Example #1
        public static IAgCrdnVector GetVectorBetweenObjects(IAgStkObject parentObject, IAgStkObject fromObject, IAgStkObject toObject,
                                                            string vectorName = "", bool addDisplay = false)
            IAgCrdnVectorFactory vectorFactory = parentObject.Vgt.Vectors.Factory;

            string newVectorName;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vectorName))
                newVectorName = "To_" + toObject.InstanceName;
                newVectorName = vectorName;

            IAgCrdnVectorDisplacement displacementVector;

            if (fromObject.Vgt.Vectors.Contains(newVectorName))
                displacementVector = fromObject.Vgt.Vectors[newVectorName] as IAgCrdnVectorDisplacement;
                displacementVector = vectorFactory.CreateDisplacementVector(newVectorName,
                                                                            fromObject.Vgt.Points["Center"], toObject.Vgt.Points["Center"]);

            if (addDisplay)
                StkAssistant.DisplayVector((displacementVector as IAgCrdn).Name, parentObject, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);

            return(displacementVector as IAgCrdnVector);
        public static PointPairList CdmPlottableList(string parameterName, params CdmConjunction[] conjunctions)
            List <KeyValuePair <string, double> > stuff = new List <KeyValuePair <string, double> >();

            foreach (CdmConjunction cdm in conjunctions)
                switch (parameterName)
                case "Miss Distance":
                    stuff.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, double>(cdm.CreationDate, cdm.MissDistance));

                case "TCA":
                    stuff.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, double>(cdm.CreationDate, StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(cdm.TCA).ToOADate()));

                case "Probability":
                    stuff.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, double>(cdm.CreationDate, cdm.Probability));

                case "Sigma Dilution":
                    stuff.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, double>(cdm.CreationDate, cdm.SigmaDilution));

            stuff = stuff.OrderBy(pair => StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(pair.Key).ToOADate()).ToList();

            PointPairList cdmEvolve = ZedGraphAssistant.ArrayToPlottableList(stuff.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray(), stuff.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToArray());

Example #3
        private void SetSatVizOptions(string tempName, string colorConnectString)
            #region Viz
            string command, cmdResult;

            command = String.Format("Graphics */Satellite/{0} SetColor {1}", tempName, colorConnectString);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            command = String.Format("Graphics */Satellite/{0} Basic Orbit On", tempName);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            command = String.Format("Graphics */Satellite/{0} Basic LineWidth 2", tempName);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} Model Show Off", tempName);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} Point Show On Size 6", tempName);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} ModelDetail Off", tempName);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} Pass3D OrbitLead OnePass", tempName);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} Pass3D OrbitTrail OnePass", tempName);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            if (isGeoRegime)
                command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} OrbitSystem Modify System \"FixedByWindow\" Color Default Show On", tempName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} OrbitSystem Modify System \"InertialByWindow\" Show Off", tempName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            #endregion Viz
        private static string AverageTime(params string[] timesISOYMD)
            DateTime[] dateTimes = timesISOYMD.Select(t => StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(t)).ToArray();
            DateTime   avgTime   = AverageTime(dateTimes);
            string     isoYMD    = avgTime.Year.ToString() + "-" + avgTime.Month.ToString("D2") + "-" + avgTime.Day.ToString("D2") + "T" + avgTime.ToLongTimeString();

        private static bool WithinTimeframe(string timeISOYMD, string windowCenterISOYMD, double secondsFromCenter)
            DateTime time         = StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(timeISOYMD);
            DateTime windowCenter = StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(timeISOYMD);
            bool     value        = WithinTimeframe(time, windowCenter, secondsFromCenter);

        public static PointPairList ArrayToPlottableList(string[] times, double[] values)
            if (times.Length != values.Length)

