
            //     Jenna.AssignExercise(chickenMonkey, Maddie);
            //     Jenna.AssignExercise(nutshell, Maddie);
            //     Jenna.AssignExercise(chickenMonkey, Leah);
            //     Jenna.AssignExercise(practice, Leah);
            //     Jenna.AssignExercise(classes, Wyatt);
            //     Jenna.AssignExercise(loops, Wyatt);
            //     Steve.AssignExercise(nutshell, Leah);
            //     Steve.AssignExercise(hashsets, Leah);
            //     Steve.AssignExercise(classes, Maddie);
            //     Steve.AssignExercise(hashsets, Maddie);

            //    // Create a list of students. Add all of the student instances to it.
            //     List<Student> students = new List<Student> ()
            //     {
            //        Gretchen,
            //        Maddie,
            //        Leah,
            //        Wyatt
            //     };
            //     List<Cohort> Cohorts = new List<Cohort> ()
            //     {
            //        Evening8,
            //        Day25,
            //        Day26,
            //        Day27
            //     };

            //     // Create a list of exercises. Add all of the exercise instances to it.
            //     List<Exercise> exercises = new List<Exercise> ()
            //     {
            //         classes,
            //         hashsets,
            //         loops,
            //         chickenMonkey,
            //         nutshell,
            //         practice
            //     };

            //     // list instructors
            //     List<Instructor> instructors = new List<Instructor>()
            //     {
            //        Meg,
            //        Steve,
            //        Jenna
            //     };

            //     // Display any students that aren't working on any exercises
            //     var studentsWithNoExercises = students.Where(stu => stu.Exercises.Count() == 0);
            //     foreach (var stu in studentsWithNoExercises)
            //     {
            //         Console.WriteLine($"Students who aren't working on exercises: {stu.FirstName} {stu.LastName}");
            //     }

            //     var studentsWithExercises = students.Where(stu => stu.Exercises.Count() != 0);
            //     foreach (var stu in studentsWithExercises)
            //     {
            //         Console.WriteLine($"Students with exercises: {stu.FirstName} {stu.LastName}");
            //     }

            //    // List exercises for Javascript with where linq method

            //     IEnumerable<Exercise> JS = from JavaScript in exercises
            //     where JavaScript.Language == "JavaScript"
            //     select JavaScript;

            //     JS.ToList().ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine(e.Name));

            //     // List instructors in a cohort with linq method
            //    IEnumerable<Instructor> inst = from instructor in instructors
            //    where instructor.Cohort == Day25
            //    select instructor;

            //    inst.ToList().ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine($"instructor {i.FirstName} {i.Cohort.Name}"));
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // --------------- DAPPER ---------------
            SqliteConnection db = DatabaseInterface.Connection;


            // 3. Query the database for all the Exercises.
            // whenever dapper does a query, it'll do the query, and get a row back and then make a new exercise object. so then new exercise - then it'll make an assumption that it'll have a parameterless constructor because it must be generic.
            db.Query <Exercise> (@"SELECT * FROM Exercise")
            .ForEach(ex => Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Name}: {ex.Language}"));

            // 4. Fnd all the exercises in the database where the language is JavaScript.
            db.Query <Exercise> (@"SELECT * FROM Exercise
                WHERE Exercise.Language == 'Javascript'")
            .ForEach(ex => Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Name} are Javascript exercises"));

            // 5. Insert a new exercise into the database.
            // db.Execute(@"
            //     INSERT INTO Exercise (Name, Language) VALUES ('Dapper', 'C#')
            // ");

            // --------------- LINQ ---------------
            // Create 4, or more, exercises.
            Exercise loops        = new Exercise("loops", "Javascript");
            Exercise objects      = new Exercise("objects", "Javascript");
            Exercise dictionaries = new Exercise("dictionaries", "C#");
            Exercise lists        = new Exercise("lists", "C#");

            // Create 3, or more, cohorts.
            Cohort twentyFive  = new Cohort("Day 25");
            Cohort twentySix   = new Cohort("Day 26");
            Cohort twentySeven = new Cohort("Day 27");

            // Create 4, or more, students and assign them to one of the cohorts.
            Student Rachel   = new Student("Rachel", "Greene", "haha", twentyFive);
            Student Monica   = new Student("Monica", "Geller", "keep it clean", twentyFive);
            Student Ross     = new Student("Ross", "Geller", "we were on a break", twentySix);
            Student Chandler = new Student("Chandler", "Bing", "could I be more ...", twentySix);
            Student Joey     = new Student("Joey", "Tribiani", "sandwiches", twentySeven);
            Student Phoebe   = new Student("Phoebe", "Bouffay", "nestle tollhouse", twentySeven);
            Student Phoebe2  = new Student("Phoebe2", "Bouffay2", "nestle tollhouse2", twentySeven);

