Example #1
        private void OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Literal      lbl          = (Literal)sender;
            DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem)lbl.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView  row          = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;

            if (row != null)
                // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                if (L10n == null)
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                    L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                if (row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value)
                    lbl.Text = L10n.Term(Sql.ToString(row[sDATA_FIELD]));
                lbl.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
Example #2
        public static string ValidateIDs(string[] arrID, bool bQuoted)
            if (arrID.Length == 0)
            if (arrID.Length > 200)
                L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term(".LBL_TOO_MANY_RECORDS")));

            foreach (string sID in arrID)
                Guid gID = Sql.ToGuid(sID);
                if (Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gID))
                    // 05/02/2006 Paul.  Provide a more descriptive error message by including the ID.
                    throw(new Exception("Invalid ID: " + sID));
            string sIDs = String.Empty;

            if (bQuoted)
                sIDs = "'" + String.Join("','", arrID) + "'";
                sIDs = String.Join(",", arrID);
        private void lst_OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem)lst.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView  row          = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;

            if (row != null)
                string sMODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(row["MODULE_NAME"]);
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We could use GUIDS like SugarCRM, but since there is only one ACL grid,
                // there is no need for that kind of uniqueness.
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  toggleDisplay() will automatically reverse toggle of a linked control.
                divList.ID = sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE;
                lst.ID     = "lst" + sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE;
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  OnChange, update the the innerHTML and the hidden field.
                lst.Attributes.Add("onchange", "document.getElementById('" + divLabel.ClientID + "').innerHTML=this.options[this.selectedIndex].text; document.getElementById('" + hid.ClientID + "').value=document.getElementById('" + divLabel.ClientID + "').innerHTML; toggleDisplay('" + divList.ClientID + "');");
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  The first parent is the DIV, the second is the TableCell.
                TableCell td = divList.Parent as TableCell;
                if (td != null)
                    td.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", "toggleDisplay('" + divList.ClientID + "')");

                if (row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value)
                    int nACCESS = Sql.ToInteger(row[sDATA_FIELD]);
                    lst.Attributes.Add("class", AccessClassName(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS));
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Don't update values on postback, otherwise it will over-write modified values.
                        if (!objContainer.Page.IsPostBack)
                            lst.SelectedValue = NormalizeAccessValue(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS).ToString();

                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We always need to translate the items, even during postback.
                // This is because we always build the DropDownList.
                // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                if (L10n == null)
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                    L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Make sure to translate the text.
                // It cannot be translated in InstantiateIn() because the Page is not defined.
                foreach (ListItem itm in lst.Items)
                    itm.Text = L10n.Term(itm.Text);
        private void lit_OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem)lbl.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView  row          = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;

            // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We don't have access to the ACLGrid in InstantiateIn(), so do so here.
            ACLGrid grd = objContainer.Parent.Parent as ACLGrid;

            if (!grd.EnableACLEditing)
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  I'd like to remove the dvList, but I can't do it here.
                //divList = null;
            if (row != null)
                string sMODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(row["MODULE_NAME"]);
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We could use GUIDS like SugarCRM, but since there is only one ACL grid,
                // there is no need for that kind of uniqueness.
                divLabel.ID = sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE + "link";
                hid.ID      = "hid" + sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE;

                if (row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value)
                    // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                    // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                    L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                    if (L10n == null)
                        // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                        L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                    int nACCESS = Sql.ToInteger(row[sDATA_FIELD]);
                    divLabel.Attributes.Add("class", AccessClassName(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS));
                    // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Don't update values on postback, otherwise it will over-write modified values.
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  Make sure to set the division color, even on postback.
                    // 05/03/2006 Paul.  If we are not editing, then always bind to the query.
                    // This is so that the AccessView control can be placed in an unrelated control that have postbacks.
                    // This was first noticed in the UserRolesView.ascx.
                    if (!objContainer.Page.IsPostBack || !grd.EnableACLEditing)
                        lbl.Text  = L10n.Term(AccessLabel(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS));
                        hid.Value = lbl.Text;
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  The label will not retain its value, so restore from the hidden field.
                        // We use the hidden field because the value my have been changed by the user.
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We are too early in the ASP.NET lifecycle to access hid.Value,
                        // so go directly to the Request to get the submitted value.
                        lbl.Text = hid.Page.Request[hid.UniqueID];
 public static void AppendDetailViewFields(string sDETAIL_NAME, HtmlTable tbl, IDataReader rdr, L10N L10n, TimeZone T10n, CommandEventHandler Page_Command)
     if ( tbl == null )
         SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), "HtmlTable is not defined for " + sDETAIL_NAME);
     DataTable dtFields = SplendidCache.DetailViewFields(sDETAIL_NAME);
     AppendDetailViewFields(dtFields.DefaultView, tbl, rdr, L10n, T10n, Page_Command, false);
Example #6
        public static Stack FilterByACL_Stack(string sMODULE_NAME, string sACCESS_TYPE, string[] arrID, string sTABLE_NAME)
            Stack         stk        = new Stack();
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
            int           nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(sMODULE_NAME, sACCESS_TYPE);

            if (nACLACCESS >= 0 && arrID.Length > 0)
                if (nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER)
                    DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                    using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection())
                        // 09/26/2006 Paul.  The connection needed to be opened.
                        string sSQL;
                        sSQL = "select ID              " + ControlChars.CrLf
                               + "  from vw" + sTABLE_NAME + ControlChars.CrLf
                               + " where 1 = 1           " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                        using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                            Sql.AppendGuids(cmd, arrID, "ID");
                            Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, Security.USER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID", false);
                            using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                while (rdr.Read())
                    if (stk.Count == 0)
                        L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                        throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
                    foreach (string sID in arrID)
                        if (sID.Length > 0)
Example #7
        public static string Culture()
            string   sCulture    = Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Application["CONFIG.default_language"]);
            DataView vwLanguages = new DataView(SplendidCache.Languages());

            vwLanguages.RowFilter = "NAME = '" + sCulture + "'";
            if (vwLanguages.Count > 0)
                sCulture = Sql.ToString(vwLanguages[0]["NAME"]);
            if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sCulture))
                sCulture = "en-US";
Example #8
        public static string FilterByACL(string sMODULE_NAME, string sACCESS_TYPE, string[] arrID, string sTABLE_NAME)
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
            int           nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(sMODULE_NAME, sACCESS_TYPE);

            if (nACLACCESS >= 0 && arrID.Length > 0)
                if (nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER)
                    DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                    using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection())
                        string sSQL;
                        sSQL = "select ID              " + ControlChars.CrLf
                               + "  from vw" + sTABLE_NAME + ControlChars.CrLf
                               + " where 1 = 1           " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                        using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                            Sql.AppendGuids(cmd, arrID, "ID");
                            Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, Security.USER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID", false);
                            using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                                while (rdr.Read())
                                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                    if (sb.Length == 0)
                        L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                        throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
                    return(String.Join(",", arrID));
        public L10N GetL10n()
            // 08/30/2005 Paul.  Move the L10N creation to this get function so that the first control
            // that gets created will cause the creation of L10N.  The UserControls get the OnInit event before the Page onInit event.
            if (L10n == null)
                m_sCULTURE    = Sql.ToString(Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]);
                m_sDATEFORMAT = Sql.ToString(Session["USER_SETTINGS/DATEFORMAT"]);
                m_sTIMEFORMAT = Sql.ToString(Session["USER_SETTINGS/TIMEFORMAT"]);

                // 05/09/2006 Paul.  Initialize the numeric separators.
                string sGROUP_SEPARATOR   = Sql.ToString(Session["USER_SETTINGS/GROUP_SEPARATOR"]);
                string sDECIMAL_SEPARATOR = Sql.ToString(Session["USER_SETTINGS/DECIMAL_SEPARATOR"]);

                L10n = new L10N(m_sCULTURE);
                // 08/05/2006 Paul.  We cannot set the CurrencyDecimalSeparator directly on Mono as it is read-only.
                // Hold off setting the CurrentCulture until we have updated all the settings.
                CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(L10n.NAME);
                culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = m_sDATEFORMAT;
                culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern = m_sTIMEFORMAT;
                // 06/03/2006 Paul.  Setting the separators is causing some users a problem.  It may be because the strings were empty.
                if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sGROUP_SEPARATOR))
                    culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyGroupSeparator = sGROUP_SEPARATOR;
                if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sDECIMAL_SEPARATOR))
                    culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = sDECIMAL_SEPARATOR;
                if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sGROUP_SEPARATOR))
                    culture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = sGROUP_SEPARATOR;
                if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sDECIMAL_SEPARATOR))
                    culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = sDECIMAL_SEPARATOR;

                // 08/30/2005 Paul. We don't need the long time pattern because we simply do not use it.
                //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern  = m_sTIMEFORMAT;
                //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
                //08/05/2006 Paul.  Apply the modified cultures.
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = culture;
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;
Example #10
 public L10N GetL10n()
     // 08/30/2005 Paul.  Attempt to get the L10n & T10n objects from the parent page.
     // If that fails, then just create them because they are required.
     if (L10n == null)
         // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
         // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
         // A port to DNN prompted this approach.
         L10n = Context.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
         if (L10n == null)
             string sCULTURE = Sql.ToString(Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]);
             L10n = new L10N(sCULTURE);
Example #11
 public static string TableColumnName(L10N L10n, string sModule, string sDISPLAY_NAME)
     // 07/04/2006 Paul.  Some columns have global terms.
     // 06/05/2007 Paul.  Add Team global term.
         sDISPLAY_NAME == "ASSIGNED_TO" ||
         sDISPLAY_NAME == "CREATED_BY" ||
         sDISPLAY_NAME == "MODIFIED_BY" ||
         sDISPLAY_NAME == "TEAM_NAME")
         sDISPLAY_NAME = L10n.Term(".LBL_" + sDISPLAY_NAME).Replace(":", "");
         // 07/04/2006 Paul.  Column names are aliased so that we don't have to redefine terms.
         sDISPLAY_NAME = L10n.AliasedTerm(sModule + ".LBL_" + sDISPLAY_NAME).Replace(":", "");
Example #12
        // 12/22/2007 Paul.  Inside the timer event, there is no current context, so we need to pass the application.
        public static string Culture(HttpApplicationState Application)
            string sCulture = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.default_language"]);

