public MasterViewController(IntPtr handle)
            : base(handle)
            Title = "Games Today";

            #region JSON Stuff
            // get the current date for api querying
            var startDate = new DateTime ();
            startDate = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime ();
            Console.Out.WriteLine ("datetime: " + startDate.ToString());

            // need special handling for single digits months and years
            int day = startDate.Day;
            int year = startDate.Year;
            int month = startDate.Month;

            string daystring;
            string monthstring;
            if(day < 10)
                daystring = "0" + day;
                daystring = day.ToString ();

            if(month < 10)
                monthstring = "0" + month;
                monthstring = month.ToString ();

            string apiurl = ""
                + year + "/month_" + monthstring + "/day_" + daystring + "/master_scoreboard.json";
            Console.Out.WriteLine("url: " + apiurl);

            // make the actual request for the data
            var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(string.Format(@apiurl));
            request.ContentType = "application/json";
            request.Method = "GET";

            using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error fetching data. Server returned status code: {0}", response.StatusCode);
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                    var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Response contained empty body...");
                        // call function to parse data using json.
                        // get the whole thing
                        JObject information = JObject.Parse (content);

                        // get the games list
                        JToken data = information ["data"];
                        Console.Out.WriteLine ("data: " + data.ToString());

                        // grab the "games" item
                        JToken games = data ["games"];
                        Console.Out.WriteLine ("gameZ: " + games.ToString ());

                        // grab the "game" item with all the day's games
                        JToken game = games["game"];
                        Console.Out.WriteLine ("game: " + game.ToString ());

                        // get the array of all games
                        JEnumerable<JToken> children = game.Children ();

                        // iterate through to check for a mariners game
                        using (var seqEnum = children.GetEnumerator())
                                JToken curr = seqEnum.Current;

                                // if there's a game today and it hasn't started yet
                                if(curr["home_probable_pitcher"] != null)
                                    Console.Out.WriteLine ("Mariners game found: " + curr ["away_team_name"].ToString ());

                                    pitch = curr["away_probable_pitcher"];
                                    bat = curr["home_probable_pitcher"];

                                    homeTeam = curr ["home_team_name"].ToString ();
                                    awayTeam = curr ["away_team_name"].ToString ();

                                    Game newGame = new Game ()
                                        pitcher = pitch, batter = bat,
                                        hometeam = homeTeam, awayteam = awayTeam,
                                        homelosses = curr["home_loss"].ToString(), homewins = curr["home_win"].ToString(),
                                        awaylosses = curr["away_loss"].ToString(), awaywins = curr["away_win"].ToString(),
                                        starttime = curr["home_time"].ToString(), timezone = curr["home_time_zone"].ToString(),
                                        status = "before",};

                                // found a current game
                                else if(curr["due_up_batter"] != null)
                                    JToken linescore = curr["linescore"];
                                    Game newGame = new Game ()
                                        pitcher = curr["pitcher"], batter = curr["due_up_batter"],
                                        hometeam = curr["home_team_name"].ToString(), awayteam = curr["away_team_name"].ToString(),
                                        homelosses = curr["home_loss"].ToString(), homewins = curr["home_win"].ToString(),
                                        awaylosses = curr["away_loss"].ToString(), awaywins = curr["away_win"].ToString(),
                                        starttime = curr["home_time"].ToString(), timezone = curr["home_time_zone"].ToString(),
                                        status = "during", score = linescore["r"],};
                                // found a game that's over
                                else if(curr["winning_pitcher"] != null)
                                    JToken linescore = curr["linescore"];
                                    Game newGame = new Game ()
                                        pitcher = curr["winning_pitcher"], batter = curr["losing_pitcher"],
                                        hometeam = curr["home_team_name"].ToString(), awayteam = curr["away_team_name"].ToString(),
                                        homelosses = curr["home_loss"].ToString(), homewins = curr["home_win"].ToString(),
                                        awaylosses = curr["away_loss"].ToString(), awaywins = curr["away_win"].ToString(),
                                        starttime = curr["home_time"].ToString(), timezone = curr["home_time_zone"].ToString(),
                                        status = "after", score = linescore["r"],};
                                else // should never happen, but just in case
                                    Game newGame = new Game ()
                                        hometeam = curr["home_team_name"].ToString(), awayteam = curr["away_team_name"].ToString(),
                                        homelosses = curr["home_loss"].ToString(), homewins = curr["home_win"].ToString(),
                                        awaylosses = curr["away_loss"].ToString(), awaywins = curr["away_win"].ToString(),
                                        starttime = curr["home_time"].ToString(), timezone = curr["home_time_zone"].ToString(),
                                        status = "who the f**k knows",};
 public void SaveTask(Game chore)
     //var oldTask = chores.Find(t => t.Id == chore.Id);
 public void DeleteTask(Game chore)
     var oldTask = allGames.Find(t => t.Id == chore.Id);
     allGames.Remove (oldTask);
        public void CreateTask()
            // first, add the task to the underlying data
            var newId = allGames[allGames.Count - 1].Id + 1;
            var newGame = new Game(){Id=newId};
            allGames.Add (newGame);

            // then open the detail view to edit it
            var detail = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("detail") as TaskDetailViewController;
            detail.SetTask (this, newGame);
            NavigationController.PushViewController (detail, true);
 public RootTableSource(Game[] items)
     tableItems = items;
 // this will be called before the view is displayed
 public void SetTask(MasterViewController d, Game game)
     Delegate = d;
     currentGame = game;