Example #1
        // Returns a list of latest commits
        // TODO: Method needs to be made a lot faster
        public List<SparkleCommit> GetCommits(int count)
            if (count < 1)
                count = 30;

            List <SparkleCommit> commits = new List <SparkleCommit> ();

            SparkleGit git_log = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "log -" + count + " --raw -M --date=iso");
            Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
            git_log.Start ();

            // Reading the standard output HAS to go before
            // WaitForExit, or it will hang forever on output > 4096 bytes
            string output = git_log.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
            git_log.WaitForExit ();

            string [] lines       = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
            List <string> entries = new List <string> ();

            int j = 0;
            string entry = "", last_entry = "";
            foreach (string line in lines) {
                if (line.StartsWith ("commit") && j > 0) {
                    entries.Add (entry);
                    entry = "";

                entry += line + "\n";

                last_entry = entry;

            entries.Add (last_entry);

            // TODO: Need to optimise for speed
            foreach (string log_entry in entries) {
                Regex regex;
                bool is_merge_commit = false;

                if (log_entry.Contains ("\nMerge: ")) {
                    regex = new Regex (@"commit ([a-z0-9]{40})\n" +
                                        "Merge: .+ .+\n" +
                                        "Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
                                        "Date:   ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
                                        "([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) .([0-9]{4})\n" +

                    is_merge_commit = true;
                } else {
                    regex = new Regex (@"commit ([a-z0-9]{40})\n" +
                                        "Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
                                        "Date:   ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
                                        "([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) .([0-9]{4})\n" +

                Match match = regex.Match (log_entry);

                if (match.Success) {
                    SparkleCommit commit = new SparkleCommit ();

                    commit.Hash      = match.Groups [1].Value;
                    commit.UserName  = match.Groups [2].Value;
                    commit.UserEmail = match.Groups [3].Value;
                    commit.IsMerge   = is_merge_commit;

                    commit.DateTime = new DateTime (int.Parse (match.Groups [4].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [5].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [6].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [7].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [8].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [9].Value));

                    string [] entry_lines = log_entry.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());

                    foreach (string entry_line in entry_lines) {
                        if (entry_line.StartsWith (":")) {

                            string change_type = entry_line [37].ToString ();
                            string file_path   = entry_line.Substring (39);
                            string to_file_path;

                            if (change_type.Equals ("A")) {
                                commit.Added.Add (file_path);
                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("M")) {
                                commit.Edited.Add (file_path);
                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("D")) {
                                commit.Deleted.Add (file_path);
                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("R")) {
                                int tab_pos  = entry_line.LastIndexOf ("\t");
                                file_path    = entry_line.Substring (42, tab_pos - 42);
                                to_file_path = entry_line.Substring (tab_pos + 1);

                                commit.MovedFrom.Add (file_path);
                                commit.MovedTo.Add (to_file_path);

                    commits.Add (commit);

            return commits;
Example #2
        // Returns a list of latest commits
        // TODO: Method needs to be made a lot faster
        public List <SparkleCommit> GetCommits(int count)
            if (count < 1)
                count = 30;

            List <SparkleCommit> commits = new List <SparkleCommit> ();

            SparkleGit git_log = new SparkleGit(LocalPath, "log -" + count + " --raw -M --date=iso");

            Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;

            // Reading the standard output HAS to go before
            // WaitForExit, or it will hang forever on output > 4096 bytes
            string output = git_log.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();


            string []     lines   = output.Split("\n".ToCharArray());
            List <string> entries = new List <string> ();

            int    j = 0;
            string entry = "", last_entry = "";

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (line.StartsWith("commit") && j > 0)
                    entry = "";

                entry += line + "\n";

                last_entry = entry;


            // TODO: Need to optimise for speed
            foreach (string log_entry in entries)
                Regex regex;
                bool  is_merge_commit = false;

                if (log_entry.Contains("\nMerge: "))
                    regex = new Regex(@"commit ([a-z0-9]{40})\n" +
                                      "Merge: .+ .+\n" +
                                      "Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
                                      "Date:   ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
                                      "([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) .([0-9]{4})\n" +

                    is_merge_commit = true;
                    regex = new Regex(@"commit ([a-z0-9]{40})\n" +
                                      "Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
                                      "Date:   ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
                                      "([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) .([0-9]{4})\n" +

                Match match = regex.Match(log_entry);

                if (match.Success)
                    SparkleCommit commit = new SparkleCommit();

                    commit.Hash      = match.Groups [1].Value;
                    commit.UserName  = match.Groups [2].Value;
                    commit.UserEmail = match.Groups [3].Value;
                    commit.IsMerge   = is_merge_commit;

                    commit.DateTime = new DateTime(int.Parse(match.Groups [4].Value),
                                                   int.Parse(match.Groups [5].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups [6].Value),
                                                   int.Parse(match.Groups [7].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups [8].Value),
                                                   int.Parse(match.Groups [9].Value));

                    string [] entry_lines = log_entry.Split("\n".ToCharArray());

                    foreach (string entry_line in entry_lines)
                        if (entry_line.StartsWith(":"))
                            string change_type = entry_line [37].ToString();
                            string file_path   = entry_line.Substring(39);
                            string to_file_path;

                            if (change_type.Equals("A"))
                            else if (change_type.Equals("M"))
                            else if (change_type.Equals("D"))
                            else if (change_type.Equals("R"))
                                int tab_pos = entry_line.LastIndexOf("\t");
                                file_path    = entry_line.Substring(42, tab_pos - 42);
                                to_file_path = entry_line.Substring(tab_pos + 1);



