Example #1
        //Implement Business Rule 7
        //A constituent can only be assigned 3 active programs.
        //Only load constituents with less than 3 assignments on active programs

        private void LoadApplicableDonorName()

            string sql = $@"
            SELECT AccountId, KeyName 
            FROM Account 
            WHERE AccountId NOT IN 
	            SELECT AccountID
		            SELECT AccountID, 
		            Count(AccountId) AS 'NumAssn' 
		            SELECT AccountId 
                    FROM VolunteerAssignment 
                    WHERE ProgramID IN 
                         SELECT ProgramId  
                         FROM VolunteerProgram 
                            WHERE IsActive = 'true') ) AS p
		            GROUP BY AccountID) AS q
	            WHERE q.NumAssn >= 3

            sql = DataAccess.SQLCleaner(sql);
            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData(sql);

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboDonorName, "KeyName", "AccountId", dt, true, "--Select a constituent--");
Example #2
        private void LoadDonorName()

            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData("SELECT AccountId, KeyName  FROM Account ORDER BY KeyName");

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboDonorName, "KeyName", "AccountId", dt, true, "--Select a constituent--");
Example #3
        private void LoadDonorName(int id, string type)
            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData($"SELECT AccountId, KeyName  FROM Account WHERE ConstituencyTypeId = {id} ORDER BY KeyName ");

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboDonorName, "KeyName", "AccountId", dt, true, $"-- All {type} donors --");
Example #4
        private void LoadConstituencyType()
            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData("SELECT ConstituencyTypeId, ConstituencyTypeName  FROM ConstituencyType ORDER BY ConstituencyTypeName");

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboConstituencyType, "ConstituencyTypeName", "ConstituencyTypeId", dt, true, "-- All constituency type --");
Example #5
        //Implement Business Rule 7
        // Constituents must be added to active programs (3 max). Only load active programs in the combobox during add event.
        private void LoadActiveVolunteerProgram()
            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData("SELECT ProgramId, ProgramName  FROM VolunteerProgram WHERE IsActive = 'true' ORDER BY ProgramName");

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboVolunterProgram, "ProgramName", "ProgramId", dt, true, "--Select a program--");
Example #6
        private void LoadDonorName(int id, string type)
            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData($"SELECT DISTINCT Account.AccountId, KeyName   FROM Account INNER JOIN VolunteerAssignment On Account.AccountId  = VolunteerAssignment.AccountId  AND ProgramId = {id} ORDER BY KeyName ");

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboVolName, "KeyName", "AccountId", dt, true, $"-- All {type} volunteers --");
Example #7
        private void LoadVolunteerName()
            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT Account.AccountId, KeyName   FROM Account INNER JOIN VolunteerAssignment On Account.AccountId  = VolunteerAssignment.AccountId  ORDER BY KeyName");

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboVolName, "KeyName", "AccountId", dt, true, "-- All volunteers --"); //good
Example #8
        private void LoadProgram()
            DataTable dt = DataAccess.GetData("SELECT ProgramId, ProgramName  FROM VolunteerProgram ORDER BY ProgramName");

            UIUtilities.FillListControl(cboProgram, "ProgramName", "ProgramId", dt, true, "-- All programs --"); //good