public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful"); ah.ComKickSpec(e, new string[] { stateAfter ? "1" : "0" }); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes to " + (stateAfter ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE") + " kickspec"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (words.Length == 0) { if (ah.BossName == "") { ah.Respond(e, "there is currently no boss to remove"); return(false); } else { player = ""; ah.SayBattle("Do you want to remove current boss " + ah.BossName + "? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } } string[] players; int[] indexes; if (AutoHost.FilterUsers(words, tas, spring, out players, out indexes) > 0) { player = players[0]; ah.SayBattle("Do you want to elect " + player + " for the boss? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "Cannot find such player"); return(false); } }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - rehosting"); ah.ComRehost(e, new string[] { modname }); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - appling preset " + presetName); ah.presets[presetId].Apply(tas, ah.ladder); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes for preset"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - kicking " + player); ah.ComKick(TasSayEventArgs.Default, new string[] { player }); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes, player stays"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public AbstractPoll(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) { this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; this.ah = ah; initialUserCount = 0; Battle b = tas.GetBattle(); if (b != null) { foreach (UserBattleStatus us in b.Users) { if ( != tas.UserName) { users.Add(; votes.Add(0); if (!us.IsSpectator) { initialUserCount++; } } } } }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - changing map to " + map); tas.ChangeMap(spring.UnitSync.MapList[map]); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes, map stays"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public VotePlanet(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) { this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; this.ah = ah; var pw = Program.main.PlanetWars; var fact = pw.GetOffensiveFaction(); faction = fact.Name; users.Clear(); votes.Clear(); initialUserCount = 0; Battle b = tas.GetBattle(); if (b != null) { foreach (UserBattleStatus us in b.Users) { if ( != tas.UserName && !us.IsSpectator && pw.GetPlayerInfo( == faction) { users.Add(; votes.Add(0); initialUserCount++; } } } }
public PlanetWarsHandler(string host, int port, AutoHost autoHost, TasClient tas, MainConfig config) { this.autoHost = autoHost; this.tas = tas; = host; account = new AuthInfo(config.AccountName, config.PlanetWarsServerPassword); server = (ISpringieServer) Activator.GetObject(typeof (ISpringieServer), String.Format("tcp://{0}:{1}/IServer", host, port)); // fill factions for channel monitoring and join channels planetWarsChannels = new List<string>(); var factions = server.GetFactions(account); foreach (var fact in factions) { string name = fact.Name.ToLower(); planetWarsChannels.Add(name); if (!config.JoinChannels.Contains(name)) { var list = new List<string>(config.JoinChannels); list.Add(name); config.JoinChannels = list.ToArray(); if (tas != null && tas.IsConnected && tas.IsLoggedIn) tas.JoinChannel(name); } } timer.Interval = 2000; timer.Elapsed += timer_Elapsed; timer.AutoReset = true; timer.Start(); }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - appling options " + wordFormat); tas.SetScriptTag(scriptTagsFormat); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes for setoptions"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (!spring.IsRunning) { ah.SayBattle("Do you want to force start game? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); // only smallest ally team can vote var b = tas.GetBattle(); var grouping = b.Users.Where(u => !u.IsSpectator).GroupBy(u => u.AllyNumber).OrderBy(g => g.Count()).ToList(); if (grouping.Count() == 2) { allowedAlly = grouping[0].Key; initialUserCount = grouping[0].Count(); } else { allowedAlly = -1; } return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "battle already started"); return(false); } }
public BanList(AutoHost ah, TasClient tas) { this.tas = tas; this.ah = ah; tas.BattleUserIpRecieved += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserIpRecieved); tas.BattleUserJoined += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserJoined); }
public BanList(AutoHost ah, TasClient tas) { this.tas = tas; this.ah = ah; tas.BattleUserIpRecieved += tas_BattleUserIpRecieved; tas.BattleUserJoined += tas_BattleUserJoined; }
public BanList(AutoHost ah, TasClient tas) { this.tas = tas; this.ah = ah; tas.BattleUserIpRecieved += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserIpRecieved); tas.BattleUserJoined += new EventHandler <TasEventArgs>(tas_BattleUserJoined); }