            // 12/22/2007 Paul.  The cache is not available when we are inside the timer event.
            if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Cache != null)
                DataView vwLanguages = new DataView(SplendidCache.Languages());
                vwLanguages.RowFilter = "NAME = '" + sCulture + "'";
                if (vwLanguages.Count > 0)
                    sCulture = Sql.ToString(vwLanguages[0]["NAME"]);
            if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sCulture))
                sCulture = "en-US";
Example #13
 // 11/12/2005 Paul.  Not sure why, but Unified Search/Project List is not translating.
 public void L10nTranslate()
     if (!bTranslated)
         // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
         // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
         L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
         if (L10n == null)
             // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
             L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
         PagerStyle.PrevPageText = L10n.Term(PagerStyle.PrevPageText);
         PagerStyle.NextPageText = L10n.Term(PagerStyle.NextPageText);
         foreach (DataGridColumn col in Columns)
             col.HeaderText = L10n.Term(col.HeaderText);
         bTranslated = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// CronDescription
        /// </summary>
        public static string CronDescription(L10N L10n, string sCRON)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sCRON = sCRON.Replace(" ", "");
            if (sCRON == "*::*::*::*::*")

            CultureInfo culture          = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(L10n.NAME);
            string      sCRON_MONTH      = "*";
            string      sCRON_DAYOFMONTH = "*";
            string      sCRON_DAYOFWEEK  = "*";
            string      sCRON_HOUR       = "*";
            string      sCRON_MINUTE     = "*";

            string[] arrCRON           = sCRON.Replace("::", "|").Split('|');
            string[] arrCRON_TEMP      = new string[] {};
            string[] arrCRON_VALUE     = new string[] {};
            string[] arrDaySuffixes    = new string[32];
            int      nCRON_VALUE       = 0;
            int      nCRON_VALUE_START = 0;
            int      nCRON_VALUE_END   = 0;
            int      nON_THE_MINUTE    = -1;

            for (int n = 0; n < arrDaySuffixes.Length; n++)
                arrDaySuffixes[n] = "th";
            arrDaySuffixes[0] = "";
            arrDaySuffixes[1] = "st";
            arrDaySuffixes[2] = "nd";
            arrDaySuffixes[3] = "rd";

            // minute  hour  dayOfMonth  month  dayOfWeek
            if (arrCRON.Length > 0)
                sCRON_MINUTE = arrCRON[0];
            if (arrCRON.Length > 1)
                sCRON_HOUR = arrCRON[1];
            if (arrCRON.Length > 2)
                sCRON_DAYOFMONTH = arrCRON[2];
            if (arrCRON.Length > 3)
                sCRON_MONTH = arrCRON[3];
            if (arrCRON.Length > 4)
                sCRON_DAYOFWEEK = arrCRON[4];
            if (sCRON_MINUTE != "*")
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_MINUTE.Split(',');
                // 12/31/2007 Paul.  Check for either comma or dash.
                if (sCRON_MINUTE.Split(",-".ToCharArray()).Length == 1)
                    nON_THE_MINUTE = Sql.ToInteger(sCRON_MINUTE);
                    if (nON_THE_MINUTE == 0)
                    for (int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++)
                        if (arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0)
                            arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                            if (arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2)
                                nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                                nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                                if (nCRON_VALUE_START >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 23 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 23)
                                    if (nCronEntries > 0)
                                    if (nCRON_VALUE_START == 0)
                            nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                            if (nCRON_VALUE >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE <= 23)
                                if (nCronEntries > 0)
                                if (nCRON_VALUE == 0)
            if (sCRON_HOUR != "*")
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_HOUR.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++)
                    if (arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0)
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if (arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2)
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if (nCRON_VALUE_START >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 31 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 31)
                                if (nCronEntries > 0)
                                if (nON_THE_MINUTE >= 0)
                                    sb.Append(":" + nON_THE_MINUTE.ToString("00"));
                                if (nON_THE_MINUTE >= 0)
                                    sb.Append(":" + nON_THE_MINUTE.ToString("00"));
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if (nCRON_VALUE >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE <= 31)
                            if (nCronEntries > 0)
                            if (nON_THE_MINUTE >= 0)
                                sb.Append(":" + nON_THE_MINUTE.ToString("00"));
            if (sCRON_DAYOFMONTH != "*")
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_DAYOFMONTH.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++)
                    if (arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0)
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if (arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2)
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if (nCRON_VALUE_START >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 31 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 31)
                                if (nCronEntries > 0)
                                sb.Append(nCRON_VALUE_START.ToString() + arrDaySuffixes[nCRON_VALUE_START]);
                                sb.Append(nCRON_VALUE_END.ToString() + arrDaySuffixes[nCRON_VALUE_END]);
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if (nCRON_VALUE >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE <= 31)
                            if (nCronEntries > 0)
                            sb.Append(nCRON_VALUE.ToString() + arrDaySuffixes[nCRON_VALUE]);
            if (sCRON_MONTH != "*")
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_MONTH.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++)
                    if (arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0)
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if (arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2)
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if (nCRON_VALUE_START >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 12 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 12)
                                if (nCronEntries > 0)
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if (nCRON_VALUE >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE <= 12)
                            if (nCronEntries > 0)
            if (sCRON_DAYOFWEEK != "*")
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_DAYOFWEEK.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++)
                    if (arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0)
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if (arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2)
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if (nCRON_VALUE_START >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 6 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 6)
                                if (nCronEntries > 0)
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if (nCRON_VALUE >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE <= 6)
                            if (nCronEntries > 0)
Example #15
        public string create_opportunity(string user_name, string password, string name, string amount)
            // 03/12/2007 Paul.  If using NTLM, then user_name will be updated with value from Identity object.
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(ref user_name, password);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Opportunities", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
            SqlProcs.spOPPORTUNITIES_New(ref gID, Guid.Empty, name, Sql.ToDecimal(amount), Guid.Empty, DateTime.MinValue, String.Empty);
            return "1";
Example #16
        public user_detail[] user_list(string user_name, string password)
            // 03/12/2007 Paul.  If using NTLM, then user_name will be updated with value from Identity object.
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(ref user_name, password);

            if ( !IsAdmin(gUSER_ID) )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            user_detail[] results = new user_detail[0];
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                sSQL = "select *               " + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + "  from vwSOAP_User_List" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + " where 1 = 1           " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                        using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using ( DataTable dt = new DataTable() )
                                if ( dt.Rows.Count > 0 )
                                    // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                    results = new user_detail[dt.Rows.Count];
                                    for ( int i=0; i < dt.Rows.Count ; i++ )
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                        results[i] = new user_detail();
                                        results[i].email_address = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]);
                                        results[i].user_name     = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["USER_NAME"    ]);
                                        results[i].first_name    = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["FIRST_NAME"   ]);
                                        results[i].last_name     = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["LAST_NAME"    ]);
                                        results[i].department    = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DEPARTMENT"   ]);
                                        results[i].id            = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ID"           ]);
                                        results[i].title         = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["TITLE"        ]);
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        throw(new Exception("SOAP: Failed user_list", ex));
            return results;
Example #17
        public set_relationship_list_result set_relationships(string session, set_relationship_value[] set_relationship_list)
            Guid gUSER_ID = GetSessionUserID(session);

            set_relationship_list_result results = new set_relationship_list_result();
            results.created = 0;
            results.failed  = 0;
            for ( int i=0; i < set_relationship_list.Length; i ++ )
                int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(set_relationship_list[i].module1, "edit");
                if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                    L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                    throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
                SetRelationship(set_relationship_list[i].module1, set_relationship_list[i].module1_id, set_relationship_list[i].module2, set_relationship_list[i].module2_id);
                results.created++ ;
            return results;
Example #18
        public set_entry_result set_note_attachment(string session, note_attachment note)
            Guid   gUSER_ID        = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid   gNOTE_ID        = Sql.ToGuid(note.id);
            string sFILENAME       = Path.GetFileName (note.filename);
            string sFILE_EXT       = Path.GetExtension(sFILENAME);
            string sFILE_MIME_TYPE = "application/octet-stream";

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Notes", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            set_entry_result result = new set_entry_result();
            byte[] byData = Convert.FromBase64String(note.file);
            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Try and reduce the memory requirements by releasing the original data as soon as possible.
            note.file = null;
            using ( MemoryStream stm = new System.IO.MemoryStream(byData) )
                DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                    Guid gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Guid.Empty;

                    // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Notes do not have an ASSIGNED_USER_ID.
                    string sSQL = String.Empty;
                    sSQL = "select *           " + ControlChars.CrLf
                         + "  from vwNOTES_Edit" + ControlChars.CrLf
                         + " where ID = @ID    " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                        cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                        Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gNOTE_ID);
                        using ( IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader() )
                            if ( rdr.Read() )
                                gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Sql.ToGuid(rdr["ASSIGNED_USER_ID"]);
                        using ( IDbTransaction trn = con.BeginTransaction() )
                                Guid gAttachmentID = Guid.Empty;
                                SqlProcs.spNOTE_ATTACHMENTS_Insert(ref gAttachmentID, gNOTE_ID, note.filename, sFILENAME, sFILE_EXT, sFILE_MIME_TYPE, trn);
                                SplendidCRM.Notes.EditView.LoadFile(gAttachmentID, stm, trn);
                            catch(Exception ex)
                                SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                                throw ( new Exception(ex.Message) );
            byData = null;
            return result;
Example #19
        public string create_account(string user_name, string password, string name, string phone, string website)
            // 03/12/2007 Paul.  If using NTLM, then user_name will be updated with value from Identity object.
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(ref user_name, password);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Accounts", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
            SqlProcs.spACCOUNTS_New(ref gID, name, phone, website);
            return "1";
Example #20
        public string create_case(string user_name, string password, string name)
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(user_name, password);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Cases", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
            SqlProcs.spCASES_New(ref gID, name, String.Empty, Guid.Empty);
            return "1";
Example #21
        private void OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Literal      lbl          = (Literal)sender;
            DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem)lbl.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView  row          = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;

            if (row != null)
                // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                if (L10n == null)
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                    L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                if (L10n != null)
                    if (row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value)
                        string sList = sLIST_NAME;
                        // 01/18/2007 Paul.  If AssignedUser list, then use the cached value to find the value.
                        if (sLIST_NAME == "AssignedUser")
                            lbl.Text = SplendidCache.AssignedUser(Sql.ToGuid(row[sDATA_FIELD]));
                        // 12/05/2005 Paul.  The activity status needs to be dynamically converted to the correct list.
                        else if (sLIST_NAME == "activity_status")
                            string sACTIVITY_TYPE = String.Empty;
                                sACTIVITY_TYPE = Sql.ToString(row["ACTIVITY_TYPE"]);
                                switch (sACTIVITY_TYPE)
                                case "Tasks":  sList = "task_status_dom";  break;