            PointPairList points = new PointPairList(times.Select(t => StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(t).ToOADate()).ToArray(), values);

        public static GraphPane NewBlankGraph(string startISOYMD, string stopISOYMD, string title)
            GraphPane plot = new GraphPane(new RectangleF(0, 0, 1920, 1080), title, "Date/Time (UTC)", "Distance (m)");

            plot.Title.FontSpec.Family = "Verdana";
            plot.Title.FontSpec.Size   = 12;
            // Set up x axis
            plot.XAxis.Type            = AxisType.Date;
            plot.XAxis.Scale.Format    = "MMM d\nHH:mm";
            plot.XAxis.Scale.MajorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
            plot.XAxis.Scale.MinorUnit = DateUnit.Hour;
            plot.XAxis.Scale.MinorStep = 1;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startISOYMD) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(stopISOYMD))
                DateTime startDate = StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(startISOYMD);
                DateTime endDate   = StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(stopISOYMD);
                plot.XAxis.Scale.Min = startDate.ToOADate();
                plot.XAxis.Scale.Max = endDate.ToOADate();
                plot.XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
                plot.XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true;

            plot.XAxis.Title.FontSpec.Family = "Verdana";
            plot.XAxis.Title.FontSpec.Size   = 10;
            plot.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Family = "Verdana";
            plot.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Size   = 6;
            plot.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle  = 0;
            plot.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible   = true;
            // Set up y axis
            plot.YAxis.Type = AxisType.Linear;
            //if (geoRegime)
            //    plot.YAxis.Scale.Format = "N0";
            //    plot.YAxis.Scale.Format = "N1";
            plot.YAxis.Scale.Mag     = 0;
            plot.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
            //plot.YAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
            plot.YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto         = true;
            plot.YAxis.Title.FontSpec.Family = "Verdana";
            plot.YAxis.Title.FontSpec.Size   = 10;
            plot.YAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Family = "Verdana";
            plot.YAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Size   = 6;
            plot.YAxis.Scale.Align           = AlignP.Inside;
            plot.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible   = true;
            // Generate and position legend
            plot.Legend.Position        = LegendPos.BottomCenter;
            plot.Legend.FontSpec.Family = "Verdana";
            plot.Legend.FontSpec.Size   = 7;
Example #8
        public static object[] GetTimeOfMinAndValue(IAgCrdnVector vector)
            IAgStkObject parentObject = StkAssistant.Root.GetObjectFromPath("*/" + (vector as IAgCrdn).QualifiedPath.Split(' ')[0]);
            //Create new scalar to monitor Vector Magnitude value
            string            newVgtBaseName        = (vector as IAgCrdn).Name;
            string            scalarVectorMagName   = StkAssistant.GetUniqueAWBName(newVgtBaseName, parentObject, AgECrdnKind.eCrdnKindCalcScalar);
            IAgCrdnCalcScalar vectorMagnitudeScalar = parentObject.Vgt.CalcScalars.Factory.Create(
                scalarVectorMagName, "temp", AgECrdnCalcScalarType.eCrdnCalcScalarTypeVectorMagnitude);

            (vectorMagnitudeScalar as IAgCrdnCalcScalarVectorMagnitude).InputVector = vector;

            IAgCrdnCalcScalar minRange       = (vectorMagnitudeScalar as IAgCrdn).EmbeddedComponents[(vectorMagnitudeScalar as IAgCrdn).Name + ".Min"] as IAgCrdnCalcScalar;
            IAgCrdnEvent      timeOfMinRange = (vectorMagnitudeScalar as IAgCrdn).EmbeddedComponents[(vectorMagnitudeScalar as IAgCrdn).Name + ".TimeOfMin"] as IAgCrdnEvent;
            string            tca            = timeOfMinRange.FindOccurrence().Epoch.ToString();
            double            minRangeValue  = minRange.Evaluate(tca).Value;

            return(new object[] { tca, minRangeValue });
        public static GraphPane CreateGraph(string title, string tcaISOYMD, Graphics g, PointPairList[] points, string[] pointListNames, TextObj[] comments, bool isDashedLine = false)
            ColorCounter = -1;
            GraphPane graph;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tcaISOYMD))
                IAgDate tca = StkAssistant.Root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("ISO-YMD", tcaISOYMD);
                graph = NewBlankGraph(tca.Subtract("day", 1).Format("ISO-YMD"), tca.Add("day", 1).Format("ISO-YMD"), title);
                graph = NewBlankGraph(null, null, title);

            graph.Legend.IsVisible = true;
            graph.Legend.Draw(g, graph, .75f);
            foreach (TextObj comment in comments)
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                LineItem newCurve = new LineItem(pointListNames[i], points[i], NextColor, isDashedLine ? NextSymbol : SymbolType.None, isDashedLine ? 2.0f : 5.0f);
                newCurve.Line.Style = isDashedLine ? System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash : System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tcaISOYMD))
                PointPairList tcaLine = new PointPairList();
                tcaLine.Add(StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(tcaISOYMD).ToOADate(), graph.YAxis.Scale.Min);
                tcaLine.Add(StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(tcaISOYMD).ToOADate(), graph.YAxis.Scale.Max);
                graph.AddCurve("", tcaLine, Color.Black);

