/// <summary>
        /// Loads a new spreadsheet configuration from stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Spreadsheet configuration stream.</param>
        public void Load(Stream stream)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(stream);

            if (doc.Elements().ToArray()[0].Name == "spreadsheet")
                // The array of elements one level down. Should be cell elements.
                XElement[] elements = doc.Elements().Elements().ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                    XElement element = elements[i];

                    if (element.Name == "cell")
                        XAttribute      name     = element.Attribute(XName.Get("name"));
                        SpreadsheetCell currCell = this.GetCellFromName(name.Value);

                        // Loops over cell elements for text and bg color elements
                        foreach (XElement childElement in element.Elements())
                            if (childElement.Name == "text")
                                currCell.Text = childElement.Value;
                            else if (childElement.Name == "bgcolor")
                                // Converts hex string to uints
                                currCell.BGColor = Convert.ToUInt32(childElement.Value, 16);
Example #2
        //function that evaluates the expression inside the cell and returns the value as double
        private void UpdateCellValue(SpreadsheetCell c)
            //get the expression inside the cell
            string expression = c.newCellText;
            string cellName   = Number2String(c.getColumn + 1, true);

            cellName += (c.getRow + 1).ToString();
            string vari = "";
            //parse the string in the exptree class taking out the = sign in the front of exp
            ExpTree tree = new ExpTree(expression.Substring(1));

            //delete thr reference cells
            //get all the variables inside the dictionary
            string[] variables = tree.getVar();
            foreach (string variable in variables)
                if (variable.Length > 2)
                    vari = variable;
                //all the columns are marked from A to Z so we have to convert that to int
                int col = Convert.ToInt32(variable[0] - 65);
                // remaining part is the name of the cell we need to copy a value from
                //to convert that
                int row = Convert.ToInt32(variable.Substring(1)) - 1;
                //add it to the reference cell list
                c.addReferences(SS_Array[row, col]);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SS_Array[row, col].newCellText))
                    c.newCellText = "0";
                    c.Value       = "0";
                if (variable == cellName)
                    vari = variable;
                tree.SetVar(variable, double.Parse(SS_Array[row, col].cellValue));
                SS_Array[row, col].PropertyChanged += c.OnVariableChange;
            if (vari == cellName)
                c.newCellText = "!(Self/Circular reference)";
                c.Value       = "!(Self/Circular reference)";
            else if (vari.Length > 3)
                c.newCellText = "!(Bad reference)";
                c.Value       = "!(Bad reference)";
                //evaluate the expression
                double newVal = tree.Eval();
                c.Value = newVal.ToString();
Example #3
 private void UpdateErrorReferecedBy(SpreadsheetCell cell, ErrType Check, string root)
     /* This function will update all of the cells that reference the passed cell IFF an error has been detected
     * Cells that contain the error and cells that reference cells containing an error will use this function */
     if (this.refTable.ContainsKey(CellToString(cell))) // Ensures that the current cell has other cells that reference it
         for (int i = 0; i < this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].Count; i++)
             SpreadsheetCell nextCell = StringToCell(this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].ElementAt <string>(i)); // Looks up the next cell that references the current cell
             if (Check == ErrType.SelfRef && CellToString(nextCell) == root)                                   // Stop self-referencing loops
                 break;                                                                                        // Updates all cells that reference it
             else if (Check == ErrType.CircRef && CellToString(nextCell) == root)                              // stops circular-referencing loops
                 CheckErr(nextCell, Check, root);
                 UpdateErrorReferecedBy(nextCell, Check, root); // Continues updated all cells that reference THIS cell
Example #4
 public Cell(SpreadsheetCell from) : base(from.RowIndex, from.ColumnIndex)
     this.valueStr  = from.Value;
     this.Text      = from.Text;
     this.BackColor = from.BGColor;
     this.VarList   = from.VarList;
Example #5
        // The purpose of this method is too remove dependencies that are no longer
        // need. It only gets called when a cell that was dependent on other cells
        // gets changed to a value
        private void RemoveDependencies(SpreadsheetCell currentCell)
            // Creating a dictionary that will keep track of which dependencies to delete
            Dictionary <SpreadsheetCell, List <SpreadsheetCell> > deleteTheseDependencies = new Dictionary <SpreadsheetCell, List <SpreadsheetCell> >();

