Example #1
        private static void WriteUsage(RenderableComposer composer, CommandModel model, CommandInfo command)
            var parameters = new Stack <IRenderable>();

            if (command == null)
                parameters.Push(new ColorElement(ConsoleColor.Cyan, new TextElement("<COMMAND>")));
                parameters.Push(new ColorElement(ConsoleColor.DarkGray, new TextElement("[OPTIONS]")));
                var current = command;
                if (command.IsBranch)
                    parameters.Push(new ColorElement(ConsoleColor.Cyan, new TextElement("<COMMAND>")));

                while (current != null)
                    var builder = new BlockElement();

                    if (!current.IsDefaultCommand)
                        builder.Append(new TextElement(current.Name));

                    if (current.Parameters.OfType <CommandArgument>().Any())
                        var isCurrent = current == command;
                        if (isCurrent)
                            foreach (var argument in current.Parameters.OfType <CommandArgument>()
                                     .Where(a => a.Required).OrderBy(a => a.Position).ToArray())
                                var text = new TextElement($" <{argument.Value}>");
                                builder.Append(new ColorElement(ConsoleColor.Cyan, text));

                        var optionalArguments = current.Parameters.OfType <CommandArgument>().Where(x => !x.Required).ToArray();
                        if (optionalArguments.Length > 0 || !isCurrent)
                            foreach (var optionalArgument in optionalArguments)
                                var text = new TextElement($" [{optionalArgument.Value}]");
                                builder.Append(new ColorElement(ConsoleColor.Gray, text));

                    if (current == command)
                        builder.Append(new ColorElement(ConsoleColor.DarkGray, new TextElement(" [OPTIONS]")));

                    current = current.Parent;

            composer.Color(ConsoleColor.Yellow, c => c.Text("USAGE:")).LineBreak();
            composer.Tab().Text(model.ApplicationName ?? Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name);

            // Root or not a default command?
            if (command?.IsDefaultCommand != true)

            composer.Join(" ", parameters);
Example #2
        private static void WriteOptions(RenderableComposer composer, CommandInfo command)
            // Collect all options into a single structure.
            var parameters = new List <(string @short, string @long, string value, string description)>
                ("h", "help", null, "Prints help information")

            parameters.AddRange(command?.Parameters?.OfType <CommandOption>()?.Select(o =>
                                                                                      (o.ShortNames.FirstOrDefault(), o.LongNames.FirstOrDefault(), o.ValueName, o.Description))
                                ?? Array.Empty <(string, string, string, string)>());

            var options = parameters.ToArray();

            if (options.Length > 0)
                composer.Color(ConsoleColor.Yellow, c => c.Text("OPTIONS:")).LineBreak();

                // Start with composing a list of lines.
                var result = new List <(string description, BlockElement element)>();
                foreach (var(@short, @long, value, description) in options)
                    var item = new BlockElement();
                    item.Append(new TabElement());

                    // Short
                    if (@short != null)
                        item.Append(new TextElement($"-{@short}"));
                        if (@long != null)
                            item.Append(new TextElement(","));
                        item.Append(new RepeatingElement(3, new TextElement(" ")));

                    // Long
                    if (@long != null)
                        item.Append(new TextElement(" "));
                        item.Append(new TextElement($"--{@long}"));

                    // Value
                    if (value != null)
                        item.Append(new TextElement(" "));
                        item.Append(new ColorElement(ConsoleColor.Gray, new TextElement($"<{value}>")));

                    result.Add((description, item));

                // Now add the descriptions to all lines.
                var maxLength = result.Max(x => x.element.Length);
                foreach (var(description, element) in result)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description))
                        var neededSpaces = maxLength - element.Length;
                        if (neededSpaces > 0)
                            element.Append(new RepeatingElement(neededSpaces, new TextElement(" ")));
                        element.Append(new TabElement());
                        element.Append(new TextElement(description.TrimEnd('.').Trim()));
                    element.Append(new LineBreakElement());

                // Append the items.
                composer.Append(result.Select(x => x.element));