Example #1
        static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
                Token     = "PutTokenHere",
                TokenType = TokenType.Bot

            //New users get a hello message and assigned to guest role
            //admin command to demote lurkers

            //tells users what commands there are

            //spirit clear
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit clear") == true)
                    DiscordMember myMember = await e.Guild.GetMemberAsync(e.Message.Author.Id);

                    IEnumerable <DiscordRole> adminRoles = myMember.Roles;

                    int executePermission = 0; //if 1 execute demote

                    foreach (var item in adminRoles)
                        if (item.Name == "Manager" || item.Name == "Admin" || item.Name == "Moderator" || item.Name == "Owner")
                            executePermission = 1;
                            if (executePermission == 1)

                    string responseString           = "";
                    string numberOfMessagesToDelete = e.Message.Content.Remove(0, 13);

                    int numberMessagesToDelete = 0;
                        numberMessagesToDelete = Convert.ToInt32(numberOfMessagesToDelete);

                    if (numberMessagesToDelete < 15)
                        if (executePermission == 1)
                            await e.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(await e.Message.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(numberMessagesToDelete, e.Message.Id));
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("I'm afraid I can't do that " + e.Author.Username);


            //spirit whatdo
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit whatdo"))
                    List <CommandsExecuted> myCommandExecutedList = new List <CommandsExecuted>();
                    myCommandExecutedList = SQLCode.getSpiritExecutedCommandsLast10Cmd();
                    string responseString = "";
                    if (myCommandExecutedList.Count != 0)
                        foreach (var item in myCommandExecutedList)
                            responseString += item.authorParsed() + " :" + item.content + " : " + item.channel + " : " + item.time + "\n";
                        responseString = "No commands found";

                    await e.Message.RespondAsync("Last 10 commands found: ```" + responseString + "```");

            //whats your purpose (first command ever!)
            discord.MessageCreated += async e => //message created
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("bot whats your purpose"))
                    await e.Message.RespondAsync("zee tells me I make moderation easier, :heart:, and spam /r/meditation... o my god.");

            //whats your purpose (first command ever!)
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("bot what's your purpose"))
                    await e.Message.RespondAsync("zee tells me I make moderation easier, :heart:, and spam /r/meditation... o my god.");

            //Member = 346470543446507522
            //Guest = 354466276338434070
            //Lurker = 357638353534976020
            //OG = 379502868409090058
            //Social channel is 375849395406503937
            //readme is 374064827984773120
            //general is 346358184069300227

            //current discord channels
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit channels"))
                    //Check Guild channels
                    string responseString = "";
                    IReadOnlyList <DiscordChannel> guildChannels = e.Guild.Channels;

                    foreach (var item in guildChannels)
                        if (item.Name != "@everyone")
                            responseString += item.Name + " : " + item.Id + " | ";

                    await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found these channels..." + responseString);

            //current discord roles
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit roles"))
                    //Check Guild Roles
                    string responseString = "";
                    IReadOnlyList <DiscordRole> guildRoles = e.Guild.Roles;

                    foreach (var item in guildRoles)
                        if (item.Name != "@everyone")
                            responseString += item.Name + " : " + item.Id + " | ";

                    await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found these roles..." + responseString);

            //activeUsers get a list of active users and counts
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit activeusers") == true || e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit active users") == true)
                    //get member permission
                    DiscordMember myMember = await e.Guild.GetMemberAsync(e.Message.Author.Id);

                    IEnumerable <DiscordRole> adminRoles = myMember.Roles;

                    int executePermission = 0; //if 1 execute demote

                    foreach (var item in adminRoles)
                        if (item.Name == "Manager" || item.Name == "Admin" || item.Name == "Moderator" || item.Name == "Owner")
                            executePermission = 1;
                            if (executePermission == 1)

                    if (executePermission == 1)
                        try {
                            //lastMonth, lastWeek, thisWeek, thisMonth
                            List <string> userListLastMonth = SQLCode.getActiveUsers("lastMonth");
                            List <string> userListLastWeek  = SQLCode.getActiveUsers("lastWeek");
                            List <string> userListThisWeek  = SQLCode.getActiveUsers("thisWeek");
                            List <string> userListThisMonth = SQLCode.getActiveUsers("thisMonth");
                            string        responseString    = "```Active Users Last Month:" + userListLastMonth.Count + " | Last Week:" + userListLastWeek.Count + " | This Month: " + userListThisMonth.Count + " | This Week: " + userListThisWeek.Count + "```";
                            //if (item.IndexOf)userList.Count

