/// <summary>
        /// Checks if this world state fulfills of the other.
        /// Compare all symbols.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Satisfies(StratusWorldState other)
            foreach (var symbol in other.symbols)
                // Look for a matching symbol
                var matchingSymbol = Find(symbol.key);
                if (matchingSymbol != null)
                    // If the symbols were not equal...
                    if (!matchingSymbol.value.Compare(symbol.value))
                        //Trace.Script(Symbols[symbol.Key].Print() + " is not equal to " + symbol.Value.Print());
                // The symbol was not found

            // All symbols were a match
        public StratusWorldState Copy()
            var newState = new StratusWorldState();

            newState = this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Merges the symbols of the other world state with this one.
 /// It will overwrite matching symbols, and add any not found in the current one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 public void Merge(StratusWorldState other)
     foreach (var otherSymbol in other.symbols)
Example #4
 public Node(Node parent, float cost, StratusWorldState state, StatefulAction action)
     Parent = parent;
     Cost   = cost;
     State  = state;
     Action = action;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startingState"></param>
 /// <param name="goal"></param>
 /// <param name="actions"></param>
 public Search(StratusWorldState startingState, StratusWorldState goal, StatefulAction[] actions)
     StartState = startingState.Copy();
     EndState   = goal;
     Actions    = actions;
Example #6
            /// <summary>
            /// Given a goal, formulates a plan.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="goal"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static Plan Formulate(Planner planner, StatefulAction[] actions, StratusWorldState currentState, StratusGoal goal)
                // Reset all actions
                foreach (var action in actions)

                // Get all valid actions whose context preconditions are true
                var usableActions = (from action
                                     in actions
                                     where action.contextPrecondition && !currentState.Satisfies(action.effects)
                                     select action).ToArray();

                if (planner.debug)
                    StratusDebug.Log("Making plan to satisfy the goal '" + goal.Name + "' with preconditions:" + goal.DesiredState.ToString(), planner.agent);
                    StratusDebug.Log("Actions available:", planner.agent);
                    foreach (var action in usableActions)
                        StratusDebug.Log("- " + action.description, planner.agent);

                // The path of actions
                Search.Path path;

                if (Plan.UseAstar)
                    Search search = new Search(currentState, goal.DesiredState, usableActions);
                    search.Tracing = planner.debug;
                    path = search.FindSolution();
                    // Build up a tree of nodes
                    path = new Search.Path();
                    Search.Node starting = new Search.Node(null, 0f, goal.DesiredState, null);
                    // Look for a solution, backtracking from the goal's desired world state until
                    // we have fulfilled every precondition leading up to it!
                    var hasFoundPath = FindSolution(path, starting, usableActions, planner);
                    // If the path has not been found
                    if (!hasFoundPath)
                        if (planner.debug)
                            StratusDebug.Log("No plan could be formulated!", planner.agent);
                        return(new Plan());

                // If no solution was found
                if (path == null)

                // Make the plan
                var plan = new Plan();

                foreach (var action in path)