            //graph.GetImage().Save(path, ImageFormat.Png);

Example #10
        public GraphPane GraphCdmVsTle(Graphics g)
                if (StkTleSatellitePath == null)
                if (StkTleSatellitePath != null)
                    TextObj   stktcaComment   = ZedGraphAssistant.CreateGraphLabel("Time of Min Range: " + StkCdmTleTimeOfMinRange, .01f, .01f, Color.Black);
                    TextObj   stkmissComment  = ZedGraphAssistant.CreateGraphLabel("Minimum Range: " + StkCdmTleMinimumRange.ToString(), .01f, .05f, Color.Black);
                    TextObj   tcaComment      = ZedGraphAssistant.CreateGraphLabel("TCA : " + this.EpochISOYMD, 1f, .01f, AlignH.Right, AlignV.Top, Color.Black);
                    TextObj   tcaRangeComment = ZedGraphAssistant.CreateGraphLabel("Range at TCA : " + StkCdmTleDiffAtCdmTca.ToString(), 1f, .05f, AlignH.Right, AlignV.Top, Color.Black);
                    TextObj[] comments        = new TextObj[] { stktcaComment, stkmissComment, tcaComment, tcaRangeComment };

                    StateCompare.RICResults ricOverTime = StateCompare.GetRICDifferenceOverTime(this.StkCdmSatellitePath, this.StkTleSatellitePath, this.EpochISOYMD);

                    PointPairList pplR              = ZedGraphAssistant.ArrayToPlottableList(ricOverTime.Times, ricOverTime.R);
                    PointPairList pplI              = ZedGraphAssistant.ArrayToPlottableList(ricOverTime.Times, ricOverTime.I);
                    PointPairList pplC              = ZedGraphAssistant.ArrayToPlottableList(ricOverTime.Times, ricOverTime.C);
                    PointPairList pplRange          = ZedGraphAssistant.ArrayToPlottableList(ricOverTime.Times, ricOverTime.Range);
                    PointPairList pplTimeOfMinRange = new PointPairList();
                    pplTimeOfMinRange.Add(StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(StkCdmTleTimeOfMinRange).ToOADate(), -5 * StkCdmTleMinimumRange);
                    pplTimeOfMinRange.Add(StkAssistant.ParseISOYMD(StkCdmTleTimeOfMinRange).ToOADate(), 5 * StkCdmTleMinimumRange);

                    PointPairList[] ppl      = new PointPairList[] { pplR, pplI, pplC, pplRange, pplTimeOfMinRange };
                    string[]        pplNames = new string[] { "Radial", "In-Track", "Cross-Track", "Range", "" };

                    return(ZedGraphAssistant.CreateGraph("Comparison: " + SatName + " CDM to TLE", this.EpochISOYMD, g, ppl, pplNames, comments));

Example #11
        public static IAgCrdnAngle CreateAngleBetweenVectors(IAgCrdnVector fromVector, IAgCrdnVector toVector,
                                                             IAgStkObject parentObject, string name = "", bool addDisplay = false)
            IAgCrdnAngleFactory angleFactory = parentObject.Vgt.Angles.Factory;

            string newAngleName;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                newAngleName = name;
                newAngleName = "From_" + (fromVector as IAgCrdn).Name + "_To_" + (toVector as IAgCrdn).Name;

            IAgCrdnAngleBetweenVectors angle;

            if (parentObject.Vgt.Angles.Contains(newAngleName))
                angle = parentObject.Vgt.Angles[newAngleName] as IAgCrdnAngleBetweenVectors;
                angle = angleFactory.Create(newAngleName, newAngleName,
                                            AgECrdnAngleType.eCrdnAngleTypeBetweenVectors) as IAgCrdnAngleBetweenVectors;

            if (addDisplay)
                StkAssistant.DisplayAngle(newAngleName, parentObject, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);

            return(angle as IAgCrdnAngle);
Example #12
        public bool CreateEphSatellite(string ephemerisPath = null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ephemerisPath) &&
                EphemerisFile = ephemerisPath;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EphemerisFile) &&
                ephemerisPath = EphemerisFile;

            string cmdResult;
            string command = "BatchGraphics * On";