                                case "Meetings":  sList = "meeting_status_dom";  break;

                                case "Calls":
                                    // 07/15/2006 Paul.  Call status is translated externally.
                                    lbl.Text = Sql.ToString(row[sDATA_FIELD]);

                                //sList = "call_status_dom"   ;  break;
                                case "Notes":
                                    // 07/15/2006 Paul.  Note Status is not normally as it does not have a status.
                                    lbl.Text = L10n.Term(".activity_dom.Note");

                                // 06/15/2006 Paul.  This list name for email_status does not follow the standard.
                                case "Emails":  sList = "dom_email_status";  break;

                                // 04/21/2006 Paul.  If the activity does not have a status (such as a Note), then use activity_dom.
                                default:  sList = "activity_dom";  break;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                            lbl.Text = Sql.ToString(L10n.Term("." + sList + ".", row[sDATA_FIELD]));
                            lbl.Text = Sql.ToString(L10n.Term("." + sList + ".", row[sDATA_FIELD]));
                    lbl.Text = Sql.ToString(row[sDATA_FIELD]);
                lbl.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
        public static void InitTerminology()
                HttpApplicationState Application = HttpContext.Current.Application;
                DbProviderFactory    dbf         = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection())
                    string sSQL;
                    sSQL = "select NAME             " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , LANG             " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , MODULE_NAME      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , DISPLAY_NAME     " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "  from vwTERMINOLOGY    " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + " where LIST_NAME is null" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
// 01/20/2006 Paul.  Enable all languages when debugging.
//#if DEBUG
//						sSQL += "   and LANG = 'en-us'" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                        cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                        using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (rdr.Read())
                                //Application[Sql.ToString(rdr["LANG"]) + "." + Sql.ToString(rdr["MODULE_NAME"]) + "." + Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"])] = Sql.ToString(rdr["DISPLAY_NAME"]);
                                string sLANG         = Sql.ToString(rdr["LANG"]);
                                string sMODULE_NAME  = Sql.ToString(rdr["MODULE_NAME"]);
                                string sNAME         = Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"]);
                                string sDISPLAY_NAME = Sql.ToString(rdr["DISPLAY_NAME"]);
                                L10N.SetTerm(sLANG, sMODULE_NAME, sNAME, sDISPLAY_NAME);
                    sSQL = "select NAME                 " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , LANG                 " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , MODULE_NAME          " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , LIST_NAME            " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , DISPLAY_NAME         " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "  from vwTERMINOLOGY        " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + " where LIST_NAME is not null" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
// 01/20/2006 Paul.  Enable all languages when debugging.
//#if DEBUG
//						sSQL += "   and LANG = 'en-us'" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                        cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                        using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (rdr.Read())
                                // 01/13/2006 Paul.  Don't include MODULE_NAME when used with a list.
                                // DropDownLists are populated without the module name in the list name.
                                // 01/13/2006 Paul.  We can remove the module, but not the dot.
                                // Otherwise it breaks all other code that references a list term.
                                //Application[Sql.ToString(rdr["LANG"]) + "." + sMODULE_NAME + "." + Sql.ToString(rdr["LIST_NAME"]) + "." + Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"])] = Sql.ToString(rdr["DISPLAY_NAME"]);
                                string sLANG         = Sql.ToString(rdr["LANG"]);
                                string sMODULE_NAME  = Sql.ToString(rdr["MODULE_NAME"]);
                                string sNAME         = Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"]);
                                string sLIST_NAME    = Sql.ToString(rdr["LIST_NAME"]);
                                string sDISPLAY_NAME = Sql.ToString(rdr["DISPLAY_NAME"]);
                                L10N.SetTerm(sLANG, sMODULE_NAME, sLIST_NAME, sNAME, sDISPLAY_NAME);

                    sSQL = "select ALIAS_NAME           " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , ALIAS_MODULE_NAME    " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , ALIAS_LIST_NAME      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , NAME                 " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , MODULE_NAME          " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , LIST_NAME            " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "  from vwTERMINOLOGY_ALIASES" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                        using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (rdr.Read())
                                string sALIAS_NAME        = Sql.ToString(rdr["ALIAS_NAME"]);
                                string sALIAS_MODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(rdr["ALIAS_MODULE_NAME"]);
                                string sALIAS_LIST_NAME   = Sql.ToString(rdr["ALIAS_LIST_NAME"]);
                                string sNAME        = Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"]);
                                string sMODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(rdr["MODULE_NAME"]);
                                string sLIST_NAME   = Sql.ToString(rdr["LIST_NAME"]);
                                L10N.SetAlias(sALIAS_MODULE_NAME, sALIAS_LIST_NAME, sALIAS_NAME, sMODULE_NAME, sLIST_NAME, sNAME);

                    // 07/13/2006 Paul.  The reporting module needs a quick way to translate a module name to a table name.
                    sSQL = "select MODULE_NAME" + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "     , TABLE_NAME " + ControlChars.CrLf
                           + "  from vwMODULES  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                        using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (rdr.Read())
                                string sMODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(rdr["MODULE_NAME"]);
                                string sTABLE_NAME  = Sql.ToString(rdr["TABLE_NAME"]);
                                Application["Modules." + sMODULE_NAME + ".TableName"] = sTABLE_NAME;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
        private void lst_OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridItem     objContainer = (DataGridItem) lst.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView      row = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;
            ReportFilterGrid grd = objContainer.Parent.Parent as ReportFilterGrid;
            if ( row != null )
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We always need to translate the items, even during postback.
                // This is because we always build the DropDownList.
                // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                if ( L10n == null )
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                    L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                if ( row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value )
                    string sID     = Sql.ToString(row["ID"         ]);
                    string sMODULE = Sql.ToString(row["MODULE_NAME"]);
                    lst.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_" + sID;
                        if ( sDATA_FIELD == "MODULE_NAME" )
                            XmlDocument xml = grd.Rdl;
                            // 06/20/2006 Paul.  New RdlDocument handles custom properties.
                            string sRelationships = RdlUtil.GetCustomProperty(xml.DocumentElement, "Relationships");
                            if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sRelationships) )
                                XmlDocument xmlRelationship = new XmlDocument();
                                dt = XmlUtil.CreateDataTable(xmlRelationship.DocumentElement, "Relationship", new string[] {"MODULE_NAME", "DISPLAY_NAME"});
                                lst.AutoPostBack = true;
                                foreach ( DataRow rowRelationship in dt.Rows )
                                    lst.Items.Add(new ListItem(Sql.ToString(rowRelationship["DISPLAY_NAME"]), Sql.ToString(rowRelationship["MODULE_NAME"])));
                        else if ( sDATA_FIELD == "DATA_FIELD" )
                            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                                string sSQL;
                                sSQL = "select ColumnName as NAME              " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                     + "     , ColumnName as DISPLAY_NAME      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                     + "  from vwSqlColumns                    " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                     + " where ObjectName = @ObjectName        " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                     + "   and ColumnName not in ('ID', 'ID_C')" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                     + "   and ColumnName not like '%_ID'      " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    DropDownList lstMODULE_NAME = null;
                                    // 05/28/2006 Paul.  Not sure why, but grd.FindFilterControl() does not work.
                                    foreach(DataGridItem itm in objContainer.Parent.Controls)
                                        lstMODULE_NAME = itm.FindControl("MODULE_NAME" + "_" + sID) as DropDownList;
                                        if ( lstMODULE_NAME != null )
                                    string sMODULE_NAME = lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedValue;
                                    string[] arrModule = sMODULE_NAME.Split(' ');
                                    string sModule     = arrModule[0];
                                    string sTableAlias = arrModule[0];
                                    if ( arrModule.Length > 1 )
                                        sTableAlias = arrModule[1].ToUpper();
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ObjectName", "vw" + sModule);

                                    using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                                        ( (IDbDataAdapter) da ).SelectCommand = cmd;
                                        dt = new DataTable();
                                        foreach ( DataRow rowColumn in dt.Rows )
                                            rowColumn["NAME"        ] = sMODULE + "." + Sql.ToString(rowColumn["NAME"]);
                                            rowColumn["DISPLAY_NAME"] = L10n.Term(sModule + ".LBL_" + Sql.ToString(rowColumn["DISPLAY_NAME"])).Replace(":", "");
                                        DataView vwColumns = new DataView(dt);
                                        vwColumns.Sort = "DISPLAY_NAME";
                                        foreach ( DataRowView rowColumn in vwColumns )
                                            lst.Items.Add(new ListItem(Sql.ToString(rowColumn["DISPLAY_NAME"]), Sql.ToString(rowColumn["NAME"])));
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Don't update values on postback, otherwise it will over-write modified values.
                        if ( !objContainer.Page.IsPostBack )
                            lst.SelectedValue = Sql.ToString(row[sDATA_FIELD]);

