// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Add Stormpath services
            var stormpathConfiguration = new StormpathConfiguration()
                Web = new WebConfiguration()
                    ServerUri = "http://localhost:8080",
                    Login = new WebLoginRouteConfiguration()
                    //    View = "~/Views/Stormpath/MyLogin.cshtml"

            // Configure authorization policies here, which can include Stormpath requirements.
            services.AddAuthorization(opt =>
                opt.AddPolicy("CustomDataIT", policy => policy.AddRequirements(new StormpathCustomDataRequirement("testing", "rocks!")));
                opt.AddPolicy("AdminITGroup", policy => policy.AddRequirements(new StormpathGroupsRequirement("adminIT")));

            // Add framework services.
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds services required for Stormpath.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="services">The <see cref="IServiceCollection" />.</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration for the Stormpath middleware.</param>
 /// <returns>A reference to this instance after the operation has completed.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="Stormpath.Owin.InitializationException">There was a problem initializing Stormpath.</exception>
 public static IServiceCollection AddStormpath(
     this IServiceCollection services,
     StormpathConfiguration configuration)
     return AddStormpath(services, new StormpathOwinOptions
         Configuration = configuration
        public void Supplied_by_mutable_instance()
            var stormpathConfiguration = new StormpathConfiguration()
                Client = new ClientConfiguration()
                    ApiKey = new ClientApiKeyConfiguration()
                        File = null,
                        Id = "modified-foobar",
                        Secret = "modified-barbaz"
                    CacheManager = new ClientCacheManagerConfiguration()
                        Enabled = false,
                        DefaultTtl = 500,
                        DefaultTti = 600,
                        Caches = new Dictionary<string, ClientCacheConfiguration>()
                            ["application"] = new ClientCacheConfiguration() { Ttl = 450, Tti = 700 },
                            ["directory"] = new ClientCacheConfiguration() { Ttl = 200, Tti = 300 },
                    BaseUrl = "https://api.foo.com/v1",
                    ConnectionTimeout = 90,
                    AuthenticationScheme = ClientAuthenticationScheme.Basic,
                    Proxy = new ClientProxyConfiguration()
                        Port = 8088,
                        Host = "proxy.foo.bar",
                        Username = "******",
                        Password = "******"

                Application = new ApplicationConfiguration()
                    Name = "Lightsabers Galore",
                    Href = "https://api.foo.com/v1/applications/foo"

                Web = new WebConfiguration()
                    ServerUri = "https://localhost:9000",
                    BasePath = "#/",
                    Oauth2 = new WebOauth2RouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = false,
                        Uri = "/oauth2/token",
                        Client_Credentials = new WebOauth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfiguration()
                            Enabled = false,
                            AccessToken = new WebOauth2TokenConfiguration() { Ttl = 3601 }
                        Password = new WebOauth2PasswordGrantConfiguration()
                            Enabled = false,
                            ValidationStrategy = WebOauth2TokenValidationStrategy.Stormpath
                    AccessTokenCookie = new WebCookieConfiguration()
                        Name = "accessToken",
                        HttpOnly = false,
                        Secure = false,
                        Path = "/bar",
                        Domain = "foo.bar"
                    RefreshTokenCookie = new WebCookieConfiguration()
                        Name = "refreshToken",
                        HttpOnly = false,
                        Secure = true,
                        Path = "/foo",
                        Domain = "baz.qux"
                    Produces = new List<string>()
                    Register = new WebRegisterRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = false,
                        Uri = "/register1",
                        NextUri = "/1",
                        AutoLogin = true,
                        View = "registerView",
                        Form = new WebRegisterRouteFormConfiguration()
                            Fields = new Dictionary<string, WebFieldConfiguration>()
                                ["email"] = new WebFieldConfiguration()
                                    Enabled = false,
                                    Visible = false,
                                    Label = "I Can Has Email",
                                    Placeholder = "Can Has?",
                                    Required = false,
                                    Type = "text"
                            FieldOrder = new List<string>()
                                "email", "hidden"
                    VerifyEmail = new WebVerifyEmailRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = true,
                        Uri = "/verify1",
                        NextUri = "/login2",
                        View = "verifyView"
                    Login = new WebLoginRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = false,
                        Uri = "/login3",
                        NextUri = "/3",
                        View = "loginView",
                        Form = new WebLoginRouteFormConfiguration()
                            Fields = new Dictionary<string, WebFieldConfiguration>()
                                ["password"] = new WebFieldConfiguration()
                                    Enabled = false,
                                    Visible = false,
                                    Label = "Password?",
                                    Placeholder = "Maybe",
                                    Required = false,
                                    Type = "email"
                            FieldOrder = new List<string>()
                    Logout = new WebLogoutRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = false,
                        Uri = "/logout4",
                        NextUri = "/4"
                    ForgotPassword = new WebForgotPasswordRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = true,
                        Uri = "/forgot5",
                        View = "forgot-password-view",
                        NextUri = "/login?status=forgot!"
                    ChangePassword = new WebChangePasswordRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = true,
                        Uri = "/change6",
                        NextUri = "/login?status=reset?",
                        View = "change-password-view",
                        ErrorUri = "/forgot?status=invalid_sptoken:("
                    IdSite = new WebIdSiteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = true,
                        LoginUri = "/456",
                        ForgotUri = "/#/forgot789",
                        RegisterUri = "/#/register0"
                    Callback = new WebCallbackRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = false,
                        Uri = "/stormpath-callback"
                    Social = new Dictionary<string, WebSocialProviderConfiguration>()
                        ["facebook"] = new WebSocialProviderConfiguration() { Uri = "/callbackz/facebook", Scope = "email birthday" },
                        ["github"] = new WebSocialProviderConfiguration() { Uri = "/callbackz/github", Scope = "user:everything" },
                        ["google"] = new WebSocialProviderConfiguration() { Uri = "/callbackz/google", Scope = "email profile friends" },
                        ["linkedin"] = new WebSocialProviderConfiguration() { Uri = "/callbackz/linkedin", Scope = "email interests" }
                    Me = new WebMeRouteConfiguration()
                        Enabled = false,
                        Uri = "/myself",
                        Expand = new Dictionary<string, bool>()
                            ["directory"] = true

            var config = ConfigurationLoader.Initialize().Load(stormpathConfiguration);

        public void Mutable_config_initialization_works()
            var test = new StormpathConfiguration
                Client = new ClientConfiguration
                    ApiKey = new ClientApiKeyConfiguration
                        Id = "testing-foobar",
                        Secret = "testing-foobar"
                Application = new ApplicationConfiguration { Name = "My Application!" },
                Web = new WebConfiguration
                    Login = new WebLoginRouteConfiguration
                        View = "test"

            var config = ConfigurationLoader.Initialize().Load(test);

            config.Application.Name.Should().Be("My Application!");