private void SetAllNull()
            this.sAuthor           = string.Empty;
            this.rst               = new SLRstType();
            this.HasSetPosition    = false;
            this.Top               = 0;
            this.Left              = 0;
            this.UsePositionMargin = false;
            this.TopMargin         = 0;
            this.LeftMargin        = 0;
            this.AutoSize          = false;
            this.fWidth            = SLConstants.DefaultCommentBoxWidth;
            this.fHeight           = SLConstants.DefaultCommentBoxHeight;

            this.Fill = new SLA.SLFill(this.listThemeColors, this.ThrowExceptionsIfAny);
            this.Fill.SetSolidFill(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 225), 0);
            this.bFromTransparency = 0;
            this.bToTransparency   = 0;

            this.LineColor               = null;
            this.fLineWeight             = null;
            this.LineStyle               = StrokeLineStyleValues.Single;
            this.vLineDashStyle          = null;
            this.vEndCap                 = null;
            this.HorizontalTextAlignment = SLHorizontalTextAlignmentValues.Left;
            this.VerticalTextAlignment   = SLVerticalTextAlignmentValues.Top;
            this.Orientation             = SLCommentOrientationValues.Horizontal;
            this.TextDirection           = SLAlignmentReadingOrderValues.ContextDependent;

            this.HasShadow   = true;
            this.ShadowColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            this.Visible = false;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Clone a new instance of SLRstType.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A cloned instance of this SLRstType.</returns>
        public SLRstType Clone()
            SLRstType rst = new SLRstType(this.MajorFont, this.MinorFont, this.listThemeColors, this.listIndexedColors);

            rst.istrReal = (InlineString)this.istrReal.CloneNode(true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get existing shared strings. WARNING: This is only a snapshot. Any changes made to the returned result are not used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of existing shared strings.</returns>
        public List<SLRstType> GetSharedStrings()
            List<SLRstType> result = new List<SLRstType>();
            SLRstType rst = new SLRstType();
            for (int i = 0; i < listSharedString.Count; ++i)

            return result;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get existing shared strings. WARNING: This is only a snapshot. Any changes made to the returned result are not used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of existing shared strings.</returns>
        public List <SLRstType> GetSharedStrings()
            List <SLRstType> result = new List <SLRstType>();
            SLRstType        rst    = new SLRstType();

            for (int i = 0; i < listSharedString.Count; ++i)

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get existing comments in the currently selected worksheet. WARNING: This is only a snapshot. Any changes made to the returned result are not used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Dictionary of existing comments.</returns>
        public Dictionary <SLCellPoint, SLRstType> GetCommentText()
            Dictionary <SLCellPoint, SLRstType> result = new Dictionary <SLCellPoint, SLRstType>();

            // we don't add to existing comments, so it's either get existing comments
            // or use the newly inserted comments.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gsSelectedWorksheetRelationshipID))
                WorksheetPart wsp = (WorksheetPart)wbp.GetPartById(gsSelectedWorksheetRelationshipID);
                if (wsp.WorksheetCommentsPart != null)
                    Comment   comm;
                    int       iRowIndex, iColumnIndex;
                    SLRstType rst = new SLRstType();
                    using (OpenXmlReader oxr = OpenXmlReader.Create(wsp.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.CommentList))
                        while (oxr.Read())
                            if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Comment))
                                comm = (Comment)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                                SLTool.FormatCellReferenceToRowColumnIndex(comm.Reference.Value, out iRowIndex, out iColumnIndex);
                                result[new SLCellPoint(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex)] = rst.Clone();
                    List <SLCellPoint> pts = slws.Comments.Keys.ToList <SLCellPoint>();
                    foreach (SLCellPoint pt in pts)
                        result[pt] = slws.Comments[pt].rst.Clone();

        /// <summary>
        /// Get existing comments in the currently selected worksheet. WARNING: This is only a snapshot. Any changes made to the returned result are not used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Dictionary of existing comments.</returns>
        public Dictionary<SLCellPoint, SLRstType> GetCommentText()
            Dictionary<SLCellPoint, SLRstType> result = new Dictionary<SLCellPoint, SLRstType>();

            // we don't add to existing comments, so it's either get existing comments
            // or use the newly inserted comments.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gsSelectedWorksheetRelationshipID))
                WorksheetPart wsp = (WorksheetPart)wbp.GetPartById(gsSelectedWorksheetRelationshipID);
                if (wsp.WorksheetCommentsPart != null)
                    Comment comm;
                    int iRowIndex, iColumnIndex;
                    SLRstType rst = new SLRstType();
                    using (OpenXmlReader oxr = OpenXmlReader.Create(wsp.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.CommentList))
                        while (oxr.Read())
                            if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Comment))
                                comm = (Comment)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                                SLTool.FormatCellReferenceToRowColumnIndex(comm.Reference.Value, out iRowIndex, out iColumnIndex);
                                result[new SLCellPoint(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex)] = rst.Clone();
                    List<SLCellPoint> pts = slws.Comments.Keys.ToList<SLCellPoint>();
                    foreach (SLCellPoint pt in pts)
                        result[pt] = slws.Comments[pt].rst.Clone();

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// This returns a list of index with pixel lengths. Depending on the type,
        /// the pixel length is for row heights or column widths
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IsRow"></param>
        /// <param name="StartIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="EndIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Dictionary<int, int> AutoFitRowColumn(bool IsRow, int StartIndex, int EndIndex)
            int i;
            Dictionary<int, int> pixellength = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            // initialise all to zero first. This also ensures the existence of a dictionary entry.
            for (i = StartIndex; i <= EndIndex; ++i)
                pixellength[i] = 0;

            List<SLCellPoint> ptkeys = slws.Cells.Keys.ToList<SLCellPoint>();
            SLCell c;
            SLRstType rst;
            Text txt;
            Run run;
            FontSchemeValues vFontScheme;
            int index;
            SLStyle style;
            string sFontName;
            double fFontSize;
            bool bBold;
            bool bItalic;
            bool bStrike;
            bool bUnderline;
            System.Drawing.FontStyle drawstyle;
            System.Drawing.SizeF szf;
            string sText;
            float fWidth;
            float fHeight;
            int iPointIndex;

            foreach (SLCellPoint pt in ptkeys)
                if (IsRow) iPointIndex = pt.RowIndex;
                else iPointIndex = pt.ColumnIndex;

                if (StartIndex <= iPointIndex && iPointIndex <= EndIndex)
                    c = slws.Cells[pt];
                    style = this.GetCellStyle(pt.RowIndex, pt.ColumnIndex);
                    sText = string.Empty;

                    fWidth = 0;
                    fHeight = 0;

                    if (c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                        index = Convert.ToInt32(c.NumericValue);
                        if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                            rst = new SLRstType();
                            i = 0;
                            foreach (var child in rst.istrReal.ChildElements.Reverse())
                                sText = string.Empty;
                                sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;
                                fFontSize = SLConstants.DefaultFontSize;
                                bBold = false;
                                bItalic = false;
                                bStrike = false;
                                bUnderline = false;
                                drawstyle = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;
                                if (style.HasFont)
                                    if (style.fontReal.HasFontScheme)
                                        if (style.fontReal.FontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Major) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MajorLatinFont;
                                        else if (style.fontReal.FontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Minor) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;
                                        else if (style.fontReal.FontName.Length > 0) sFontName = style.fontReal.FontName;
                                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(style.fontReal.FontName)) 
                                        sFontName = style.fontReal.FontName;

