Example #1
        //creates a list of the questions that should be disabled based on the relieson field
        private List <int> GetDisable(string userID, int Aid, List <int> AnsweredQuestion)
            var eController = new EnvironmentController();
            var aController = new AnswersController();

            List <int> iDisable = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= eController.GetQuestionCount(); i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt16(eController.GetQuestionReliesOn(i)) != 0)
                    using (var context = new DBAContext())
                        int    AnswerForRelies = Convert.ToInt16(eController.GetQuestionReliesOn(i));
                        Answer CheckAnswer     = (from t in context.Answers where ((userID == t.UId) & (AnswerForRelies == t.QId) & (Aid == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (CheckAnswer == null || CheckAnswer.Value == false)

Example #2
        public ActionResult StartSurvey(string actives, string activeLog, string activeRem, QuestionVM model)
            Security           active = session(actives, activeLog, activeRem);
            SecurityController Active = new SecurityController(active);

            if (!(IsLoggedIn(Active).CheckLogin() || !ModelState.IsValid))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            SurveyQuestionVM      surveyQuestionVM = new SurveyQuestionVM(active);
            AnswersController     aController      = new AnswersController();
            EnvironmentController eController      = new EnvironmentController();
            string userId = Active.GetID();

            if (Request.Form["btnEditSurvey"] != null)
                Answer a = aController.GetAnswer(userId, int.Parse(Request.Form["btnEditSurvey"]));

                surveyQuestionVM.QuestionText = eController.GetQuestionText(1);
                surveyQuestionVM.AId          = a.AId;
                surveyQuestionVM.QId          = 1;

                surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName = a.programName;
                surveyQuestionVM.QuestionText      = eController.GetQuestionText(1);
                surveyQuestionVM.AId               = aController.GetNextAId(userId);
                surveyQuestionVM.QId               = 1;
                surveyQuestionVM.NumberofQuestions = eController.GetQuestionCount();
                surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName       = model.Name;

            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                Answer CheckAnswer = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (1 == t.QId) & (surveyQuestionVM.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();

                if (CheckAnswer != null)
                    surveyQuestionVM.Value = CheckAnswer.Value;
            //sets up the state of the buttons
            surveyQuestionVM.NumberofQuestions = eController.GetQuestionCount();
            surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions = GetAnsweredList(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId);
            surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion   = GetDisable(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions);
            if (surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion != null)
                DeleteAnswer(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion);


            return(View("SurveyQuestions", surveyQuestionVM));
Example #3
        //The question id that are supposed to be disable are also the ones that should not exist
        private void DeleteAnswer(string userID, int Aid, List <int> Disable)
            AnswersController aController = new AnswersController();

            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                foreach (var Answer in Disable)
                    aController.DeleteAnswer(userID, Aid, Answer);
Example #4
        public ActionResult DeleteSurvey(string actives, string activeLog, string activeRem, int aId)
            Security           active = session(actives, activeLog, activeRem);
            SecurityController Active = new SecurityController(active);
            AnswersController  a      = new AnswersController();

            if (!(IsLoggedIn(Active).CheckLogin()))

            string uId = Active.GetID();

            a.DeleteWholeAnswer(uId, aId);

            InventoryVM model = new InventoryVM(uId, active);

            return(RedirectToAction("Inventory", model));
Example #5
        public ActionResult PreviousQuestion(string actives, string activeLog, string activeRem, SurveyQuestionVM model)
            Security           active = session(actives, activeLog, activeRem);
            SecurityController Active = new SecurityController(active);

            if (!(IsLoggedIn(Active).CheckLogin() || !ModelState.IsValid))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            SurveyQuestionVM      surveyQuestionVM = new SurveyQuestionVM(active);
            AnswersController     aController      = new AnswersController();
            EnvironmentController eController      = new EnvironmentController();
            string userId = Active.GetID();

            surveyQuestionVM.AId         = model.AId;
            surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName = model.ProgramName;

            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                //Checks to see if the Program Name was changed and if it was changes all of them
                Answer CheckName = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();
                if ((CheckName != null) && (CheckName.programName != surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName))
                    RenameProgram(userId, model.AId, surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName);

                //Answer to question will not be saved if it wasnt answered
                if (model.Value != null)
                    Answer previousAnswer = new Answer();
                    previousAnswer.AId         = model.AId;
                    previousAnswer.QId         = model.QId;
                    previousAnswer.UId         = userId;
                    previousAnswer.programName = model.ProgramName;
                    previousAnswer.Value       = model.Value;

                    Answer CheckAnswer = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (model.QId == t.QId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if the answer exists use Put, otherwise use Post
                    if (CheckAnswer != null)
                        previousAnswer.Created = CheckAnswer.Created;
                        aController.PutAnswer(previousAnswer.UId, previousAnswer);

            surveyQuestionVM.NumberofQuestions = eController.GetQuestionCount();
            surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions = GetAnsweredList(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId);
            surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion   = GetDisable(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions);
            if (surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion != null)
                DeleteAnswer(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion);
            surveyQuestionVM.QId = model.QId;
            int i = model.QId;

            //checks to see if the question should be skiped or not
            if (surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion.Exists(x => x == i))
                i -= 1;

            if (i <= 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Inventory", "Home"));

            //setting the next question text and id
            surveyQuestionVM.QuestionText = eController.GetQuestionText(i);
            surveyQuestionVM.QId          = i;

