private void efnDel() { string strSQL = ""; if (txtDelName.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { MessageBox.Show("입력해주세요"); return; } strSQL = @" DELETE FROM Code"; strSQL += @" WHERE Company = '" + txtDelName.Text + "' OR CodeNum = '" + txtDelName.Text + "'"; int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSQL); if (iresult > 0) { MessageBox.Show("삭제성공"); } else { MessageBox.Show("삭제실패"); } txtDelName.Clear(); }
private void MemoMain_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { string strDate = chkDate.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string strTitle = chkTitle.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string strContents = chkContents.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string strWhite = chkWhite.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string strGray = chkGray.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string strBlue = chkBlue.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string strYellow = chkYellow.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; string strRed = chkRed.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; strSQL = @"UPDATE InitMemoOpt SET chkDate = '" + strDate + @"' , DateF = '" + dteF.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"' , DateS = '" + dteS.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"' , chkTitle = '" + strTitle + @"' , chkWhite = '" + strWhite + @"' , chkGray = '" + strGray + @"' , chkBlue = '" + strBlue + @"' , chkYellow = '" + strYellow + @"' , chkRed = '" + strRed + @"' , chkContents = '" + strContents + @"'"; Network.ExecDB(strSQL); }
//삭제버튼 연결 private void efnDelete() { string strSQL = @" SELECT * FROM Interest WHERE COMPANY = '" + cboStoSearch.Text.ToUpper() + @"' AND IFNULL(InterName,'') = '" + cboInter.Text + @"';"; DataTable dt = Network.GetDBTable(strSQL); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { strSQL = @" DELETE FROM Interest WHERE COMPANY = '" + cboStoSearch.Text.ToUpper() + @"' AND IFNULL(InterName,'') = '" + cboInter.Text + @"';"; if (Network.ExecDB(strSQL) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("삭제하였습니다."); } else { MessageBox.Show("삭제실패"); } mfnInterestBinder(); //fnInterestSearch(); } else { MessageBox.Show("관심종목에 없는 종목입니다."); } cboStoSearch.Text = ""; }
private void efnInsert() { string strSQL = ""; if (txtInsertName.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "" || txtInsertCode.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { MessageBox.Show("제대로 입력해주세요"); return; } strSQL = @" INSERT INTO Code ( Company, CodeNum) VALUES ('" + txtInsertName.Text + "', '" + txtInsertCode.Text + "');"; int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSQL); if (iresult > 0) { MessageBox.Show("입력성공"); } else { MessageBox.Show("입력실패"); } txtInsertCode.Clear(); txtInsertCode.Clear(); }
//관심 DisSeq Down버튼 private void efnDisSeqDown() { int intSelectedRow; try { intSelectedRow = dgvView.CurrentCell.RowIndex; if (intSelectedRow == dgvView.Rows.Count - 1) { return; } } catch (NullReferenceException) { return; } DataTable dtDisSeq = Network.GetDBTable(@"SELECT DisSeq FROM Interest WHERE InterName = '" + cboInter.Text + @"' AND (Company = '" + dgvView["종목명", intSelectedRow].Value.ToString() + @"' OR Company = '" + dgvView["종목명", intSelectedRow + 1].Value.ToString() + @"') ORDER BY DisSeq"); if (dtDisSeq.Rows.Count != 2) { MessageBox.Show("SELECT 실패"); return; } int intResult; intResult = Network.ExecDB(@"UPDATE Interest SET DisSeq = '" + dtDisSeq.Rows[1][0].ToString() + @"' WHERE InterName = '" + cboInter.Text + @"' AND Company = '" + dgvView["종목명", intSelectedRow].Value.ToString() + @"'; UPDATE Interest SET DisSeq = '" + dtDisSeq.Rows[0][0].ToString() + @"' WHERE InterName = '" + cboInter.Text + @"' AND Company = '" + dgvView["종목명", intSelectedRow + 1].Value.ToString() + @"';"); if (intResult < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Update 실패"); return; } fnInterestSearch(); dgvView.Rows[intSelectedRow + 1].Selected = true; dgvView.CurrentCell = dgvView.Rows[intSelectedRow + 1].Cells["종목명"]; dgvView.BeginEdit(true); }