            // Iterate through the dependencies dictionary and check if currentCell == a
            // cell in the dictionary. If it does then add it to the deleteTheseDependencies dictionary
            foreach (KeyValuePair <SpreadsheetCell, List <SpreadsheetCell> > kvp in dependencies)
                foreach (SpreadsheetCell ssc in kvp.Value)
                    if (!deleteTheseDependencies.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                        deleteTheseDependencies.Add(kvp.Key, new List <SpreadsheetCell>());

                    if (ssc == currentCell)

            // This loop just removes those dependencies from the dependencies dictionary
            foreach (KeyValuePair <SpreadsheetCell, List <SpreadsheetCell> > kvp in deleteTheseDependencies)
                foreach (SpreadsheetCell ssc in kvp.Value)
Example #6
        private bool CheckCircularRef(SpreadsheetCell cell, string root)
            bool   Error    = false;
            string CellName = CellToString(cell);

            if (cell.VarList != null)
                foreach (string ReferencedCell in cell.VarList) // Will check all variables in the cell's variable list
                    if (null == StringToCell(ReferencedCell))   // If the parsing of the referenced cell failed, the error should be bad_ref not circ_ref
                    //else if (cell.Value.Contains("CIRC_REF"))
                    //    root = CellToString(cell);
                    else if (CellName != root && ReferencedCell == root) // If the loop came back around to the root value while checking, then a circular reference has been found
                        Error = CheckCircularRef(StringToCell(ReferencedCell), root); // Continues checks for circular referencing

Example #7
        internal SpreadsheetCell StringToCell(string name)
            char temp = name[0];
            int  j    = temp - 65; // converts the letter into the index (Ex: Column A -> 0)

            if (j < 0 || j > this.width)

            name = name.Remove(0, 1);
            int i = 0;

            if (Int32.TryParse(name, out i)) // Finds Row
                if (i < 0 || i > this.height)

            SpreadsheetCell from = cellArr[i - 1, j]; // Finds the cell given the parsed row and column number

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns if the refCell has any references to the ogCell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ogCell">Original cell.</param>
        /// <param name="refCell">Reference cell.</param>
        /// <returns>If there are circular references.</returns>
        private bool ContainsCircularReference(SpreadsheetCell ogCell, SpreadsheetCell refCell)
            if (refCell.Text.StartsWith("="))
                ExpressionTree et    = new ExpressionTree(refCell.Text.Substring(1).Replace(" ", string.Empty));
                List <string>  names = et.GetVariableNames();

                foreach (string name in names)
                    SpreadsheetCell currCell = this.GetCellFromName(name);
                    if (currCell == ogCell)

                    bool containsCircularReference = this.ContainsCircularReference(ogCell, currCell);
                    if (containsCircularReference)

Example #9
        internal string CellToString(SpreadsheetCell from)
            char column = (char)(from.ColumnIndex + 65); // Converts column index to an uppercase char
            int  row    = from.RowIndex + 1;             // corrects the row offset

            return(column.ToString() + row.ToString());  // Returns the string version of the cell
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CellTextCommand"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Spreadsheet cell.</param>
        /// <param name="newText">Cell text.</param>
        public CellTextCommand(SpreadsheetCell cell, string newText)
            this.cell    = cell;
            this.newText = newText;
            this.oldText = cell.Text;