            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                //Checks to see if the Answer exists
                Answer CheckAnswer = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (i == t.QId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();

                //if it exists set the value for the question then load it in
                if (CheckAnswer != null)
                    surveyQuestionVM.Value = CheckAnswer.Value;


            return(View("SurveyQuestions", surveyQuestionVM));
Example #6
        public ActionResult SkipQuestion(string actives, string activeLog, string activeRem, SurveyQuestionVM model)
            Security           active = session(actives, activeLog, activeRem);
            SecurityController Active = new SecurityController(active);

            if (!(IsLoggedIn(Active).CheckLogin() || !ModelState.IsValid))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["UserInfo"];
            string     userId = cookie.Values["ID"];

            SurveyQuestionVM surveyQuestionVM = new SurveyQuestionVM(active);
            var eController = new EnvironmentController();
            var aController = new AnswersController();

            surveyQuestionVM.AId         = model.AId;
            surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName = model.ProgramName;

            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                //Checks if the program name changed
                Answer CheckName = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();
                if (CheckName != null && CheckName.programName != surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName)
                    RenameProgram(userId, model.AId, surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName);

                //if the question was not answered it doesnt get saved
                if (model.Value != null)
                    //Save the Answer to the question just answered.
                    Answer previousAnswer = new Answer();
                    previousAnswer.QId         = model.QId;
                    previousAnswer.Value       = model.Value;
                    previousAnswer.programName = model.ProgramName;
                    previousAnswer.UId         = userId;
                    previousAnswer.AId         = model.AId;

                    //checks to see if the answer exists
                    Answer CheckAnswer = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (model.QId == t.QId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if the answer exists use Put, otherwise use Post
                    if (CheckAnswer != null)
                        previousAnswer.Created = CheckAnswer.Created;
                        aController.PutAnswer(previousAnswer.UId, previousAnswer);
            //set up for the state of the buttons
            surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions = GetAnsweredList(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId);
            surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion   = GetDisable(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions);
            if (surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion != null)
                DeleteAnswer(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion);
            surveyQuestionVM.QuestionText = eController.GetQuestionText(model.SkipTo);
            surveyQuestionVM.QId          = model.SkipTo;

            //checks to see if the next question has an answer already
            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                Answer CheckAnswer = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (model.SkipTo == t.QId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();

                surveyQuestionVM.NumberofQuestions = eController.GetQuestionCount();

                //sets the value for the next answer to the answer that exists
                if (CheckAnswer != null)
                    surveyQuestionVM.Value = CheckAnswer.Value;


            return(View("SurveyQuestions", surveyQuestionVM));
Example #7
        public ActionResult NextQuestion(string actives, string activeLog, string activeRem, SurveyQuestionVM model)
            Security           active = session(actives, activeLog, activeRem);
            SecurityController Active = new SecurityController(active);

            if (!(IsLoggedIn(Active).CheckLogin() || !ModelState.IsValid))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            SurveyQuestionVM      surveyQuestionVM = new SurveyQuestionVM(active);
            EnvironmentController eController      = new EnvironmentController();
            AnswersController     aController      = new AnswersController();
            string userId = Active.GetID();

            surveyQuestionVM.AId         = model.AId;
            surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName = model.ProgramName;

            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                //checking to see if the Program name was changed and if it was to change the rest of them
                Answer CheckName = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();
                if (CheckName != null && CheckName.programName != surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName)
                    RenameProgram(userId, model.AId, surveyQuestionVM.ProgramName);

                //Answer to question will not be saved if it wasnt answered
                if (model.Value != null)
                    //Save the Answer to the question just answered.
                    Answer previousAnswer = new Answer();
                    previousAnswer.QId         = model.QId;
                    previousAnswer.Value       = model.Value;
                    previousAnswer.programName = model.ProgramName;
                    previousAnswer.UId         = userId;
                    previousAnswer.AId         = model.AId;

                    //checks to see if the answer exists
                    Answer CheckAnswer = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (model.QId == t.QId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if the answer exists use Put, otherwise use Post
                    if (CheckAnswer != null)
                        previousAnswer.Created = CheckAnswer.Created;
                        aController.PutAnswer(previousAnswer.UId, previousAnswer);

            //sets up the state of the buttons
            surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions = GetAnsweredList(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId);
            surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion   = GetDisable(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.AnsweredQuestions);
            if (surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion != null)
                DeleteAnswer(userId, surveyQuestionVM.AId, surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion);
            surveyQuestionVM.QId = model.QId;
            int i = model.QId;

            //Skips if the next question should not be answered
            if (surveyQuestionVM.DisableQuestion.Exists(x => x == i))
                i += 1;

            //redirects to the summary when it reachs the end
            int End = eController.GetQuestionCount();

            if (i > End)
                return(RedirectToAction("Inventory", "Home"));

            //sets tje question text and ID
            surveyQuestionVM.QuestionText = eController.GetQuestionText(i);
            surveyQuestionVM.QId          = i;

            //checks to see if the next question has an answer already
            using (var context = new DBAContext())
                Answer CheckAnswer = (from t in context.Answers where ((userId == t.UId) & (i == t.QId) & (model.AId == t.AId)) select t).FirstOrDefault();

                surveyQuestionVM.NumberofQuestions = eController.GetQuestionCount();

                //sets the value for the next answer to the answer that exists
                if (CheckAnswer != null)
                    surveyQuestionVM.Value = CheckAnswer.Value;
            return(View("SurveyQuestions", surveyQuestionVM));