                                    if (style.fontReal.FontSize != null) fFontSize = style.fontReal.FontSize.Value;
                                    if (style.fontReal.Bold != null && style.fontReal.Bold.Value) bBold = true;
                                    if (style.fontReal.Italic != null && style.fontReal.Italic.Value) bItalic = true;
                                    if (style.fontReal.Strike != null && style.fontReal.Strike.Value) bStrike = true;
                                    if (style.fontReal.HasUnderline) bUnderline = true;

                                if (child is Text)
                                    txt = (Text)child;
                                    sText = txt.Text;
                                else if (child is Run)
                                    run = (Run)child;
                                    sText = run.Text.Text;
                                    vFontScheme = FontSchemeValues.None;
                                    using (OpenXmlReader oxr = OpenXmlReader.Create(run))
                                        while (oxr.Read())
                                            if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(RunFont))
                                                sFontName = ((RunFont)oxr.LoadCurrentElement()).Val;
                                            else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(FontSize))
                                                fFontSize = ((FontSize)oxr.LoadCurrentElement()).Val;
                                            else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Bold))
                                                Bold b = (Bold)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                                                if (b.Val == null) bBold = true;
                                                else bBold = b.Val.Value;
                                            else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Italic))
                                                Italic itlc = (Italic)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                                                if (itlc.Val == null) bItalic = true;
                                                else bItalic = itlc.Val.Value;
                                            else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Strike))
                                                Strike strk = (Strike)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                                                if (strk.Val == null) bStrike = true;
                                                else bStrike = strk.Val.Value;
                                            else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Underline))
                                                Underline und = (Underline)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                                                if (und.Val == null)
                                                    bUnderline = true;
                                                    if (und.Val.Value != UnderlineValues.None) bUnderline = true;
                                                    else bUnderline = false;
                                            else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(FontScheme))
                                                vFontScheme = ((FontScheme)oxr.LoadCurrentElement()).Val;

                                    if (vFontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Major) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MajorLatinFont;
                                    else if (vFontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Minor) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;

                                // the last element has the trailing spaces ignored. Hence the Reverse() above.
                                if (i == 0)
                                    sText = sText.TrimEnd();

                                if (bBold) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
                                if (bItalic) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;
                                if (bStrike) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout;
                                if (bUnderline) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline;

                                szf = SLTool.MeasureText(sText, sFontName, fFontSize, drawstyle);
                                if (szf.Height > fHeight) fHeight = szf.Height;
                                fWidth += szf.Width;

                        if (c.DataType == CellValues.Number)
                            if (style.FormatCode.Length > 0)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.CellText))
                                    sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(Convert.ToDouble(c.CellText), style.FormatCode);
                                    sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(c.NumericValue, style.FormatCode);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.CellText))
                                    sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(Convert.ToDouble(c.CellText), "General");
                                    sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(c.NumericValue, "General");
                        else if (c.DataType == CellValues.Boolean)
                            if (c.NumericValue > 0.5) sText = "TRUE";
                            else sText = "FALSE";
                            if (c.CellText != null) sText = c.CellText;
                            else sText = string.Empty;

                        sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;
                        fFontSize = SLConstants.DefaultFontSize;
                        bBold = false;
                        bItalic = false;
                        bStrike = false;
                        bUnderline = false;
                        drawstyle = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;
                        if (style.HasFont)
                            if (style.fontReal.HasFontScheme)
                                if (style.fontReal.FontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Major) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MajorLatinFont;
                                else if (style.fontReal.FontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Minor) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;
                                else if (style.fontReal.FontName.Length > 0) sFontName = style.fontReal.FontName;
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(style.fontReal.FontName))
                                sFontName = style.fontReal.FontName;

                            if (style.fontReal.FontSize != null) fFontSize = style.fontReal.FontSize.Value;
                            if (style.fontReal.Bold != null && style.fontReal.Bold.Value) bBold = true;
                            if (style.fontReal.Italic != null && style.fontReal.Italic.Value) bItalic = true;
                            if (style.fontReal.Strike != null && style.fontReal.Strike.Value) bStrike = true;
                            if (style.fontReal.HasUnderline) bUnderline = true;

                        if (bBold) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
                        if (bItalic) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;
                        if (bStrike) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout;
                        if (bUnderline) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline;

                        szf = SLTool.MeasureText(sText, sFontName, fFontSize, drawstyle);
                        fWidth = szf.Width;
                        fHeight = szf.Height;

                    // Through empirical experimental data, it appears that there's still a bit of padding
                    // at the end of the column when autofitting column widths. I don't know how to
                    // calculate this padding. So I guess. I experimented with the widths of obvious
                    // characters such as a space, an exclamation mark, a period.

                    // Then I remember there's the documentation on the Open XML class property
                    // Column.Width, which says there's an extra 5 pixels, 2 pixels on the left/right
                    // and a pixel for the gridlines.

                    // Note that this padding appears to change depending on the font/typeface and 
                    // font size used. (Haha... where have I seen this before...) So 5 pixels doesn't
                    // seem to work exactly. Or maybe it's wrong because the method of measuring isn't
                    // what Excel actually uses to measure the text.

                    // Since we're autofitting, it seems fitting (haha) that the column width is slightly
                    // larger to accomodate the text. So it's best to err on the larger side.
                    // Thus we add 7 instead of the "recommended" or "documented" 5 pixels, 1 extra pixel
                    // on the left and right.
                    fWidth += 7;
                    // I could also have used 8, but it might have been too much of an extra padding.
                    // The number 8 is a lucky number in Chinese culture. Goodness knows I need some
                    // luck figuring out what Excel is doing...

                    if (style.HasAlignment && style.alignReal.TextRotation != null)
                        szf = SLTool.CalculateOuterBoundsOfRotatedRectangle(fWidth, fHeight, style.alignReal.TextRotation.Value);
                        fHeight = szf.Height;
                        fWidth = szf.Width;

                    if (IsRow)
                        if (pixellength[iPointIndex] < fHeight)
                            pixellength[iPointIndex] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(fHeight));
                        if (pixellength[iPointIndex] < fWidth)
                            pixellength[iPointIndex] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(fWidth));

            return pixellength;
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the comment text given rich text content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="RichText">The rich text content</param>
 public void SetText(SLRstType RichText)
     this.rst = new SLRstType();
     this.rst = RichText.Clone();
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the cell value as a System.DateTime value. If the cell value wasn't originally a date/time value, the return value is undetermined.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RowIndex">The row index.</param>
        /// <param name="ColumnIndex">The column index.</param>
        /// <param name="Format">The format string used to parse the date value in the cell if the date is before the date epoch. A date before the date epoch is stored as a string, so the date precision is only as good as the format string. For example, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" is more precise than "dd/MM/yyyy" because the latter loses information about the hours, minutes and seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="For1904Epoch">True if using 1 Jan 1904 as the date epoch. False if using 1 Jan 1900 as the date epoch. This is independent of the workbook's Date1904 property.</param>
        /// <returns>A System.DateTime cell value.</returns>
        public DateTime GetCellValueAsDateTime(int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex, string Format, bool For1904Epoch)
            DateTime dt;
            if (For1904Epoch) dt = SLConstants.Epoch1904();
            else dt = SLConstants.Epoch1900();

