public static void SaveCodeReviewToDatabase(SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewRow codeReviewRow)
            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    CodeReview r = new CodeReview()
                        CheckSum      = codeReviewRow.CheckSum,
                        CodeReviewId  = codeReviewRow.CodeReviewId,
                        Comment       = codeReviewRow.Comment,
                        ReviewBy      = codeReviewRow.ReviewBy,
                        ReviewDate    = codeReviewRow.ReviewDate,
                        ReviewNumber  = codeReviewRow.ReviewNumber,
                        ReviewStatus  = codeReviewRow.ReviewStatus,
                        ScriptId      = codeReviewRow.ScriptId,
                        ValidationKey = codeReviewRow.ValidationKey

                    SqlCodeReviewEntities e = GetNewEntity();
                    log.DebugFormat("Saved new CodeReview entity for {0}.", codeReviewRow.CodeReviewId);
                catch (Exception exe)
                    log.Error(String.Format("Unable to save new CodeReview entity for {0}.", codeReviewRow.CodeReviewId), exe);
        public static void UpdateCodeReviewToDatabase(SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewRow codeReviewRow)
            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    SqlCodeReviewEntities e = GetNewEntity();
                    var r = from cr in e.CodeReviews
                            where cr.CodeReviewId == codeReviewRow.CodeReviewId
                            select cr;
                    if (!r.Any())
                        CodeReview review    = r.First();
                        review.CheckSum      = codeReviewRow.CheckSum;
                        review.Comment       = codeReviewRow.Comment;
                        review.ReviewBy      = codeReviewRow.ReviewBy;
                        review.ReviewDate    = codeReviewRow.ReviewDate;
                        review.ReviewNumber  = codeReviewRow.ReviewNumber;
                        review.ReviewStatus  = codeReviewRow.ReviewStatus;
                        review.ScriptId      = codeReviewRow.ScriptId;
                        review.ValidationKey = codeReviewRow.ValidationKey;

                    log.DebugFormat("Updated CodeReview entity for {0}.", codeReviewRow.CodeReviewId);
                catch (Exception exe)
                    log.Error(String.Format("Unable to update CodeReview entity for {0}.", codeReviewRow.CodeReviewId), exe);
        public static SqlSyncBuildData LoadCodeReviewData(SqlSyncBuildData buildData, out bool databaseSuccess)
            //Make sure the table it empty...
            SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewDataTable crTable = buildData.CodeReview;

            //Get the list of script ids...
            var scriptIds = from s in buildData.Script
                            select s.ScriptId;
            List <string> lstScriptIds = scriptIds.ToList();

            try //sync the database and the local reviews if possible...
                SqlCodeReviewEntities e = GetNewEntity();

                //Get all reviews from the database that match our scripts...
                var reviews = from crEntity in e.CodeReviews
                              where lstScriptIds.Contains(crEntity.ScriptId)
                              select crEntity;
                //string sql = ((System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery)reviews).ToTraceString();
                List <CodeReview> lstDatabaseReviews = reviews.ToList();

                //find the matching EF CodeReview and CodeReview table entries and sync as appropriate
                var matches = from r in lstDatabaseReviews
                              join c in crTable on r.CodeReviewId equals c.CodeReviewId
                              select new { r, c };
                var matchList = matches.ToList();

                //Update the EF reviews where there is a matching, more current local version
                bool localChanges = false;
                foreach (var pair in matchList)
                    //Only need to update if the XML review is more current...
                    if (pair.c.ReviewDate > pair.r.ReviewDate)
                        SyncXmlReviewDatatoEfReview(pair.c, pair.r);
                        localChanges = true;

                //Add to the EF reviews if there are local ones that don't exist in the database...
                var         efReview    = from r in reviews select r.CodeReviewId;
                List <Guid> efReviewIds = efReview.ToList();
                var         localOnlyId = (from c in crTable
                                           select c.CodeReviewId).Except(efReviewIds);

                var localOnlyRow = from c in crTable
                                   where localOnlyId.Contains(c.CodeReviewId)
                                   select c;

                foreach (SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewRow row in localOnlyRow)
                    CodeReview codeReview = new CodeReview();
                    SyncXmlReviewDatatoEfReview(row, codeReview);
                    lstDatabaseReviews.Add(codeReview);  //add to local collection
                    e.CodeReviews.AddObject(codeReview); //add to database collection
                    localChanges = true;

                if (localChanges)

                //Now that the database can be considered the "master" set of data, load it up!
                    //Clear out the local rows and pull from database...

                    List <SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewRow> newRows = new List <SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewRow>();
                    Parallel.ForEach(buildData.Script, row =>
                        string scriptId = row.ScriptId;

                        var match = from r in lstDatabaseReviews
                                    where r.ScriptId == scriptId
                                    select r;

                        foreach (CodeReview cr in match)
                            SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewRow newRow = buildData.CodeReview.NewCodeReviewRow();
                            newRow.ScriptId      = row.ScriptId;
                            newRow.CheckSum      = cr.CheckSum;
                            newRow.CodeReviewId  = cr.CodeReviewId;
                            newRow.Comment       = cr.Comment;
                            newRow.ReviewBy      = cr.ReviewBy;
                            newRow.ReviewDate    = (DateTime)cr.ReviewDate;
                            newRow.ReviewNumber  = cr.ReviewNumber;
                            newRow.ReviewStatus  = (short)cr.ReviewStatus;
                            newRow.ValidationKey = cr.ValidationKey;
                            newRow.ScriptRow     = row;


                    //Add them on the same thread...
                    foreach (SqlSyncBuildData.CodeReviewRow newRow in newRows)

                    databaseSuccess = true;
                catch (System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityException exe)
                        "Unable to connect to SqlCodeReview database. Code Reviews will not be sync'd with the database",
                    databaseSuccess = false;
                catch (Exception generalExe)
                    log.Error("Unable to read SqlCodeReview", generalExe);
                    databaseSuccess = false;
            catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlExe)
                log.Error(string.Format("Current user '{0}' errored at the database", System.Environment.UserName), sqlExe);
                databaseSuccess = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                    "Unable to sync local code reviews with SqlCodeReview database. Code Reviews will not be sync'd with the database",
                databaseSuccess = false;