Example #1
        // constructor

        public MainViewModel()
            RandomFile randomFile = new RandomFile();

            ReadContentsCommand = new Command(async() =>
                // check to see if the file exists
                var exists = await randomFile.TestRandomFile();
                if (!exists)
                    // create the file if it does not exist
                    await randomFile.CreateRandomFile();

                // read the contents out of the file
                var value = await randomFile.LoadRandomFile();

                // update the UI
                if (!exists)
                    FileContents = "Created random file: " + value;
                    FileContents = "Existing random file: " + value;

            DeleteFileCommand = new Command(async() =>
                // check to see if the file exists
                var exists = await randomFile.TestRandomFile();
                if (exists)
                    // delete the file if it exists
                    await randomFile.DeleteRandomFile();

                // update the UI
                if (!exists)
                    FileContents = "No random file to delete.";
                    FileContents = "Deleted random file.";