            // If the cell data type is Number, then it's on or after the epoch.
            // If it's a string or a shared string, then a string representation of the date
            // is stored, where the date is before the epoch. Then we parse the string to
            // get the date.

            double fDateOffset = 0.0;
            string sDate = string.Empty;

            if (SLTool.CheckRowColumnIndexLimit(RowIndex, ColumnIndex))
                SLCellPoint pt = new SLCellPoint(RowIndex, ColumnIndex);
                if (slws.Cells.ContainsKey(pt))
                    SLCell c = slws.Cells[pt];
                    if (c.DataType == CellValues.Number)
                        if (c.CellText != null)
                            if (double.TryParse(c.CellText, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fDateOffset))
                                dt = SLTool.CalculateDateTimeFromDaysFromEpoch(fDateOffset, For1904Epoch);
                            dt = SLTool.CalculateDateTimeFromDaysFromEpoch(c.NumericValue, For1904Epoch);
                    else if (c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                        SLRstType rst = new SLRstType(SimpleTheme.MajorLatinFont, SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont, SimpleTheme.listThemeColors, SimpleTheme.listIndexedColors);
                        int index = 0;
                            if (c.CellText != null)
                                index = int.Parse(c.CellText);
                                index = Convert.ToInt32(c.NumericValue);
                            if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                sDate = rst.ToPlainString();

                                if (Format.Length > 0)
                                    dt = DateTime.ParseExact(sDate, Format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    dt = DateTime.Parse(sDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            // no else part, because there's nothing we can do!
                            // Just return the default date value...
                            // something terrible just happened. (the shared string index probably
                            // isn't even correct!) Don't do anything...
                    else if (c.DataType == CellValues.String)
                        sDate = c.CellText ?? string.Empty;
                            if (Format.Length > 0)
                                dt = DateTime.ParseExact(sDate, Format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                dt = DateTime.Parse(sDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            // don't need to do anything. Just return the default date value.
                            // The point is to avoid throwing exceptions.

            return dt;
Example #10
        private void SetAllNull()
            this.sAuthor = string.Empty;
            this.rst = new SLRstType();
            this.HasSetPosition = false;
            this.Top = 0;
            this.Left = 0;
            this.UsePositionMargin = false;
            this.TopMargin = 0;
            this.LeftMargin = 0;
            this.AutoSize = false;
            this.fWidth = SLConstants.DefaultCommentBoxWidth;
            this.fHeight = SLConstants.DefaultCommentBoxHeight;

            this.Fill = new SLA.SLFill(this.listThemeColors);
            this.Fill.SetSolidFill(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 225), 0);
            this.bFromTransparency = 0;
            this.bToTransparency = 0;

            this.LineColor = null;
            this.fLineWeight = null;
            this.LineStyle = StrokeLineStyleValues.Single;
            this.vLineDashStyle = null;
            this.vEndCap = null;
            this.HorizontalTextAlignment = SLHorizontalTextAlignmentValues.Left;
            this.VerticalTextAlignment = SLVerticalTextAlignmentValues.Top;
            this.Orientation = SLCommentOrientationValues.Horizontal;
            this.TextDirection = SLAlignmentReadingOrderValues.ContextDependent;

            this.HasShadow = true;
            this.ShadowColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            this.Visible = false;
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the comment text.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Text">The comment text.</param>
 public void SetText(string Text)
     this.rst = new SLRstType();
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the comment text.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Text">The comment text.</param>
 public void SetText(string Text)
     this.rst = new SLRstType();
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the comment text given rich text content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="RichText">The rich text content</param>
 public void SetText(SLRstType RichText)
     this.rst = new SLRstType();
     this.rst = RichText.Clone();
        /// <summary>
        /// Sort data either by column or row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartRowIndex">The row index of the start row. This is typically the top row.</param>
        /// <param name="StartColumnIndex">The column index of the start column. This is typically the left-most column.</param>
        /// <param name="EndRowIndex">The row index of the end row. This is typically the bottom row.</param>
        /// <param name="EndColumnIndex">The column index of the end column. This is typically the right-most column.</param>
        /// <param name="SortByColumn">True to sort by column. False to sort by row.</param>
        /// <param name="SortByIndex">The row or column index of the row or column to be sorted by, depending on <paramref name="SortByColumn"/></param>
        /// <param name="SortAscending">True to sort in ascending order. False to sort in descending order.</param>
        public void Sort(int StartRowIndex, int StartColumnIndex, int EndRowIndex, int EndColumnIndex, bool SortByColumn, int SortByIndex, bool SortAscending)
            int iStartRowIndex = 1, iEndRowIndex = 1, iStartColumnIndex = 1, iEndColumnIndex = 1;
            if (StartRowIndex < EndRowIndex)
                iStartRowIndex = StartRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iStartRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = StartRowIndex;

            if (StartColumnIndex < EndColumnIndex)
                iStartColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iStartColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;

            if (iStartRowIndex < 1) iStartRowIndex = 1;
            if (iStartColumnIndex < 1) iStartColumnIndex = 1;
            if (iEndRowIndex > SLConstants.RowLimit) iEndRowIndex = SLConstants.RowLimit;
            if (iEndColumnIndex > SLConstants.ColumnLimit) iEndColumnIndex = SLConstants.ColumnLimit;

            // if the given index is out of the data range, then don't have to sort.
            if (SortByColumn)
                if (SortByIndex < iStartColumnIndex || SortByIndex > iEndColumnIndex) return;
                if (SortByIndex < iStartRowIndex || SortByIndex > iEndRowIndex) return;

            Dictionary<SLCellPoint, SLCell> datacells = new Dictionary<SLCellPoint, SLCell>();
            SLCellPoint pt;
            int i, j;
            for (i = iStartRowIndex; i <= iEndRowIndex; ++i)
                for (j = iStartColumnIndex; j <= iEndColumnIndex; ++j)
                    pt = new SLCellPoint(i, j);
                    if (slws.Cells.ContainsKey(pt))
                        datacells[pt] = slws.Cells[pt].Clone();

