public void Draw(Skeleton skeleton) { List <Slot> drawOrder = skeleton.DrawOrder; float skeletonR = skeleton.R, skeletonG = skeleton.G, skeletonB = skeleton.B, skeletonA = skeleton.A; for (int i = 0, n = drawOrder.Count; i < n; i++) { Slot slot = drawOrder[i]; RegionAttachment regionAttachment = slot.Attachment as RegionAttachment; if (regionAttachment != null) { BlendState blend = slot.Data.AdditiveBlending ? BlendState.Additive : defaultBlendState; if (device.BlendState != blend) { End(); device.BlendState = blend; } RegionItem item = batcher.NextItem(); AtlasRegion region = (AtlasRegion)regionAttachment.RendererObject; item.texture = (Texture2D); Color color; float a = skeletonA * slot.A; if (premultipliedAlpha) { color = new Color(skeletonR * slot.R * a, skeletonG * slot.G * a, skeletonB * slot.B * a, a); } else { color = new Color(skeletonR * slot.R, skeletonG * slot.G, skeletonB * slot.B, a); } item.vertexTL.Color = color; item.vertexBL.Color = color; item.vertexBR.Color = color; item.vertexTR.Color = color; float[] vertices = this.vertices; regionAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices(slot.Bone, vertices); item.vertexTL.Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X1]; item.vertexTL.Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y1]; item.vertexTL.Position.Z = 0; item.vertexBL.Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X2]; item.vertexBL.Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y2]; item.vertexBL.Position.Z = 0; item.vertexBR.Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X3]; item.vertexBR.Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y3]; item.vertexBR.Position.Z = 0; item.vertexTR.Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X4]; item.vertexTR.Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y4]; item.vertexTR.Position.Z = 0; float[] uvs = regionAttachment.UVs; item.vertexTL.TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X1]; item.vertexTL.TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y1]; item.vertexBL.TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X2]; item.vertexBL.TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y2]; item.vertexBR.TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X3]; item.vertexBR.TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y3]; item.vertexTR.TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X4]; item.vertexTR.TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y4]; } } }
private void Load(TextReader reader, String imagesDir, TextureLoader textureLoader) { if (textureLoader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("textureLoader cannot be null."); } this.textureLoader = textureLoader; String[] tuple = new String[4]; AtlasPage page = null; while (true) { String line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.Trim().Length == 0) { page = null; } else if (page == null) { page = new AtlasPage(); = line; if (readTuple(reader, tuple) == 2) // size is only optional for an atlas packed with an old TexturePacker. { page.width = int.Parse(tuple[0]); page.height = int.Parse(tuple[1]); readTuple(reader, tuple); } page.format = (Format)Enum.Parse(typeof(Format), tuple[0], false); readTuple(reader, tuple); page.minFilter = (TextureFilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextureFilter), tuple[0], false); page.magFilter = (TextureFilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextureFilter), tuple[1], false); String direction = readValue(reader); page.uWrap = TextureWrap.ClampToEdge; page.vWrap = TextureWrap.ClampToEdge; if (direction == "x") { page.uWrap = TextureWrap.Repeat; } else if (direction == "y") { page.vWrap = TextureWrap.Repeat; } else if (direction == "xy") { page.uWrap = page.vWrap = TextureWrap.Repeat; } textureLoader.Load(page, Path.Combine(imagesDir, line)); pages.Add(page); } else { AtlasRegion region = new AtlasRegion(); = line; = page; region.rotate = Boolean.Parse(readValue(reader)); readTuple(reader, tuple); int x = int.Parse(tuple[0]); int y = int.Parse(tuple[1]); readTuple(reader, tuple); int width = int.Parse(tuple[0]); int height = int.Parse(tuple[1]); region.u = x / (float)page.width; region.v = y / (float)page.height; if (region.rotate) { region.u2 = (x + height) / (float)page.width; region.v2 = (y + width) / (float)page.height; } else { region.u2 = (x + width) / (float)page.width; region.v2 = (y + height) / (float)page.height; } region.x = x; region.y = y; region.width = Math.Abs(width); region.height = Math.Abs(height); if (readTuple(reader, tuple) == 4) // split is optional { region.splits = new int[] { int.Parse(tuple[0]), int.Parse(tuple[1]), int.Parse(tuple[2]), int.Parse(tuple[3]) }; if (readTuple(reader, tuple) == 4) // pad is optional, but only present with splits { region.pads = new int[] { int.Parse(tuple[0]), int.Parse(tuple[1]), int.Parse(tuple[2]), int.Parse(tuple[3]) }; readTuple(reader, tuple); } } region.originalWidth = int.Parse(tuple[0]); region.originalHeight = int.Parse(tuple[1]); readTuple(reader, tuple); region.offsetX = int.Parse(tuple[0]); region.offsetY = int.Parse(tuple[1]); region.index = int.Parse(readValue(reader)); regions.Add(region); } } }
