public void TeamTest() { Employee target = new Employee(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Team expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Team actual; target.Team = expected; actual = target.Team; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void EdsIdTest() { Employee target = new Employee(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string expected = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string actual; target.EdsId = expected; actual = target.EdsId; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method."); }
public void EmployeeConstructorTest() { Employee target = new Employee(); Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target"); }
public void UpsertResourceAllocations(IList<ResourceAllocationCsvItem> items) { _logger.Info("UpsertStatus called for {0} items", items.Count); // share the session - ugly this.TeamRepository.Session = this.ResourceRepository.Session = this.ResourceAllocationRepository.Session = this.ProjectRepository.Session = this.DepartmentRepository.Session; ITransaction transaction = this.ResourceAllocationRepository.BeginTransaction(); try { // clear all entries for each resource / month combination before feeding the database var grpResourceMonths = items.GroupBy(item => new {item.Name, item.Month}) ; //.Select(group => new // { // EmployeeID = group.Key.EmployeeID, // Month = group.Key.Month // }); grpResourceMonths.ToList().ForEach( grm => { var rm = grm.Key; var firstEntry = grm.First(); // lookup resource id by external id Employee resource = this.ResourceRepository.GetResourcesByName(rm.Name).FirstOrDefault() as Employee; if (resource == null) { resource = this.ResourceRepository.Add(new Employee() { FullName = firstEntry.Name, EmailAddress = String.Format("{0}", firstEntry.Name.Replace(" ", ".")) }) as Employee; var tm = this.TeamRepository.GetTeamByName(firstEntry.ResourceTeam); //if (tm == null) //{ // var department = this.DepartmentRepository.GetByName("Department"); // if (department == null) // { // department = new Department() { Name = "Department", Manager = dummyResource as Employee }; // this.DepartmentRepository.Add(department); // } // var lead = this.ResourceRepository.GetResourcesByName(firstEntry.ResourceTeamLead).SingleOrDefault() as Employee; // var t = new Team() { Name = firstEntry.Team, Lead = lead, Department = department}; // this.TeamRepository.Add(t); //} ((Employee)resource).Team = tm; this.ResourceRepository.Update(resource); // resource = this.ResourceRepository.GetResourcesByName(firstEntry.Name).FirstOrDefault(); } this.ResourceAllocationRepository.DeleteByResourceMonth(resource, rm.Month); // add allocations now? // loop through grm.ToList().ForEach(item => { // look up project first var project = this.ProjectRepository.GetProjectByName(item.Project); if (project == null) { var pItem = firstEntry; // var pTeam = this.TeamRepository.GetTeamByName() // not going to work with this file format as team id is made up var pLead = this.ResourceRepository.GetResourcesByName(pItem.ResourceTeamLead).FirstOrDefault(); if (pLead == null) { // create dummy resource Employee e = new Employee() { FullName = pItem.ResourceTeamLead }; this.ResourceRepository.Add(e); } // create dummy department var department = this.DepartmentRepository.GetByName("Department"); if (department == null) { department = new Department() { Name = "Department", Manager = pLead as Employee }; department = this.DepartmentRepository.Add(department); // department = this.DepartmentRepository.GetByName("Department"); } var team = this.TeamRepository.GetTeamByName(item.Team); if (team == null) { team = new Team() { Name = firstEntry.Team, Lead = (Employee)pLead, Department = department}; team = this.TeamRepository.Add(team); } project = new Project() { Name = item.Project, Caption = item.ProjectType, Lead = pLead as Employee, Department = department, Type = item.BudgetType, Team = team }; this.ProjectRepository.AddProject(project); project = this.ProjectRepository.GetProjectByName(item.Project); } var allocation = new ResourceAllocation { Month = item.Month, Project = project, Employee = resource, Allocation = item.AllocationPercentage }; this.ResourceAllocationRepository.Add(allocation); }); } ); this.ResourceAllocationRepository.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception exc) { _logger.ErrorException("Unable to import from CsvResourceAllocation file", exc); this.ResourceAllocationRepository.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } finally { } }