                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Make sure to translate the text.
                // It cannot be translated in InstantiateIn() because the Page is not defined.
                foreach(ListItem itm in lst.Items )
                    itm.Text = L10n.Term(itm.Text);
Example #24
 // 11/12/2005 Paul.  Not sure why, but Unified Search/Project List is not translating.
 public void L10nTranslate()
     if ( !bTranslated )
         // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
         // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
         L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
         if ( L10n == null )
             // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
             L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
         PagerStyle.PrevPageText = L10n.Term(PagerStyle.PrevPageText);
         PagerStyle.NextPageText = L10n.Term(PagerStyle.NextPageText);
         foreach(DataGridColumn col in Columns)
             col.HeaderText = L10n.Term(col.HeaderText);
         bTranslated = true;
Example #25
 private void OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Literal lbl = (Literal)sender;
     DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem) lbl.NamingContainer;
     DataRowView row = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;
     if ( row != null )
         // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
         // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
         L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
         if ( L10n == null )
             // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
             L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
         if ( L10n != null )
             if ( row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value )
                 string sList = sLIST_NAME;
                 // 12/05/2005 Paul.  The activity status needs to be dynamically converted to the correct list.
                 if ( sLIST_NAME == "activity_status" )
                     string sACTIVITY_TYPE = String.Empty;
                         sACTIVITY_TYPE = Sql.ToString(row["ACTIVITY_TYPE"]);
                         switch ( sACTIVITY_TYPE )
                             case "Tasks"   :  sList = "task_status_dom"   ;  break;
                             case "Meetings":  sList = "meeting_status_dom";  break;
                             case "Calls"   :
                                 // 07/15/2006 Paul.  Call status is translated externally.
                                 lbl.Text = Sql.ToString(row[sDATA_FIELD]);
                                 //sList = "call_status_dom"   ;  break;
                             case "Notes"   :
                                 // 07/15/2006 Paul.  Note Status is not normally as it does not have a status.
                                 lbl.Text = L10n.Term(".activity_dom.Note");
                             // 06/15/2006 Paul.  This list name for email_status does not follow the standard.
                             case "Emails"  :  sList = "dom_email_status"  ;  break;
                             // 04/21/2006 Paul.  If the activity does not have a status (such as a Note), then use activity_dom.
                             default        :  sList = "activity_dom"      ;  break;
                     catch(Exception ex)
                         SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
                 lbl.Text = Sql.ToString(L10n.Term("." + sList + ".", row[sDATA_FIELD]));
             lbl.Text = Sql.ToString(row[sDATA_FIELD]);
         lbl.Text = sDATA_FIELD;
Example #26
 private void lit_OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Literal lbl = (Literal)sender;
     DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem) lbl.NamingContainer;
     // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
     // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
     L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
     if ( L10n == null )
         // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
         L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
     lbl.Text = L10n.Term(sLABEL);
Example #27
        protected void OnItemCreated(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e)
            // 08/21/2006 Lawrence Zamorano.  Add the record count to the pager control.
            // 08/21/2006 Paul.  Enhance to include page range.
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Pager)
                TableCell pgr = e.Item.Controls[0] as TableCell;
                DataView  vw  = this.DataSource as DataView;
                if (vw != null && vw.Count > 0)
                    // 08/21/2006 Paul.  Grab references to the Prev and Next controls while we know their indexes.
                    // 08/21/2006 Paul.  The previous and next controls will either be a LinkButton if active, or a Label if inactive.
                    LinkButton lnkPrev = pgr.Controls[0] as LinkButton;
                    LinkButton lnkNext = pgr.Controls[2] as LinkButton;
                    Label      lblPrev = pgr.Controls[0] as Label;
                    Label      lblNext = pgr.Controls[2] as Label;

                    L10N           L10n         = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                    string         sOf          = L10n.Term(".LBL_LIST_OF");
                    int            nPageStart   = this.CurrentPageIndex * this.PageSize + 1;
                    int            nPageEnd     = Math.Min((this.CurrentPageIndex + 1) * this.PageSize, vw.Count);
                    LiteralControl litPageRange = new LiteralControl();
                    litPageRange.Text = String.Format("&nbsp; <span class=\"pageNumbers\">({0} - {1} {2} {3})</span> ", nPageStart, nPageEnd, sOf, vw.Count);
                    pgr.Controls.AddAt(1, litPageRange);

                    string sThemeURL = Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["themeURL"]);
                    if (lblPrev != null)
                        lblPrev.Text = "<img src=\"" + sThemeURL + "images/previous_off.gif" + "\" border=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"6\" />&nbsp;" + lblPrev.Text;
                    if (lnkPrev != null)
                        lnkPrev.Text = "<img src=\"" + sThemeURL + "images/previous.gif" + "\" border=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"6\" />&nbsp;" + lnkPrev.Text;
                        //LinkButton lnkStart = new LinkButton();
                        //lnkStart.CommandArgument = "1";
                        //lnkStart.CommandName = "Page";
                        //lnkStart.Text = "<img src=\"" + sThemeURL + "images/start.gif" + "\" border=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"11\" />&nbsp;" + L10n.Term(".LNK_LIST_START") + "&nbsp;";
                        //pgr.Controls.AddAt(0, lnkStart);
                    if (lblNext != null)
                        lblNext.Text = lblNext.Text + "&nbsp;<img src=\"" + sThemeURL + "images/next_off.gif" + "\" border=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"6\" />";
                    if (lnkNext != null)
                        lnkNext.Text = lnkNext.Text + "&nbsp;<img src=\"" + sThemeURL + "images/next.gif" + "\" border=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"6\" />";
                        //LinkButton lnkEnd = new LinkButton();
                        //lnkEnd.CommandArgument = this.PageCount.ToString();
                        //lnkEnd.CommandName = "Page";
                        //lnkEnd.Text = "&nbsp;" + L10n.Term(".LNK_LIST_END") + "&nbsp;<img src=\"" + sThemeURL + "images/end.gif" + "\" border=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"11\" />";
            else if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header)
                // 06/09/2006 Paul.  Move the translation to overridden DataBind.
                // 11/21/2005 Paul.  The header cells should never wrap, the background image was not designed to wrap.
                foreach (TableCell cell in e.Item.Cells)
                    cell.Wrap = false;
                HttpSessionState Session         = HttpContext.Current.Session;
                string           sLastSortColumn = (string)ViewState["LastSortColumn"];
                string           sLastSortOrder  = (string)ViewState["LastSortOrder"];
                // 08/28/2006 Paul.  We need to watch for overflow.  This has occurred when a grid was created with no columns.
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Item.Controls.Count && i < this.Columns.Count; i++)
                    // 11/13/2005 Paul.  If sorting is not enabled, this code will cause the header text to disappear.
                    if (this.AllowSorting && !Sql.IsEmptyString(Columns[i].SortExpression))
                        Image img = new Image();
                        img.Width  = 8;
                        img.Height = 10;
                        if (Columns[i].SortExpression == sLastSortColumn)
                            if (sLastSortOrder == "asc")
                                img.ImageUrl = Session["themeURL"] + "images/arrow_down.gif";
                                img.ImageUrl = Session["themeURL"] + "images/arrow_up.gif";
                            img.ImageUrl = Session["themeURL"] + "images/arrow.gif";
                        Literal lit = new Literal();
                        lit.Text = "&nbsp;";
            else if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                // 09/05/2005 Paul.  Reducing viewstate data in a table can be done at the row level.
                // This will provide a major performance benefit while not loosing the ability to sort a grid.
                // http://authors.aspalliance.com/jimross/Articles/DatagridDietPartTwo.aspx
                // 10/13/2005 Paul.  Can't disable the content otherwise the data is not retained during certain postback operations.
                //e.Item.EnableViewState = false;
Example #28
        private void lst_OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem) lst.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView row = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;
            if ( row != null )
                string sMODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(row["MODULE_NAME"]);
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We could use GUIDS like SugarCRM, but since there is only one ACL grid,
                // there is no need for that kind of uniqueness.
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  toggleDisplay() will automatically reverse toggle of a linked control.
                divList.ID = sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE;
                lst.ID = "lst" + sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE;
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  OnChange, update the the innerHTML and the hidden field.
                lst.Attributes.Add("onchange", "document.getElementById('" + divLabel.ClientID + "').innerHTML=this.options[this.selectedIndex].text; document.getElementById('" + hid.ClientID + "').value=document.getElementById('" + divLabel.ClientID + "').innerHTML; toggleDisplay('" + divList.ClientID + "');");
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  The first parent is the DIV, the second is the TableCell.
                TableCell td = divList.Parent as TableCell;
                if ( td != null )
                    td.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", "toggleDisplay('" + divList.ClientID + "')");

                if ( row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value )
                    int nACCESS = Sql.ToInteger(row[sDATA_FIELD]);
                    lst.Attributes.Add("class", AccessClassName(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS));
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Don't update values on postback, otherwise it will over-write modified values.
                        if ( !objContainer.Page.IsPostBack )
                            lst.SelectedValue = NormalizeAccessValue(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS).ToString();

                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We always need to translate the items, even during postback.
                // This is because we always build the DropDownList.
                // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                if ( L10n == null )
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                    L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Make sure to translate the text.
                // It cannot be translated in InstantiateIn() because the Page is not defined.
                foreach(ListItem itm in lst.Items )
                    itm.Text = L10n.Term(itm.Text);
        private void lst_OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridItem     objContainer = (DataGridItem)lst.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView      row          = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;
            ReportFilterGrid grd          = objContainer.Parent.Parent as ReportFilterGrid;

            if (row != null)
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We always need to translate the items, even during postback.
                // This is because we always build the DropDownList.
                // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                if (L10n == null)
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                    L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                if (row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value)
                    string sID     = Sql.ToString(row["ID"]);
                    string sMODULE = Sql.ToString(row["MODULE_NAME"]);
                    lst.ID = sDATA_FIELD + "_" + sID;
                        if (sDATA_FIELD == "MODULE_NAME")
                            XmlDocument xml = grd.Rdl;

                             * // 06/20/2006 Paul.  New RdlDocument handles custom properties.
                             * string sRelationships = RdlUtil.GetCustomProperty(xml.DocumentElement, "Relationships");
                             * if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(sRelationships) )
                             * {
                             *      XmlDocument xmlRelationship = new XmlDocument();
                             *      xmlRelationship.LoadXml(sRelationships);
                             *      dt = XmlUtil.CreateDataTable(xmlRelationship.DocumentElement, "Relationship", new string[] {"MODULE_NAME", "DISPLAY_NAME"});
                             *      lst.AutoPostBack = true;
                             *      foreach ( DataRow rowRelationship in dt.Rows )
                             *      {
                             *              lst.Items.Add(new ListItem(Sql.ToString(rowRelationship["DISPLAY_NAME"]), Sql.ToString(rowRelationship["MODULE_NAME"])));
                             *      }
                             * }
                        else if (sDATA_FIELD == "DATA_FIELD")
                            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                            using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection())
                                string sSQL;
                                sSQL = "select ColumnName as NAME              " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                       + "     , ColumnName as DISPLAY_NAME      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                       + "  from vwSqlColumns                    " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                       + " where ObjectName = @ObjectName        " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                       + "   and ColumnName not in ('ID', 'ID_C')" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                       + "   and ColumnName not like '%_ID'      " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    DropDownList lstMODULE_NAME = null;
                                    // 05/28/2006 Paul.  Not sure why, but grd.FindFilterControl() does not work.
                                    foreach (DataGridItem itm in objContainer.Parent.Controls)
                                        lstMODULE_NAME = itm.FindControl("MODULE_NAME" + "_" + sID) as DropDownList;
                                        if (lstMODULE_NAME != null)
                                    string   sMODULE_NAME = lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedValue;
                                    string[] arrModule    = sMODULE_NAME.Split(' ');
                                    string   sModule      = arrModule[0];
                                    string   sTableAlias  = arrModule[0];
                                    if (arrModule.Length > 1)
                                        sTableAlias = arrModule[1].ToUpper();
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ObjectName", "vw" + sModule);