            List<SLSortItem> listNumbers = new List<SLSortItem>();
            List<SLSortItem> listText = new List<SLSortItem>();
            List<SLSortItem> listBoolean = new List<SLSortItem>();
            List<SLSortItem> listEmpty = new List<SLSortItem>();

            bool bValue = false;
            double fValue = 0.0;
            string sText = string.Empty;
            SLRstType rst;
            int index = 0;
            int iStartIndex = -1;
            int iEndIndex = -1;

            if (SortByColumn)
                iStartIndex = iStartRowIndex;
                iEndIndex = iEndRowIndex;
                iStartIndex = iStartColumnIndex;
                iEndIndex = iEndColumnIndex;

            for (i = iStartIndex; i <= iEndIndex; ++i)
                if (SortByColumn) pt = new SLCellPoint(i, SortByIndex);
                else pt = new SLCellPoint(SortByIndex, i);

                if (datacells.ContainsKey(pt))
                    if (datacells[pt].DataType == CellValues.Number)
                        if (datacells[pt].CellText != null)
                            if (double.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, out fValue))
                                listNumbers.Add(new SLSortItem() { Number = fValue, Index = i });
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem() { Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i });
                            listNumbers.Add(new SLSortItem() { Number = datacells[pt].NumericValue, Index = i });
                    else if (datacells[pt].DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                        index = -1;

                        if (datacells[pt].CellText != null)
                            if (int.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, out index)
                                && index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                rst = new SLRstType(SLConstants.OfficeThemeMajorLatinFont, SLConstants.OfficeThemeMinorLatinFont, new List<System.Drawing.Color>(), new List<System.Drawing.Color>());
                                rst.FromSharedStringItem(new SharedStringItem() { InnerXml = listSharedString[index] });
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem() { Text = rst.ToPlainString(), Index = i });
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem() { Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i });
                            index = Convert.ToInt32(datacells[pt].NumericValue);
                            if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                rst = new SLRstType(SLConstants.OfficeThemeMajorLatinFont, SLConstants.OfficeThemeMinorLatinFont, new List<System.Drawing.Color>(), new List<System.Drawing.Color>());
                                rst.FromSharedStringItem(new SharedStringItem() { InnerXml = listSharedString[index] });
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem() { Text = rst.ToPlainString(), Index = i });
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem() { Text = datacells[pt].NumericValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Index = i });
                    else if (datacells[pt].DataType == CellValues.Boolean)
                        if (datacells[pt].CellText != null)
                            if (double.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fValue))
                                listBoolean.Add(new SLSortItem() { Number = fValue > 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0, Index = i });
                            else if (bool.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, out bValue))
                                listBoolean.Add(new SLSortItem() { Number = bValue ? 1.0 : 0.0, Index = i });
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem() { Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i });
                            listBoolean.Add(new SLSortItem() { Number = datacells[pt].NumericValue > 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0, Index = i });
                        listText.Add(new SLSortItem() { Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i });
                    listEmpty.Add(new SLSortItem() { Index = i });

            listNumbers.Sort(new SLSortItemNumberComparer());
            if (!SortAscending) listNumbers.Reverse();

            listText.Sort(new SLSortItemTextComparer());
            if (!SortAscending) listText.Reverse();

            listBoolean.Sort(new SLSortItemNumberComparer());
            if (!SortAscending) listBoolean.Reverse();

            Dictionary<int, int> ReverseIndex = new Dictionary<int,int>();
            if (SortAscending)
                j = iStartIndex;
                for (i = 0; i < listNumbers.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listNumbers[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listText.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listText[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listBoolean.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listBoolean[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listEmpty.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listEmpty[i].Index] = j;
                j = iStartIndex;
                for (i = 0; i < listBoolean.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listBoolean[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listText.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listText[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listNumbers.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listNumbers[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listEmpty.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listEmpty[i].Index] = j;

            List<SLCellPoint> listCellKeys = datacells.Keys.ToList<SLCellPoint>();
            SLCellPoint newpt;
            for (i = 0; i < listCellKeys.Count; ++i)
                pt = listCellKeys[i];
                if (SortByColumn)
                    if (ReverseIndex.ContainsKey(pt.RowIndex))
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(ReverseIndex[pt.RowIndex], pt.ColumnIndex);
                        // shouldn't happen, but just in case...
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(pt.RowIndex, pt.ColumnIndex);
                    if (ReverseIndex.ContainsKey(pt.ColumnIndex))
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(pt.RowIndex, ReverseIndex[pt.ColumnIndex]);
                        // shouldn't happen, but just in case...
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(pt.RowIndex, pt.ColumnIndex);

                slws.Cells[newpt] = datacells[pt];
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the cell value as a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RowIndex">The row index.</param>
        /// <param name="ColumnIndex">The column index.</param>
        /// <returns>A string cell value.</returns>
        public string GetCellValueAsString(int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex)
            string result = string.Empty;
            int index = 0;
            SLRstType rst = new SLRstType(SimpleTheme.MajorLatinFont, SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont, SimpleTheme.listThemeColors, SimpleTheme.listIndexedColors);

            if (SLTool.CheckRowColumnIndexLimit(RowIndex, ColumnIndex))
                SLCellPoint pt = new SLCellPoint(RowIndex, ColumnIndex);
                if (slws.Cells.ContainsKey(pt))
                    SLCell c = slws.Cells[pt];
                    if (c.CellText != null)
                        if (c.DataType == CellValues.String)
                            result = c.CellText;
                        else if (c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                                index = int.Parse(c.CellText);
                                if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                    result = rst.ToPlainString();
                                    result = SLTool.XmlRead(c.CellText);
                                // something terrible just happened. We'll just use whatever's in the cell...
                                result = SLTool.XmlRead(c.CellText);
                        //else if (c.DataType == CellValues.InlineString)
                        //    // there shouldn't be any inline strings
                        //    // because they'd already be transferred to shared strings
                            result = SLTool.XmlRead(c.CellText);
                        if (c.DataType == CellValues.Number)
                            result = c.NumericValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                            index = Convert.ToInt32(c.NumericValue);
                            if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                result = rst.ToPlainString();
                                result = SLTool.XmlRead(c.CellText);
                        else if (c.DataType == CellValues.Boolean)
                            if (c.NumericValue > 0.5) result = "true";
                            else result = "false";

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// This returns a list of index with pixel lengths. Depending on the type,
        /// the pixel length is for row heights or column widths
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IsRow"></param>
        /// <param name="StartIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="EndIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="MaxPixelLength"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Dictionary<int, int> AutoFitRowColumn(bool IsRow, int StartIndex, int EndIndex, int MaxPixelLength)
            int i;
            Dictionary<int, int> pixellength = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            // initialise all to zero first. This also ensures the existence of a dictionary entry.
            for (i = StartIndex; i <= EndIndex; ++i)
                pixellength[i] = 0;

            List<SLCellPoint> ptkeys = slws.Cells.Keys.ToList<SLCellPoint>();

            SLCell c;
            string sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey;
            string sAutoFitCacheKey;
            double fCellValue;
            SLRstType rst;
            Text txt;
            Run run;
            FontSchemeValues vFontScheme;
            int index;
            SLStyle style = new SLStyle();
            int iStyleIndex;
            string sFontName;
            double fFontSize;
            bool bBold;
            bool bItalic;
            bool bStrike;
            bool bUnderline;
            System.Drawing.FontStyle drawstyle;
            System.Drawing.Font ftUsable;
            string sFormatCode;
            string sDotNetFormatCode;
            int iTextRotation;
            System.Drawing.SizeF szf;
            string sText;
            float fWidth;
            float fHeight;
            int iPointIndex;
            bool bSkipAdjustment;

