// store in mapBeacons the beacons on the map
 private void getMapBeacons(ref BeaconOnMap[] mapBeacons)
     mapBeacons[0] = new BeaconOnMap(23896, 25923, 614, 345);
     mapBeacons[1] = new BeaconOnMap(7354, 47683, 158, 230);
     mapBeacons[2] = new BeaconOnMap(58610, 36050, 324, 257);
     mapBeacons[3] = new BeaconOnMap(18155, 58632, 446, 162);
     mapBeacons[4] = new BeaconOnMap(61265, 34052, 333, 116);
     mapBeacons[5] = new BeaconOnMap(36242, 5515, 306, 493);
     mapBeacons[6] = new BeaconOnMap(31499, 2016, 416, 369);
     mapBeacons[7] = new BeaconOnMap(30745, 50948, 66, 98);
        protected virtual void HandleRanging(object sender, BeaconManager.RangingEventArgs e)
            // major, minor, xpos, ypos

            BeaconOnMap[] mapBeacons = new BeaconOnMap[8];
            getMapBeacons(ref mapBeacons);

            // distanceInMeters * ratio = distanceInPixels
            const int ratio = 43;

            Log.Debug(TAG, "Found {0} beacons.", e.Beacons.Count);
            foreach (Beacon b in e.Beacons)
                Log.Debug(TAG, "major: {0}, minor: {1}, distance: {2}", b.Major, b.Minor, Utils.ComputeAccuracy(b));

            BeaconsFound(this, new BeaconsFoundEventArgs(e.Beacons));

            if (e.Beacons.Count < 3)

            BeaconOnMap[] b3   = new BeaconOnMap[3];
            int[]         dist = new int[3];

            getClosest3BeaconsOnMap(ref b3, ref dist, e.Beacons, mapBeacons, ratio);

            Position pos = intersectThreeCircles(b3[0].getPosition(), dist[0], b3[1].getPosition(), dist[1], b3[2].getPosition(), dist[2]);

            //Log.Debug(TAG, "{0}", canvas.ActualHeight);
            if (pos.getX() != 0 && pos.getY() != 0)
                Map.drawPointOnMap(pos.getX(), pos.getY());

            Log.Debug(TAG, pos.ToString());

            //            IEnumerable<Beacon> beacons = from item in e.Beacons
            //                                          let uuid = item.ProximityUUID
            //                                          where uuid.Equals(EstimoteBeacons.EstimoteProximityUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
            //                                                uuid.Equals(EstimoteBeacons.EstimoteIosProximityUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            //                                          select item;