/// <summary>
    /// Creates a new preferences dialog, initializing our form based on the
    /// settings in the given Preferences instance.
    /// </summary>
    public PreferencesDialog(Preferences preferences) {
      this.Icon = Media.StickiesIcon;
      this.Text = String.Format(Messages.PreferencesTitle, Application.ProductName);
      saveButton_.Text = Messages.PreferencesSave;
      cancelButton_.Text = Messages.PreferencesCancel;
      appearanceTabPage_.Text = Messages.PreferencesAppearanceTab;
      settingsTabPage_.Text = Messages.PreferencesSettingsTab;
      startOnWindowsCheckBox_.Text = Messages.PreferencesStartWithWindows;
      iconCheckBox_.Text = Messages.PreferencesCustomIcon;

      // Start the preferences dialog under the mouse cursor. Since we are
      // a ContainedControl, this will work correctly even if the mouse is
      // near the edge of the screen.
      this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
      this.Location = Control.MousePosition;

      // Reflect the initial set of preferences in our form
      notePreferencesControl_.NoteBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(preferences.Note.BackColor);
      notePreferencesControl_.NoteBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(preferences.Note.BorderColor);
      noteTextBox_.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(preferences.Note.FontColor);
      notePreferencesControl_.NoteTransparency = preferences.Note.Transparency;
      if (preferences.Note.Rtf != null) {
        noteTextBox_.Rtf = preferences.Note.Rtf;
        notePreferencesControl_.NoteFont = noteTextBox_.SelectionFont;
        notePreferencesControl_.NoteFontColor = noteTextBox_.SelectionColor;
      notePreferencesControl_.NoteAlwaysOnTop = preferences.Note.AlwaysOnTop;
      noteTextBox_.Text = Messages.PreferencesNoteText;
      if (preferences.TrayIconPath != null) {
        iconTextBox_.Text = preferences.TrayIconPath;
      iconCheckBox_.Checked = preferences.TrayIconPath != null;
      iconTextBox_.Enabled = iconCheckBox_.Checked;
      iconBrowseButton_.Enabled = iconCheckBox_.Checked;
      startOnWindowsCheckBox_.Checked = Preferences.StartWithWindows();

      synchronizationSettings_ = preferences.SynchronizeSettings;
      if (synchronizationSettings_ != null) {
        synchronizeCheckBox_.Checked = true;
        amazonAccessKeyIdTextBox_.Text = synchronizationSettings_.AmazonAccessKeyId;
        amazonSecretAccessKeyTextBox_.Text = synchronizationSettings_.AmazonSecretAccessKey;

      // Hack to make slider bar look right on top of the light colored
      // TabControl. The slider bar control does not support transparent
      // background colors.
      notePreferencesControl_.SliderBarBackColor = Color.FromArgb(244, 243, 239);

Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Load our preferences from disk, set up our tray icon, and load all of
    /// our notes from disk. Send an asynchronous request to check for newer
    /// versions of the product in parallel.
    /// </summary>
    public MainForm() {
      // Set up our tray icon and context menu
      this.Text = Application.ProductName;
      showAllNotesMenuItem_.Text = Messages.MainShowAllNotes;
      deleteAllNotesMenuItem_.Text = Messages.MainDeleteAllNotes;
      aboutMenuItem_.Text = String.Format(Messages.MainAbout, Application.ProductName);
      newNoteMenuItem_.Text = Messages.MainNewNote;
      reportBugMenuItem_.Text = Messages.MainReportBug;
      preferencesMenuItem_.Text = Messages.MainPreferences;
      exitMenuItem_.Text = Messages.MainExit;
      notifyIcon_.Text = Application.ProductName;

      // Name our window so we can find it via inter-process communication
      this.Text = kWindowTitle;

      // Load the preferences from disk
      preferences_ = LoadPreferences();

      // Load the notes from disk
      noteForms_ = new List<NoteForm>();
      List<Note> notes = LoadNotes();
      foreach (Note note in notes) {
        ShowNote(new NoteForm(this, note, false));