            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

            bool satCreated = false;

                string color;
                string tempName;
                if (isPrimary)
                    tempName = "ephPrimary_" + SafeSatName;
                    color    = "#00FF00";
                    tempName = "ephSecondary_" + SafeSatName;
                    color    = "#FF9900";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ephemerisPath) &&
                    if (!StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.Contains(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, tempName))
                        StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, tempName);

                    command    = String.Format("SetState */Satellite/{0} FromFile \"{1}\"", tempName, ephemerisPath);
                    satCreated = StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                if (satCreated)
                    _stkEphObjName = tempName;
                    SetSatVizOptions(tempName, color);
                command = "BatchGraphics * Off";
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
Example #13
        public bool CreateTleSatellite(string tlePath = null)
            string cmdResult;
            string command = "BatchGraphics * On";

            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
            bool satCreated = false;

                string color;
                string tempName;
                if (isPrimary)
                    tempName = "tlePrimary_" + SafeSatName;
                    color    = "#00FF00";
                    tempName = "tleSecondary_" + SafeSatName;
                    color    = "#FF9900";

                if (!StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.Contains(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, tempName))
                    StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, tempName);

                //If a file is provided, pull from it
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tlePath) &&
                    command = String.Format("SetState */Satellite/{0} SGP4 UseScenarioInterval 60.0 {1} TLESource Automatic Source File \"{2}\" UseTLE All SwitchMethod Midpoint UseCatalogModel",
                                            tempName, SSC.ToString(), tlePath);
                    satCreated = StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                //If not created yet, try to get from the AGI server
                if (!satCreated)
                    command = String.Format("SetState */Satellite/{0} SGP4 UseScenarioInterval 60.0 {1} TLESource Automatic Source AGIServer UseTLE All SwitchMethod Midpoint UseCatalogModel",
                                            tempName, SSC.ToString());
                    satCreated = StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                //If not created yet, try to get from the local default file
                if (!satCreated)
                    command = String.Format("SetState */Satellite/{0} SGP4 UseScenarioInterval 60.0 {1} TLESource Automatic Source DefaultFile UseTLE All SwitchMethod Midpoint UseCatalogModel",
                                            tempName, SSC.ToString());
                    satCreated = StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                if (satCreated)
                    _stkTleObjName = tempName;
                    SetSatVizOptions(tempName, color);
                command = "BatchGraphics * Off";
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
Example #14
        public bool CreateCdmSatellite(bool zoomTo = false)
            string cmdResult;
            string command = "BatchGraphics * On";

            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                #region New Satellite
                string color;
                string zonal    = "";
                string tesseral = "";
                if (isPrimary)
                    _stkCdmSatelliteName = "cdmPrimary_" + SafeSatName;
                    color = "#00FF00";
                    _stkCdmSatelliteName = "cdmSecondary_" + SafeSatName;
                    color = "#FF9900";

                string position = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", XPos, YPos, ZPos); // m
                double posMag   = VecMagS(position);
                string velocity = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", XVel, YVel, ZVel); // m/s

                if (posMag < 1)

                if (!StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.Contains(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, StkCdmSatelliteName))
                    StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, StkCdmSatelliteName);

                string stkReferenceFrame = "Fixed";

                switch (this.ReferenceFrame)
                case "ITRF":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "Fixed";

                case "ICRF":
                case "GCRF":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "ICRF";

                case "EME2000":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "J2000";

                case "MeanOfDate":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "MeanOfDate";

                case "MeanOfEpoch":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "MeanOfEpoch";

                case "TrueOfDate":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "TrueOfDate";

                case "TrueOfEpoch":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "TrueOfEpoch";

                case "B1950":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "B1950";

                case "TEMEOfDate":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "TEMEOfDate";

                case "TEMEOfEpoch":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "TEMEOfEpoch";

                case "AlignmentAtEpoch":
                    stkReferenceFrame = "AlignmentAtEpoch";

                command = String.Format("SetStateIgnoreCB  */Satellite/{0} Cartesian HPOP \"{1}\" \"{2}\" 10 {3} \"{4}\" {5} {6}",
                                        StkCdmSatelliteName, (StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario).StartTime, (StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario).StopTime,
                                        stkReferenceFrame, EpochISOYMD, position, velocity);
                if (!StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult))
                    return(false); // object with no state
                #endregion New Satellite

