Example #1
        private static async Task IterateAllParametersNoRecursion(ApproachDefinition approachDefinition, List <AlgorithmParameter> parameters, RunDefinitionBuffer buffer)
            //build arrays of possible values
            double[][] parameterRanges = new double[parameters.Count][];

            for (int current = 0; current < parameters.Count; current++)
                parameterRanges[current] = parameters[current].GetParamterRange();

            //now get the cartesian product of all the lists
            var allCombinations = Common.Crossproduct <double>(parameterRanges);

            foreach (var combination in allCombinations)
                var index = 0;
                foreach (var value in combination)
                    if (parameters[index].ValueIsBoolean)
                        parameters[index].BooleanValue = value != 0;
                        parameters[index].NumericValue = value;


                await buffer.AddAsync(new RunDefinition(approachDefinition));

                //await Task.Delay(1);
Example #2
        private static void IterateSingleParameter(ApproachDefinition approach, AlgorithmParameter currentParameter, RunDefinitionBuffer buffer)
            if (currentParameter.UseRange)
                if (currentParameter.ValueIsBoolean)
                    //The boolean range is only 2 values...so we just set those two and recurse the other parameters
                    currentParameter.BooleanValue = true;
                    buffer.AddAsync(new RunDefinition(approach));
                    currentParameter.BooleanValue = false;
                    buffer.AddAsync(new RunDefinition(approach));
                    //this is a numerical range, so we recurse through all the parameters

                     * NOTE:  The double extension method of 'LessThanAlmostEqualTo' is used here
                     *          to avoid rounding errors due to binary representation of rational numbers
                     *          DECIMAL datatype is more appropriate for this reason,
                     *          however is significantly slower than double.  When dealing with
                     *          millions of iterations, the double vs decimal speed difference is meaningful
                    for (double r = currentParameter.RangeStart; r.LessThanAlmostEqualTo(currentParameter.RangeEnd); r += currentParameter.RangeStep)
                        if (CancelGeneration)
                            return;                    //this will prevent an new definitions from buffering, but it still needs to unwind the stack
                        currentParameter.NumericValue = r;

                        buffer.AddAsync(new RunDefinition(approach));

                currentParameter.NumericValue = currentParameter.RangeStart;
                buffer.AddAsync(new RunDefinition(approach));
Example #3
 private static void SaveOrNext(ApproachDefinition approach, List <AlgorithmParameter> otherParameters, RunDefinitionBuffer buffer)
     //we only save if there are no other parameters to iterate
     //this means this iteration definition is complete and all parameters have been set.
     if (otherParameters.Count == 0)
         //create a run definition and buffer it.  The buffer manages flushing/saving the run definitions
         buffer.AddAsync(new RunDefinition(approach));
         //there are other parameters that need to be set before we can save the definition
         IterateAllParameters(approach, otherParameters, buffer);