      // Register a global hot-key to create new sticky notes

      // Check for new versions of Stickies
      UpdateChecker checker = new UpdateChecker(GetVersionCheckURL(), new UpdateChecker.Callback(OnUpdateCheck));

      // Start the synchronization timer and do one initial synchronization
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows the Preferences dialog. If the user exits the dialog
 /// successfully, we save the preferences to disk and set the new
 /// preferences to our instance variable.
 /// </summary>
 private void preferencesMenuItem__Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   if (preferencesDialog_ != null && preferencesDialog_.Visible) {
   } else {
     preferencesDialog_ = new PreferencesDialog(preferences_);
     if (preferencesDialog_.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) {
       bool wasSynchronized = (preferences_.SynchronizeSettings != null);
       preferences_ = preferencesDialog_.GetPreferences();
       try {
       } catch (Exception ex) {
         ShowError(String.Format(Messages.ErrorPreferencesSave, ex.Message));
       if (!wasSynchronized && preferences_.SynchronizeSettings != null) {
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the application preferences from disk. If it doesn't exist, we
 /// create a new set of preferences, save them to disk, and show a welcome
 /// message to the user since this is (presumably) the first time they
 /// have used the application. Likewise, if Stickies has been upgraded,
 /// show an upgrade message.
 /// </summary>
 private Preferences LoadPreferences() {
   try {
     Preferences preferences = Preferences.Load();
     if (preferences.Version != Application.ProductVersion) {
       ShowMessage(String.Format(Messages.MessageUpgraded, Application.ProductName, Application.ProductVersion));
       try {
         preferences.Version = Application.ProductVersion;
       } catch (Exception e) {
         ShowError(String.Format(Messages.ErrorPreferencesSave, e.Message));
     return preferences;
   } catch (Exception) {
     Preferences newPreferences = new Preferences();
     ShowMessage(String.Format(Messages.MessageIntroduction, Application.ProductName));
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
       ShowError(String.Format(Messages.ErrorPreferencesSave, e.Message));
     return newPreferences;
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a Preferences instance from the settings the user has
    /// input into this dialog. Use this to get Preferences after the dialog
    /// closes.
    /// </summary>
    public Preferences GetPreferences() {
      Preferences preferences = new Preferences();
      preferences.Note.BackColor = notePreferencesControl_.NoteBackgroundColor.ToArgb();
      preferences.Note.BorderColor = notePreferencesControl_.NoteBorderColor.ToArgb();
      preferences.Note.FontColor = notePreferencesControl_.NoteFontColor.ToArgb();
      preferences.Note.Transparency = notePreferencesControl_.NoteTransparency;
      preferences.Note.AlwaysOnTop = notePreferencesControl_.NoteAlwaysOnTop;

      if (iconCheckBox_.Checked && iconTextBox_.Text.Length > 0) {
        preferences.TrayIconPath = iconTextBox_.Text;

      if (synchronizeCheckBox_.Checked && amazonAccessKeyIdTextBox_.Text.Length > 0 && amazonSecretAccessKeyTextBox_.Text.Length > 0) {
        // Preserve the old synchronization (and LastSync timestamp) unless the
        // Amazon key has changed.
        if (synchronizationSettings_ != null && synchronizationSettings_.AmazonAccessKeyId == amazonAccessKeyIdTextBox_.Text && synchronizationSettings_.AmazonSecretAccessKey == amazonSecretAccessKeyTextBox_.Text) {
          preferences.SynchronizeSettings = synchronizationSettings_;
        } else {
          preferences.SynchronizeSettings = new SynchronizationSettings(amazonAccessKeyIdTextBox_.Text, amazonSecretAccessKeyTextBox_.Text);

      // Save the font by deleting the text and saving the emtpy RTF
      noteTextBox_.Text = "";
      preferences.Note.Rtf = noteTextBox_.Rtf;
      return preferences;