Example #1
        public void Initialize(NodeEditor parent)
            _parent = parent;

            if (_initialized)

            _previewCamera = EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags("RenderPreviewCamera", HideFlags.HideAndDontSave, new[] { typeof(Camera) }).GetComponent<Camera>();
            _previewCamera.enabled = false;
            _previewCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color;
            _previewCamera.backgroundColor = new Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f);
            _previewCamera.fieldOfView = 30.0f;
            _previewCamera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.DeferredLighting;

            var lights = new List<Light>();
            for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                var l = EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags("PreRenderLight", HideFlags.HideAndDontSave, new[] { typeof(Light) }).GetComponent<Light>();
                l.type = LightType.Directional;
                l.intensity = 0.5f;
                l.enabled = false;

            lights[0].color = Color.grey;
            lights[0].intensity = 0.8f;
            lights[0].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(50f, 50f, 0f);
            lights[1].color = new Color(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.45f, 0f) * 0.7f;
            lights[1].intensity = 0.8f;
            lights[1].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(340f, 218f, 177f);

            _previewLights = lights;

               // Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(_previewCamera);
               // Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(lights[0]);
               // Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(lights[1]);

            _hotControlHash = new GUIContent("GUIPREVIEWTEXTURE");
            _previewMaterial = null;

            var go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            _previewMesh = go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
              //  GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go);

            _initialized = true;
Example #2
File: Node.cs Project: stramit/SSE
        public void Draw( NodeEditor editor, bool showComments, bool selected, Vector2 drawOffset )
            GUI.skin.box.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;

            const float nodeDrawWidth = 100;
            const float headerHeight = 18;
            const float nodeDrawHeightPerChannel = 21;

            //Figure out node width:
            Rect drawPos = Position;

            int inChannelNum = GetInputChannels ().Count ();
            int outChannelNum = GetOutputChannels ().Count ();
            if (inChannelNum > 0 && outChannelNum > 0) {
                drawPos.width = nodeDrawWidth * 1.36f;
            } else {
                drawPos.width = nodeDrawWidth;

            int maxChannels = inChannelNum > outChannelNum ? inChannelNum : outChannelNum;
            drawPos.height = headerHeight + (maxChannels * nodeDrawHeightPerChannel);

            var windowName = new GUIContent (DisplayName);
            float minWidth;
            float maxWidth;
            //GUI.skin.window.CalcMinMaxWidth (windowName, out minWidth, out maxWidth);
            WindowStyle.CalcMinMaxWidth(windowName, out minWidth, out maxWidth); // Texel - Window style changes
            windowName.text = windowName.text.Trim("~"[0]); // Texel - Trim padding character
            drawPos.width = maxWidth > drawPos.width ? maxWidth : drawPos.width;
            Position = drawPos;

            var drawPosOffset = drawPos;
            drawPosOffset.x += drawOffset.x;
            drawPosOffset.y += drawOffset.y;

            float boxOffset = 0f;
            // For calculating the box vertical offset
            // This area is potentially shared by the comments, so comments would be drawn below errors.
            // Also made excessively large, to fail more elegantly.
            switch (CurrentState) {
            case (NodeState.Valid):
                GUI.color = Color.white;
            case (NodeState.NotConnected):
                GUI.color = new Color (0.8f, 0.8f, 1f);
            case (NodeState.CircularReferenceInGraph):
                GUI.color = new Color (0.8f, 0.8f, 0f);
            case (NodeState.Error):
                    GUI.color = Color.red;

                    //GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(drawPos.x, drawPos.yMax, 300, 200));
                    foreach (var error in ErrorMessages) {
                        var content = new GUIContent (error);
                        float wMin, wMax;
                        GUI.skin.box.CalcMinMaxWidth (content, out wMin, out wMax);
                        var height = GUI.skin.box.CalcHeight (content, wMax);
                        GUI.Box (new Rect (drawPosOffset.x, drawPosOffset.yMax + boxOffset, wMax, height), content);
                        boxOffset += height;
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.gray; // Texel - Blend, rather then hard set

            if ( selected )
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.Lerp(GUI.backgroundColor,Color.green,0.5f); // Texel - Blend, rather then hard set

            // Texel - Special case, for nodes which don't have any inputs
            if (maxChannels > 0)
                GUI.Box (drawPosOffset, windowName, WindowStyle);
            else {
                if (selected)

                GUIStyle empty = GUIStyle.none;
                empty.clipping = TextClipping.Overflow;
                GUI.Box (drawPosOffset, windowName, empty);

            //Do custom layout to stop unity throwing errors for some strange reason
            // Texel - Seperated draw size from actual size, using blank style for real buttons
            var nodeIoSize = new Vector2( 15f, nodeDrawHeightPerChannel * (2f / 3f) );
            var nodeIoDrawSize = new Vector2( 7f, 7f );

            var currentDrawPosition = new Vector2( drawPosOffset.x, drawPosOffset.y );
            currentDrawPosition.y += headerHeight;