public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { _config.Configure(); _kernel = new StandardKernel(new DefaultEtlNinjectModule(ConnString)); var factory = _config.CreateSessionFactory(); using (var session = factory.OpenSession()) { _employee = new Employee { FirstName = "Dave", LastName = "Neigler", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**" }; _team = new Team { Lead = _employee, Name = "Test Team" }; _department = new Department { Name = "Operations IT" }; session.Save(_employee); session.Save(_team); session.Save(_department); } }
public void StatusReportCascadingPersistenceTest() { const string caption1 = "Status Item StatusReportCascadingPersistenceTest"; const string caption2 = "2-Status Item StatusReportCascadingPersistenceTest"; var factory = _config.CreateSessionFactory(); int srId = 0; Project project = null; Topic topic2 = null; using (var session = factory.OpenSession()) { using (var txn = session.BeginTransaction()) { var employee = new Employee { FirstName = "Dave", LastName = "Neigler", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**" }; session.SaveOrUpdate(employee); var team = new Team { Lead = employee, Name = "Test Team" }; session.SaveOrUpdate(team); var department = new Department { Name = "Operations IT" }; session.SaveOrUpdate(department); project = new Project { Name = "Test Project StatusReportCascadingPersistenceTest", StartDate = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2012"), EndDate = DateTime.Parse("07/01/2012"), Description = "Test project description", JiraProject = "TESTPROJ", Team = team, Type = ProjectType.Grow, Department = department }; session.SaveOrUpdate(project); var topic1 = new JiraIssueTopic { JiraId = "BOTEST-StatusReportCascadingPersistenceTest", Caption = "This is the caption" }; session.SaveOrUpdate(topic1); topic2 = new JiraIssueTopic { JiraId = "2-BOTEST-StatusReportCascadingPersistenceTest", Caption = "This is the second caption" }; session.SaveOrUpdate(topic2); var sr = new StatusReport() { Caption = "Test Status Report 1", PeriodStart = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), PeriodEnd = new DateTime(2012, 1, 7) }; sr.Items.Add(new StatusItem { Caption = caption1, Milestone = new Milestone() { ConfidenceLevel = MilestoneConfidenceLevels.Proposed, Type = MilestoneTypes.OpenItem }, Topic = topic1, Project = project }); session.SaveOrUpdate(sr); srId = sr.Id; Assert.AreNotEqual(0, srId); txn.Commit(); } using (var txn = session.BeginTransaction()) { var sr = (from r in session.Query<StatusReport>() where r.Id == srId select r).FirstOrDefault(); var statusItem = (from si in session.Query<StatusItem>() where si.Caption.Equals(caption1) select si).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(statusItem); Assert.IsNotNull(statusItem.Project); Assert.IsNotNull(statusItem.Topic); // now we add more items and see if it updates properly sr.Items.Add(new StatusItem { Caption = caption2, Milestone = new Milestone() { ConfidenceLevel = MilestoneConfidenceLevels.Proposed, Type = MilestoneTypes.OpenItem }, Topic = topic2, Project = project }); session.SaveOrUpdate(sr); var statusItem2 = (from si in session.Query<StatusItem>() where si.Caption.Equals(caption2) select si).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(statusItem2); Assert.IsNotNull(statusItem2.Project); Assert.IsNotNull(statusItem2.Topic); txn.Commit(); } } }
public void UpsertStatus(IList<StatusCsvItem> items) { _logger.Info("UpsertStatus called for {0} items", items.Count); // we'll be sharing a single unitofwork for this operation ITransaction transaction = this.StatusReportRepository.BeginTransaction(); // share the session - ugly this.ResourceRepository.Session = this.ProjectRepository.Session = this.DepartmentRepository.Session = this.TeamRepository.Session = this.TopicRepository.Session = this.StatusReportRepository.Session; try { Resource dummyResource; Department department; InitializeHelper(out dummyResource, out department); // create all resources // ensure all resources are in place // for now, we put a stub resource in this var grpResources = items.GroupBy(item => item.TeamLead); foreach (var resourceG in grpResources) { var resources = this.ResourceRepository.GetResourcesByName(resourceG.Key); var resEmp = resourceG.First(); var emp = new Employee() { FullName = resEmp.TeamLead, EmailAddress = String.Format("{0}", resourceG.Key.Replace(" ", ".")) }; // group by team for resource var resByTeam = resourceG.GroupBy(rg => rg.TeamName); resByTeam.ToList().ForEach(rbt => { // while grouping by team, we don't care for the key, it can be pulled from alloc entry var res = rbt.First(); // resourceG.ToList().First(); var team = this.TeamRepository.GetTeamByName(res.TeamName); if (team == null) { // pull the details of team name / lead from first item // lookup lead by eamil address? var t = new Team() { Name = res.TeamName, Lead = emp, Department = department }; t.Members.Add(emp); team = this.TeamRepository.Add(t); if (emp.Team == null) emp.Team = team; // this.ResourceRepository.Update(rmp); } if (resources.Count == 0) this.ResourceRepository.AddResource(emp); }); } // things to check // all projects exist and project id's returned var grpProjects = items.GroupBy(item => item.Project); foreach (var projectG in grpProjects) { var p = this.ProjectRepository.GetProjectByName(projectG.Key); if (p == null) { var pItem = projectG.First(); // is it possible to miss anything this way? var pTeam = this.TeamRepository.GetTeamByName(pItem.TeamName); // not going to work with this file format as team id is made up var pLead = this.ResourceRepository.GetResourcesByName(pItem.TeamLead).First(); var project = new Project() { Name = pItem.Project, Caption = pItem.Project, // ProjectSummary appears to be the budget Lead=pLead as Employee, Department = department, Team = pTeam }; decimal b; if (Decimal.TryParse(pItem.ProjectSummary, out b)) project.Budget = b; this.ProjectRepository.AddProject(project); } } // map JIRA ID's to topics in the new system var grpTopics = items.GroupBy(item => item.JiraID); grpTopics.ToList().ForEach( gt => { var jiraId = gt.Key; // empty strings are inevitable, create new topics for them Topic t = null; if (jiraId != string.Empty) { t = this.TopicRepository.GetTopicByExternalId(jiraId); if (t == null) { // steal the topic from the first item in list var firstItem = gt.First(); this.TopicRepository.Add(new JiraIssueTopic() { JiraId = jiraId, Caption = firstItem.Note }); } } else { // all the empty topics will be grouped together, so if that is the case, create as new topics now gt.ToList().ForEach(item => this.TopicRepository.Add(new Topic() { Caption = item.Note })); } }); // get all status dates to see if we are overwriting an existing report, if so, delete the old one var grpStatusDates = items.GroupBy(item => item.StatusDate); // the following should be done in a transaction. grpStatusDates.ToList().ForEach( gsd => { var statusReportDate = gsd.Key; try { this.StatusReportRepository.DeleteStatusReport(statusReportDate); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } var statusReport = StatusReport.Create(statusReportDate, String.Format("Status report for {0:MM/dd/yyyy}", statusReportDate)); statusReport.AuditInfo = new AuditInfo(dummyResource); // iterate through each item for that date and add them gsd.ToList().ForEach(statusReportItem => { // we need to construct statusitem and topic for this var statusItem = new StatusItem(); // we could use AutoMapper here - but doing manually for now as custom logic abound statusItem.Topic = this.TopicRepository.GetTopicByExternalId(statusReportItem.JiraID); if (statusItem.Topic == null) statusItem.Topic = this.TopicRepository.GetTopicByCaption(statusReportItem.Note); statusItem.Project = this.ProjectRepository.GetProjectByName(statusReportItem.Project); statusItem.AuditInfo = new AuditInfo(dummyResource); statusItem.Milestone = new Milestone() { ConfidenceLevel = statusReportItem.MilestoneConfidence ?? MilestoneConfidenceLevels.High, Date = statusReportItem.MilestoneDate, Type = statusReportItem.StatusType }; statusItem.Caption = statusReportItem.Note; //.Caption; statusItem.Notes.Add(new Note() { AuditInfo = new AuditInfo(dummyResource), Text = statusReportItem.Note }); if (statusItem.Topic != null) { statusReport.AddStatusItem(statusItem); statusItem.StatusReport = statusReport; } else _logger.Warn("Skilling statusitem {0} as no topic assigned", statusItem.Caption); }); this.StatusReportRepository.AddStatusReport(statusReport); }); // import the new status report items this.StatusReportRepository.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception exc) { _logger.ErrorException("Unable to import from CsvStatus file", exc); this.StatusReportRepository.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } finally { } }
private void InitializeHelper(out Resource dummyResource, out Department department) { var windowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); dummyResource = null; if (windowsIdentity != null) { var login = windowsIdentity.Name; dummyResource = new Employee() { WindowsLogin = login, EmailAddress = String.Format("{0}", login), FullName = "First Last" }; } else dummyResource = new Resource() { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", FirstName = "FN", LastName = "LN" }; this.ResourceRepository.AddResource(dummyResource); // create dummy department department = this.DepartmentRepository.GetByName("Department"); if (department == null) { department = new Department() { Name = "Department", Manager = dummyResource as Employee }; this.DepartmentRepository.Add(department); } }