public static SpaceshipOrVehicle GetRandomVehicleOrStarship(PersonResult visitor) { int available = 0; if (visitor.Starships != null && visitor.Vehicles != null) { available = visitor.Starships.Count + visitor.Vehicles.Count; } if (available == 0) { return(GetRandomVehicleOrStarship()); } else { List <string> VehicleAndStarship = new List <string>(); VehicleAndStarship.AddRange(visitor.Starships); VehicleAndStarship.AddRange(visitor.Vehicles); return(SpacePark.APICall.GetSpaceShipInfo(VehicleAndStarship[SpacePark.RandomSeed.Next(0, VehicleAndStarship.Count)]).Result); } }
public static PersonResult AddRandomGeneratedVisitor() { PersonResult result = null; int randomNumber = SpacePark.RandomSeed.Next(1, (int)(SpacePark.NumberOfValidNames * 1.15)); if (randomNumber > SpacePark.NumberOfValidNames) { SpacePark.Print("Guard", $"You must leave! This is stictly a VIP SpacePort, {GetRandomName()}!", true); } else { result = SpacePark.APICall.GetPersonInfoByID(randomNumber).Result; //SpacePark.RandomSleepTimer += 5; if (result == null) { SpacePark.Print("World", "It seems as if SWAPI is unable to respond at the moment."); return(null); } SpacePark.Print("Guard", $"Welcome {result.Name} to my Spaceport"); } return(result); }
public static void GenerateRandomVisit() { if (RandomMethods.NewRandomVisit()) { PersonResult visitor = RandomMethods.AddRandomGeneratedVisitor(); if (visitor != null) { var starship = GetRandomVehicleOrStarship(visitor); if (SpacePark.IsCorrectLength(starship.doubleLength)) { SpacePark.ParkSpaceship(visitor.Name, starship.Name); SpacePark.Print("Guard", "Your ship is parked.", true); } else { SpacePark.Print("Guard", $"I'm sorry but your spaceship is too big!", true); } } else { SpacePark.Print("World", "The visitor left.", true); } } }