            this.Description = "text change";
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// unsubscribe a cell to all its subscriptions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subscriber">a cell which no longer depends on any other cells</param>
 private void Unsubscribe(SpreadsheetCell subscriber)
     for (int i = 0; i < subscriber.Subscriptions.Count; i++)
         var subscription = subscriber.Subscriptions[i];
Example #12
        // The function of IsValidInput is to check if the user
        // entered a valid value or formula into the Spreadsheet.
        // It uses a regular expression I grabbed from the ExpTree
        // to parse the inputted text. It returns false when:
        // - A cell is dependent on itself
        // - If the user enters something besides a formula or a value
        //              E.g. If user enters 24gfg123
        // - If a cell is dependent on a cell that doesn't have anytext
        private bool IsValidInput(SpreadsheetCell currentCell)
            // If the user's input begins with "="
            if (currentCell.Text != null && currentCell.Text[0] == '=')
                // Used the regular expression from the ExpTree to split
                // the currentCell's text to see if it's a valid entry
                List <string> tokens = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(currentCell.Text.Substring(1),

                // Removes all "" from the list
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                    if (tokens.ElementAt(i) == "")

                // Iterate through the List of strings and
                // check if the user entered a valid Cell (A1-Z50 counts as valid)
                foreach (string s in tokens)
                    if (Char.IsUpper(s[0]))
                        int  output;
                        bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(s.Substring(1), out output);
                        if (isNumeric && output >= 1 && output <= 50)
                            if (currentCell == GetCell(s))
                                // Means current cell references itself
                            else if (GetCell(s).Text == null)
                                // Referencing a cell that doesn't have currentCell as a dependency
            // If input doesn't begin with an "="
            else if (currentCell.Text != null && currentCell.Text[0] != '=')
                foreach (char c in currentCell.Text)
                    if (!Char.IsDigit(c))
                        // If the value entered is a mix of digits and letters
Example #13
        private bool Save_Pvt(TextWriter ToStream, Spreadsheet Sender)
            XmlWriter xmlWrite = null;

                xmlWrite = XmlWriter.Create(ToStream); // initializes the XML Writer with the passed stream
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                throw e;

            if (xmlWrite != null) // Ensures the stream is usable
                using (xmlWrite)
                    xmlWrite.WriteStartDocument();             // Places start tag
                    xmlWrite.WriteStartElement("Spreadsheet"); // Places the root node -> the spreadsheet itself

                    for (int i = 0; i < Sender.RowCount; i++)  // iterates through every cell in the spreadsheet
                        for (int j = 0; j < Sender.ColumnCount; j++)
                            SpreadsheetCell from = Sender[i, j];                                  // grabs a cell

                            if (!Sender[i, j].IsDefault())                                        // Only saves those cells that have been altered
                                xmlWrite.WriteStartElement("Cell");                               // Creates a cell start tag
                                xmlWrite.WriteAttributeString("Name", Sender.CellToString(from)); // Gives the cell a NAME attribute

                                if (from.Text != "")                                              // No point in saving an empty string
                                    xmlWrite.WriteElementString("Text", from.Text);               // sets the TEXT from the cell

                                    /* Cell's VALUE does NOT have to be saved
                                     * Every cell's text will be re-computed when it is loaded in
                                     * order does NOT matter, cell's that have references to it will simply be updated when it's their turn
                                xmlWrite.WriteElementString("BGColor", from.BGColor.ToString()); // writes the BGColor element inside of the cell

                                xmlWrite.WriteEndElement();                                      // Ends the cell block

                    xmlWrite.WriteEndElement();  // Ends the Spreadsheet block
                    xmlWrite.WriteEndDocument(); // Ends file


Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// set a cell to subscribe to updates to another cell
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subscriber">a cell which depends on the value of another cell</param>
 /// <param name="subscription">the cell which the subscriber depends on</param>
 private void Subscribe(SpreadsheetCell subscriber, SpreadsheetCell subscription)
     if (!subscriber.Subscriptions.Contains(subscription))
     if (!subscription.Subscribers.Contains(subscriber))
Example #15
        // This function updates the variables dictionary.
        // It does this by first checking if the variables dictionary
        // already has a key for that variable. Then it updates the value
        private void UpdateVariables(SpreadsheetCell currentCell)
            string cellName = GetCellName(currentCell);

            if (!variables.ContainsKey(cellName))
                variables.Add(cellName, Convert.ToDouble(currentCell.Value));

            variables[cellName] = Convert.ToDouble(currentCell.Value);
Example #16
        // This method justs updates the currentCells text
        public void UpdateAfterTextboxChanged(SpreadsheetCell currentCell, string val)
            // Checks if the value is null or empty
            if (val == null || val == "")

