public static Beatmap DMap_to_SMap(DeemoBeatmapData dMap)
            if (dMap is null || dMap.notes is null)
            // Fix Deemo ID
            for (int i = 0; i < dMap.notes.Length; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < dMap.links.Length; i++)
                var link = dMap.links[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < link.notes.Length; j++)
            // Start
            int noteCount = dMap.notes.Length;
            var data      = new Beatmap {
                BPM         = 120,
                Shift       = 0f,
                Level       = 1,
                Ratio       = 1.5f,
                Tag         = "Normal",
                CreatedTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks,
                Timings     = new List <Beatmap.Timing>(),
                Stages      = new List <Beatmap.Stage> {
                    new Beatmap.Stage()                       // Bottom
                        Duration  = float.MaxValue,
                        Rotation  = 0f,
                        Speed     = 2f / 3f,
                        Time      = 0f,
                        Width     = 0.8f,
                        Height    = 1f,
                        X         = 0.5f,
                        Y         = 0f,
                        Heights   = { },
                        Widths    = { },
                        Positions = { },
                        Rotations = { },
                Tracks = new List <Beatmap.Track>()
                    new Beatmap.Track()                       // Bottom
                        Duration   = float.MaxValue,
                        Time       = 0f,
                        StageIndex = 0,
                        Width      = 1f,
                        X          = 0.5f,
                        HasTray    = false,
                        Speed      = 1f,
                        Color      = 1,
                        Angle      = 30,
                        Xs         = { },
                        Widths     = { },
                        Colors     = { },
                        Angles     = { },
            // Note Array
            var realIDs       = new int[noteCount];
            int realNoteCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < noteCount; i++)
                var dNote = dMap.notes[i];
                if (dNote.pos >= -2.01f && dNote.pos <= 2.01f)
                    realIDs[i] = realNoteCount;
                    realIDs[i]    = -1;
                    dMap.notes[i] = null;
            // Notes
            data.Notes = new List <Beatmap.Note>(new Beatmap.Note[realNoteCount]);
            for (int i = 0; i < noteCount; i++)
                var dNote  = dMap.notes[i];
                int realID = realIDs[i];
                if (dNote != null && realID >= 0)
                    data.Notes[realID] = new Beatmap.Note()
                        Time            = dNote._time,
                        X               = Util.Remap(-2f, 2f, 0f, 1f, dNote.pos),
                        Width           = dNote.size / 5f,
                        ItemType        = dNote.sounds == null || dNote.sounds.Length == 0 ? (int)NoteType.Mute : (int)NoteType.Normal,
                        LinkedNoteIndex = -1,
                        Duration        = 0f,
                        ClickSoundIndex = (short)(dNote.sounds == null || dNote.sounds.Length == 0 ? -1 : 0),
                        TrackIndex      = 0,
                        Speed           = 1f,
            // Links
            for (int i = 0; i < dMap.links.Length; i++)
                var dLink = dMap.links[i];
                if (dLink.notes != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dLink.notes.Length; j++)
                        int refID = dLink.notes[j].__ref;
                        if (refID < 0 || refID >= noteCount)
                        int realID = realIDs[refID];
                        if (realID < 0 || realID >= noteCount)
                        // Slide
                        data.Notes[realID].ItemType = (int)NoteType.Slide;
                        // Link to Next
                        if (j < dLink.notes.Length - 1)
                            data.Notes[realID].LinkedNoteIndex = realIDs[dLink.notes[j + 1].__ref];
            // Final
        public static DeemoBeatmapData SMap_to_DMap(Beatmap sMap)
            if (sMap is null || sMap.Stages == null || sMap.Stages.Count == 0 || sMap.Notes == null)
            int noteCount = sMap.Notes.Count;
            var dMap      = new DeemoBeatmapData()
                speed = 1f,
                notes = new NoteData[noteCount],
            // Notes
            var linkMap = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < noteCount; i++)
                var sNote     = sMap.Notes[i];
                int linkIndex = sNote.LinkedNoteIndex;
                if (linkIndex >= 0 && linkIndex < noteCount)
                    // Link Map
                    if (!linkMap.ContainsKey(i))
                        if (!linkMap.ContainsKey(linkIndex))
                            // Get List
                            int index = i;
                            var list  = new List <int>();
                            int safe  = 0;
                            while (index >= 0 && index < noteCount)
                                index = sMap.Notes[index].LinkedNoteIndex;
                                if (safe > noteCount + 1)
                            // Add to Map
                            if (list.Count > 0)
                                linkMap.Add(i, list);
                                for (int i1 = 1; i1 < list.Count; i1++)
                                    int lIndex = list[i1];
                                    if (linkMap.ContainsKey(lIndex))
                                        linkMap.Add(lIndex, new List <int>());
                dMap.notes[i] = new NoteData()
                    __id   = i + 1,
                    _time  = sNote.Time,
                    pos    = Util.Remap(0f, 1f, -2f, 2f, sNote.X),
                    size   = sNote.Width * 5f,
                    sounds = sNote.ItemType == (int)NoteType.Normal ? new NoteData.SoundData[1] {
                        new NoteData.SoundData()
                            d = 0f, p = 0, v = 0,
                    } : null,
            // Links
            var finalLinkedList = new List <int[]>();

            foreach (var pair in linkMap)
                if (pair.Value != null && pair.Value.Count > 0)
            dMap.links = new LinkData[finalLinkedList.Count];
            if (finalLinkedList.Count > 0)
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < finalLinkedList.Count; i1++)
                    int[] list = finalLinkedList[i1];
                    dMap.links[i1] = new LinkData()
                        notes = new LinkData.LinkedNote[list.Length],
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                        dMap.links[i1].notes[i] = new LinkData.LinkedNote()
                            __ref = list[i] + 1
            // Final