//추가버튼 연결 private void efnInsert() { if (cboInter.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { MessageBox.Show("관심목록이 빈 값입니다."); return; } string strSQL = @" SELECT * FROM Interest WHERE COMPANY = '" + cboStoSearch.Text.ToUpper() + @"' AND IFNULL(InterName,'') = '" + cboInter.Text + @"'; SELECT * FROM Code WHERE COMPANY = '" + cboStoSearch.Text.ToUpper() + @"'"; DataSet ds = Network.GetDBSet(strSQL); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 1) { cboStoSearch.Text = ""; } else if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("없는 종목입니다."); } else { strSQL = @" INSERT INTO Interest(Company, CodeNum, DisSeq, InterName) SELECT Company , CodeNum , IFNULL((SELECT MAX(DisSeq) + 1 AS DisSeq FROM Interest WHERE IFNULL(InterName,'') = '" + cboInter.Text + @"' GROUP BY InterName),1) AS DisSeq , '" + cboInter.Text + @"' FROM Code WHERE COMPANY = '" + cboStoSearch.Text.ToUpper() + "';"; if (Network.ExecDB(strSQL) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("추가하였습니다."); } else { MessageBox.Show("추가실패"); } fnInterestSearch(); } cboStoSearch.Text = ""; }
//메인메모 바인딩 private void mfnMainMemoBinder() { DataTable dt = Network.GetDBTable("SELECT Contents FROM SimpleMemo WHERE CodeNum = 'MainMemo'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtMemo.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Contents"].ToString(); } else { Network.ExecDB("INSERT INTO SimpleMemo (Contents, CodeNum) VALUES ('', 'MainMemo')"); } }
private bool fnSave() { int iResult = 0; if (mIsContents) { iResult = Network.ExecDB("UPDATE SimpleMemo SET Contents = '" + txtMemo.Text + "' WHERE CodeNum = '" + mCodeNum + "'"); } else { iResult = Network.ExecDB("INSERT INTO SimpleMemo (Contents, CodeNum) VALUES ('" + txtMemo.Text + "', '" + mCodeNum + "')"); } return(iResult > 0 ? true : false); }
/// <summary> /// 내부이벤트 - 팝업 클릭 시 색 정하기 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void Color_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strChoiceColor = sender.ToString().Split(',')[2].Replace("Text: ", "").Replace(" ", ""); strChoiceColor = strChoiceColor == "흰색" ? "" : strChoiceColor; strSQL = @"UPDATE Memo SET Color = '" + strChoiceColor + @"' WHERE Seq = '" + mSelectedSeq + "'"; Network.ExecDB(strSQL); fnReadDB(mSchQuery, dataGridView1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex); }
private void fnSave(string p_Type, string p_Seq) { string strSQL = @" UPDATE " + p_Type + @" SET Memo = '" + txtMemo.Text + @"' WHERE Seq = '" + p_Seq + @"'; "; int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSQL); if (iresult > 0) { MessageBox.Show("저장 성공"); } else { MessageBox.Show("저장 실패"); } }
/// <summary> /// 로우 지우기 /// </summary> private void fnDel() { Dictionary <string, string> dicSelected = fnSelectedDic(); //strSQL = @"DELETE FROM Memo WHERE Seq = " + dicSelected["Seq"]; strSQL = @" UPDATE Memo SET Valid = 'N' WHERE Seq = " + dicSelected["Seq"]; if (Network.ExecDB(strSQL) > 0) { string strFilePath = @".\FileList\" + dicSelected["날짜"] + @"\"; string[] strTemp; if (Directory.Exists(strFilePath) && dicSelected["FileDetail"] != "") { //권한주기 DirectorySecurity dSecurity = Directory.GetAccessControl(strFilePath); dSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(System.Environment.UserDomainName + "\\" + System.Environment.UserName, FileSystemRights.FullControl, InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit | InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit, PropagationFlags.None, AccessControlType.Allow)); Directory.SetAccessControl(strFilePath, dSecurity); strTemp = dicSelected["FileDetail"].Split('§'); foreach (string a in strTemp) { if (a != "") { File.Delete(strFilePath + a); } } //디렉토리에 아무것도 없으면 디렉토리 지우자 DirectoryInfo DirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(strFilePath); if (DirInfo.GetFiles().Length < 1) { DirInfo.Delete(); } } MessageBox.Show("삭제 완료"); } }