            TextAnchor oldTextAnchor = GUI.skin.label.alignment;
            TextClipping oldTextClipping = GUI.skin.label.clipping;
            bool oldWordWrap = GUI.skin.label.wordWrap;

            GUI.skin.label.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            GUI.skin.label.clipping = TextClipping.Overflow;
            GUI.skin.label.wordWrap = false;
            foreach (var channel in GetOutputChannels ())
                var absoluteIOVisualPos =
                    new Rect(
                        currentDrawPosition.x- ( nodeIoDrawSize.x * 0.5f),
                        currentDrawPosition.y + nodeIoDrawSize.y/2 + 2,
                        nodeIoDrawSize.y );

                var absoluteIODrawPos =
                    new Rect(
                        currentDrawPosition.x- ( nodeIoSize.x * 0.5f),
                        currentDrawPosition.y + 2,
                        nodeIoSize.y );

                GUI.Box( absoluteIOVisualPos, "", GUI.skin.box);
                if ( GUI.Button( absoluteIODrawPos, "", GUIStyle.none) )
                    editor.SelectedOutputChannel = new OutputChannelReference( UniqueNodeIdentifier, channel.ChannelId);
                var relativeIODrawPos = absoluteIODrawPos;
                relativeIODrawPos.x -= drawPosOffset.x;
                relativeIODrawPos.y -= drawPosOffset.y;
                channel.Position = relativeIODrawPos;

                var labelDrawPos = new Rect( currentDrawPosition.x + ( nodeIoSize.x * 0.5f), currentDrawPosition.y, drawPosOffset.width / 2f, nodeDrawHeightPerChannel );
                GUI.Label(labelDrawPos, channel.DisplayName);
                currentDrawPosition.y += nodeDrawHeightPerChannel;

            //Do the other side now...
            currentDrawPosition = new Vector2( drawPosOffset.x + (drawPosOffset.width / 2f), drawPosOffset.y );
            currentDrawPosition.y += headerHeight;

            GUI.skin.label.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
            GUI.skin.label.clipping = TextClipping.Overflow;
            GUI.skin.label.wordWrap = false;
            foreach (var channel in GetInputChannels ())
                var absoluteIOVisualPos =
                    new Rect(
                        drawPosOffset.xMax- ( nodeIoSize.x * 0.5f) + 3,
                        currentDrawPosition.y + nodeIoDrawSize.y/2 + 2,
                        nodeIoDrawSize.y );

                var absoluteIODrawPos =
                    new Rect(
                        drawPosOffset.xMax- ( nodeIoSize.x * 0.5f),
                        currentDrawPosition.y + 2,
                        nodeIoSize.y );

                GUI.Box( absoluteIOVisualPos, "", GUI.skin.box);
                if ( GUI.Button( absoluteIODrawPos, "" , GUIStyle.none) )
                    editor.SelectedInputChannel = new InputChannelReference( UniqueNodeIdentifier, channel.ChannelId );
                var relativeIODrawPos = absoluteIODrawPos;
                relativeIODrawPos.x -= drawPosOffset.x;
                relativeIODrawPos.y -= drawPosOffset.y;
                channel.Position = relativeIODrawPos;

                var labelDrawPos = new Rect( currentDrawPosition.x, currentDrawPosition.y, (drawPosOffset.width / 2f) - ( nodeIoSize.x * 0.5f), nodeDrawHeightPerChannel );
                GUI.Label(labelDrawPos, channel.DisplayName);
                currentDrawPosition.y += nodeDrawHeightPerChannel;

            GUI.color = Color.white;
            GUI.skin.label.alignment = oldTextAnchor;
            GUI.skin.label.clipping = oldTextClipping;
            GUI.skin.label.wordWrap = oldWordWrap;

            if ( showComments && Comment != "") {
                // Texel - Comment Field
                var oldColor = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = Vector4.Scale (GUI.color, new Vector4 (0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.7f));

                var oldAnchor = GUI.skin.box.alignment;
                GUI.skin.box.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
                var oldState = GUI.skin.box.normal;

                // Draw the text opaque
                var textColor = GUI.skin.box.normal.textColor;
                textColor.a = 1f;
                GUI.skin.box.normal.textColor = textColor;

                //var oldWrap = GUI.skin.box.wordWrap;
                GUI.skin.box.wordWrap = true;

                var content = new GUIContent ( Comment);
                float wMin, wMax;

                GUI.skin.box.CalcMinMaxWidth (content, out wMin, out wMax);

                var aWidth = Mathf.Min (drawPosOffset.width * 1.5f, wMax);

                var height = GUI.skin.box.CalcHeight (content, aWidth);

                GUI.Box (new Rect (drawPosOffset.x, drawPosOffset.yMax + boxOffset, aWidth, height), content);

                GUI.skin.box.alignment = oldAnchor;
                GUI.skin.box.normal = oldState;
                GUI.skin.box.normal.textColor = textColor;
                GUI.color = oldColor;

            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;