            // Update the cells Text
            currentCell.Text = val;
Example #17
        // PropertyChanged event for SpreadSheet.
        // This method is where all the meat is for when a cell gets an input by the user.
        // The purpose of it is to determine if a user entered an formula or a value.
        // If it's a formula it uses the ExpTree to calculate the value, and set the cells value to that.
        // If the user doesn't enter a formula, it sets that cell value and text to what the user entered.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // It's good to point out also how the there is a check to see if the input is valid,
        // if it's invalid the cell will display "#REF",
        // Then after the cell gets updated, all the dictionaries get updated accordingly.
        private void SpreadSheetCell_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            var           currentCell       = sender as SpreadsheetCell;
            ExpTree       tree              = new ExpTree(variables);
            List <string> multiDependencies = new List <string>();

            // Check if input is valid
            if (!IsValidInput(currentCell))

            // If the user entered a formula
            if (currentCell.Text != null && currentCell.Text[0] == '=')

                // Gets the new dependencies from the tree,
                // and in a loop updates the dependency dictionary
                multiDependencies = tree.GetDependencies();
                foreach (string s in multiDependencies)
                    SpreadsheetCell myCell = GetCell(s);

                    if (!dependencies.ContainsKey(myCell))
                        dependencies.Add(myCell, new List <SpreadsheetCell>());
            // If user enters a value
                // Set value of the cell
                // Set the expression of that cell to null



            if (CellPropertyChanged != null)
                CellPropertyChanged(sender, e);

            UpdateDependencies(currentCell, tree);
Example #18
 private void UpdateReferencedBy(SpreadsheetCell cell)
     /*This function will update all of the cells that reference the passed cell*/
     if (this.refTable.ContainsKey(CellToString(cell))) // Ensures that the current cell has other cells that reference it
         for (int i = 0; i < this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].Count; i++)
             SpreadsheetCell nextCell = StringToCell(this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].ElementAt <string>(i)); // Looks up the next cell that references the current cell
             UpdateCellValue(ref nextCell);
Example #19
        // Pull function
        private void Pull(string text, SpreadsheetCell currentCell)
            string pull;
            string pulledValue;
            int    pullColumn;
            int    pullRow;

            int[] rowDigits = new int[2];

            if (text[0] == '=')
                pull       = text.Substring(1, text.Length - 1);
                pull       = pull.Trim();
                pullColumn = char.ToUpper(pull[0]) - 65;

                pull = pull.Substring(1, pull.Length - 1);

                if (pull.Length > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < pull.Length; i++)
                        rowDigits[i] = pull[i] - 48;

                    pullRow  = 10 * rowDigits[0];
                    pullRow += rowDigits[1] - 1;

                    pullRow = pull[0] - 49;

                pulledValue = this.GetCell(pullRow, pullColumn).CellText;

                // If the pulled cell is also pulling from another cell, keep following
                if (pulledValue[0] == '=')
                    Pull(pulledValue, currentCell);
                // End condition to bring out
                    currentCell.ValueText = pulledValue;

                currentCell.ValueText = text;
Example #20
 // Clears out entire spreadsheet
 public void ClearSheet()
     for (int i = 0; i < ColumnCount; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < RowCount; j++)
             SpreadsheetCell temp = (SpreadsheetCell)cells[i, j];
             temp.Text = null;
Example #21
        private void detect_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            SpreadsheetCell toAlter = (sender as SpreadsheetCell);

            if (e.PropertyName == "Value")
                UpdateCellValue(ref toAlter); // Updates the Cell and all of the cells that reference it
            if (e.PropertyName == "BGColor")
                CellPropertyChanged(toAlter, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("BGColor")); // notifies the UI that the spreadsheet is changing a cells background color
Example #22
        // Event handler when SpreadsheetCell is changed
        public void OnCellPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // Value is what is shown in form
            // Text is the formula held in cell
            string          text        = e.PropertyName;
            SpreadsheetCell currentCell = (SpreadsheetCell)sender;