                                    using (DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter())
                                        ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                                        dt = new DataTable();
                                        foreach (DataRow rowColumn in dt.Rows)
                                            rowColumn["NAME"]         = sMODULE + "." + Sql.ToString(rowColumn["NAME"]);
                                            rowColumn["DISPLAY_NAME"] = L10n.Term(sModule + ".LBL_" + Sql.ToString(rowColumn["DISPLAY_NAME"])).Replace(":", "");
                                        DataView vwColumns = new DataView(dt);
                                        vwColumns.Sort = "DISPLAY_NAME";
                                        foreach (DataRowView rowColumn in vwColumns)
                                            lst.Items.Add(new ListItem(Sql.ToString(rowColumn["DISPLAY_NAME"]), Sql.ToString(rowColumn["NAME"])));
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Don't update values on postback, otherwise it will over-write modified values.
                        if (!objContainer.Page.IsPostBack)
                            lst.SelectedValue = Sql.ToString(row[sDATA_FIELD]);

                 * // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Make sure to translate the text.
                 * // It cannot be translated in InstantiateIn() because the Page is not defined.
                 * foreach(ListItem itm in lst.Items )
                 * {
                 *      itm.Text = L10n.Term(itm.Text);
                 * }
Example #30
        public error_value relate_note_to_module(string session, string note_id, string module_name, string module_id)
            Guid   gUSER_ID     = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid   gNOTE_ID     = Sql.ToGuid(note_id);
            string sPARENT_TYPE = module_name;
            Guid   gPARENT_ID   = Guid.Empty;
            Guid   gCONTACT_ID  = Guid.Empty;
            if ( String.Compare(sPARENT_TYPE, "Contacts", true) == 0 )
                gCONTACT_ID = Sql.ToGuid(module_id);
                gPARENT_ID = Sql.ToGuid(module_id);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Notes", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            error_value results = new error_value();
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                sSQL = "select *           " + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + "  from vwNOTES_Edit" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + " where ID = @ID    " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gNOTE_ID);
                    using ( IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader() )
                        if ( rdr.Read() )
                            string sNAME             = Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"            ]);
                            string sDESCRIPTION      = Sql.ToString(rdr["DESCRIPTION"     ]);
                            // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Notes do not have an ASSIGNED_USER_ID.
                            Guid   gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Guid.Empty;  // Sql.ToGuid  (rdr["ASSIGNED_USER_ID"]);
                            if ( nACLACCESS != ACL_ACCESS.OWNER || (nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER  && gASSIGNED_USER_ID == gUSER_ID) )
                                    ( ref gNOTE_ID
                                    , sNAME
                                    , sPARENT_TYPE
                                    , gPARENT_ID
                                    , gCONTACT_ID
                                    , sDESCRIPTION
                                    , Sql.ToGuid(rdr["TEAM_ID"])

            return results;
Example #31
        public string create_lead(string user_name, string password, string first_name, string last_name, string email_address)
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(user_name, password);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Leads", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
            SqlProcs.spLEADS_New(ref gID, first_name, last_name, String.Empty, email_address);
            return "1";
Example #32
        public set_entry_result set_entry(string session, string module_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
            Guid gUSER_ID  = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid gTIMEZONE = Sql.ToGuid(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.user.timezone." + gUSER_ID.ToString()));
            TimeZone T10n = TimeZone.CreateTimeZone(gTIMEZONE);

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name);
            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            set_entry_result results = new set_entry_result();

            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                // 02/21/2006 Paul.  Delete operations come in as set_entry with deleted = 1.
                if ( DeleteEntry(name_value_list) )
                    IDbCommand cmdDelete = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "sp" + sTABLE_NAME + "_Delete");
                    // 10/10/2006 Paul.  Use IDbDataParameter to be consistent.
                    foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdDelete.Parameters)
                        par.Value = DBNull.Value;
                    Sql.SetParameter(cmdDelete, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", gUSER_ID.ToString());
                    Guid gID = FindID(name_value_list);
                    if ( gID != Guid.Empty )
                        Sql.SetParameter(cmdDelete, "@ID", gID.ToString());
                    IDbCommand cmdUpdate = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "sp" + sTABLE_NAME + "_Update");
                    IDbDataParameter parID = Sql.FindParameter(cmdUpdate, "@ID");
                    // 10/10/2006 Paul.  Use IDbDataParameter to be consistent.
                    foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdUpdate.Parameters)
                        par.Value = DBNull.Value;
                    // 08/31/2006 Paul.  We need to initialize the values of any fields not provided.
                    // The stored procedure always updates all fields, so we need to make sure not to clear fields that are not provided.
                    // This problem was first noticed when the Outlook Plug-in kept clearing the ASSIGNED_USER_ID field.
                    Guid gID = FindID(name_value_list);
                    if ( gID != Guid.Empty )
                        // 08/31/2006 Paul.  If the ID is not found, then this must be a new
                        InitializeParameters(con, sTABLE_NAME, gID, cmdUpdate);
                    Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", gUSER_ID.ToString());

                    for ( int j = 0; j < name_value_list.Length; j++ )
                        // 04/04/2006 Paul.  DATE_START & TIME_START need to be combined into DATE_TIME.
                        if ( name_value_list[j].name.ToUpper() == "TIME_START" )
                            // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Modules that have a TIME_START field are MEETINGS, CALLS, TASKS, EMAILS, EMAIL_MARKETING, PROJECT_TASK
                            string sDateTime = EntryDateTime(name_value_list, "DATE_START", "TIME_START");
                            if ( sTABLE_NAME == "TASKS" || sTABLE_NAME == "PROJECT_TASK" )
                                Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@DATE_TIME_START", T10n.ToServerTimeFromUniversalTime(sDateTime));
                                Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@DATE_TIME", T10n.ToServerTimeFromUniversalTime(sDateTime));
                        // 04/04/2006 Paul.  DATE_DUE & TIME_DUE need to be combined into DATE_TIME_DUE.
                        else if ( name_value_list[j].name.ToUpper() == "TIME_DUE" )
                            // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Modules that have a TIME_DUE field are TASKS, PROJECT_TASK
                            string sDateTime = EntryDateTime(name_value_list, "DATE_DUE", "TIME_DUE");
                            Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@DATE_TIME_DUE", T10n.ToServerTimeFromUniversalTime(sDateTime));
                            Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@" + name_value_list[j].name, name_value_list[j].value);

                    if ( parID != null )
                        results.id = Sql.ToString(parID.Value);
            return results;
        public static XmlDocument InitUserPreferences(string sUSER_PREFERENCES)
            XmlDocument xml = null;

                xml = new XmlDocument();
                if (!sUSER_PREFERENCES.StartsWith("<?xml "))
                    sUSER_PREFERENCES = XmlUtil.ConvertFromPHP(sUSER_PREFERENCES);


                HttpApplicationState Application = HttpContext.Current.Application;
                string sCulture    = L10N.NormalizeCulture(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "culture"));
                string sTheme      = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "theme");
                string sDateFormat = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "dateformat");
                string sTimeFormat = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timeformat");
                string sTimeZone   = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timezone");
                string sCurrencyID = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "currency_id");
                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sCulture))
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "culture", SplendidDefaults.Culture());
                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sTheme))
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "theme", SplendidDefaults.Theme());
                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sDateFormat))
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "dateformat", SplendidDefaults.DateFormat());
                // 11/12/2005 Paul.  "m" is not valid for .NET month formatting.  Must use MM.
                // 11/12/2005 Paul.  Require 4 digit year.  Otherwise default date in Pipeline of 12/31/2100 would get converted to 12/31/00.
                if (SplendidDefaults.IsValidDateFormat(sDateFormat))
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "dateformat", SplendidDefaults.DateFormat(sDateFormat));
                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sTimeFormat))
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "timeformat", SplendidDefaults.TimeFormat());
                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sCurrencyID))
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "currency_id", SplendidDefaults.CurrencyID());
                // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Only use timez if provided.  Otherwise we will default to GMT.
                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sTimeZone) && !Sql.IsEmptyString(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timez")))
                    int nTimez = Sql.ToInteger(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timez"));
                    sTimeZone = SplendidDefaults.TimeZone(nTimez);
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "timezone", sTimeZone);
                // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Default TimeZone was not getting set properly.
                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sTimeZone))
                    sTimeZone = SplendidDefaults.TimeZone();
                    XmlUtil.SetSingleNode(xml, "timezone", sTimeZone);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
Example #34
        public error_value set_relationship(string session, set_relationship_value set_relationship_value)
            Guid gUSER_ID = GetSessionUserID(session);

            // 02/16/2006 Paul.  Don't need to verify the modules as it will be done inside SetRelationship();
            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(set_relationship_value.module1, "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            error_value results = new error_value();
            SetRelationship(set_relationship_value.module1, set_relationship_value.module1_id, set_relationship_value.module2, set_relationship_value.module2_id);
            return results;
Example #35
        public static void Export(DataView vw, string sModuleName, string sExportFormat, string sExportRange, int nCurrentPage, int nPageSize, string[] arrID)
            int nStartRecord = 0;
            int nEndRecord   = vw.Count;

            switch (sExportRange)
            case "Page":
                nStartRecord = nCurrentPage * nPageSize;
                nEndRecord   = Math.Min(nStartRecord + nPageSize, vw.Count);

            case "Selected":
                // 10/17/2006 Paul.  There must be one selected record to continue.
                if (arrID == null)
                    L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                    throw(new Exception(L10n.Term(".LBL_LISTVIEW_NO_SELECTED")));
                StringBuilder sbIDs  = new StringBuilder();
                int           nCount = 0;
                foreach (string item in arrID)
                    if (nCount > 0)
                        sbIDs.Append(" or ");
                    sbIDs.Append("ID = \'" + item.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "\'" + ControlChars.CrLf);
                //vw.RowFilter = "ID in (" + sbIDs.ToString() + ")";
                // 11/03/2006 Paul.  A filter might already exist, so make sure to maintain the existing filter.
                if (vw.RowFilter.Length > 0)
                    vw.RowFilter = " and (" + sbIDs.ToString() + ")";
                    vw.RowFilter = sbIDs.ToString();
                nEndRecord = vw.Count;