                SetSatVizOptions(StkCdmSatelliteName, color);

                #region Force Model
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeopotentialModel))
                    // Set geopotential: EGM-96, ...
                    Regex regex = new Regex(@"(EGM-96):\s+(\d+)D\s+(\d+)O");
                    Match match = regex.Match(GeopotentialModel);
                    if (match.Success)
                        if (match.Groups[1].Value != "EGM-96")
                            //outputToDebugLog("WARNING: " + match.Groups[1].Value + " gravitational model");
                            //warning = true;
                        zonal    = match.Groups[2].Value;
                        tesseral = match.Groups[3].Value;
                        command  = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force Gravity \"{1}STKData\\CentralBodies\\Earth\\WGS84_EGM96.grv\" {2} {3}",
                                                 StkCdmSatelliteName, StkAssistant.StkInstallDirectory, zonal, tesseral);
                        StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                        command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Covariance Gravity {1} {2}", StkCdmSatelliteName, zonal, tesseral);
                        StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                    //outputToDebugLog(String.Format("WARNING: Undefined gravitational model: {0}", geopotentialModel[index].InnerText));
                    //warning = true;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LunarsolarPerturbations))
                    string nBody = LunarsolarPerturbations.ToUpper();
                    if ((nBody != "NONE") || ((isEphemerisBased) && (isGeoRegime)))
                        if (nBody.Contains("SUN"))
                            command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force ThirdBodyGravity Sun On JPLDEFile", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                        if (nBody.Contains("MOON"))
                            command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force ThirdBodyGravity Moon On JPLDEFile", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                            StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                    command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force ThirdBodyGravity Sun Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                    command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force ThirdBodyGravity Moon Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SolidEarthTidesPerturbation) &&
                    SolidEarthTidesPerturbation.ToUpper() == "YES")
                    command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force SolidTides Full", StkCdmSatelliteName); // Permanent only or full tide?
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                    command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force SolidTides Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force OceanTides Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DragModel))
                    bool noDrag = (StkAssistant.GetSatellitePerigee(StkCdmSatellitePath, EpochISOYMD) > _leoLimit * 1E3); // m
                    if (!"JACCHIA70DCA|NONE".Contains(DragModel))
                        //outputToDebugLog(String.Format("WARNING: Undefined drag model: {0}", dragModel[index].InnerText));
                        //warning = true;
                    if ((DragModel.ToUpper() == "NONE") || noDrag)
                        command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Drag Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                        StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                        command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Drag On {1} {2} \"Jacchia 1970\" File \"{3}SpaceWeather-v1.2.txt\"",
                                                StkCdmSatelliteName, Math.Sign(BallisticCoefficient).ToString("F1"), Math.Abs(BallisticCoefficient).ToString("F6"), StkAssistant.StkDataDirectory);
                        StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SolarRadiationPerturbation) &&
                    SolarRadiationPerturbation.ToUpper() == "YES")
                    command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force SRP On Model Spherical {1} {2} ShadowModel Cylindrical BoundaryMitigation On",
                                            StkCdmSatelliteName, Math.Sign(SolarRadiationCoefficient).ToString("F1"), Math.Abs(SolarRadiationCoefficient).ToString("F6"));
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                    command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force SRP Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Force RadiationPressure Albedo Off Thermal Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Integrator IntegMethod RKF78 StepControl RelativeError 1E-13", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                // Set HPOP Options
                //stkExecute(String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Options Mass " + FloatToStr(mass)), satObj));
                #endregion Force Model