public void Draw(Skeleton skeleton) { float[] vertices = this.vertices; List <Slot> drawOrder = skeleton.DrawOrder; float skeletonR = skeleton.R, skeletonG = skeleton.G, skeletonB = skeleton.B, skeletonA = skeleton.A; for (int i = 0, n = drawOrder.Count; i < n; i++) { Slot slot = drawOrder[i]; Attachment attachment = slot.Attachment; if (attachment is RegionAttachment) { RegionAttachment regionAttachment = (RegionAttachment)attachment; BlendState blend = slot.Data.AdditiveBlending ? BlendState.Additive : defaultBlendState; if (device.BlendState != blend) { End(); device.BlendState = blend; } MeshItem item = batcher.NextItem(4, 6); item.triangles = quadTriangles; VertexPositionColorTexture[] itemVertices = item.vertices; AtlasRegion region = (AtlasRegion)regionAttachment.RendererObject; item.texture = (Texture2D); Color color; float a = skeletonA * slot.A * regionAttachment.A; if (premultipliedAlpha) { color = new Color( skeletonR * slot.R * regionAttachment.R * a, skeletonG * slot.G * regionAttachment.G * a, skeletonB * slot.B * regionAttachment.B * a, a); } else { color = new Color( skeletonR * slot.R * regionAttachment.R, skeletonG * slot.G * regionAttachment.G, skeletonB * slot.B * regionAttachment.B, a); } itemVertices[TL].Color = color; itemVertices[BL].Color = color; itemVertices[BR].Color = color; itemVertices[TR].Color = color; regionAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices(slot.Bone, vertices); itemVertices[TL].Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X1]; itemVertices[TL].Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y1]; itemVertices[TL].Position.Z = 0; itemVertices[BL].Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X2]; itemVertices[BL].Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y2]; itemVertices[BL].Position.Z = 0; itemVertices[BR].Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X3]; itemVertices[BR].Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y3]; itemVertices[BR].Position.Z = 0; itemVertices[TR].Position.X = vertices[RegionAttachment.X4]; itemVertices[TR].Position.Y = vertices[RegionAttachment.Y4]; itemVertices[TR].Position.Z = 0; float[] uvs = regionAttachment.UVs; itemVertices[TL].TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X1]; itemVertices[TL].TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y1]; itemVertices[BL].TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X2]; itemVertices[BL].TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y2]; itemVertices[BR].TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X3]; itemVertices[BR].TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y3]; itemVertices[TR].TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X4]; itemVertices[TR].TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y4]; } else if (attachment is MeshAttachment) { MeshAttachment mesh = (MeshAttachment)attachment; int vertexCount = mesh.Vertices.Length; if (vertices.Length < vertexCount) { vertices = new float[vertexCount]; } mesh.ComputeWorldVertices(slot, vertices); int[] triangles = mesh.Triangles; MeshItem item = batcher.NextItem(vertexCount, triangles.Length); item.triangles = triangles; AtlasRegion region = (AtlasRegion)mesh.RendererObject; item.texture = (Texture2D); Color color; float a = skeletonA * slot.A * mesh.A; if (premultipliedAlpha) { color = new Color( skeletonR * slot.R * mesh.R * a, skeletonG * slot.G * mesh.G * a, skeletonB * slot.B * mesh.B * a, a); } else { color = new Color( skeletonR * slot.R * mesh.R, skeletonG * slot.G * mesh.G, skeletonB * slot.B * mesh.B, a); } float[] uvs = mesh.UVs; VertexPositionColorTexture[] itemVertices = item.vertices; for (int ii = 0, v = 0; v < vertexCount; ii++, v += 2) { itemVertices[ii].Color = color; itemVertices[ii].Position.X = vertices[v]; itemVertices[ii].Position.Y = vertices[v + 1]; itemVertices[ii].Position.Z = 0; itemVertices[ii].TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[v]; itemVertices[ii].TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[v + 1]; } } else if (attachment is SkinnedMeshAttachment) { SkinnedMeshAttachment mesh = (SkinnedMeshAttachment)attachment; int vertexCount = mesh.UVs.Length; if (vertices.Length < vertexCount) { vertices = new float[vertexCount]; } mesh.ComputeWorldVertices(slot, vertices); int[] triangles = mesh.Triangles; MeshItem item = batcher.NextItem(vertexCount, triangles.Length); item.triangles = triangles; AtlasRegion region = (AtlasRegion)mesh.RendererObject; item.texture = (Texture2D); Color color; float a = skeletonA * slot.A * mesh.A; if (premultipliedAlpha) { color = new Color( skeletonR * slot.R * mesh.R * a, skeletonG * slot.G * mesh.G * a, skeletonB * slot.B * mesh.B * a, a); } else { color = new Color( skeletonR * slot.R * mesh.R, skeletonG * slot.G * mesh.G, skeletonB * slot.B * mesh.B, a); } float[] uvs = mesh.UVs; VertexPositionColorTexture[] itemVertices = item.vertices; for (int ii = 0, v = 0; v < vertexCount; ii++, v += 2) { itemVertices[ii].Color = color; itemVertices[ii].Position.X = vertices[v]; itemVertices[ii].Position.Y = vertices[v + 1]; itemVertices[ii].Position.Z = 0; itemVertices[ii].TextureCoordinate.X = uvs[v]; itemVertices[ii].TextureCoordinate.Y = uvs[v + 1]; } } } }