Example #3
        // Returns a list of latest commits
        public List<SparkleCommit> GetCommits(int count)
            if (count < 1)
                count = 30;

            List <SparkleCommit> commits = new List <SparkleCommit> ();

            SparkleGit git_log = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "log -" + count + " --raw --date=iso");
            git_log.Start ();
            git_log.WaitForExit ();

            string output = git_log.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
            string [] lines = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());

            List <string> entries = new List <string> ();

            int j = 0;
            string entry = "";
            foreach (string line in lines) {

                if (line.StartsWith ("commit") && j > 0) {

                    entries.Add (entry);
                    entry = "";


                entry += line + "\n";


            foreach (string log_entry in entries) {

                Regex regex = new Regex (@"commit ([a-z0-9]{40})\n" +
                                          "Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
                                          "Date:   ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
                                          "([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) \\+([0-9]{4})\n" +

                Match match = regex.Match (log_entry);

                if (match.Success) {

                    SparkleCommit commit = new SparkleCommit ();

                    commit.Hash = match.Groups [1].Value;
                    commit.UserName = match.Groups [2].Value;
                    commit.UserEmail = match.Groups [3].Value;

                    commit.DateTime = new DateTime (int.Parse (match.Groups [4].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [5].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [6].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [7].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [8].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [9].Value));

                    string [] entry_lines = log_entry.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
                    foreach (string entry_line in entry_lines) {

                        if (entry_line.StartsWith (":")) {

                            string change_type = entry_line [37].ToString ();
                            string file_path   = entry_line.Substring (39);

                            if (change_type.Equals ("A")) {

                                commit.Added.Add (file_path);

                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("M")) {

                                commit.Edited.Add (file_path);

                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("D")) {

                                commit.Deleted.Add (file_path);




                    commits.Add (commit);



            return commits;
Example #4
        // Returns a list of latest commits
        public List<SparkleCommit> GetCommits(int count)
            if (count <= 0)
                return null;

            List <SparkleCommit> commits = new List <SparkleCommit> ();

            string commit_ref = "HEAD";

            try {

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

                    Commit commit = new Commit (this, commit_ref);

                    SparkleCommit sparkle_commit = new SparkleCommit ();

                    sparkle_commit.UserName  = commit.Author.Name;
                    sparkle_commit.UserEmail = commit.Author.EmailAddress;
                    sparkle_commit.DateTime  = commit.CommitDate.DateTime;
                    sparkle_commit.Hash      = commit.Hash;

                    foreach (Change change in commit.Changes) {

                        if (change.ChangeType.ToString ().Equals ("Added"))
                            sparkle_commit.Added.Add (change.Path);

                        if (change.ChangeType.ToString ().Equals ("Modified"))
                            sparkle_commit.Edited.Add (change.Path);

                        if (change.ChangeType.ToString ().Equals ("Deleted"))
                            sparkle_commit.Deleted.Add (change.Path);


                    commits.Add (sparkle_commit);
                    commit_ref += "^";


            } catch (System.NullReferenceException) {

                // FIXME: Doesn't show the first commit because it throws
                // this exception before getting to it. Seems to be a bug in GitSharp


            return commits;
Example #5
        // Returns a list of latest commits
        public List<SparkleCommit> GetCommits(int count)
            if (count < 0)
                return null;

            List <SparkleCommit> commits = new List <SparkleCommit> ();

            Process process = new Process () {
                EnableRaisingEvents = true

            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = LocalPath;
            process.StartInfo.FileName  = "git";
            process.StartInfo.Arguments = "log --format=\"%at\t%an\t%ae\t%H\" -" + count;

            process.Start ();
            process.WaitForExit ();

            string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
            output = output.TrimStart ("\n".ToCharArray ());

            string [] lines = Regex.Split (output, "\n");

            Array.Sort (lines);
            Array.Reverse (lines);

            foreach (string line in lines) {

                string [] parts = Regex.Split (line, "\t");

                int unix_timestamp = int.Parse (parts [0]);
                string user_name   = parts [1];
                string user_email  = parts [2];
                string hash        = parts [3];

                DateTime date_time = SparkleHelpers.UnixTimestampToDateTime (unix_timestamp);

                SparkleCommit commit = new SparkleCommit (user_name, user_email, date_time, hash);

                // Find out what has changed in the commit.
                // --name-status lists affected files with the modification type,
                // -C detects renames
                process.StartInfo.Arguments = "show " + hash + " --name-status -C";
                process.Start ();
                process.WaitForExit ();

                output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ();
                output = output.TrimStart ("\n".ToCharArray ());

                string [] file_lines = Regex.Split (output, "\n");

                foreach (string file_line in file_lines) {

                    string file_path = "";

                    if (file_line.Length > 1)
                        file_path = file_line.Substring (2);

                    if (file_line.StartsWith ("M\t"))
                        commit.Edited.Add (file_path);

                    if (file_line.StartsWith ("A\t"))
                        commit.Added.Add (file_path);

                    if (file_line.StartsWith ("D\t"))
                        commit.Deleted.Add (file_path);

                    if (file_line.StartsWith ("R")) {

                        file_path = file_line.Substring (5);
                        string [] paths = Regex.Split (file_path, "\t");

                        commit.MovedFrom.Add (paths [0]);
                        commit.MovedTo.Add (paths [1]);



                commits.Add (commit);


            return commits;