                #region Covariance
                // Set up covariance
                command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Covariance On", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Covariance Frame LVLH", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                command = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Covariance Consider Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                // Force non-zero principal components
                if (xx == 0)
                    xx = small;
                if (yy == 0)
                    yy = small;
                if (zz == 0)
                    zz = small;
                if (VxVx == 0)
                    VxVx = small;
                if (VyVy == 0)
                    VyVy = small;
                if (VzVz == 0)
                    VzVz = small;
                string ldMatrix = xx + " ";
                ldMatrix += yx + " " + yy + " ";
                ldMatrix += zx + " " + zy + " " + zz + " ";
                ldMatrix += Vxx + " " + Vxy + " " + Vxz + " " + VxVx + " ";
                ldMatrix += Vyx + " " + Vyy + " " + Vyz + " " + VyVx + " " + VyVy + " ";
                ldMatrix += Vzx + " " + Vzy + " " + Vzz + " " + VzVx + " " + VzVy + " " + VzVz;
                string covCommand = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Covariance PosVel {1}", StkCdmSatelliteName, ldMatrix);
                string covColor   = color;
                if (!StkAssistant.TryConnect(covCommand, out cmdResult))
                    //notes.Add("<span style=\"color:red\">WARNING: " + satObjName.Substring(3) + " CDM covariance matrix not positive definite</span>");
                    string zero    = "0";
                    string nonzero = "1000";
                    ldMatrix   = nonzero + " ";
                    ldMatrix  += zero + " " + nonzero + " ";
                    ldMatrix  += zero + " " + zero + " " + nonzero + " ";
                    ldMatrix  += zero + " " + zero + " " + zero + " " + nonzero + " ";
                    ldMatrix  += zero + " " + zero + " " + zero + " " + zero + " " + nonzero + " ";
                    ldMatrix  += zero + " " + zero + " " + zero + " " + zero + " " + zero + " " + nonzero;
                    covColor   = "#FF0000";
                    covCommand = String.Format("HPOP */Satellite/{0} Covariance PosVel {1}", StkCdmSatelliteName, ldMatrix);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(covCommand, out cmdResult);
                    command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} Covariance Basic Show Off", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                    command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} Covariance Scale 3.0", StkCdmSatelliteName);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                    command = String.Format("VO */Satellite/{0} Covariance Basic Show On Color {1} LineWidth 2 Translucency 50", StkCdmSatelliteName, covColor);
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
                #endregion Covariance

                command = String.Format("Propagate */Satellite/{0} {1} {2}", StkCdmSatelliteName, StkAssistant.ScenarioStartTime, StkAssistant.ScenarioStopTime);
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);

                if (zoomTo)
                    StkAssistant.TryConnect(String.Format("VO * ViewFromTo Normal From */Satellite/{0}", StkCdmSatelliteName), out cmdResult);
                command = "BatchGraphics * Off";
                StkAssistant.TryConnect(command, out cmdResult);
        public void EstimateProbability()
            string primaryPath   = Primary.BaselineObjectPath;
            string primaryType   = Primary.BaselineObjectType;
            string primaryName   = primaryPath.Substring(primaryPath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            string secondaryPath = Secondary.BaselineObjectPath;
            string secondaryName = secondaryPath.Substring(secondaryPath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

            string catName = "CAT_" + primaryName;

            int counter = 0;

            while (StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.Contains(AgESTKObjectType.eAdvCat, catName))
                catName = "CAT_" + primaryName + "_" + (++counter).ToString();

            IAgStkObject cat = StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eAdvCat, catName);

            string cmdResult;

            StkAssistant.TryConnect("Save / " + primaryPath, out cmdResult);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect("Save / " + secondaryPath, out cmdResult);

            StkAssistant.TryConnect("ACAT */AdvCAT/" + catName + " TimePeriod \"" + StkAssistant.Scenario.StartTime + "\" \"" + StkAssistant.Scenario.StopTime + "\"", out cmdResult);

            StkAssistant.TryConnect("ACAT */AdvCAT/" + catName + " Primary Add \"" + primaryName + ".sa\" Cov", out cmdResult);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect("ACAT */AdvCAT/" + catName + " Secondary Add \"" + secondaryName + ".sa\" Cov", out cmdResult);

            StkAssistant.TryConnect("ACAT */AdvCAT/" + catName + " Compute ShowProgress On", out cmdResult);

            StkAssistant.TryConnect("VO */AdvCAT/" + catName + " AdvCATAttributes ShowSecondary On ShowAllSecondary On", out cmdResult);

            //StkAssistant.TryConnect("ReportCreate */AdvCAT/" + catName + " Type Display Style \"Close Approach By Min Range\"", out cmdResult);
            StkAssistant.TryConnect("ACATEvents_RM */AdvCAT/" + catName, out cmdResult);
            string catTCA;

            if (!cmdResult.Equals("No events found."))
                catTCA = cmdResult.Split(',')[5];