/// <summary> /// 저장버튼 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strSql = ""; strSql = @" DELETE FROM FTP;"; strSql += @" INSERT INTO FTP ( 'IP', 'ID', 'PW') VALUES ( '" + Network.Encrypt(txtAddress.Text) + @"', '" + Network.Encrypt(txtID.Text) + @"', '" + Network.Encrypt(txtPassWd.Text) + @"' );"; int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSql); if (iresult > 0) { MessageBox.Show("저장되었습니다. 재시작하세요"); } else { MessageBox.Show("저장에 실패하였습니다."); } }
//관심삭제2 버튼 연결 private void efnDel2() { if (btnDel2.Tag.ToString() == "Del2") { if (MessageBox.Show("'주의'!! 관심목록 삭제입니다!!! 정말 삭제 하시겠습니가? ", "관심목록 삭제", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (Network.ExecDB("DELETE FROM Interest WHERE InterName = '" + cboInter.Text + "'") > 0) { mfnInterestBinder(); } else { MessageBox.Show("삭제 실패"); } } } else if (btnDel2.Tag.ToString() == "Del2.Cancel" || btnDel2.Tag.ToString() == "Chg.Cancel") { fnChangeBtn(btnDel2.Tag.ToString(), true); cboInter.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cboInter.SelectedItem = mInterListName; } }
//디비에 넣자 private void mfnInsertToDb() { mliStock.Clear(); string strCode = ""; string strQuery = ""; if (txtDbList.Text.Contains(",")) { for (int i = 0; i < txtDbList.Text.Split(',').Length; i++) { mliStock.Add(txtDbList.Text.Split(',')[i].ToUpper()); } } else if (txtDbList.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { return; } else { mliStock.Add(txtDbList.Text.ToUpper()); } for (int i = 0; i < mliStock.Count; i++) { strCode = mfnSearchCode(mliStock[i]); if (strCode == "") { return; } else { mDetailInfo = Parser.GetDetailInfo(strCode, Convert.ToInt32(txtNum.Text) + 60); strQuery = "DELETE FROM List WHERE Name = '" + mliStock[i] + "'"; Network.ExecDB(strQuery, mDbSource); using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(mDbSource)) { conn.Open(); using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand(conn)) { using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction()) { for (int j = 0; j < mDetailInfo.Length; j++) { strQuery = ""; strQuery += "INSERT INTO List (Name, Date, Price, Volumn, HighPrice, LowPrice, StartPrice)" + "\r\n"; strQuery += "VALUES( " + "\r\n"; strQuery += "'" + mliStock[i] + "',"; strQuery += "'" + mDetailInfo[j].date + "',"; strQuery += "'" + mDetailInfo[j].price + "',"; strQuery += "'" + mDetailInfo[j].volumn + "',"; strQuery += "'" + mDetailInfo[j].highPrice + "',"; strQuery += "'" + mDetailInfo[j].lowPrice + "',"; strQuery += "'" + mDetailInfo[j].startPrice + "');" + "\r\n"; cmd.CommandText = strQuery; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } tran.Commit(); } } conn.Close(); } /* * if (Network.ExecDB(strQuery, mDbSource) == 0) * { * MessageBox.Show("InsertError"); * return; * } */ } } }
/// <summary> /// »èÁ¦ ¹öÆ° ¿¬°á /// </summary> private void efnDel() { //µðºñ¿¬°á string strSQL = ""; string strName = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["Á¾¸ñ¸í"].Value.ToString(); //¼±ÅÃµÈ À̸§ DataRow[] drr = mds.Tables[0].Select("Á¾·ù = '¸Åµµ' AND Á¾¸ñ¸í = '" + strName + "' AND ÀÜ·® <> ¼ö·®", "Seq DESC"); if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["Á¾·ù"].Value.ToString() == "¸Å¼ö") { if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["ÀÜ·®"].Value.ToString() != dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["¼ö·®"].Value.ToString()) { MessageBox.Show("ÇØ´ç Á¾¸ñÀÇ °¡Àå ÃÖ±Ù ¸Åµµ¸¦ ¸ÕÀú Áö¿ì½Ê½Ã¿À.