void CheckAutoCloseSlave(bool exited, AutoHost slave) { if (exited && slave.tas.MyBattle.NonSpectatorCount < ah.config.MinToJuggle && !slave.spring.IsRunning) { foreach (var p in slave.tas.MyBattle.Users.Values.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator && x.Name != slave.tas.MyBattle.Founder.Name)) { slave.tas.ForceJoinBattle(p.Name, tas.MyBattleID); } Program.main.StopAutohost(slave); } }
internal static int FilterPresets(string[] words, AutoHost autohost, out string[] vals, out int[] indexes) { string[] temp = new string[autohost.presets.Count]; int cnt = 0; foreach (Preset p in autohost.presets) { temp[cnt++] = p.Name + " --> " + p.Description; } return(Filter(temp, words, out vals, out indexes)); }
public bool Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (!spring.IsRunning) { ah.SayBattle("Do you want to force start game? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "battle already started"); return(false); } }
public bool Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (spring.IsRunning) { ah.SayBattle("Do you want to exit this game? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "game not running"); return(false); } }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; var pw = Program.main.PlanetWars; if (e.UserName != "") { // this is needed due to "timeout" hackthing with vote var info = pw.GetPlayerInfo(e.UserName); if (info == null || info.FactionName != faction) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, string.Format("{0}, it's not your faction's turn", e.UserName)); return(false); } if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - changing planet to " + planet); var sel = pw.GetAttackOptions().Find((p) => p.Name == planet); tas.ChangeMap(spring.UnitSync.MapList[sel.MapName]); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes, planet stays"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public AbstractPoll(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) { this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; this.ah = ah; initialUserCount = 0; var b = tas.GetBattle(); if (b != null) { foreach (var us in b.Users) { if ( != tas.UserName) { users.Add(; votes.Add(0); if (!us.IsSpectator) initialUserCount++; } } } }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (allowedAlly != -1) { int ally = tas.GetBattle().Users.Where(u => == e.UserName && !u.IsSpectator).Select(u => u.AllyNumber).SingleOrDefault(); if (ally != allowedAlly) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "Only smaller team can vote"); return(false); } } if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - force starting"); ah.ComForceStart(e, words); } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
bool IVotable.Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (words.Length == 0) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must specify planet name"); return(false); } string[] vals; int[] indexes; if (ah.FilterPlanets(words, out vals, out indexes) > 0) { planet = vals[0]; ah.SayBattle(string.Format("Do you want to change planet to {0}? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no", planet)); return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "Cannot find such planet"); return(false); } }
static void SlaveStartSpring(AutoHost ah, List <UserBattleStatus> team) { var serv = GlobalConst.GetSpringieService(); var context = ah.tas.MyBattle.GetContext(); context.Players = team.Select(x => new PlayerTeam() { AllyID = x.AllyNumber, Name = x.Name, LobbyID = x.LobbyUser.AccountID, TeamID = x.TeamNumber, IsSpectator = false }).ToList(); var balance = serv.BalanceTeams(context, true, null, null); ah.ApplyBalanceResults(balance); context.Players = balance.Players; context.Bots = balance.Bots; ah.SayBattle("please wait, game is about to start"); ah.StopVote(); ah.slaveContextOverride = context; ah.tas.StartGame(); }
bool IVotable.Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (words.Length == 0) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must specify map name"); return(false); } string[] vals; int[] indexes; if (ah.FilterMaps(words, out vals, out indexes) > 0) { map = vals[0]; ah.SayBattle("Do you want to change map to " + map + "? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "Cannot find such map"); return(false); } }
public bool Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (words.Length == 0) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must specify player name"); return(false); } string[] players; int[] indexes; if (AutoHost.FilterUsers(words, tas, spring, out players, out indexes) > 0) { player = players[0]; ah.SayBattle("Do you want to kick " + player + "? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "Cannot find such player"); return(false); } }
public bool Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (words.Length == 0) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must specify preset name"); return(false); } string[] vals; int[] indexes; if (AutoHost.FilterPresets(words, ah, out vals, out indexes) > 0) { presetId = indexes[0]; presetName = vals[0]; ah.SayBattle("Do you want to apply preset " + presetName + "? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } else { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "cannot find such preset"); return(false); } }