            Pull(text, currentCell);

            // Raising the event that a cell value has been changed
            CellPropertyChanged(currentCell, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(currentCell.ValueText));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes each cell in cells as a SpreadsheetCell.
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeCells()
     for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.cells.GetLength(0); rowIndex++)
         for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < this.cells.GetLength(1); colIndex++)
             SpreadsheetCell newCell = new SpreadsheetCell(rowIndex, colIndex);
             this.cells[rowIndex, colIndex]     = newCell;
             newCell.PropertyChanged           += this.UpdateOnCellPropertyChanged;
             newCell.DependentCellValueChanged += this.UpdateOnDependentCellValueChange;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates (and possibly evaluates) a cell's value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Spreadsheet cell.</param>
        private void UpdateCellValue(SpreadsheetCell cell)
            string newValue = cell.Text;

            if (newValue.StartsWith("="))
                newValue = this.EvaluateCellExpression(cell).ToString();


            this.CellPropertyChanged?.Invoke(cell, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value"));
Example #25
 // Spreadsheet Constructor
 // Creates a 2-d array of cells and subscribes the SheetPropertyChanged Event
 // To the Property changed event of each cell
 public Spreadsheet(int columns, int rows)
     RowCount    = rows;
     ColumnCount = columns;
     cells       = new SpreadsheetCell[columns, rows];
     for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
             cells[i, j] = new SpreadsheetCell(i, j);
             cells[i, j].PropertyChanged += SheetPropertyChanged;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes a spreadsheet with specified rows/columns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rows">number of rows contained by the Spreadsheet</param>
        /// <param name="columns">number of columns contained by the Spreadsheet</param>
        public Spreadsheet(int rows, int columns)
            _cells = new SpreadsheetCell[rows, columns];

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    // create cells and subscribe to each cell
                    _cells[i, j] = new SpreadsheetCell(i, j);
                    _cells[i, j].PropertyChanged += HandlePropertyChangedEvent;
Example #27
        // Constructor that builds all the cell objects
        public SpreadSheet(int rows, int columns)
            // Builds the 2D array of Cells of size rows and columns
            cells = new SpreadsheetCell[rows, columns];

            // Loops that creates the cell object and gives it a PropertyChanged event
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    cells[i, j] = new SpreadsheetCell(i, j);
                    cells[i, j].PropertyChanged += SpreadSheetCell_PropertyChanged;
Example #28
        private bool Load_Pvt(TextReader FromStream, Spreadsheet Sender)
            XmlReader xmlRead = XmlReader.Create(FromStream); // initializes the XMLReader with the passed stream

            if (xmlRead != null)
                using (xmlRead)                       // opens the stream
                    SpreadsheetCell to = null;        // changes to the cell that is pulled from the .xml file
                    while (!xmlRead.EOF)              // while there is still information to be read
                        if (xmlRead.IsStartElement()) // ensures that the reader is at a start element
                            switch (xmlRead.Name)     // checks various names -> skips over unknown names
                            case "Cell":
                                xmlRead.MoveToFirstAttribute();     // moves to the name attribute
                                string cell = xmlRead.Value;
                                to = Sender.StringToCell(cell);     // will grab the cell from the spreadsheet using this name/attribute

                            case "Text":
                                Sender[to.RowIndex, to.ColumnIndex].Text = xmlRead.ReadElementContentAsString();     // sets Text