                IAgStkObject       catObject = StkAssistant.Root.GetObjectFromPath("*/AdvCAT/" + catName);
                IAgDataPrvInterval catDP     = cat.DataProviders["Events by Min Range"] as IAgDataPrvInterval;
                IAgDrResult        catResult = catDP.Exec(StkAssistant.Scenario.StartTime, StkAssistant.Scenario.StopTime);

                double catMaxProb       = (double)catResult.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("Max Collision Probability").GetValues().GetValue(0);
                double catSigmaDilution = (double)catResult.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("Sigma Dilution Threshold").GetValues().GetValue(0);

                if (Probability == 0)
                    Probability = catMaxProb;
                if (SigmaDilution == 0)
                    SigmaDilution = Math.Round(catSigmaDilution, 3);

 public void GenerateStkCdmObjects()
Example #17
        public static RICResults GetRICDifferenceOverTime(string sat1Path, string sat2Path, string epochISOYMD)
            IAgDate tca = StkAssistant.Root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("ISO-YMD", epochISOYMD);

            IAgStkObject primary, secondary;

                primary   = StkAssistant.Root.GetObjectFromPath(sat1Path);
                secondary = StkAssistant.Root.GetObjectFromPath(sat2Path);
                return(new RICResults());

            double period1 = StkAssistant.GetSatellitePeriod(primary.Path, epochISOYMD);
            double period2 = StkAssistant.GetSatellitePeriod(secondary.Path, epochISOYMD);

            double period = (period1 + period2) / 2;

            IAgDataProviderInfo dpInfo = primary.DataProviders["RIC Coordinates"];

            IAgDataProvider dataProvider = primary.DataProviders["RIC Coordinates"] as IAgDataProvider;

            dataProvider.PreData = secondary.Path.Replace(StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Path, "");
            IAgDataPrvTimeVar dpTimeVarying = dataProvider as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
            Array             elements      = new object[] { "Time", "Radial", "In-Track", "Cross-Track", "Range" };
            IAgDrResult       dpResult      = dpTimeVarying.ExecElements(
                tca.Subtract("sec", .5 * period).Format("ISO-YMD"),
                tca.Add("sec", .5 * period).Format("ISO-YMD"),
                10, elements);
            RICResults ricResults = new RICResults();

            foreach (IAgDrDataSet dataset in dpResult.DataSets)
                if (dataset.ElementName.Equals("Time"))
                    List <string> times = new List <string>();
                    foreach (object item in dataset.GetValues())
                    ricResults.Times = times.ToArray();
                    List <double> values = new List <double>();
                    foreach (object item in dataset.GetValues())

                    switch (dataset.ElementName)
                    case "Radial":
                        ricResults.R = values.ToArray();

                    case "In-Track":
                        ricResults.I = values.ToArray();

                    case "Cross-Track":
                        ricResults.C = values.ToArray();

                    case "Range":
                        ricResults.Range = values.ToArray();


Example #18
        public static CdmConjunction ReadCdmXmlByTag(string xmlPath, out string error)
            error = "";
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                CdmConjunction conjunction = new CdmConjunction();

                CdmSatellite[] sats = new CdmSatellite[] { new CdmSatellite(), new CdmSatellite() };
                conjunction.CdmFilePath   = xmlPath;
                conjunction.RelPosR       = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "RELATIVE_POSITION_R");
                conjunction.RelPosT       = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "RELATIVE_POSITION_T");
                conjunction.RelPosN       = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "RELATIVE_POSITION_N");
                conjunction.RelVelR       = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "RELATIVE_VELOCITY_R");
                conjunction.RelVelT       = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "RELATIVE_VELOCITY_T");
                conjunction.RelVelN       = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "RELATIVE_VELOCITY_N");
                conjunction.RelativeSpeed = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "RELATIVE_SPEED");

                conjunction.Probability       = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "COLLISION_PROBABILITY");
                conjunction.ProbabilityMethod = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "COLLISION_PROBABILITY_METHOD");
                conjunction.ID           = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "MESSAGE_ID");
                conjunction.CreationDate = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CREATION_DATE");
                conjunction.MissDistance = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "MISS_DISTANCE");
                conjunction.TCA          = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "TCA");
                conjunction.TCA          = StkAssistant.ValidateDateFormat(conjunction.TCA);
                conjunction.CreationDate = StkAssistant.ValidateDateFormat(conjunction.CreationDate);
                if (xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("relativeMetadataData").Count > 0)
                    foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("relativeMetadataData")[0].ChildNodes)
                        if (node.Name.ToUpper().Equals("COMMENT"))
                            string metadataComment = node.InnerText;
                            string pattern         = "SIGMA_DILUTION=(?<sigmaDilution>\\d+(.\\d+)?)";

