Example #1
        private void CreateFloatFieldControl(Base parent, int x, ref int y, string name, string labelText, int min, int max, float increment, float initialValue)
            Label label = new Label(parent);

            label.Name = $"{name}Label";
            label.Text = labelText;
            label.SetPosition(x, y + 3);
            label.Alignment = Pos.CenterV | Pos.Left;

            NumericUpDownEx upDown = new NumericUpDownEx(parent);

            upDown.Name      = $"{name}NumUpDown";
            upDown.Min       = min;
            upDown.Max       = max;
            upDown.Increment = increment;
            upDown.Value     = initialValue;
            upDown.SetPosition(x + 110, y);
            upDown.ValueChanged += OnNumericUpDownValueChanged;

            y += 25;
Example #2
        private void CreateOffsetsTabPageControls(TabButton tab, string name)
            Base page = tab.Page;

            page.Name = $"{name}Page";

            Label label = new Label(page);

            label.Name = $"{name}Label";
            label.Text = "Model ";
            label.SetPosition(12, 5 + 3);
            label.Alignment = Pos.CenterV | Pos.Left;

            ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox(page);

            comboBox.Name = $"{name}ComboBox";
            comboBox.SetPosition(60, 5);
            comboBox.Width += 20;
            comboBox.AddItem("New...", $"{name}ComboBoxItemNew");
            int j = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, VehicleData> entry in Plugin.Settings.Vehicles.Data)
                comboBox.AddItem(entry.Key, $"{name}ComboBoxItem{j++}", new Model(entry.Key));
            comboBox.ItemSelected += OnOffsetsComboBoxItemSelected;

            Vector3 v = Plugin.Settings.Vehicles.Data.First().Value.Offset;

            string[] vecComponents = "X,Y,Z".Split(',');
            for (int i = 0; i < vecComponents.Length; i++)
                string vecComp = vecComponents[i];

                int x = 250;
                int y = 5 + 30 * i;

                Label vecCompLabel = new Label(page);
                vecCompLabel.Name = $"{name}{vecComp}Label";
                vecCompLabel.Text = vecComp;
                vecCompLabel.SetPosition(x, y + 3);
                vecCompLabel.Alignment = Pos.CenterV | Pos.Left;

                NumericUpDownEx upDown = new NumericUpDownEx(page);
                upDown.Name      = $"{name}{vecComp}NumUpDown";
                upDown.Min       = -999;
                upDown.Max       = 999;
                upDown.Increment = 0.01f;
                upDown.Value     = v[i];
                upDown.SetPosition(x + 15, y);
                upDown.ValueChanged += OnOffsetsNumericUpDownValueChanged;

            Button saveButton = new Button(page);

            saveButton.Name  = $"{name}SaveButton";
            saveButton.Text  = "Save ";
            saveButton.Width = 150;
            saveButton.SetPosition(12, 50);
            saveButton.Clicked += OnOffsetsSaveButtonClicked;
            saveButton.SetToolTipText("Saves all offsets to the vehicle settings file");

            if (Game.LocalPlayer.Character.IsInAnyVehicle(false))
                Model m = Game.LocalPlayer.Character.CurrentVehicle.Model;