                            if (responseString != "")
                                await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found these users..." + responseString);
                                await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found no users! I am so sorry :frowning:...");
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found no users! I am so sorry :frowning:...");

                    else //if execute permission is not 1
                        await e.Message.RespondAsync("No permission to execute");

            //usersLike get a list of users like xyz
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                string authorStringToCheck;
                string responseString = "";
                    if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit users"))
                        authorStringToCheck = e.Message.Content.Remove(0, 13);

                        List <string> userList = SQLCode.getUserList(authorStringToCheck);
                        foreach (var item in userList)
                            int    commentCount1Days = SQLCode.getCommentCount1Days(item);
                            int    commentCount7Days = SQLCode.getCommentCount7Days(item);
                            int    commentCountTotal = SQLCode.getCommentCount(item);
                            string authorParsed      = item;
                            authorParsed    = authorParsed.Substring(authorParsed.IndexOf(';') + 1);
                            responseString += "```" + authorParsed + " : Comments today:" + commentCount1Days + " | 7 Days:" + commentCount7Days + " | Total: " + commentCountTotal + "```";
                            //if (item.IndexOf)userList.Count

                        if (responseString != "")
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found these users..." + responseString);
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found no users! I am so sorry :frowning:...");
                    await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found no users! I am so sorry :frowning:...");


            //Insert Comment into Database, promote comments
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                string         author            = e.Message.Author.ToString();
                string         content           = e.Message.Content;
                string         channelID         = e.Message.ChannelId.ToString();
                string         channel           = e.Message.Channel.ToString();
                DateTimeOffset creationTimeStamp = e.Message.CreationTimestamp;
                SQLCode.insertComment(author, content, channelID, channel, creationTimeStamp);

                ulong         authorID     = e.Message.Author.Id;
                DiscordRole   guestRole    = e.Guild.GetRole(354466276338434070);
                DiscordRole   memberRole   = e.Guild.GetRole(346470543446507522);
                DiscordRole   inactiveRole = e.Guild.GetRole(389201764466819073);
                DiscordMember myMember;
                DiscordRole   lurkerRole = e.Guild.GetRole(357638353534976020);

                int commentCount = SQLCode.getCommentCount(author);

                if (commentCount > 10)
                    //Probably make this more async, probably change table so that we ignore checking members or above
                    myMember = await e.Guild.GetMemberAsync(authorID);

                    IEnumerable <DiscordRole> memberRoles = myMember.Roles;
                    foreach (var item in memberRoles)
                        if (commentCount > 100)
                            if (item.Name == "Guest")
                                string authorParsed = author;

                                authorParsed = authorParsed.Substring(authorParsed.IndexOf(';') + 1);
                                await e.Guild.RevokeRoleAsync(myMember, guestRole, "100 comments!");

                                await e.Guild.GrantRoleAsync(myMember, memberRole, "100 comments!");

                                await e.Message.RespondAsync("Congrats " + authorParsed + " you are now a member :heart: ");

                            if (item.Name == "Inactive")
                                string authorParsed = author;

                                authorParsed = authorParsed.Substring(authorParsed.IndexOf(';') + 1);
                                await e.Guild.RevokeRoleAsync(myMember, inactiveRole, "100 comments!");

                                await e.Guild.GrantRoleAsync(myMember, memberRole, "100 comments!");

                                await e.Message.RespondAsync("Welcome back " + authorParsed + " you are now a member again :heart: ");

                        //;urker more than 10 comments
                        if (item.Name == "Lurker")
                            string authorParsed = author;