\r\n(³¯Â¥ : " + drr[0]["³¯Â¥"].ToString() + ", ¼ö·® : " + drr[0]["¼ö·®"].ToString() + ", °¡°Ý : " + drr[0]["°¡°Ý"].ToString() + ")"); return; } strSQL = @" DELETE FROM Buy WHERE Seq = '" + dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["Seq"].Value.ToString() + @"'; "; int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSQL); if (iresult > 0) { MessageBox.Show("»èÁ¦¼º°ø"); } else { MessageBox.Show("»èÁ¦½ÇÆÐ"); } } else if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["Á¾·ù"].Value.ToString() == "¸Åµµ") { string strSellSeq; // = mds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString(); //¼±ÅÃµÈ Seq int i = 0; //¹Ýº¹¹® º¯¼ö int intSellQ = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["¼ö·®"].Value.ToString()); //ÆǸÅÇÏ°íÀÚ ÇÏ´Â ¼ö·® int intQ; //buyÀÇ ³²Àº ¼ö·® DataRow[] dr = mds.Tables[0].Select("Á¾·ù = '¸Å¼ö' AND Á¾¸ñ¸í = '" + strName + "' AND ÀÜ·® <> ¼ö·®", "Seq DESC"); strSellSeq = drr[0]["Seq"].ToString(); if (dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["Seq"].Value.ToString() != strSellSeq) { MessageBox.Show("ÇØ´ç Á¾¸ñÀÇ °¡Àå ÃÖ±Ù ¸Åµµ¸¦ ¸ÕÀú Áö¿ì½Ê½Ã¿À.\r\n(³¯Â¥ : " + drr[0]["³¯Â¥"].ToString() + ", ¼ö·® : " + drr[0]["¼ö·®"].ToString() + ", °¡°Ý : " + drr[0]["°¡°Ý"].ToString() + ")"); return; } else { strSQL = @" DELETE FROM Revenue WHERE SellSeq = '" + strSellSeq + @"'; "; strSQL += @" DELETE FROM Sell WHERE Seq = '" + strSellSeq + @"'; "; while (intSellQ > 0) { intQ = Convert.ToInt32(dr[i]["¼ö·®"].ToString()) - Convert.ToInt32(dr[i]["ÀÜ·®"].ToString()); if (intSellQ >= intQ) { strSQL += @" UPDATE Buy SET Left = Quantity WHERE Seq = '" + dr[i]["Seq"].ToString() + @"'; "; intSellQ = intSellQ - intQ; } else { strSQL += @" UPDATE Buy SET Left = " + (Convert.ToInt32(dr[i]["ÀÜ·®"].ToString()) + intSellQ) + @" WHERE Seq = '" + dr[i]["Seq"].ToString() + @"'; "; intSellQ = 0; } i++; } int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSQL); if (iresult > 0) { MessageBox.Show("»èÁ¦ ¼º°ø"); } else { MessageBox.Show("»èÁ¦½ÇÆÐ"); } } } fnReadDB(); }
//메인메모에서 떠날 때 세이브한다. private void txtMemo_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { Network.ExecDB("UPDATE SimpleMemo SET Contents = '" + txtMemo.Text + "' WHERE CodeNum = 'MainMemo'"); }
/// <summary> /// 체크박스 초기화 /// </summary> private void fnInitOpt() { DataTable dtOpt = new DataTable(); strSQL = @" SELECT * FROM InitMemoOpt"; dtOpt = Network.GetDBTable(strSQL); if (dtOpt.Rows.Count < 1) { strSQL = @"INSERT INTO InitMemoOpt (chkDate, DateF, DateS, chkTitle, chkWhite, chkGray, chkBlue, chkYellow, chkRed, chkContents, isCopy) VALUES ('Y', '20000101', '20801231', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y')"; Network.ExecDB(strSQL); strSQL = @" SELECT * FROM InitMemoOpt"; dtOpt = Network.GetDBTable(strSQL); } if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkDate"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkDate.Checked = true; } else { chkDate.Checked = false; } dteF.Value = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(dtOpt.Rows[0]["DateF"].ToString().Substring(0, 4)) , Convert.ToInt32(dtOpt.Rows[0]["DateF"].ToString().Substring(4, 2)) , Convert.ToInt32(dtOpt.Rows[0]["DateF"].ToString().Substring(6, 2)), 0, 0, 0); dteS.Value = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(dtOpt.Rows[0]["DateS"].ToString().Substring(0, 4)) , Convert.ToInt32(dtOpt.Rows[0]["DateS"].ToString().Substring(4, 2)) , Convert.ToInt32(dtOpt.Rows[0]["DateS"].ToString().Substring(6, 2)), 0, 0, 0); if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkTitle"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkTitle.Checked = true; } else { chkTitle.Checked = false; } if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkContents"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkContents.Checked = true; } else { chkContents.Checked = false; } if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkWhite"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkWhite.Checked = true; } else { chkWhite.Checked = false; } if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkGray"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkGray.Checked = true; } else { chkGray.Checked = false; } if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkBlue"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkBlue.Checked = true; } else { chkBlue.Checked = false; } if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkYellow"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkYellow.Checked = true; } else { chkYellow.Checked = false; } if (dtOpt.Rows[0]["chkRed"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { chkRed.Checked = true; } else { chkRed.Checked = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 입력 함수 /// </summary> private void efnDeal() { string strSQL = ""; // 값이 빈 값이면 리턴 if (txtPrice.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("값을 입력하세요."); return; } //수량 빈 값이면 리턴 if (txtQuatity.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("수량을 입력하세요."); return; } if (cboType.Text == "매수") { //이름 빈 값이면 리턴 if (cboStoSearch.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { MessageBox.Show("종목명을 입력하세요."); return; } if (mDTHold.Tables[2].Select("Company = '" + cboStoSearch.Text + "'").Length < 1) { MessageBox.Show("잘못된 종목입니다."); return; } else if (mDTHold.Tables[2].Select("Company = '" + cboStoSearch.Text + "'").Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Code에 중복된 이름의 종목이 있습니다."); return; } strSQL = @" INSERT INTO Buy (Date, Name, Price, Quantity, Left) VALUES ( '" + dte.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"' , '" + cboStoSearch.Text.ToUpper() + @"' , '" + txtPrice.Text + @"' , '" + txtQuatity.Text + @"' , '" + txtQuatity.Text + @"' )"; } else if (cboType.Text == "매도") { //이름 빈 값이면 리턴 if (cboName.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { MessageBox.Show("종목명을 입력하세요."); return; } int intSellQ; int i = 0; //반복문변수 int intLeftQ; //남은 갯수 int intLeftP; //남은 가격 DataRow[] dr; intSellQ = Convert.ToInt32(txtQuatity.Text); //이름 체크 dr = mDTHold.Tables[0].Select("종목명 = '" + cboName.Text.ToUpper() + "'"); if (dr.Length != 1) { MessageBox.Show("해당하는 종목이 매수한 종목에 없습니다."); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["수량"].ToString()) < Convert.ToInt32(txtQuatity.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("매수한 수량보다 많습니다."); return; } strSQL += @" INSERT INTO Sell (Date, Name, Price, Quantity) VALUES ( '" + dte.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"' , '" + cboName.Text.ToUpper() + @"' , '" + txtPrice.Text + @"' , '" + txtQuatity.Text + @"' ); "; while (intSellQ > 0) { dr = mDTHold.Tables[1].Select("Left <> 0 AND Name = '" + cboName.Text.ToUpper() + "'", "Seq ASC"); intLeftQ = Convert.ToInt32(dr[i]["Left"].ToString()); intLeftP = Convert.ToInt32(dr[i]["Price"].ToString()); if (intSellQ >= intLeftQ) { strSQL += @"UPDATE Buy SET Left = 0 WHERE Seq = '" + dr[i]["Seq"].ToString() + @"'; "; strSQL += @"INSERT INTO Revenue (Date, Name, BPrice, SPrice, Quantity, SellSeq) VALUES ( '" + dte.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"' , '" + cboName.Text.ToUpper() + @"' , '" + intLeftP + @"' , '" + txtPrice.Text + @"' , '" + intLeftQ + @"' , CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sell) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE (SELECT MAX(Seq) FROM Sell) END ); "; intSellQ = intSellQ - intLeftQ; } else { strSQL += @"UPDATE Buy SET Left = " + (intLeftQ - intSellQ) + @" WHERE Seq = '" + dr[i]["Seq"].ToString() + @"'; "; strSQL += @"INSERT INTO Revenue (Date, Name, BPrice, SPrice, Quantity, SellSeq) VALUES ( '" + dte.