                            Regex  dateRegex = new Regex(pattern);
                            Match  match     = dateRegex.Match(metadataComment);
                            double sd;
                            if (match.Groups["sigmaDilution"].Success &&
                                double.TryParse(match.Groups["sigmaDilution"].Value, out sd))
                                conjunction.SigmaDilution = sd;

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    sats[i].isPrimary   = i == 0;
                    sats[i].EpochISOYMD = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "TCA");
                    sats[i].EpochISOYMD = StkAssistant.ValidateDateFormat(sats[i].EpochISOYMD);
                    // Get satellite names
                    sats[i].SatName = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "OBJECT_NAME", i);
                    // Get International Designators
                    sats[i].InternationalDesignator = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR", i);
                    // Get Catalog Number
                    sats[i].SSC = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "OBJECT_DESIGNATOR", i);
                    if (sats[i].SSC == "KNOWN OBJECT")
                        sats[i].SatName = "KNOWN OBJECT";
                        sats[i].SSC     = "99999";
                    if (sats[i].SatName.Trim() == "")
                        sats[i].SatName = "UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT";
                    // Get ephemeris check data
                    string ephTemp = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "EPHEMERIS_NAME", i);
                    sats[i].EphemerisFile = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ephTemp) || ephTemp.ToUpper().Equals("NONE") ? null :
                                            Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlPath), ephTemp);

                    // Get Orbital Data
                    sats[i].ReferenceFrame = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "REF_FRAME", i);
                    sats[i].XPos           = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "X", i);
                    sats[i].YPos           = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "Y", i);
                    sats[i].ZPos           = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "Z", i);
                    sats[i].XVel           = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "X_DOT", i);
                    sats[i].YVel           = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "Y_DOT", i);
                    sats[i].ZVel           = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "Z_DOT", i);

                    // Get Force Model Definition
                    sats[i].GeopotentialModel           = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "GRAVITY_MODEL", i);
                    sats[i].LunarsolarPerturbations     = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "N_BODY_PERTURBATIONS", i);
                    sats[i].SolidEarthTidesPerturbation = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "EARTH_TIDES", i);
                    sats[i].SolarRadiationPerturbation  = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "SOLAR_RAD_PRESSURE", i);
                    sats[i].SolarRadiationCoefficient   = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CR_AREA_OVER_MASS", i);
                    sats[i].DragModel            = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "ATMOSPHERIC_MODEL", i);
                    sats[i].BallisticCoefficient = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CD_AREA_OVER_MASS", i);
                    sats[i].CovarianceMethod     = GetStringFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "COVARIANCE_METHOD", i);

                    sats[i].xx   = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CR_R", i);
                    sats[i].yx   = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CT_R", i);
                    sats[i].yy   = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CT_T", i);
                    sats[i].zx   = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CN_R", i);
                    sats[i].zy   = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CN_T", i);
                    sats[i].zz   = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CN_N", i);
                    sats[i].Vxx  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CRDOT_R", i);
                    sats[i].Vxy  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CRDOT_T", i);
                    sats[i].Vxz  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CRDOT_N", i);
                    sats[i].VxVx = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CRDOT_RDOT", i);
                    sats[i].Vyx  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CTDOT_R", i);
                    sats[i].Vyy  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CTDOT_T", i);
                    sats[i].Vyz  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CTDOT_N", i);
                    sats[i].VyVx = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CTDOT_RDOT", i);
                    sats[i].VyVy = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CTDOT_TDOT", i);
                    sats[i].Vzx  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CNDOT_R", i);
                    sats[i].Vzy  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CNDOT_T", i);
                    sats[i].Vzz  = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CNDOT_N", i);
                    sats[i].VzVx = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CNDOT_RDOT", i);
                    sats[i].VzVy = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CNDOT_TDOT", i);
                    sats[i].VzVz = GetDoubleFromXmlTag(xmlDoc, "CNDOT_NDOT", i);

                    if (sats[i].VxVx == 0)
                        sats[i].VxVx = small;
                    if (sats[i].VyVy == 0)
                        sats[i].VyVy = small;
                    if (sats[i].VzVz == 0)
                        sats[i].VzVz = small;

                conjunction.Primary   = sats[0];
                conjunction.Secondary = sats[1];
            catch (Exception e)
                error += e.Message;