                            authorParsed = authorParsed.Substring(authorParsed.IndexOf(';') + 1);
                            await e.Guild.RevokeRoleAsync(myMember, lurkerRole, "100 comments!");

                            await e.Guild.GrantRoleAsync(myMember, guestRole, "100 comments!");

                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("Congrats " + authorParsed + " you are no longer a lurker :heart: ");

            await discord.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
        public static void DemoteLurkers(DiscordClient discord)
            //demote lurkers
            discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("spirit demote"))
                    //get member permission
                    DiscordMember myMember = await e.Guild.GetMemberAsync(e.Message.Author.Id);

                    IEnumerable <DiscordRole> adminRoles = myMember.Roles;

                    int executePermission = 0; //if 1 execute demote

                    foreach (var item in adminRoles)
                        if (item.Name == "Manager" || item.Name == "Admin" || item.Name == "Moderator" || item.Name == "Owner")
                            executePermission = 1;
                            if (executePermission == 1)

                    if (executePermission == 1)
                        DiscordRole guestRole    = e.Guild.GetRole(354466276338434070);
                        DiscordRole memberRole   = e.Guild.GetRole(346470543446507522);
                        DiscordRole lurkerRole   = e.Guild.GetRole(357638353534976020);
                        DiscordRole inactiveRole = e.Guild.GetRole(389201764466819073);

                        IReadOnlyList <DiscordMember> discordMembers = e.Guild.Members;     //All Members in "Guild"
                        List <string> eligibleToDemoteMembers        = new List <string>(); //members to demote
                        List <string> eligibleToDemoteGuests         = new List <string>(); //guests to demote
                        //Loop through all members in guild
                            foreach (var item in discordMembers)
                                IEnumerable <DiscordRole> memberRoles = item.Roles;

                                string authorToCheck = item.ToString();
                                string authorParsed  = item.Username;
                                //Check the member role
                                foreach (var item2 in memberRoles)
                                    if (item2.Name == "OG")
                                        continue; //ignore OG
                                        //  continue;
                                    if (item2.Name == "Member")
                                        int commentCount14Days = SQLCode.getCommentCount14Days(authorToCheck);
                                        if (commentCount14Days == 0)
                                            if (eligibleToDemoteMembers.Count < 100)
                                                await e.Guild.GrantRoleAsync(item, inactiveRole, "INACTIVE: No comments in 14 days");

                                                await e.Guild.RevokeRoleAsync(item, memberRole, "No comments in 14 days");

                                    if (item2.Name == "Guest")
                                        int commentCount7Days = SQLCode.getCommentCount7Days(authorToCheck);

                                        if (commentCount7Days == 0)
                                            if (eligibleToDemoteGuests.Count < 100)
                                                await e.Guild.GrantRoleAsync(item, lurkerRole, "LURKER: No comments in 7 days");

                                                await e.Guild.RevokeRoleAsync(item, guestRole, "No comments in 7 days");

                        catch (Exception)

                        string responseStringGuests  = "";
                        string responseStringMembers = "";
                        //respond with list of users demoted
                        foreach (var item in eligibleToDemoteGuests)
                            responseStringGuests += item + " ";

                        foreach (var item in eligibleToDemoteMembers)
                            responseStringMembers += item + " ";

                        int executeCommentLog = SQLCode.insertCommandComment(e.Message.Author.ToString(), "lurkers demoted:" + responseStringGuests + " Members inactive: " + responseStringMembers, e.Channel.Id.ToString(), e.Channel.ToString(), e.Message.CreationTimestamp);

                        if (responseStringGuests != "")
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("I demoted these Guests..." + responseStringGuests);
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found no Guests to demote! I am so happy :grin:...");

                        if (responseStringMembers != "")
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("These Members are inactive..." + responseStringMembers);
                            await e.Message.RespondAsync("I found no Members to inactive! I am so happy :grin:...");
                    else         //if execute permission is not 1
                        await e.Message.RespondAsync("No permission to execute");