public bool Vote(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { int vote; if (!RegisterVote(e, words, out vote)) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "You must vote valid option/not be a spectator"); return(false); } int winVote; if (CheckEnd(out winVote)) { if (winVote == 1) { if (player == "") { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - boss removed"); } else { ah.SayBattle("vote successful - new boss is " + player); } ah.BossName = player; } else { ah.SayBattle("not enough votes"); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Init(TasSayEventArgs e, string[] words) { if (words.Length == 0) { ah.SayBattle("Do you want to rehost this game? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } else { string[] mods; int[] indexes; if (AutoHost.FilterMods(words, tas, spring, out mods, out indexes) == 0) { AutoHost.Respond(tas, spring, e, "cannot find such mod"); return(false); } else { modname = mods[0]; ah.SayBattle("Do you want to rehost this game to " + modname + "? !vote 1 = yes, !vote 2 = no"); return(true); } } }
public VotePreset(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) { }
void CheckAutoCloseSlave(bool exited, AutoHost slave) { if (exited && slave.tas.MyBattle.NonSpectatorCount < ah.config.MinToJuggle && !slave.spring.IsRunning) { foreach (var p in slave.tas.MyBattle.Users.Values.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator && x.Name != slave.tas.MyBattle.Founder.Name)) slave.tas.ForceJoinBattle(p.Name, tas.MyBattleID); Program.main.StopAutohost(slave); } }
public VoteForceStart(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) {}
internal static int FilterPresets(string[] words, AutoHost autohost, out string[] vals, out int[] indexes) { string[] temp = new string[autohost.presets.Count]; int cnt = 0; foreach (Preset p in autohost.presets) temp[cnt++] = p.Name + " --> " + p.Description; return Filter(temp, words, out vals, out indexes); }
public VoteSetOptions(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) {}
public MatchMakerQueue(AutoHost ah) { this.ah = ah; ah.Commands.Commands.RemoveAll(x => !allowedCommands.Contains(x.Name)); tas = ah.tas; tas.BattleOpened += (sender, args) => { starting = false; UpdateCount(); StopIfCountLow(); lastCount = count; }; tas.BattleUserJoined += (sender, args) => { if (tas.MyBattleID != args.BattleID) return; tas.Say(SayPlace.BattlePrivate, args.UserName, string.Format("Hi {0}, you are {1}. in the queue", args.UserName, tas.MyBattle.NonSpectatorCount), true); }; tas.BattleUserLeft += (sender, args) => { if (tas.MyBattleID != args.BattleID) return; UpdateCount(); StopIfCountLow(); lastCount = count; }; tas.BattleUserStatusChanged += (sender, args) => { UpdateCount(); if (count != lastCount) // user count changed { if (count > lastCount) // users added { if (count >= ah.config.MinToJuggle) // enough to start { if (!starting) // start fresh { startingFrom = DateTime.Now; scheduledStart = startingFrom.AddSeconds(initialDelay); // start in one minute starting = true; foreach (var user in tas.MyBattle.Users.Keys) tas.Ring(SayPlace.BattlePrivate, user); } else // postpone { DateTime postpone = scheduledStart.AddSeconds(newJoinerDelay); DateTime deadline = startingFrom.AddSeconds(maxDelay); if (postpone > deadline) scheduledStart = deadline; else scheduledStart = postpone; } tas.Say(SayPlace.Battle, "", string.Format("Queue starting in {0}s", Math.Round(scheduledStart.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds)), true); } else // not enough to start tas.Say(SayPlace.Battle, "", string.Format("Queue needs {0} more people", ah.config.MinToJuggle - count), true); } else // users removed StopIfCountLow(); lastCount = count; } }; var timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = 1000; timer.AutoReset = true; timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => { if (starting && DateTime.Now >= scheduledStart) { starting = false; var teams = BuildTeams(); if (teams == null) tas.Say(SayPlace.Battle, "", "Queue cannot start yet because of skill differences", true); else { var spectators = tas.MyBattle.Users.Values.Where(x => x.IsSpectator && x.Name != tas.MyBattle.Founder.Name && x.SyncStatus == SyncStatuses.Synced).ToList(); foreach (var t in teams) { CreateSlave(t, spectators); spectators = null; } } } }; timer.Start(); }
internal static int FilterMods(string[] words, AutoHost ah, out string[] vals, out int[] indexes) { var result = ah.cache.FindResourceData(words, ResourceType.Mod); vals = result.Select(x => x.InternalName).ToArray(); indexes = result.Select(x => x.ResourceID).ToArray(); return vals.Length; }
public void StopAutohost(AutoHost ah) { lock (autoHosts) { autoHosts.Remove(ah); } ah.Dispose(); }
public AutoHost SpawnAutoHost(AhConfig config, SpawnConfig spawnData) { AutoHost ah; lock (autoHosts) { ah = new AutoHost(MetaCache, config, GetFreeHostingPort(), spawnData); var otherClone = autoHosts.Where(x => x.config.Login == config.Login).Max(x => (int?)x.CloneNumber); if (otherClone.HasValue) ah.CloneNumber = otherClone.Value + 1; autoHosts.Add(ah); } return ah; }