            SLCellPoint ptCheck;
            // remove points that are part of merged cells
            // Merged cells don't factor into autofitting.
            // Start from end because we will be deleting points.
            if (slws.MergeCells.Count > 0)
                for (i = ptkeys.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    ptCheck = ptkeys[i];
                    foreach (SLMergeCell mc in slws.MergeCells)
                        if (mc.StartRowIndex <= ptCheck.RowIndex && ptCheck.RowIndex <= mc.EndRowIndex
                            && mc.StartColumnIndex <= ptCheck.ColumnIndex && ptCheck.ColumnIndex <= mc.EndColumnIndex)

            HashSet<SLCellPoint> hsFilter = new HashSet<SLCellPoint>();
            if (slws.HasAutoFilter)
                for (i = slws.AutoFilter.StartColumnIndex; i <= slws.AutoFilter.EndColumnIndex; ++i)
                    hsFilter.Add(new SLCellPoint(slws.AutoFilter.StartRowIndex, i));

            if (slws.Tables.Count > 0)
                foreach (SLTable t in slws.Tables)
                    if (t.HasAutoFilter)
                        for (i = t.AutoFilter.StartColumnIndex; i <= t.AutoFilter.EndColumnIndex; ++i)
                            ptCheck = new SLCellPoint(t.AutoFilter.StartRowIndex, i);
                            if (!hsFilter.Contains(ptCheck))

            // Excel seems to stop the maximum column pixel width at 2300 pixels (at least at 120 DPI).
            // We need a bitmap of sufficient size because we're rendering the text and measuring it.
            // 4096 pixels wide should cover the 2300 pixel thing. Note that this is also wider than
            // typical screen monitors.
            // 2048 pixels high should also cover most screen monitors' vertical height.
            // If your text fills up the entire height of your screen, I would say your font size is
            // too large...
            // If you're doing this in some distant future where you can do spreadsheets on the
            // freaking wall with Olympic pool sized screens, feel free to increase the dimensions.
            using (System.Drawing.Bitmap bm = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(4096, 2048))
                using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bm))
                    foreach (SLCellPoint pt in ptkeys)
                        if (IsRow) iPointIndex = pt.RowIndex;
                        else iPointIndex = pt.ColumnIndex;

                        if (StartIndex <= iPointIndex && iPointIndex <= EndIndex)
                            c = slws.Cells[pt];

                            iStyleIndex = (int)c.StyleIndex;
                            // assume if the font cache contains the style index,
                            // the other caches also have it.
                            if (dictAutoFitFontCache.ContainsKey(iStyleIndex))
                                ftUsable = dictAutoFitFontCache[iStyleIndex];
                                sDotNetFormatCode = dictAutoFitFormatCodeCache[iStyleIndex];
                                sFormatCode = sDotNetFormatCode;
                                iTextRotation = dictAutoFitTextRotationCache[iStyleIndex];
                                style = new SLStyle();

                                #region Get style stuff
                                sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;
                                fFontSize = SLConstants.DefaultFontSize;
                                bBold = false;
                                bItalic = false;
                                bStrike = false;
                                bUnderline = false;
                                drawstyle = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;
                                if (style.HasFont)
                                    if (style.fontReal.HasFontScheme)
                                        if (style.fontReal.FontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Major) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MajorLatinFont;
                                        else if (style.fontReal.FontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Minor) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;
                                        else if (style.fontReal.FontName != null && style.fontReal.FontName.Length > 0) sFontName = style.fontReal.FontName;
                                        if (style.fontReal.FontName != null && style.fontReal.FontName.Length > 0) sFontName = style.fontReal.FontName;

                                    if (style.fontReal.FontSize != null) fFontSize = style.fontReal.FontSize.Value;
                                    if (style.fontReal.Bold != null && style.fontReal.Bold.Value) bBold = true;
                                    if (style.fontReal.Italic != null && style.fontReal.Italic.Value) bItalic = true;
                                    if (style.fontReal.Strike != null && style.fontReal.Strike.Value) bStrike = true;
                                    if (style.fontReal.HasUnderline) bUnderline = true;

                                if (bBold) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
                                if (bItalic) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;
                                if (bStrike) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout;
                                if (bUnderline) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline;

                                ftUsable = SLTool.GetUsableNormalFont(sFontName, fFontSize, drawstyle);
                                sFormatCode = style.FormatCode;
                                sDotNetFormatCode = SLTool.ToDotNetFormatCode(sFormatCode);
                                if (style.HasAlignment && style.alignReal.TextRotation != null)
                                    iTextRotation = style.alignReal.TextRotation.Value;
                                    iTextRotation = 0;


                                dictAutoFitFontCache[iStyleIndex] = (System.Drawing.Font)ftUsable.Clone();
                                dictAutoFitFormatCodeCache[iStyleIndex] = sDotNetFormatCode;
                                dictAutoFitTextRotationCache[iStyleIndex] = iTextRotation;

                            sText = string.Empty;

                            fWidth = 0;
                            fHeight = 0;
                            // must set empty first! Used for checking if shared string and if should set into cache.
                            sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey = string.Empty;
                            bSkipAdjustment = false;

                            if (c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                                index = Convert.ToInt32(c.NumericValue);

                                sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}",
                                if (dictAutoFitSharedStringCache.ContainsKey(sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey))
                                    fHeight = dictAutoFitSharedStringCache[sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey].Height;
                                    fWidth = dictAutoFitSharedStringCache[sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey].Width;
                                    bSkipAdjustment = true;
                                else if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                    rst = new SLRstType();

                                    if (rst.istrReal.ChildElements.Count == 1 && rst.istrReal.Text != null)
                                        sText = rst.istrReal.Text.Text.TrimEnd();
                                        sAutoFitCacheKey = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", sText, SLConstants.AutoFitCacheSeparator, iStyleIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                        if (dictAutoFitTextCache.ContainsKey(sAutoFitCacheKey))
                                            szf = dictAutoFitTextCache[sAutoFitCacheKey];
                                            fHeight = szf.Height;
                                            fWidth = szf.Width;
                                            szf = SLTool.MeasureText(bm, g, sText, ftUsable);
                                            fHeight = szf.Height;
                                            fWidth = szf.Width;
                                            dictAutoFitTextCache[sAutoFitCacheKey] = new System.Drawing.SizeF(fWidth, fHeight);
                                        i = 0;
                                        foreach (var child in rst.istrReal.ChildElements.Reverse())
                                            if (child is Text || child is Run)
                                                if (child is Text)
                                                    txt = (Text)child;
                                                    sText = txt.Text;

                                                    // the last element has the trailing spaces ignored. Hence the Reverse() above.
                                                    if (i == 0) sText = sText.TrimEnd();