            // Create 3, or more, instructors and assign them to one of the cohorts.
            Instructor Joe    = new Instructor("Joe", "Shepherd", "joes", twentyFive);
            Instructor Jisie  = new Instructor("Jisie", "David", "jisie", twentySix);
            Instructor Jordan = new Instructor("Jordan", "C", "jordan", twentySix);
            Instructor Steve  = new Instructor("Steve", "Brownlee", "coach", twentySeven);

            // Have each instructor assign 2 exercises to each of the students.
            Joe.AssignExercise(loops, Rachel);
            Joe.AssignExercise(objects, Rachel);
            Joe.AssignExercise(loops, Monica);
            Joe.AssignExercise(objects, Monica);
            Joe.AssignExercise(dictionaries, Monica);
            Joe.AssignExercise(lists, Monica);
            Jisie.AssignExercise(dictionaries, Ross);
            Jisie.AssignExercise(lists, Ross);
            Jisie.AssignExercise(loops, Ross);
            Jordan.AssignExercise(lists, Chandler);
            Jordan.AssignExercise(dictionaries, Chandler);
            Steve.AssignExercise(lists, Joey);
            Steve.AssignExercise(dictionaries, Joey);

            // Create a list of students. Add all of the student instances to it.
            List <Student> students = new List <Student> ()

            // Create a list of exercises. Add all of the exercise instances to it.
            List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise> ()

            // list instructors
            List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor> ()

            // list of cohorts
            List <Cohort> cohorts = new List <Cohort> ()

            // 1. List exercises for the JavaScript language by using the Where() LINQ method.
            IEnumerable <Exercise> JSEx = exercises.Where(ex => ex.Language == "Javascript");

            foreach (var ex in JSEx)
                // Console.WriteLine($"Javascript exercises: {ex.Name}");

            // 2. List students in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method.
            IEnumerable <Student> studentsIn27 = students.Where(stu => stu.Cohort == twentySeven);

            foreach (var stu in studentsIn27)
                // Console.WriteLine($"Students in Cohort 27: {stu.FirstName} {stu.LastName}");

            // 3. List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method.
            IEnumerable <Instructor> instructorsIn26 = instructors.Where(ins => ins.Cohort == twentySix);

            foreach (var i in instructorsIn26)
                // Console.WriteLine($"Instructors in Cohort 26: {i.FirstName} {i.LastName}");

            // 4. Sort the students by their last name.
            IEnumerable <Student> sortedStudents = students.OrderBy(stu => stu.LastName);

            foreach (var stu in sortedStudents)
                // Console.WriteLine($"Sorted students by last name: {stu.LastName}, {stu.FirstName}");

            // 5. Display any students that aren't working on any exercises
            List <Student> studentsWithNoExercises = students.Where(stu => stu.Exercises.Count == 0).ToList();

            foreach (var stu in studentsWithNoExercises)
                // Console.WriteLine($"Students who aren't working on exercises: {stu.FirstName} {stu.LastName}");

            // 6. Which student is working on the most exercises?
            var studentWithMostExercises = (from s in students
                                            // select is like .map and generates a new thing and put it into the final collection
                                            select new {
                FirstName = s.FirstName,
                Exercises = s.Exercises.Count()
                                           // put in order of descending number of exercises
                                           .OrderByDescending(s => s.Exercises)
                                           // grab just the first one -> first or default if the list is empty
                                           .Take(1).ToList() [0];
            // Console.WriteLine($"Student working on most exercises: {studentWithMostExercises.FirstName} {studentWithMostExercises.Exercises}");

            // 7. How many students in each cohort?
            // GroupBy gives you a collection of groups - each group has something that it's being grouped by (the key). The group itself is the list of all of the values of the group. Returns a collection of groups.
            // collection of groups (numberOfStudentsInEachCohort)
            // METHOD WAY
            var numberOfStudentsInEachCohort = students.GroupBy(c => c.Cohort.Name);

            // looks at every group of students
            foreach (var studentGroup in numberOfStudentsInEachCohort)
                // key is the thing you grouped by
                // Console.WriteLine($"{studentGroup.Key} has {studentGroup.Count()} students");

            // SQL/QUERY WAY
            var totalStudents = from student in students
                                group student by student.Cohort into sorted
                                select new {
                Cohort   = sorted.Key,
                Students = sorted.ToList()

            foreach (var total in totalStudents)
                // Console.WriteLine($"Cohort {total.Cohort.Name} has {total.Students.Count()} students");

            // Generate a report that displays which students are working on which exercises.
            foreach (Exercise ex in exercises)
                List <string> assignedStudents = new List <string> ();

                foreach (Student stu in students)
                    if (stu.Exercises.Contains(ex))
                // Console.WriteLine ($"{ex.Name} is being worked on by {String.Join(", ", assignedStudents)}");

            // Query the database for all the Exercises.