                            case "BGColor":
                                Sender[to.RowIndex, to.ColumnIndex].BGColor = xmlRead.ReadElementContentAsInt();     // sets BGColor

                            default:     // simply reads over the unknown element -> also skips spreadsheet name (nothing is done here at the moment)
                            xmlRead.Read(); // simply passed anything that is not a start element


Example #29
 //a constructor for the spreadsheet class that takes a number of rows and columns.
 public Spreadsheet(int newRow, int newColumn)
     NumberOfRows    = newRow;
     NumberOfColumns = newColumn;
     SS_Array        = new SpreadsheetCell[NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns];
     Undos           = new Stack <MultiCmd>();
     Redos           = new Stack <MultiCmd>();
     //go through the 2d array and subscribe to property change event handler
     for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfRows; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfColumns; j++)
             SS_Array[i, j] = new SpreadsheetCell(i, j);
             SS_Array[i, j].PropertyChanged += CellPropertyChanged;
Example #30
        public Spreadsheet(int rows, int cols)
            Rows = rows;
            Cols = cols;

            SpreadsheetCell[,] newGrid = new SpreadsheetCell[Rows, Cols];
            CellGrid = newGrid;

            for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Cols; j++)
                    CellGrid[i, j] = new SpreadsheetCell(i, j);
                    CellGrid[i, j].PropertyChanged += CellPropertyChanged;
Example #31
        private void UpdateCellValue(ref SpreadsheetCell cell)
            var mainTree = new ExpTree(); // Initializes a new expression tree to build the cell's expression
            ErrType Error = ErrType.None;

            if (cell.Text != "" && cell.Text[0] != '=') // not an expression, simply a text value
                cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex] = new Cell(cell, cell.Text);
                add_remove(cell, mainTree, true);
                if (cell.Text != "")
                    mainTree.Expression = cell.Text.Substring(1).Replace(" ", ""); // Build the expression tree with the cell's text (minus the '=') :: Also ignores whitespaces
                    mainTree.Expression = cell.Text;

                add_remove(cell, mainTree, true); // Removes all variables cooresponding to the old tree

                cell.VarList = GetVarNames(cell.Text); // Will Return all found variables in the new expression

                Error = add_remove(cell, mainTree, false);

                if (Error != ErrType.None) // Notifies the UI that there is an error in one of the cells that the expression references
                    return; // Exits the function before executing anything else, error display has already been taken care of at this point

                    cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex] = new Cell(cell, mainTree.Eval().ToString()); // Attempts to evaluate the expression, placing it into a new cell
                catch (DivideByZeroException) // User tried to divide by zero
                    CheckErr(cell, ErrType.DivZero, CellToString(cell));
                    UpdateErrorReferecedBy(cell, ErrType.DivZero, CellToString(cell));
                catch (NullReferenceException) // Input not regonized / invalid expression
                    if (cell.Text == "")
                        cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex] = new Cell(cell, ""); // if the cell was deleted or reset, this will set the cell to an empty value (caught by expression tree as null)
                        CheckErr(cell, ErrType.InvExp, CellToString(cell));
                        UpdateErrorReferecedBy(cell, ErrType.InvExp, CellToString(cell)); // Notifies UI that an invalid expression has been entered

            cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex].PropertyChanged += detect_PropertyChanged; // Reassigns the the detect_property function to the cell's delegate

            CellPropertyChanged(cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex], new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value")); // fires the event that notifies the GUI of a change