                                                    szf = SLTool.MeasureText(bm, g, sText, ftUsable);
                                                    if (szf.Height > fHeight) fHeight = szf.Height;
                                                    fWidth += szf.Width;
                                                else if (child is Run)
                                                    sText = string.Empty;
                                                    sFontName = (ftUsable.Name != null && ftUsable.Name.Length > 0) ? ftUsable.Name : SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;
                                                    fFontSize = ftUsable.SizeInPoints;
                                                    bBold = ((ftUsable.Style & System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold) > 0) ? true : false;
                                                    bItalic = ((ftUsable.Style & System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic) > 0) ? true : false;
                                                    bStrike = ((ftUsable.Style & System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout) > 0) ? true : false;
                                                    bUnderline = ((ftUsable.Style & System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline) > 0) ? true : false;
                                                    drawstyle = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;

                                                    run = (Run)child;
                                                    sText = run.Text.Text;
                                                    vFontScheme = FontSchemeValues.None;
                                                    #region Run properties
                                                    if (run.RunProperties != null)
                                                        foreach (var grandchild in run.RunProperties.ChildElements)
                                                            if (grandchild is RunFont)
                                                                sFontName = ((RunFont)grandchild).Val;
                                                            else if (grandchild is FontSize)
                                                                fFontSize = ((FontSize)grandchild).Val;
                                                            else if (grandchild is Bold)
                                                                Bold b = (Bold)grandchild;
                                                                if (b.Val == null) bBold = true;
                                                                else bBold = b.Val.Value;
                                                            else if (grandchild is Italic)
                                                                Italic itlc = (Italic)grandchild;
                                                                if (itlc.Val == null) bItalic = true;
                                                                else bItalic = itlc.Val.Value;
                                                            else if (grandchild is Strike)
                                                                Strike strk = (Strike)grandchild;
                                                                if (strk.Val == null) bStrike = true;
                                                                else bStrike = strk.Val.Value;
                                                            else if (grandchild is Underline)
                                                                Underline und = (Underline)grandchild;
                                                                if (und.Val == null)
                                                                    bUnderline = true;
                                                                    if (und.Val.Value != UnderlineValues.None) bUnderline = true;
                                                                    else bUnderline = false;
                                                            else if (grandchild is FontScheme)
                                                                vFontScheme = ((FontScheme)grandchild).Val;

                                                    if (vFontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Major) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MajorLatinFont;
                                                    else if (vFontScheme == FontSchemeValues.Minor) sFontName = SimpleTheme.MinorLatinFont;

                                                    if (bBold) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
                                                    if (bItalic) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;
                                                    if (bStrike) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout;
                                                    if (bUnderline) drawstyle |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline;

                                                    // the last element has the trailing spaces ignored. Hence the Reverse() above.
                                                    if (i == 0) sText = sText.TrimEnd();

                                                    szf = SLTool.MeasureText(bm, g, sText, SLTool.GetUsableNormalFont(sFontName, fFontSize, drawstyle));
                                                    if (szf.Height > fHeight) fHeight = szf.Height;
                                                    fWidth += szf.Width;

                                if (c.DataType == CellValues.Number)
                                    #region Numbers
                                    if (sDotNetFormatCode.Length > 0)
                                        if (c.CellText != null)
                                            if (!double.TryParse(c.CellText, out fCellValue))
                                                fCellValue = 0;

                                            if (sFormatCode.Equals("@"))
                                                sText = fCellValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                                sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(fCellValue, sDotNetFormatCode);
                                            if (sFormatCode.Equals("@"))
                                                sText = c.NumericValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                                sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(c.NumericValue, sDotNetFormatCode);
                                        if (c.CellText != null)
                                            if (!double.TryParse(c.CellText, out fCellValue))
                                                fCellValue = 0;

                                            sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(fCellValue, "G10");
                                            sText = SLTool.ToSampleDisplayFormat(c.NumericValue, "G10");
                                else if (c.DataType == CellValues.Boolean)
                                    if (c.NumericValue > 0.5) sText = "TRUE";
                                    else sText = "FALSE";
                                    if (c.CellText != null) sText = c.CellText;
                                    else sText = string.Empty;

                                sAutoFitCacheKey = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", sText, SLConstants.AutoFitCacheSeparator, iStyleIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                if (dictAutoFitTextCache.ContainsKey(sAutoFitCacheKey))
                                    szf = dictAutoFitTextCache[sAutoFitCacheKey];
                                    fHeight = szf.Height;
                                    fWidth = szf.Width;
                                    szf = SLTool.MeasureText(bm, g, sText, ftUsable);
                                    fHeight = szf.Height;
                                    fWidth = szf.Width;
                                    dictAutoFitTextCache[sAutoFitCacheKey] = new System.Drawing.SizeF(fWidth, fHeight);

                            if (!bSkipAdjustment)
                                // Through empirical experimental data, it appears that there's still a bit of padding
                                // at the end of the column when autofitting column widths. I don't know how to
                                // calculate this padding. So I guess. I experimented with the widths of obvious
                                // characters such as a space, an exclamation mark, a period.

                                // Then I remember there's the documentation on the Open XML class property
                                // Column.Width, which says there's an extra 5 pixels, 2 pixels on the left/right
                                // and a pixel for the gridlines.

                                // Note that this padding appears to change depending on the font/typeface and
                                // font size used. (Haha... where have I seen this before...) So 5 pixels doesn't
                                // seem to work exactly. Or maybe it's wrong because the method of measuring isn't
                                // what Excel actually uses to measure the text.

                                // Since we're autofitting, it seems fitting (haha) that the column width is slightly
                                // larger to accomodate the text. So it's best to err on the larger side.
                                // Thus we add 7 instead of the "recommended" or "documented" 5 pixels, 1 extra pixel
                                // on the left and right.
                                fWidth += 7;
                                // I could also have used 8, but it might have been too much of an extra padding.
                                // The number 8 is a lucky number in Chinese culture. Goodness knows I need some
                                // luck figuring out what Excel is doing...

                                if (iTextRotation != 0)
                                    szf = SLTool.CalculateOuterBoundsOfRotatedRectangle(fWidth, fHeight, iTextRotation);
                                    fHeight = szf.Height;
                                    fWidth = szf.Width;

                                // meaning the shared string portion was accessed (otherwise it'd be empty string)
                                if (sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey.Length > 0)
                                    dictAutoFitSharedStringCache[sAutoFitSharedStringCacheKey] = new System.Drawing.SizeF(fWidth, fHeight);

                            if (IsRow)
                                if (fHeight > MaxPixelLength) fHeight = MaxPixelLength;

                                if (pixellength[iPointIndex] < fHeight)
                                    pixellength[iPointIndex] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(fHeight));
                                if (hsFilter.Contains(pt)) fWidth += SLConstants.AutoFilterPixelWidth;
                                if (fWidth > MaxPixelLength) fWidth = MaxPixelLength;

                                if (pixellength[iPointIndex] < fWidth)
                                    pixellength[iPointIndex] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(fWidth));

