protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // We check to make sure we have legitimate data inputs Boolean isTitleValid = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_title.Text)); Boolean isDescriptionValid = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_description.Text)); Boolean isTechnicianValid = (Convert.ToInt32(ddl_technicians.SelectedValue) > 0); Boolean isProductValid = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ddl_products.SelectedValue)); Boolean allValid = (isDescriptionValid && isProductValid && isTechnicianValid && isTitleValid); // If all input is valid, we create a new Incident and add it to our data model if (allValid) { Incident newIncident = new Incident(); newIncident.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_customers.SelectedValue); newIncident.ProductCode = ddl_products.SelectedValue; newIncident.TechID = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_technicians.SelectedValue); newIncident.DateOpened = DateTime.Now; newIncident.DateClosed = null; newIncident.Title = tb_title.Text; newIncident.Description = tb_description.Text; TechSupportContext newContext = new TechSupportContext(); newContext.addIncident(newIncident); // We make sure any error messages are no longer visible, inform the user of success, and clear the textboxes hideAllErrorMessages(); lbl_submitted.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; lbl_submitted.Text = "Incident \"" + tb_title.Text + "\" has been added."; tb_title.Text = ""; tb_description.Text = ""; // The following code is for making sure that the open incident drop down list // and the accordion refresh when the data has been altered. // I feel like there must be a better way to handle this, but this is what I have for now. List <Incident> incident = newContext.returnIncidents(Convert.ToInt32(ddl_customers.SelectedValue)); List <SportsPro.Models.Incident> openIncidents = newContext.getOpenIncidents(); Accd_Incident_View.DataSource = incident; ddl_openIncidents.DataSource = openIncidents; ddl_openIncidents.DataValueField = "IncidentID"; ddl_openIncidents.DataTextField = "IncidentID"; ddl_openIncidents.DataBind(); Accd_Incident_View.DataBind(); } else { // If there is a problem with one of the inputs, we display the appropriate error messages if (!isTitleValid) { lbl_titleError.Visible = true; } if (!isDescriptionValid) { lbl_descError.Visible = true; } if (!isTechnicianValid) { lbl_technicianError.Visible = true; } if (!isProductValid) { lbl_productsError.Visible = true; } lbl_submitted.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lbl_submitted.Text = "Please enter all information correctly"; } }