public VotePlanet(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) { this.tas = tas; this.spring = spring; this.ah = ah; var pw = Program.main.PlanetWars; var fact = pw.GetOffensiveFaction(); faction = fact.Name; users.Clear(); votes.Clear(); initialUserCount = 0; var b = tas.GetBattle(); if (b != null) { foreach (var us in b.Users) { if ( != tas.UserName && !us.IsSpectator && pw.GetPlayerInfo( == faction) { users.Add(; votes.Add(0); initialUserCount++; } } } }
public VoteKickSpec(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) { }
public ResourceLinkSpringieClient(AutoHost ah) { this.ah = ah; plasmaService = GlobalConst.GetContentService(); }
//new const double ratio = 0.50; public VoteBoss(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) { }
//new const double ratio = 0.50; #region Constructors public VoteBoss(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) {}
public VoteSetOptions(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) { }
public VoteForceStart(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) { }
public bool Start() { if (config.AttemptToRecconnect) { recon = new Timer(config.AttemptReconnectInterval*1000); recon.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(recon_Elapsed); } recon.Enabled = false; try { spring = new Spring(config.SpringPath); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Spring not found in " + config.SpringPath, "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); OpenFileDialog od = new OpenFileDialog(); od.FileName = Spring.ExecutableName; od.DefaultExt = Path.GetExtension(Spring.ExecutableName); od.InitialDirectory = config.SpringPath; od.Title = "Please select your spring installation"; od.RestoreDirectory = true; od.CheckFileExists = true; od.CheckPathExists = true; od.AddExtension = true; od.Filter = "Executable (*.exe)|*.exe"; DialogResult dr = od.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { config.SpringPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(od.FileName); SaveConfig(); try { spring = new Spring(config.SpringPath); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error while checking spring, exiting"); Application.Exit(); return false; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Spring not found, exiting"); Application.Exit(); return false; } } tas = new TasClient(); tas.ConnectionLost += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(tas_ConnectionLost); tas.Connected += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(tas_Connected); tas.LoginDenied += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(tas_LoginDenied); tas.LoginAccepted += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(tas_LoginAccepted); tas.Said += new EventHandler<TasSayEventArgs>(tas_Said); tas.MyStatusChangedToInGame += new EventHandler<TasEventArgs>(tas_MyStatusChangedToInGame); spring.SpringExited += new EventHandler(spring_SpringExited); spring.SpringStarted += new EventHandler(spring_SpringStarted); spring.PlayerSaid += new EventHandler<SpringLogEventArgs>(spring_PlayerSaid); autoHost = new AutoHost(tas, spring, null); autoUpdater = new AutoUpdater(spring, tas); if (config.StatsEnabled) stats = new Stats(tas, spring); try { tas.Connect(config.ServerHost, config.ServerPort); } catch { recon.Start(); } return true; }
static void SlaveStartSpring(AutoHost ah, List<UserBattleStatus> team) { var serv = GlobalConst.GetSpringieService(); var context = ah.tas.MyBattle.GetContext(); context.Players = team.Select(x => new PlayerTeam() { AllyID = x.AllyNumber, Name = x.Name, LobbyID = x.LobbyUser.AccountID, TeamID = x.TeamNumber, IsSpectator = false }).ToList(); var balance = serv.BalanceTeams(context, true, null, null); ah.ApplyBalanceResults(balance); context.Players = balance.Players; context.Bots = balance.Bots; ah.SayBattle("please wait, game is about to start"); ah.StopVote(); ah.slaveContextOverride = context; ah.tas.StartGame(); }
public AutoHost SpawnAutoHost(AhConfig config, SpawnConfig spawnData) { AutoHost ah; lock (autoHosts) { ah = new AutoHost(MetaCache, config, GetFreeHostingPort(), spawnData); autoHosts.Add(ah); } return ah; }
public VotePreset(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) {}
public VoteKickSpec(TasClient tas, Spring spring, AutoHost ah) : base(tas, spring, ah) {}
public bool Start() { if (config.AttemptToRecconnect) { recon = new Timer(config.AttemptReconnectInterval*1000); recon.Elapsed += recon_Elapsed; } recon.Enabled = false; spring = new Spring(); tas = new TasClient(); tas.ConnectionLost += tas_ConnectionLost; tas.Connected += tas_Connected; tas.LoginDenied += tas_LoginDenied; tas.LoginAccepted += tas_LoginAccepted; tas.Said += tas_Said; tas.MyStatusChangedToInGame += tas_MyStatusChangedToInGame; tas.ChannelUserAdded += tas_ChannelUserAdded; spring.SpringExited += spring_SpringExited; spring.SpringStarted += spring_SpringStarted; spring.PlayerSaid += spring_PlayerSaid; autoHost = new AutoHost(tas, spring, null); if (config.PlanetWarsEnabled) InitializePlanetWarsServer(); autoUpdater = new AutoUpdater(spring, tas); if (config.StatsEnabledReal) stats = new Stats(tas, spring); try { tas.Connect(config.ServerHost, config.ServerPort); } catch { recon.Start(); } return true; }