            UpdateReferencedBy(cell); // Updates all cells that reference this cell
Example #32
 private void UpdateReferencedBy(SpreadsheetCell cell)
     /*This function will update all of the cells that reference the passed cell*/
     if (this.refTable.ContainsKey(CellToString(cell))) // Ensures that the current cell has other cells that reference it
         for (int i = 0; i < this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].Count; i++)
             SpreadsheetCell nextCell = StringToCell(this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].ElementAt<string>(i)); // Looks up the next cell that references the current cell
             UpdateCellValue(ref nextCell);
Example #33
        private ErrType add_remove(SpreadsheetCell toAlter, ExpTree mainTree, bool removing)
            /*Adding to and removing from the reference table occurs in this function*/
            ErrType Error = ErrType.None;

            if (toAlter.VarList != null && toAlter.VarList.Count > 0)
                string referencedBy = CellToString(toAlter);
                if (removing)
                    foreach (string referencedCell in toAlter.VarList) // Removes all variables from the old tree
                        if (refTable.ContainsKey(referencedCell))
                            if (refTable[referencedCell].Contains(referencedBy))
                                refTable[referencedCell].Remove(referencedBy); // Removes the current cell from any other cells referencing hash
                            if (refTable[referencedCell].Count < 1) // If an entry in the table has no cells referencing it, then it is removed

                    toAlter.VarList.Clear(); // Empty that variable list (will be rebuild below)
                else // Adding value to the reference this
                    foreach (string s in toAlter.VarList) // Updates the reference table with all of the referenced cells (variables in the expTree's context)
                        double CellValue = 0.0;
                        SpreadsheetCell next = StringToCell(s);
                        if (next != null)
                            if (s == CellToString(toAlter)) // SELF-REFERENCING
                                Error = ErrType.SelfRef;
                                CheckErr(toAlter, Error, CellToString(toAlter));
                                UpdateErrorReferecedBy(toAlter, ErrType.SelfRef, CellToString(toAlter)); // Updates all cells referencing this cell that there is a value
                                return ErrType.SelfRef;
                            else if (next.Value.Contains("REF")) // Won't check for already occuring errors (in referenced cell) 
                                if (next.Value.Contains("=<BAD_REF")) // If this cell REFERENCES a cell that contains a bad_ref error
                                    CheckErr(toAlter, ErrType.BadRef, s);
                                    UpdateErrorReferecedBy(toAlter, ErrType.BadRef, s);
                                    Error = ErrType.BadRef;
                                else if (next.Value.Contains("=<SELF_REF")) // If this cell REFERENCES a cell that contains a self_ref error
                                    CheckErr(toAlter, ErrType.SelfRef, s);
                                    UpdateErrorReferecedBy(toAlter, ErrType.SelfRef, CellToString(toAlter));
                                    Error = ErrType.SelfRef;
                                else if (next.Value.Contains("=<CIRC_REF"))
                                    CheckErr(toAlter, ErrType.CircRef, s);
                                    UpdateErrorReferecedBy(toAlter, ErrType.CircRef, CellToString(toAlter));
                                    Error = ErrType.CircRef;
                            if (next.Text != "")
                                Double.TryParse(next.Value, out CellValue); // Gets the cell's value
                                mainTree.SetVar(s, CellValue); // Sets the variable in the expression tree's dictionary (0 if not yet set)
                            if (refTable.ContainsKey(s)) // If The variable already has references, just add to its hash
                            else // Otherwise create the new variable key with a new list containing the cell that references it
                                refTable.Add(s, new HashSet<string>() { referencedBy });
                        else // If Cell parsing return null (cell not recovered), the there is a bad reference
                            Error = ErrType.BadRef;
                            CheckErr(toAlter, Error, CellToString(toAlter));
                            UpdateErrorReferecedBy(toAlter, ErrType.BadRef, CellToString(toAlter));
                            return ErrType.BadRef;
                    if (Error == ErrType.CircRef)
                        return Error;

                    if (Error != ErrType.SelfRef && CheckCircularRef(toAlter, CellToString(toAlter))) // Checks for circular references here ***
                        Error = ErrType.CircRef;
                        CheckErr(toAlter, Error, CellToString(toAlter));
                        UpdateErrorReferecedBy(toAlter, ErrType.CircRef, CellToString(toAlter));