                    // end of Graphics

            return pixellength;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the cell value given a cell reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CellReference">The cell reference, such as "A1".</param>
        /// <param name="Data">The cell value data in rich text.</param>
        /// <returns>False if the cell reference is invalid. True otherwise.</returns>
        public bool SetCellValue(string CellReference, SLRstType Data)
            int iRowIndex = -1;
            int iColumnIndex = -1;
            if (!SLTool.FormatCellReferenceToRowColumnIndex(CellReference, out iRowIndex, out iColumnIndex))
                return false;

            return SetCellValue(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, Data.ToInlineString());
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Sort data either by column or row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartRowIndex">The row index of the start row. This is typically the top row.</param>
        /// <param name="StartColumnIndex">The column index of the start column. This is typically the left-most column.</param>
        /// <param name="EndRowIndex">The row index of the end row. This is typically the bottom row.</param>
        /// <param name="EndColumnIndex">The column index of the end column. This is typically the right-most column.</param>
        /// <param name="SortByColumn">True to sort by column. False to sort by row.</param>
        /// <param name="SortByIndex">The row or column index of the row or column to be sorted by, depending on <paramref name="SortByColumn"/></param>
        /// <param name="SortAscending">True to sort in ascending order. False to sort in descending order.</param>
        public void Sort(int StartRowIndex, int StartColumnIndex, int EndRowIndex, int EndColumnIndex, bool SortByColumn, int SortByIndex, bool SortAscending)
            int iStartRowIndex = 1, iEndRowIndex = 1, iStartColumnIndex = 1, iEndColumnIndex = 1;

            if (StartRowIndex < EndRowIndex)
                iStartRowIndex = StartRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex   = EndRowIndex;
                iStartRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex   = StartRowIndex;

            if (StartColumnIndex < EndColumnIndex)
                iStartColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex   = EndColumnIndex;
                iStartColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex   = StartColumnIndex;

            if (iStartRowIndex < 1)
                iStartRowIndex = 1;
            if (iStartColumnIndex < 1)
                iStartColumnIndex = 1;
            if (iEndRowIndex > SLConstants.RowLimit)
                iEndRowIndex = SLConstants.RowLimit;
            if (iEndColumnIndex > SLConstants.ColumnLimit)
                iEndColumnIndex = SLConstants.ColumnLimit;

            // if the given index is out of the data range, then don't have to sort.
            if (SortByColumn)
                if (SortByIndex < iStartColumnIndex || SortByIndex > iEndColumnIndex)
                if (SortByIndex < iStartRowIndex || SortByIndex > iEndRowIndex)

            Dictionary <SLCellPoint, SLCell> datacells = new Dictionary <SLCellPoint, SLCell>();
            SLCellPoint pt;
            int         i, j;

            for (i = iStartRowIndex; i <= iEndRowIndex; ++i)
                for (j = iStartColumnIndex; j <= iEndColumnIndex; ++j)
                    pt = new SLCellPoint(i, j);
                    if (slws.Cells.ContainsKey(pt))
                        datacells[pt] = slws.Cells[pt].Clone();

            List <SLSortItem> listNumbers = new List <SLSortItem>();
            List <SLSortItem> listText    = new List <SLSortItem>();
            List <SLSortItem> listBoolean = new List <SLSortItem>();
            List <SLSortItem> listEmpty   = new List <SLSortItem>();

            bool      bValue = false;
            double    fValue = 0.0;
            string    sText  = string.Empty;
            SLRstType rst;
            int       index       = 0;
            int       iStartIndex = -1;
            int       iEndIndex   = -1;

            if (SortByColumn)
                iStartIndex = iStartRowIndex;
                iEndIndex   = iEndRowIndex;
                iStartIndex = iStartColumnIndex;
                iEndIndex   = iEndColumnIndex;

            for (i = iStartIndex; i <= iEndIndex; ++i)
                if (SortByColumn)
                    pt = new SLCellPoint(i, SortByIndex);
                    pt = new SLCellPoint(SortByIndex, i);

                if (datacells.ContainsKey(pt))
                    if (datacells[pt].DataType == CellValues.Number)
                        if (datacells[pt].CellText != null)
                            if (double.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, out fValue))
                                listNumbers.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Number = fValue, Index = i
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i
                            listNumbers.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                Number = datacells[pt].NumericValue, Index = i
                    else if (datacells[pt].DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                        index = -1;

                        if (datacells[pt].CellText != null)
                            if (int.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, out index) &&
                                index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                rst = new SLRstType(SLConstants.OfficeThemeMajorLatinFont, SLConstants.OfficeThemeMinorLatinFont, new List <System.Drawing.Color>(), new List <System.Drawing.Color>());
                                rst.FromSharedStringItem(new SharedStringItem()
                                    InnerXml = listSharedString[index]
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Text = rst.ToPlainString(), Index = i
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i
                            index = Convert.ToInt32(datacells[pt].NumericValue);
                            if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                                rst = new SLRstType(SLConstants.OfficeThemeMajorLatinFont, SLConstants.OfficeThemeMinorLatinFont, new List <System.Drawing.Color>(), new List <System.Drawing.Color>());
                                rst.FromSharedStringItem(new SharedStringItem()
                                    InnerXml = listSharedString[index]
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Text = rst.ToPlainString(), Index = i
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Text = datacells[pt].NumericValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Index = i
                    else if (datacells[pt].DataType == CellValues.Boolean)
                        if (datacells[pt].CellText != null)
                            if (double.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fValue))
                                listBoolean.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Number = fValue > 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0, Index = i
                            else if (bool.TryParse(datacells[pt].CellText, out bValue))
                                listBoolean.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Number = bValue ? 1.0 : 0.0, Index = i
                                listText.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                    Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i
                            listBoolean.Add(new SLSortItem()
                                Number = datacells[pt].NumericValue > 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0, Index = i
                        listText.Add(new SLSortItem()
                            Text = datacells[pt].CellText, Index = i
                    listEmpty.Add(new SLSortItem()
                        Index = i

            listNumbers.Sort(new SLSortItemNumberComparer());
            if (!SortAscending)

            listText.Sort(new SLSortItemTextComparer());
            if (!SortAscending)

            listBoolean.Sort(new SLSortItemNumberComparer());
            if (!SortAscending)

            Dictionary <int, int> ReverseIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            if (SortAscending)
                j = iStartIndex;
                for (i = 0; i < listNumbers.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listNumbers[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listText.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listText[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listBoolean.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listBoolean[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listEmpty.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listEmpty[i].Index] = j;
                j = iStartIndex;
                for (i = 0; i < listBoolean.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listBoolean[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listText.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listText[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listNumbers.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listNumbers[i].Index] = j;

                for (i = 0; i < listEmpty.Count; ++i)
                    ReverseIndex[listEmpty[i].Index] = j;

