public string CalculateClassification(Customer customer)
            if (customer == null)
                return null;

            // we calculate based on customer's A alphabet cout (of course)
            int aCount = 0;
            foreach (char c in customer.CompanyName)
                if (Char.ToLowerInvariant(c) == 'a')

            if (aCount > 4)
                // great customer!
                return "A";
            if (aCount > 1)
                // ok..
                return "B";

            // a really lousy customer...
            return "C";
        public void CustomerDaoTests()
            Assert.AreEqual(91, customerDao.GetAll().Count);

            Customer c = new Customer(new DefaultCustomerClassificationCalculator());
            c.Id = "MPOLL";           
            c.CompanyName = "Interface21";
            c = customerDao.Get("MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.Id, "MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.CompanyName, "Interface21");

            //Without flushing, nothing changes in the database:
            int customerCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Customers");           
            Assert.AreEqual(91, customerCount);

            //Flush the session to execute sql in the db.
            SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(sessionFactory, true).Flush();
            //Now changes are visible outside the session but within the same database transaction
            customerCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Customers");
            Assert.AreEqual(92, customerCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(92, customerDao.GetAll().Count);

            c.CompanyName = "SpringSource";


            c = customerDao.Get("MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.Id, "MPOLL");
            Assert.AreEqual(c.CompanyName, "SpringSource");


            SessionFactoryUtils.GetSession(sessionFactory, true).Flush();
            customerCount = (int)AdoTemplate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from Customers");
            Assert.AreEqual(92, customerCount);

                c = customerDao.Get("MPOLL");
                Assert.Fail("Should have thrown HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException when finding customer with Id = MPOLL");
            catch (HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Customer", e.PersistentClassName);

Example #3
 public Order(DateTime orderDate, DateTime requiredDate, DateTime shippedDate, decimal freight, string shipName,
              string shipAddress, string shipCity, string shipRegion, string shipPostalCode, string shipCountry,
              Customer customer, ICustomerClassificationCalculator calculator)
     this.orderDate = orderDate;
     this.requiredDate = requiredDate;
     this.shippedDate = shippedDate;
     this.freight = freight;
     this.shipName = shipName;
     this.shipAddress = shipAddress;
     this.shipCity = shipCity;
     this.shipRegion = shipRegion;
     this.shipPostalCode = shipPostalCode;
     this.shipCountry = shipCountry;
     this.customer = customer;
     this.calculator = calculator;
 public void Delete(Customer customer)
 public void Update(Customer customer)
 public string Save(Customer customer)
     return (string) CurrentSession.Save(customer);