            return Error;
Example #34
        private void CheckErr(SpreadsheetCell cell, ErrType err, string root)
            /* This function will check the passed error and update the cell accordingly
             * This function will also update cells referencing an error with the location
               where the error is occuring (exluding Circular references)
             * Reinitializes cell delegate */
            if (cell.Text == "") // Skips cells that have been reset
            if (err == ErrType.BadRef) // BAD REFERENCES
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<BAD_REF::SRC>"); // Plants the source of the error
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<BAD_REF::AT[" + root + "]"); // Updates the cell's value with the location of the error
            else if (err == ErrType.SelfRef) // SELF REFERENCES
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<SELF_REF::SRC>");
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<SELF_REF::AT[" + root + "]");
            else if (err == ErrType.CircRef) // CIRCULAR REFERENCES
                cell = new Cell(cell, "=<CIRC_REF>");
            else if (err == ErrType.DivZero) // DIVISION BY ZERO
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<DIV_ZERO::SRC>");
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<DIV_ZERO::AT[" + root + "]");
            else if (err == ErrType.InvExp) // INVALID EXPRESSIONS
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<INV_EXP::SRC>");
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<INV::EXP::AT[" + root + "]");

            if (err != ErrType.None)
                cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex] = new Cell(cell, cell.Value);
                cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex].PropertyChanged += detect_PropertyChanged; // Reassigns the the detect_property function to the cell's delegate

                CellPropertyChanged(cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex], new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value")); // fires the event that notifies the GUI of a change
Example #35
        private bool CheckCircularRef(SpreadsheetCell cell, string root)
            bool Error = false;
            string CellName = CellToString(cell);

            if (cell.VarList != null)
                foreach (string ReferencedCell in cell.VarList) // Will check all variables in the cell's variable list
                    if (null == StringToCell(ReferencedCell)) // If the parsing of the referenced cell failed, the error should be bad_ref not circ_ref
                        return false;
                    //else if (cell.Value.Contains("CIRC_REF"))
                    //    root = CellToString(cell);
                    else if (CellName != root && ReferencedCell == root) // If the loop came back around to the root value while checking, then a circular reference has been found
                        return true;
                        Error = CheckCircularRef(StringToCell(ReferencedCell), root); // Continues checks for circular referencing

            return Error;
Example #36
        internal string CellToString(SpreadsheetCell from)
            char column = (char)(from.ColumnIndex + 65); // Converts column index to an uppercase char
            int row = from.RowIndex + 1; // corrects the row offset

            return column.ToString() + row.ToString(); // Returns the string version of the cell
Example #37
 public RestoreText(SpreadsheetCell from, string text)
     this.Current = from;
     this.CellText = text;
Example #38
 public RestoreBGColor(SpreadsheetCell from, int color)
     this.Current = from;
     this.ARBGColor = color;
Example #39
 public Cell(SpreadsheetCell from, string newVal) : base(from.RowIndex, from.ColumnIndex)
     this.valueStr = newVal;
     this.Text = from.Text;
     this.BackColor = from.BGColor;
     this.VarList = from.VarList;
Example #40
 private void UpdateErrorReferecedBy(SpreadsheetCell cell, ErrType Check, string root)
     /* This function will update all of the cells that reference the passed cell IFF an error has been detected 
      * Cells that contain the error and cells that reference cells containing an error will use this function */
     if (this.refTable.ContainsKey(CellToString(cell))) // Ensures that the current cell has other cells that reference it
         for (int i = 0; i < this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].Count; i++)
             SpreadsheetCell nextCell = StringToCell(this.refTable[CellToString(cell)].ElementAt<string>(i)); // Looks up the next cell that references the current cell
             if (Check == ErrType.SelfRef && CellToString(nextCell) == root) // Stop self-referencing loops
                 break; // Updates all cells that reference it
             else if (Check == ErrType.CircRef && CellToString(nextCell) == root) // stops circular-referencing loops
                 CheckErr(nextCell, Check, root);
                 UpdateErrorReferecedBy(nextCell, Check, root); // Continues updated all cells that reference THIS cell