Example #1
        // NOTE: not guaranteed to be a method (e.g. class op_Addition)
        // NOTE: constructor fallback logic applies
        private ImmutableArray <Symbol> BindOperatorMemberCref(OperatorMemberCrefSyntax syntax, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol containerOpt, out Symbol ambiguityWinner, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            const int arity = 0;

            CrefParameterListSyntax parameterListSyntax = syntax.Parameters;

            // NOTE: Prefer binary to unary, unless there is exactly one parameter.
            // CONSIDER: we're following dev11 by never using a binary operator name if there's
            // exactly one parameter, but doing so would allow us to match single-parameter constructors.
            SyntaxKind operatorTokenKind = syntax.OperatorToken.Kind();
            string     memberName        = parameterListSyntax != null && parameterListSyntax.Parameters.Count == 1
                ? null
                : OperatorFacts.BinaryOperatorNameFromSyntaxKindIfAny(operatorTokenKind);

            memberName = memberName ?? OperatorFacts.UnaryOperatorNameFromSyntaxKindIfAny(operatorTokenKind);

            if (memberName == null)
                ambiguityWinner = null;
                return(ImmutableArray <Symbol> .Empty);

            ImmutableArray <Symbol> sortedSymbols = ComputeSortedCrefMembers(syntax, containerOpt, memberName, arity, syntax.Parameters != null, diagnostics);

            if (sortedSymbols.IsEmpty)
                ambiguityWinner = null;
                return(ImmutableArray <Symbol> .Empty);

                       typeArgumentListSyntax: null,
                       parameterListSyntax: parameterListSyntax,
                       ambiguityWinner: out ambiguityWinner,
                       diagnostics: diagnostics));