            List <SLCellPoint> listCellKeys = datacells.Keys.ToList <SLCellPoint>();
            SLCellPoint        newpt;

            for (i = 0; i < listCellKeys.Count; ++i)
                pt = listCellKeys[i];
                if (SortByColumn)
                    if (ReverseIndex.ContainsKey(pt.RowIndex))
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(ReverseIndex[pt.RowIndex], pt.ColumnIndex);
                        // shouldn't happen, but just in case...
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(pt.RowIndex, pt.ColumnIndex);
                    if (ReverseIndex.ContainsKey(pt.ColumnIndex))
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(pt.RowIndex, ReverseIndex[pt.ColumnIndex]);
                        // shouldn't happen, but just in case...
                        newpt = new SLCellPoint(pt.RowIndex, pt.ColumnIndex);

                slws.Cells[newpt] = datacells[pt];
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the cell value given the row index and column index.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="RowIndex">The row index.</param>
 /// <param name="ColumnIndex">The column index.</param>
 /// <param name="Data">The cell value data in rich text.</param>
 /// <returns>False if either the row index or column index (or both) are invalid. True otherwise.</returns>
 public bool SetCellValue(int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex, SLRstType Data)
     return SetCellValue(RowIndex, ColumnIndex, Data.ToInlineString());
Example #20
        internal SLRstType Clone()
            SLRstType rst = new SLRstType(this.MajorFont, this.MinorFont, this.listThemeColors, this.listIndexedColors);
            rst.istrReal = (InlineString)this.istrReal.CloneNode(true);

            return rst;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of SLTable, given row and column indices of opposite cells in a cell range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartRowIndex">The row index of the start row. This is typically the top row.</param>
        /// <param name="StartColumnIndex">The column index of the start column. This is typically the left-most column.</param>
        /// <param name="EndRowIndex">The row index of the end row. This is typically the bottom row.</param>
        /// <param name="EndColumnIndex">The column index of the end column. This is typically the right-most column.</param>
        /// <returns>An SLTable with the required information.</returns>
        public SLTable CreateTable(int StartRowIndex, int StartColumnIndex, int EndRowIndex, int EndColumnIndex)
            int iStartRowIndex = 1, iEndRowIndex = 1, iStartColumnIndex = 1, iEndColumnIndex = 1;
            if (StartRowIndex < EndRowIndex)
                iStartRowIndex = StartRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iStartRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = StartRowIndex;

            if (StartColumnIndex < EndColumnIndex)
                iStartColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iStartColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;

            if (iStartRowIndex < 1) iStartRowIndex = 1;
            if (iStartRowIndex == SLConstants.RowLimit) iStartRowIndex = SLConstants.RowLimit - 1;
            if (iStartColumnIndex < 1) iStartColumnIndex = 1;
            // consider minus 1 in case there's a totals row so there's less checking...
            if (iEndRowIndex > SLConstants.RowLimit) iEndRowIndex = SLConstants.RowLimit;
            if (iEndColumnIndex > SLConstants.ColumnLimit) iEndColumnIndex = SLConstants.ColumnLimit;

            if (iEndRowIndex <= iStartRowIndex) iEndRowIndex = iStartRowIndex + 1;

            SLTable tbl = new SLTable();

            tbl.Id = slwb.PossibleTableId;
            tbl.DisplayName = string.Format("Table{0}", tbl.Id);
            tbl.Name = tbl.DisplayName;

            tbl.StartRowIndex = iStartRowIndex;
            tbl.StartColumnIndex = iStartColumnIndex;
            tbl.EndRowIndex = iEndRowIndex;
            tbl.EndColumnIndex = iEndColumnIndex;

            tbl.AutoFilter.StartRowIndex = tbl.StartRowIndex;
            tbl.AutoFilter.StartColumnIndex = tbl.StartColumnIndex;
            tbl.AutoFilter.EndRowIndex = tbl.EndRowIndex;
            tbl.AutoFilter.EndColumnIndex = tbl.EndColumnIndex;
            tbl.HasAutoFilter = true;

            SLTableColumn tc;
            uint iColumnId = 1;
            int i, index;
            uint j;
            SLCell c;
            SLCellPoint pt;
            string sHeaderText = string.Empty;
            SharedStringItem ssi;
            SLRstType rst = new SLRstType(SLConstants.OfficeThemeMajorLatinFont, SLConstants.OfficeThemeMinorLatinFont, new List<System.Drawing.Color>(), new List<System.Drawing.Color>());
            for (i = tbl.StartColumnIndex; i <= tbl.EndColumnIndex; ++i)
                pt = new SLCellPoint(StartRowIndex, i);
                sHeaderText = string.Empty;
                if (slws.Cells.ContainsKey(pt))
                    c = slws.Cells[pt];
                    if (c.CellText == null)
                        if (c.DataType == CellValues.Number) sHeaderText = c.NumericValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (c.DataType == CellValues.Boolean) sHeaderText = c.NumericValue > 0.5 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
                        else sHeaderText = string.Empty;
                        sHeaderText = c.CellText;

                    if (c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                        index = -1;
                        if (c.CellText != null)
                            if (int.TryParse(c.CellText, out index))
                                index = -1;
                            index = Convert.ToInt32(c.NumericValue);

                        if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                            ssi = new SharedStringItem();
                            ssi.InnerXml = listSharedString[index];
                            sHeaderText = rst.ToPlainString();

                j = iColumnId;
                if (sHeaderText.Length == 0)
                    sHeaderText = string.Format("Column{0}", j);
                while (tbl.TableNames.Contains(sHeaderText))
                    sHeaderText = string.Format("Column{0}", j);
                tc = new SLTableColumn();
                tc.Id = iColumnId;
                tc.Name = sHeaderText;

            tbl.TableStyleInfo.ShowFirstColumn = false;
            tbl.TableStyleInfo.ShowLastColumn = false;
            tbl.TableStyleInfo.ShowRowStripes = true;
            tbl.TableStyleInfo.ShowColumnStripes = false;
            tbl.HasTableStyleInfo = true;

            return tbl;
        // this is here because it's only used by the FillChartDataSeries() function.
        private string GetCellTrueValue(SLCell c)
            string sValue = c.CellText ?? string.Empty;
            if (c.DataType == CellValues.Number)
                if (c.CellText == null)
                    // apparently we can only print up to a limited number of decimal places,
                    // albeit a large number. This is a limitation on the double variable type.
                    // Excel can print more decimal places. You go Excel...
                    // Go Google IEEE and the floating point standard for more details.

                    // We could store using a decimal type in SLCell, but I don't think
                    // it's worth it given speed vs accuracy vs number range issues.
                    // If you need larger number of decimal places of accuracy in a chart,
                    // you've probably got a problem... No one's gonna be able to tell if
                    // there's a difference anyway... And if you need to present that many
                    // decimal places of accuracy, a chart is probably the wrong method of
                    // displaying it.
                    // You really need the extra decimal places? Try setting the original values
                    // with SetCellValueNumeric() and use up to the desired accuracy in the string.
                    sValue = c.NumericValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            else if (c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                if (c.CellText == null)
                    int index = Convert.ToInt32(c.NumericValue);
                    SLRstType rst;
                    sValue = string.Empty;
                    if (index >= 0 && index < listSharedString.Count)
                        rst = new SLRstType(SLConstants.OfficeThemeMajorLatinFont, SLConstants.OfficeThemeMinorLatinFont, new List<System.Drawing.Color>(), new List<System.Drawing.Color>());
                        rst.FromSharedStringItem(new SharedStringItem() { InnerXml = listSharedString[index] });
                        sValue = rst.ToPlainString();
            else if (c.DataType == CellValues.Boolean)
                if (c.CellText == null)
                    if (c.NumericValue > 0.5) sValue = "1";
                    else sValue = "0";
            // no inline strings

            return sValue;