public Stack()
     stackElements = new LinkedList();
        private static void linkedlistTest()
            LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();

            Console.Out.WriteLine("======>LinkedList Test 1<======");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(">>Tests whether or not nodes can be added to a linked list and that the getSize method works");
            ll.insertAtFront("node 4");
            ll.insertAtFront("node 3");
            ll.insertAtFront("node 2");
            ll.insertAtFront("node 1");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("getSize() returned: " + ll.getSize());
            Console.Out.Write("Test Passed: ");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(ll.getSize() == 4);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("======>LinkedList Test 2<======");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(">>Tests whether or not the linkedlist's toString method works");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("toString() returned: " + ll.toString());
            Console.Out.Write("Test Passed: ");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Equals(ll.toString(), "( node 1 , node 2 , node 3 , node 4 )"));

            Console.Out.WriteLine("======>LinkedList Test 3<======");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(">>Tests whether or not the linkedlist's contains method works");
            Console.Out.Write("contains(\"node 1\") returned: ");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(ll.contains("node 1"));
            Console.Out.Write("contains(\"node 5\") returned: ");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(ll.contains("node 5"));
            Console.Out.Write("Test Passed: ");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(ll.contains("node 1") == true && ll.contains("node 5") == false);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("======>LinkedList Test 4<======");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(">>Tests whether or not the linkedlist's deleteFromfront and delete methods work");
            ll.delete("node 4");
            Console.Out.Write("Test Passed: ");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(ll.contains("node 1") == false && ll.contains("node 2") == true && ll.contains("node 3") == true && ll.contains("node 4") == false &&
                ll.getSize() == 2 && String.Equals(ll.toString(), "( node 2 , node 3 )"));

            Console.Out.WriteLine("======>LinkedList Test 5<======");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(">>Tests whether or not the linkedlist's getDataAtFront method works");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("getDataAtFront() returned: " + ll.getDataAtFront());
            Console.Out.Write("Test Passed: ");
            Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Equals(ll.getDataAtFront(), "node 2"));