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"' , '" + cboName.Text.ToUpper() + @"' , '" + intLeftP + @"' , '" + txtPrice.Text + @"' , '" + intSellQ + @"' , CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sell) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE (SELECT MAX(Seq) FROM Sell) END ); "; intSellQ = 0; } i++; } } int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSQL); if (iresult > 0) { MessageBox.Show("저장되었습니다."); } else { MessageBox.Show("저장에 실패하였습니다."); } txtPrice.Clear(); cboStoSearch.Text = ""; txtQuatity.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// 디비 저장 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Seq"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool fnSave(int p_Seq) { if (txtTitle.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("제목에 내용이 없습니다."); return(false); } string strSQL = ""; string strCboMain = cboMain.Text.Equals("<전체>") ? "" : cboMain.Text; if (strCboMain.Replace(" ", "").Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("대분류의 내용이 없습니다."); return(false); } //날짜를 바꿨을 경우 파일 경로도 다시 재조정 if (mIsNew) { strSQL = @"INSERT INTO Memo ( Date, MainCate, SmallCate, Title, Contents, Contents_Rtf, Color, Valid, ReportSeq, ReportType) VALUES ( '" + dte.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"' ,'" + strCboMain + @"' ,'" + cboSmall.Text + @"' ,'" + txtTitle.Text.Replace("'", "♤") + @"' ,'" + rtxtContents.Text.Replace("'", "♤") + @"' ,'" + rtxtContents.Rtf.Replace("'", "♤") + @"' ,'" + (cboColor.Text == "흰색" ? "" : cboColor.Text) + @"' ," + "'Y'" + @" ,'" + mReportSeq + @"' ,'" + mReportType + @"' )"; } else { strSQL = @"UPDATE Memo SET Date = '" + dte.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @"', MainCate = '" + strCboMain + @"', SmallCate = '" + cboSmall.Text + @"', Title = '" + txtTitle.Text.Replace("'", "♤") + @"', Contents = '" + rtxtContents.Text.Replace("'", "♤") + @"', Contents_Rtf = '" + rtxtContents.Rtf.Replace("'", "♤") + @"', Color = '" + (cboColor.Text == "흰색" ? "" : cboColor.Text) + @"' WHERE Seq = " + mSeq; } try { int iresult = Network.ExecDB(strSQL); if (iresult > 0) { return(true); } else { MessageBox.Show("저장실패"); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); return(false); } }
//관심추가2 버튼 연결 private void efnAdd2() { if (btnAdd2.Tag.ToString() == "Add2") { cboInter.SelectedIndexChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.cboInter_SelectedIndexChanged); cboInter.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple; cboInter.Text = ""; fnChangeBtn(btnAdd2.Tag.ToString(), false); cboInter.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.cboInter_SelectedIndexChanged); } else if (btnAdd2.Tag.ToString() == "Add2.Comfirm") { foreach (string itemName in cboInter.Items) { if (cboInter.Text == itemName) { MessageBox.Show("같은 이름의 관심목록이 있습니다."); return; } } if (cboInter.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { MessageBox.Show("값을 입력해주세요."); return; } fnInterestSearch(); string strTempCbo = cboInter.Text; cboInter.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cboInter.Items.Add(strTempCbo); cboInter.SelectedIndex = cboInter.Items.IndexOf(strTempCbo); fnChangeBtn(btnAdd2.Tag.ToString(), true); } else if (btnAdd2.Tag.ToString() == "Chg.Comfirm") { foreach (string itemName in cboInter.Items) { if (cboInter.Text == itemName) { MessageBox.Show("같은 이름의 관심목록이 있습니다."); return; } } if (cboInter.Text.Replace(" ", "") == "") { MessageBox.Show("값을 입력해주세요."); return; } if (Network.ExecDB(@"UPDATE Interest SET InterName = '" + cboInter.Text + @"' WHERE InterName = '" + mInterListName + "'") <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("변경 실패"); return; } string strTempCbo = cboInter.Text; mfnInterestBinder(); cboInter.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; //cboInter.Items.Add(strTempCbo); cboInter.SelectedIndex = cboInter.Items.IndexOf(strTempCbo); fnChangeBtn(btnAdd2.Tag.ToString(), true); } }