            HttpResponse  Response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
            StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();

            switch (sExportFormat)
            case "csv":
                Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + sModuleName + ".csv");
                ExportDelimited(Response.OutputStream, vw, sModuleName.ToLower(), nStartRecord, nEndRecord, ',');

            case "tab":
                Response.ContentType = "text/txt";
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + sModuleName + ".txt");
                ExportDelimited(Response.OutputStream, vw, sModuleName.ToLower(), nStartRecord, nEndRecord, '\t');

            case "xml":
                Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + sModuleName + ".xml");
                ExportXml(Response.OutputStream, vw, sModuleName.ToLower(), nStartRecord, nEndRecord);

            //case "Excel":
                Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + sModuleName + ".xlb");
                ExportExcel(Response.OutputStream, vw, sModuleName.ToLower(), nStartRecord, nEndRecord);
            //vw.RowFilter = null;
Example #36
        public get_entry_list_result_encoded sync_get_modified_relationships(string session, string module_name, string related_module, string from_date, string to_date, int offset, int max_results, int deleted, string module_id, string[] select_fields, string[] ids, string relationship_name, string deletion_date, int php_serialize)
            Guid gUSER_ID  = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid gTIMEZONE = Sql.ToGuid(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.user.timezone." + gUSER_ID.ToString()));
            TimeZone T10n = TimeZone.CreateTimeZone(gTIMEZONE);

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name   );
            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(related_module);
            nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(related_module, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            get_entry_list_result_encoded results = new get_entry_list_result_encoded();
            results.error.name        = "not supported";
            results.error.number      = "-1";
            results.error.description = "sync_get_modified_relationships is not supported at this time";
            return results;
Example #37
        public get_entry_result get_entry(string session, string module_name, string id, string[] select_fields)
            Guid gUSER_ID = GetSessionUserID(session);

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name);
            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            get_entry_result results = new get_entry_result();
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                sSQL = "select *" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + "  from " + sTABLE_NAME + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + " where ID = @ID" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", id);
                    if ( nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER )
                        // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Notes do not have an ASSIGNED_USER_ID.
                        if ( sTABLE_NAME != "NOTES" )
                            Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, gUSER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID");
                        using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using ( DataTable dt = new DataTable() )
                                if ( dt.Rows.Count > 0 )
                                    // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                    results.field_list = new field      [select_fields.Length];
                                    results.entry_list = new entry_value[select_fields.Length];
                                    DataRow row = dt.Rows[0];
                                    for ( int i=0; i < select_fields.Length; i++ )
                                        string sColumnName = select_fields[i];
                                        DataColumn col = dt.Columns[sColumnName];
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                        // varchar, bool, datetime, int, text, blob
                                        results.field_list[i] = new field(sColumnName.ToLower(), col.DataType.ToString(), sColumnName, 0);
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                        results.entry_list[i] = new entry_value(id, module_name, sColumnName, Sql.ToString(row[sColumnName]));
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        throw(new Exception("SOAP: Failed contact_by_email", ex));
            return results;
Example #38
        public string create_lead(string user_name, string password, string first_name, string last_name, string email_address)
            // 03/12/2007 Paul.  If using NTLM, then user_name will be updated with value from Identity object.
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(ref user_name, password);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Leads", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
            SqlProcs.spLEADS_New(ref gID, first_name, last_name, String.Empty, email_address);
            return "1";
Example #39
        public contact_detail[] contact_by_email(string user_name, string password, string email_address)
            // 03/12/2007 Paul.  If using NTLM, then user_name will be updated with value from Identity object.
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(ref user_name, password);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Contacts", "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            contact_detail[] results = new contact_detail[0];
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                sSQL = "select *                      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + "  from vwSOAP_Contact_By_Email" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + " where 1 = 0                  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    // 12/29/2005 Paul.  Allow multiple email addresses, separated by a semicolon.
                    email_address = email_address.Replace(" ", "");
                    string[] aAddresses = email_address.Split(';');
                    // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Need to use the IN clause.
                    Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, aAddresses, "EMAIL1", true);
                    Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, aAddresses, "EMAIL2", true);
                    if ( nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER )
                        Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, gUSER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID");
                        using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using ( DataTable dt = new DataTable() )
                                if ( dt.Rows.Count > 0 )
                                    // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                    results = new contact_detail[dt.Rows.Count];
                                    for ( int i=0; i < dt.Rows.Count ; i++ )
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                        results[i] = new contact_detail();
                                        results[i].email_address = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["EMAIL_ADDRESS"]);
                                        results[i].name1         = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["NAME1"        ]);
                                        results[i].name2         = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["NAME2"        ]);
                                        results[i].association   = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ASSOCIATION"  ]);
                                        results[i].id            = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ID"           ]);
                                        results[i].type          = Sql.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["TYPE"         ]);
                                        results[i].msi_id        = (i+1).ToString();
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        throw(new Exception("SOAP: Failed contact_by_email", ex));
            return results;
Example #40
        public get_entry_result get_entries(string session, string module_name, string[] ids, string[] select_fields)
            Guid gUSER_ID = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid gTIMEZONE = Sql.ToGuid(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.user.timezone." + gUSER_ID.ToString()));
            TimeZone T10n = TimeZone.CreateTimeZone(gTIMEZONE);

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name);
            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            get_entry_result results = new get_entry_result();
            // 02/19/2006 Paul.  Exit early if nothing to get.  We need to prevent fetching all recods.
            if ( ids.Length == 0 )
                return results;

            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                // 02/16/2006 Paul.  Convert the table name to a VIEW.  We can do this because we don't want deleted records.
                // 02/18/2006 Paul.  Use the Edit view as it will include description, content, etc.
                sSQL = "select *" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + "  from vw" + sTABLE_NAME + "_Edit" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + " where 1 = 1" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    // 02/19/2006 Paul.  Need to filter by the IDs povided.
                    Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, ids, "ID");
                    if ( nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER )
                        // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Notes do not have an ASSIGNED_USER_ID.
                        if ( sTABLE_NAME != "NOTES" )
                            Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, gUSER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID");
                        CultureInfo ciEnglish = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
                        using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using ( DataTable dt = new DataTable() )
                                if ( dt.Rows.Count > 0 )
                                    // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                    results.field_list = new field      [select_fields.Length];
                                    results.entry_list = new entry_value[dt.Rows.Count];
                                    for ( int i=0; i < select_fields.Length; i++ )
                                        string sColumnName = select_fields[i];
                                        DataColumn col = dt.Columns[sColumnName];
                                        // 02/21/2006 Paul.  Column may not exist.  For example, we don't return a MEETINGS.TIME_START.
                                        if ( col != null )
                                            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                            // 02/16/2006 Paul.  We don't have a mapping for the labels, so just return the column name.
                                            // varchar, bool, datetime, int, text, blob
                                            results.field_list[i] = new field(sColumnName.ToLower(), col.DataType.ToString(), sColumnName, 0);

                                    // 02/16/2006 Paul.  SugarCRM 3.5.1 returns all fields even though only a few were requested.  We will do the same.
                                    int nItem = 0;
                                    foreach ( DataRow row in dt.Rows )
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                        results.entry_list[nItem] = new entry_value();
                                        results.entry_list[nItem].id              = Sql.ToGuid(row["ID"]).ToString();
                                        results.entry_list[nItem].module_name     = module_name;
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                        results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list = new name_value[dt.Columns.Count];
                                        int nColumn = 0;
                                        foreach ( DataColumn col in dt.Columns )
                                            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                            // 08/17/2006 Paul.  We need to convert all dates to UniversalTime.
                                            if ( Information.IsDate(row[col.ColumnName]) )
                                                // 08/17/2006 Paul.  The time on the server and the time in the database are both considered ServerTime.
                                                DateTime dtServerTime = Sql.ToDateTime(row[col.ColumnName]);
                                                // 08/17/2006 Paul.  We need a special function to convert to UniversalTime because it might already be in UniversalTime, based on m_bGMTStorage flag.
                                                DateTime dtUniversalTime = T10n.ToUniversalTimeFromServerTime(dtServerTime);
                                                results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list[nColumn] = new name_value(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), dtUniversalTime.ToString(CalendarControl.SqlDateTimeFormat, ciEnglish.DateTimeFormat));
                                                results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list[nColumn] = new name_value(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), Sql.ToString(row[col.ColumnName]));
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        throw(new Exception("SOAP: Failed get_entries", ex));
            return results;
 public L10N GetL10n()
     // 08/30/2005 Paul.  Attempt to get the L10n & T10n objects from the parent page.
     // If that fails, then just create them because they are required.
     if ( L10n == null )
         // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
         // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
         // A port to DNN prompted this approach.
         L10n = Context.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
         if ( L10n == null )
             string sCULTURE  = Sql.ToString(Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE" ]);
             L10n = new L10N(sCULTURE);
     return L10n;
Example #42
        public get_entry_list_result get_entry_list(string session, string module_name, string query, string order_by, int offset, string[] select_fields, int max_results, int deleted)
            Guid gUSER_ID = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid gTIMEZONE = Sql.ToGuid(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.user.timezone." + gUSER_ID.ToString()));
            TimeZone T10n = TimeZone.CreateTimeZone(gTIMEZONE);

            if ( offset < 0 )
                throw(new Exception("offset must be a non-negative number"));
            if ( max_results <= 0 )
                throw(new Exception("max_results must be a postive number"));

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name);
            query       = query.ToUpper();
            order_by    = order_by.ToUpper();
            query    = query   .Replace(sTABLE_NAME + ".", String.Empty);
            order_by = order_by.Replace(sTABLE_NAME + ".", String.Empty);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            get_entry_list_result results = new get_entry_list_result();
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                sSQL = "select *" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + "  from " + sTABLE_NAME + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + " where DELETED = @DELETED" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(query) )
                        // 02/16/2006 Paul.  As much as I dislike the idea of allowing a query string,
                        // I don't have the time to parse this.
                        // 03/08/2006 Paul.  Prepend the AND clause.
                        sSQL += "   and " + query + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED", Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                    if ( nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER )
                        // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Notes do not have an ASSIGNED_USER_ID.
                        if ( sTABLE_NAME != "NOTES" )
                            Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, gUSER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID");
                        CultureInfo ciEnglish = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
                        using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using ( DataTable dt = new DataTable() )
                                if ( dt.Rows.Count > 0 )
                                    // 02/16/2006 Paul.  Don't sort in the database as it provides a hacker another attempt at SQL-Injection.
                                    // Bad sort values will just throw an exception here.
                                    DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
                                    dv.Sort = order_by;

