//Add all text. public ScoreManager(HighScoreClass _highScores, ContentManager content) { places = new List<TextLine>(); scores = new List<TextLine>(); names = new List<TextLine>(); highScores = _highScores; input = new TextLine("Font", "Input name: " + name + "|", Color.White, new Vector2(0, 0)); places.Add(new TextLine("Font", "1st", Color.White, new Vector2(textSpaceX, textSpaceY * 1))); places.Add(new TextLine("Font", "2nd", Color.White, new Vector2(textSpaceX, textSpaceY * 2))); places.Add(new TextLine("Font", "3rd", Color.White, new Vector2(textSpaceX, textSpaceY * 3))); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i > 2) { places.Add(new TextLine("Font", (i + 1).ToString() + "th", Color.White, new Vector2(50, textSpaceY + textSpaceY * i))); } scores.Add(new TextLine("Font", "", Color.White, new Vector2(textSpaceX * 3, textSpaceY + textSpaceY * i))); names.Add(new TextLine("Font", "", Color.White, new Vector2(textSpaceX * 6, textSpaceY + textSpaceY * i))); } //Get the score from the files. GetScore(); }
//Load everything and set position. public void LoadContent(ContentManager content) { cursor = new GraphicalObject("Player", new Vector2(190, 0)); play = new TextLine("Font", "Play Game", Color.White, new Vector2(240, 200)); score = new TextLine("Font", "High Scores", Color.White, new Vector2(240, 250)); end = new TextLine("Font", "End Game", Color.White, new Vector2(240, 300)); title = new GraphicalObject("Title", new Vector2(0, 0)); title.X = width / 2 - title.width / 2; title.Y = 25; }
//Reset everything for a new round of Space Invaders. public void Reset() { Main.currentScore = 0; overallDifficulty = 0; levelDifficulty = 0; invaders = new List<Enemy>(); invaderPosition = new List<EnemyPosition>(); lasers = new List<Laser>(); invaderDestroyed = new List<GraphicalObject>(); blockFormations = new List<BlockFormation>(); lifeMarkers = new List<GraphicalObject>(); player = new Player("Player", new Vector2(width / 2, height - 40)); player.GetLifeTexture(); EnemyPosition.overallPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); pointText = new TextLine("Font", Main.currentScore.ToString(), Color.White, new Vector2(10, 10)); shootNext = rand.Next(800, 2000); lifeMarkers.Add(new GraphicalObject("Player", new Vector2(width, 0))); lifeMarkers.Add(new GraphicalObject("Player", new Vector2(width, 0))); int blockPoint = width / 5; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { blockFormations.Add(new BlockFormation()); blockFormations[i].LoadContent(content, blockPoint + blockPoint * i, height); } UFO.Reset(); NewWave(content); }