public void build_cells()
            var comparison = new StringListComparison("expected", c => new String[0]);

            var cell = comparison.BuildCells(CellHandling.Basic(), new Fixture()).Single();
            cell.Type.ShouldBe(typeof (string));
        public void fetch()
            var comparison = new StringListComparison("expected", c => new String[]{"red", "blue", "green"});
            var task = comparison.Fetch(SpecContext.ForTesting());


            task.Result.Select(x => x.Get("expected"))
                .ShouldHaveTheSameElementsAs("red", "blue", "green");
        /// <summary>
        /// Specify the appearance of the html for this set verification grammar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">The text that appears in the title bar in the rendered html for this grammar</param>
        /// <param name="header">The text that will appear in the header column in the rendered html</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SetVerificationGrammar Titled(string title, string header = "expected")
            var comparison = new StringListComparison(header, _dataSource);

            return new SetVerificationGrammar(title, "Rows", comparison);
        /// <summary>
        /// Specify the appearance of the html for this set verification grammar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">The text that appears in the title bar in the rendered html for this grammar</param>
        /// <param name="header">The text that will appear in the header column in the rendered html</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SetVerificationGrammar Titled(string title, string header = "expected")
            var comparison = new StringListComparison(header, _dataSource);

            return(new SetVerificationGrammar(title, "Rows", comparison));