                                    results.result_count = Math.Min(dt.Rows.Count - offset, max_results);
                                    results.next_offset  = offset + results.result_count;

                                    // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                    results.field_list = new field      [select_fields.Length];
                                    results.entry_list = new entry_value[results.result_count];
                                    for ( int i=0; i < select_fields.Length; i++ )
                                        string sColumnName = select_fields[i];
                                        DataColumn col = dt.Columns[sColumnName];
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                        // 02/16/2006 Paul.  We don't have a mapping for the labels, so just return the column name.
                                        // varchar, bool, datetime, int, text, blob
                                        results.field_list[i] = new field(sColumnName.ToLower(), col.DataType.ToString(), sColumnName, 0);

                                    // 02/16/2006 Paul.  SugarCRM 3.5.1 returns all fields even though only a few were requested.  We will do the same.
                                    int j = 0;
                                    foreach ( DataRowView row in dv )
                                        if ( j >= offset && j < offset + results.result_count )
                                            int nItem = j - offset;
                                            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                            results.entry_list[nItem] = new entry_value();
                                            results.entry_list[nItem].id              = Sql.ToGuid(row["ID"]).ToString();
                                            results.entry_list[nItem].module_name     = module_name;
                                            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                            results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list = new name_value[dt.Columns.Count];
                                            int nColumn = 0;
                                            foreach ( DataColumn col in dt.Columns )
                                                // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                                // 08/17/2006 Paul.  We need to convert all dates to UniversalTime.
                                                if ( Information.IsDate(row[col.ColumnName]) )
                                                    // 08/17/2006 Paul.  The time on the server and the time in the database are both considered ServerTime.
                                                    DateTime dtServerTime = Sql.ToDateTime(row[col.ColumnName]);
                                                    // 08/17/2006 Paul.  We need a special function to convert to UniversalTime because it might already be in UniversalTime, based on m_bGMTStorage flag.
                                                    DateTime dtUniversalTime = T10n.ToUniversalTimeFromServerTime(dtServerTime);
                                                    results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list[nColumn] = new name_value(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), dtUniversalTime.ToString(CalendarControl.SqlDateTimeFormat, ciEnglish.DateTimeFormat));
                                                    results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list[nColumn] = new name_value(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), Sql.ToString(row[col.ColumnName]));
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        throw(new Exception("SOAP: Failed get_entry_list", ex));
            return results;
Example #43
        public static DataTable List(string sListName)
            System.Web.Caching.Cache Cache = HttpContext.Current.Cache;

            L10N L10n = new L10N(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"] as string);
            DataTable dt = Cache.Get(L10n.NAME + "." + sListName) as DataTable;
            if ( dt == null )
                    DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                    using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                        string sSQL;
                        // 10/13/2005 Paul.  Use distinct because the same list appears to be duplicated in various modules.
                        // appointment_filter_dom is in an Activities and a History module.
                        // ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
                        sSQL = "select distinct              " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "       NAME                  " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "     , DISPLAY_NAME          " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "     , LIST_ORDER            " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "  from vwTERMINOLOGY         " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + " where lower(LIST_NAME) = @LIST_NAME" + ControlChars.CrLf  // 03/06/2006 Paul.  Oracle is case sensitive, and we modify the case of L10n.NAME to be lower.
                             + "   and lower(LANG     ) = @LANG     " + ControlChars.CrLf  // 03/06/2006 Paul.  Oracle is case sensitive, and we modify the case of L10n.NAME to be lower.
                             + " order by LIST_ORDER         " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                        using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                            // 03/06/2006 Paul.  Oracle is case sensitive, and we modify the case of L10n.NAME to be lower.
                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LIST_NAME", sListName.ToLower());
                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LANG"     , L10n.NAME.ToLower());

                            using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                                ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                                dt = new DataTable();
                                Cache.Insert(L10n.NAME + "." + sListName, dt, null, DefaultCacheExpiration(), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
                        // 12/03/2005 Paul.  Most lists require data, so if the language-specific list does not exist, just use English.
                        if ( dt.Rows.Count == 0 )
                            if ( String.Compare(L10n.NAME, "en-US", true) != 0 )
                                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    // 03/06/2006 Paul.  Oracle is case sensitive, and we modify the case of L10n.NAME to be lower.
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LIST_NAME", sListName.ToLower());
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LANG"     , "en-US"  .ToLower());

                                    using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                                        ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                                        dt = new DataTable();
                                        Cache.Insert(L10n.NAME + "." + sListName, dt, null, DefaultCacheExpiration(), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
                catch(Exception ex)
                    SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
                    // 10/16/2005 Paul.  Ignore list errors.
                    // 03/30/2006 Paul.  IBM DB2 is returning an error, which is causing a data-binding error.
                    // SQL1585N A system temporary table space with sufficient page size does not exist.
                    // 03/30/2006 Paul.  In case of error, we should return NULL.
                    return null;
            return dt;
Example #44
        public get_relationships_result get_relationships(string session, string module_name, string module_id, string related_module, string related_module_query, int deleted)
            Guid gUSER_ID  = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid gTIMEZONE = Sql.ToGuid(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.user.timezone." + gUSER_ID.ToString()));
            TimeZone T10n = TimeZone.CreateTimeZone(gTIMEZONE);

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name   );
            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(related_module);
            nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(related_module, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            get_relationships_result results = new get_relationships_result();
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                // 02/16/2006 Paul.  Providing a way to directly access tables is a hacker's dream.
                // We will not do that here.  We will require that all relationships be defined in a SQL view.
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    switch ( module_name )
                        case "Contacts":
                            switch ( related_module )
                                case "Calls":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwCONTACTS_CALLS_Soap   " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                case "Meetings":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwCONTACTS_MEETINGS_Soap" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                case "Users":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwCONTACTS_USERS_Soap   " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        throw(new Exception(String.Format("A related_module_query is not allowed at this time.", module_name, related_module)));
                                    throw(new Exception(String.Format("Relationship between {0} and {1} is not defined", module_name, related_module)));
                        case "Users":
                            switch ( related_module )
                                case "Calls":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwUSERS_CALLS_Soap      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID  = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                case "Meetings":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwUSERS_MEETINGS_Soap   " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID  = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                case "Contacts":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwUSERS_CONTACTS_Soap   " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        throw(new Exception(String.Format("A related_module_query is not allowed at this time.", module_name, related_module)));
                                    throw(new Exception(String.Format("Relationship between {0} and {1} is not defined", module_name, related_module)));
                        case "Meetings":
                            switch ( related_module )
                                case "Contacts":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwMEETINGS_CONTACTS_Soap" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                case "Users":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwMEETINGS_USERS_Soap   " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                    throw(new Exception(String.Format("Relationship between {0} and {1} is not defined", module_name, related_module)));
                        case "Calls":
                            switch ( related_module )
                                case "Contacts":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwCALLS_CONTACTS_Soap   " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                case "Users":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwCALLS_USERS_Soap      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        DateTime dtBeginDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime dtEndDate   = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        ParseDateRange(related_module_query, "DATE_START", T10n, ref dtBeginDate, ref dtEndDate);
                                        if ( dtBeginDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START > @BEGIN_DATE" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@BEGIN_DATE", dtBeginDate);
                                        if ( dtEndDate != DateTime.MinValue )
                                            cmd.CommandText += "   and DATE_START < @END_DATE  " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@END_DATE"  , dtEndDate  );
                                    throw(new Exception(String.Format("Relationship between {0} and {1} is not defined", module_name, related_module)));
                        case  "Accounts":
                            switch ( related_module )
                                case "Contacts":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwACCOUNTS_CONTACTS_Soap" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        throw(new Exception(String.Format("A related_module_query is not allowed at this time.", module_name, related_module)));
                                case "Users":
                                    sSQL = "select *                       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "  from vwACCOUNTS_USERS_Soap   " + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + " where PRIMARY_ID = @PRIMARY_ID" + ControlChars.CrLf
                                         + "   and DELETED    = @DELETED   " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@PRIMARY_ID", module_id           );
                                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED"   , Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(related_module_query) )
                                        throw(new Exception(String.Format("A related_module_query is not allowed at this time.", module_name, related_module)));
                                    throw(new Exception(String.Format("Relationship between {0} and {1} is not defined", module_name, related_module)));
                            throw(new Exception(String.Format("Relationship between {0} and {1} is not defined", module_name, related_module)));

                        CultureInfo ciEnglish = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
                        using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using ( DataTable dt = new DataTable() )
                                if ( dt.Rows.Count > 0 )
                                    results.ids = new id_mod[dt.Rows.Count];
                                    int i = 0;
                                    foreach ( DataRow row in dt.Rows )
                                        results.ids[i] = new id_mod();
                                        results.ids[i].id            = Sql.ToString  (row["RELATED_ID"   ]);
                                        results.ids[i].deleted       = Sql.ToInteger (row["DELETED"      ]);
                                        // 06/13/2006 Paul.  Italian has a problem with the time separator.  Use the value from the culture from CalendarControl.SqlDateTimeFormat.
                                        // 06/14/2006 Paul.  The Italian problem was that it was using the culture separator, but DataView only supports the en-US format.
                                        // 08/17/2006 Paul.  The time on the server and the time in the database are both considered ServerTime.
                                        DateTime dtDATE_MODIFIED_ServerTime = Sql.ToDateTime(row["DATE_MODIFIED"]);
                                        // 08/17/2006 Paul.  We need a special function to convert to UniversalTime because it might already be in UniversalTime, based on m_bGMTStorage flag.
                                        DateTime dtDATE_MODIFIED_UniversalTime = T10n.ToUniversalTimeFromServerTime(dtDATE_MODIFIED_ServerTime);
                                        results.ids[i].date_modified = dtDATE_MODIFIED_UniversalTime.ToString(CalendarControl.SqlDateTimeFormat, ciEnglish.DateTimeFormat);
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        throw(new Exception("SOAP: Failed get_relationships", ex));
            return results;
Example #45
        public static DataTable List(string sModuleName, string sListName)
            System.Web.Caching.Cache Cache = HttpContext.Current.Cache;

            L10N L10n = new L10N(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"] as string);
            DataTable dt = Cache.Get(L10n.NAME + "." + sListName) as DataTable;
            if ( dt == null )
                    DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                    using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                        string sSQL;
                        sSQL = "select NAME                             " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "     , DISPLAY_NAME                     " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "  from vwTERMINOLOGY                    " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + " where lower(MODULE_NAME) = @MODULE_NAME" + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "   and lower(LIST_NAME  ) = @LIST_NAME  " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + "   and lower(LANG       ) = @LANG       " + ControlChars.CrLf
                             + " order by LIST_ORDER                    " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                        using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                            cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                            // 03/06/2006 Paul.  Oracle is case sensitive, and we modify the case of L10n.NAME to be lower.
                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@MODULE_NAME", sModuleName.ToLower());
                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LIST_NAME"  , sListName  .ToLower());
                            Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LANG"       , L10n.NAME  .ToLower());

                            using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                                ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                                dt = new DataTable();
                                Cache.Insert(L10n.NAME + "." + sListName, dt, null, DefaultCacheExpiration(), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
                catch(Exception ex)
                    SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
                    // 10/16/2005 Paul. Ignore list errors.
            return dt;
Example #46
        private void lit_OnDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridItem objContainer = (DataGridItem) lbl.NamingContainer;
            DataRowView row = objContainer.DataItem as DataRowView;

            // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We don't have access to the ACLGrid in InstantiateIn(), so do so here.
            ACLGrid grd = objContainer.Parent.Parent as ACLGrid;
            if ( !grd.EnableACLEditing )
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  I'd like to remove the dvList, but I can't do it here.
                //divList = null;
            if ( row != null )
                string sMODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(row["MODULE_NAME"]);
                // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We could use GUIDS like SugarCRM, but since there is only one ACL grid,
                // there is no need for that kind of uniqueness.
                divLabel.ID = sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE + "link";
                hid.ID = "hid" + sMODULE_NAME + "_" + sACCESS_TYPE;

                if ( row[sDATA_FIELD] != DBNull.Value )
                    // 04/30/2006 Paul.  Use the Context to store pointers to the localization objects.
                    // This is so that we don't need to require that the page inherits from SplendidPage.
                    L10N L10n = HttpContext.Current.Items["L10n"] as L10N;
                    if ( L10n == null )
                        // 04/26/2006 Paul.  We want to have the AccessView on the SystemCheck page.
                        L10n = new L10N(Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"]));
                    int nACCESS = Sql.ToInteger(row[sDATA_FIELD]);
                    divLabel.Attributes.Add("class", AccessClassName(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS));
                    // 04/25/2006 Paul.  Don't update values on postback, otherwise it will over-write modified values.
                    // 04/26/2006 Paul.  Make sure to set the division color, even on postback.
                    // 05/03/2006 Paul.  If we are not editing, then always bind to the query.
                    // This is so that the AccessView control can be placed in an unrelated control that have postbacks.
                    // This was first noticed in the UserRolesView.ascx.
                    if ( !objContainer.Page.IsPostBack || !grd.EnableACLEditing )
                        lbl.Text  = L10n.Term(AccessLabel(sACCESS_TYPE, nACCESS));
                        hid.Value = lbl.Text;
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  The label will not retain its value, so restore from the hidden field.
                        // We use the hidden field because the value my have been changed by the user.
                        // 04/25/2006 Paul.  We are too early in the ASP.NET lifecycle to access hid.Value,
                        // so go directly to the Request to get the submitted value.
                        lbl.Text = hid.Page.Request[hid.UniqueID];
Example #47
 public static DataTable ReportingModules()
     System.Web.Caching.Cache Cache = HttpContext.Current.Cache;
     DataTable dt = Cache.Get("vwMODULES_Reporting_" + Security.USER_ID.ToString()) as DataTable;
     if ( dt == null )
         L10N L10n = new L10N(HttpContext.Current.Session["USER_SETTINGS/CULTURE"] as string);
             DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
             using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                 string sSQL;
                 sSQL = "select MODULE_NAME             " + ControlChars.CrLf
                      + "     , DISPLAY_NAME            " + ControlChars.CrLf
                      + "  from vwMODULES_Reporting     " + ControlChars.CrLf
                      + " where USER_ID = @USER_ID      " + ControlChars.CrLf
                      + "    or USER_ID is null         " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                 using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                     cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                     Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@USER_ID", Security.USER_ID);
                     using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                         ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                         dt = new DataTable();
                         foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                             row["DISPLAY_NAME"] = L10n.Term(Sql.ToString(row["DISPLAY_NAME"]));
                         Cache.Insert("vwMODULES_Reporting_" + Security.USER_ID.ToString(), dt, null, DefaultCacheExpiration(), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
         catch(Exception ex)
             SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
             // 10/16/2005 Paul. Ignore list errors.
     return dt;
Example #48
        /// <summary>
        /// CronDescription
        /// </summary>
        public static string CronDescription(L10N L10n, string sCRON)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sCRON = sCRON.Replace(" ", "");
            if ( sCRON == "*::*::*::*::*" )
                return L10n.Term("Schedulers.LBL_OFTEN");

            CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(L10n.NAME);
            string sCRON_MONTH       = "*";
            string sCRON_DAYOFMONTH  = "*";
            string sCRON_DAYOFWEEK   = "*";
            string sCRON_HOUR        = "*";
            string sCRON_MINUTE      = "*";
            string[] arrCRON         = sCRON.Replace("::", "|").Split('|');
            string[] arrCRON_TEMP    = new string[] {};
            string[] arrCRON_VALUE   = new string[] {};
            string[] arrDaySuffixes  = new string[32];
            int    nCRON_VALUE       = 0;
            int    nCRON_VALUE_START = 0;
            int    nCRON_VALUE_END   = 0;
            int    nON_THE_MINUTE    = -1;
            for ( int n = 0; n < arrDaySuffixes.Length; n++ )
                arrDaySuffixes[n] = "th";
            arrDaySuffixes[0] = "";
            arrDaySuffixes[1] = "st";
            arrDaySuffixes[2] = "nd";
            arrDaySuffixes[3] = "rd";

            // minute  hour  dayOfMonth  month  dayOfWeek
            if ( arrCRON.Length > 0 ) sCRON_MINUTE     = arrCRON[0];
            if ( arrCRON.Length > 1 ) sCRON_HOUR       = arrCRON[1];
            if ( arrCRON.Length > 2 ) sCRON_DAYOFMONTH = arrCRON[2];
            if ( arrCRON.Length > 3 ) sCRON_MONTH      = arrCRON[3];
            if ( arrCRON.Length > 4 ) sCRON_DAYOFWEEK  = arrCRON[4];
            if ( sCRON_MINUTE != "*" )
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_MINUTE.Split(',');
                // 12/31/2007 Paul.  Check for either comma or dash.
                if ( sCRON_MINUTE.Split(",-".ToCharArray()).Length == 1 )
                    nON_THE_MINUTE = Sql.ToInteger(sCRON_MINUTE);
                    if ( nON_THE_MINUTE == 0 )
                    for ( int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++ )
                        if ( arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0 )
                            arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                            if ( arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2 )
                                nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                                nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                                if ( nCRON_VALUE_START >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 23 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 23 )
                                    if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                                    if ( nCRON_VALUE_START == 0 )
                            nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                            if ( nCRON_VALUE >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE <= 23 )
                                if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                                if ( nCRON_VALUE == 0 )
            if ( sCRON_HOUR != "*" )
                if ( sb.Length > 0 )
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_HOUR.Split(',');
                for ( int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++ )
                    if ( arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0 )
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if ( arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2 )
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if ( nCRON_VALUE_START >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 31 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 31 )
                                if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                                if ( nON_THE_MINUTE >= 0 )
                                    sb.Append(":" + nON_THE_MINUTE.ToString("00"));
                                if ( nON_THE_MINUTE >= 0 )
                                    sb.Append(":" + nON_THE_MINUTE.ToString("00"));
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if ( nCRON_VALUE >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE <= 31 )
                            if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                            if ( nON_THE_MINUTE >= 0 )
                                sb.Append(":" + nON_THE_MINUTE.ToString("00"));
            if ( sCRON_DAYOFMONTH != "*" )
                if ( sb.Length > 0 )
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_DAYOFMONTH.Split(',');
                for ( int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++ )
                    if ( arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0 )
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if ( arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2 )
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if ( nCRON_VALUE_START >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 31 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 31 )
                                if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                                sb.Append(nCRON_VALUE_START.ToString() + arrDaySuffixes[nCRON_VALUE_START]);
                                sb.Append(nCRON_VALUE_END.ToString() + arrDaySuffixes[nCRON_VALUE_END]);
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if ( nCRON_VALUE >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE <= 31 )
                            if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                            sb.Append(nCRON_VALUE.ToString() + arrDaySuffixes[nCRON_VALUE]);
            if ( sCRON_MONTH != "*" )
                if ( sb.Length > 0 )
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_MONTH.Split(',');
                for ( int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++ )
                    if ( arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0 )
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if ( arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2 )
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if ( nCRON_VALUE_START >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 12 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 12 )
                                if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if ( nCRON_VALUE >= 1 && nCRON_VALUE <= 12 )
                            if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
            if ( sCRON_DAYOFWEEK != "*" )
                if ( sb.Length > 0 )
                    sb.Append("; ");
                arrCRON_TEMP = sCRON_DAYOFWEEK.Split(',');
                for ( int i = 0, nCronEntries = 0; i < arrCRON_TEMP.Length; i++ )
                    if ( arrCRON_TEMP[i].IndexOf('-') >= 0 )
                        arrCRON_VALUE = arrCRON_TEMP[i].Split('-');
                        if ( arrCRON_VALUE.Length >= 2 )
                            nCRON_VALUE_START = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[0]);
                            nCRON_VALUE_END   = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_VALUE[1]);
                            if ( nCRON_VALUE_START >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_START <= 6 && nCRON_VALUE_END >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE_END <= 6 )
                                if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
                        nCRON_VALUE = Sql.ToInteger(arrCRON_TEMP[i]);
                        if ( nCRON_VALUE >= 0 && nCRON_VALUE <= 6 )
                            if ( nCronEntries > 0 )
            return sb.ToString();
Example #49
        public string create_account(string user_name, string password, string name, string phone, string website)
            Guid gUSER_ID = LoginUser(user_name, password);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Accounts", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));
            Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
            SqlProcs.spACCOUNTS_New(ref gID, name, phone, website);
            return "1";