public Pages CreateNewData() { Console.Clear(); FreeStringBundle fSB = new FreeStringBundle(21); fSB.AddFreeString("Hello Advanturer"); fSB.AddFreeString("What is your name?"); BoundaryBox box = new BoundaryBox(20, new XYPair(24, 7)); box.Print(); fSB.Print(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5, Console.CursorTop + 2); string playerName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); fSB.ClearContent(); fSB.AddFreeString($"Ok, {playerName}"); fSB.AddFreeString("What is your gender?"); XYPair bgSize = new XYPair(24, 7); Menu menu = new Menu(24); menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Male", Alignment.Centered)); menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Female", Alignment.Centered)); menu.SetEntryPoint(0); box.Print(); fSB.Print(); Gender playerGender = menu.EnterMenuLoop() == 0 ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female; box.Print(); fSB.Print(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5, Console.CursorTop + 1); string gender = playerGender.ToString(); objH.player = new Player(playerName, playerGender, ref objH); = 50000; Console.Clear(); bgSize = new XYPair(35, 5); box.SetSize(bgSize); fSB.ClearContent(); fSB.AddFreeString($"Your Name is {playerName}"); fSB.AddFreeString($"Your Gender is {gender}"); fSB.AddFreeString($"Press Enter to find your home"); box.Print(); fSB.Print(); Console.ReadLine(); objH.GenerateNewData(); return(Pages.Ship); }
public Pages TestPage() { Console.Clear(); FreeStringList sh = new FreeStringList(); Menu scrollableTest = new Menu(20, 20, 10, "Shop", width: 10, menuStyle: BoxStyle.Limited); BoundaryBox box = new BoundaryBox(new XYPair(19, 19), new XYPair(15, 12)); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { scrollableTest.AddItem(new MenuItem($"Shop Item {i}")); } objH.PrintImage(new XYPair(40, 5), "Pikachu"); box.Print(); int digits = scrollableTest.EnterMenuLoop(); Numbers number = new Numbers(digits, new XYPair(40, 25)); int result = number.EnterMainLoop(); StringRenderer.PrintFreeString(new FreeString(20, result.ToString())); Console.Read(); return(Pages.TestPage); }
public Pages Buy() { Console.Clear(); TitleBox titleBox = new TitleBox("Buy"); titleBox.Print(); BoundaryBox box = new BoundaryBox(25, edge, new XYPair(66, 20), Alignment.LeftAligned); box.Print(); objH.PrintImage(new XYPair(edge + 68, 15), "ShopKeeper"); Menu buyShop = new Menu(27, edge + 3, maxShown: 9, menuStyle: BoxStyle.Limited, width: 60); foreach (ShopItem item in objH.player.currentPlanet.supplyShop) { buyShop.AddItem(new MenuItem(Calc.GetShopDisplay(item))); } buyShop.SetEntryPoint(0); int selection = buyShop.EnterMenuLoop(); FreeString wouldLiketoBuy = new FreeString(new XYPair(edge + 3, 38), "How many would you like to buy?"); int maxAmount = / objH.player.currentPlanet.supplyShop[selection].GetPrice(); Numbers amount = new Numbers(3, new XYPair(edge + 4, 40), maxAmount); wouldLiketoBuy.Print(); int amountBought = amount.EnterMainLoop(); objH.player.Buy(objH.player.currentPlanet.supplyShop[selection], amountBought); return(Pages.Shop); }
public Pages Inventory() { Console.Clear(); TitleBox titleBox = new TitleBox("Inventory"); titleBox.Print(); BoundaryBox box = new BoundaryBox(10, edge, new XYPair(66, 35), Alignment.LeftAligned); box.Print(); objH.PrintImage(new XYPair(edge + 68, 15), "Pikachu"); Menu inventoryMenu = new Menu(27, edge + 3, maxShown: 20, menuStyle: BoxStyle.Limited, width: 60); foreach (InventoryItem item in objH.player.inventory) { inventoryMenu.AddItem(new MenuItem(Calc.GetInventoryDisplay(item))); } inventoryMenu.SetEntryPoint(0); int selection = inventoryMenu.EnterMenuLoop(); return(Pages.Ship); }
public Pages Sale() { Console.Clear(); TitleBox titleBox = new TitleBox("Sale"); titleBox.Print(); BoundaryBox box = new BoundaryBox(25, edge, new XYPair(66, 20), Alignment.LeftAligned); box.Print(); objH.PrintImage(new XYPair(edge + 68, 15), "ShopKeeper"); Menu saleShop = new Menu(27, edge + 3, maxShown: 9, menuStyle: BoxStyle.Limited, width: 60); List <ShopItem> canSale = new List <ShopItem>(); foreach (ShopItem item in objH.player.currentPlanet.demandShop) { if (objH.player.inventory.Any(i => i.index == item.GetIndex())) { canSale.Add(item); saleShop.AddItem(new MenuItem(Calc.GetShopDisplay(item))); } } if (canSale.Count > 0) { saleShop.SetEntryPoint(0); int selection = saleShop.EnterMenuLoop(); FreeString wouldLiketoSale = new FreeString(new XYPair(edge + 3, 38), "How many would you like to Sale?"); int maxAmount = objH.player.inventory.FirstOrDefault(i => i.index == canSale[selection].GetIndex()).amount; Numbers amount = new Numbers(3, new XYPair(edge + 4, 40), maxAmount); wouldLiketoSale.Print(); int amountSold = amount.EnterMainLoop(); objH.player.Sale(canSale[selection], amountSold); } else { FreeString nothingToSale = new FreeString(new XYPair(edge + 10, 30), "You don't have anything to sale to this planet"); nothingToSale.Print(); Console.Read(); } return(Pages.Shop); }
public Pages Shop() { Console.Clear(); TitleBox titleBox = new TitleBox("SHOP"); titleBox.Print(); BoundaryBox welcomeBox = new BoundaryBox(25, new XYPair(50, 10), Alignment.Centered); FreeStringBundle welcomeMessage = new FreeStringBundle(26, edge + 40, 200); welcomeMessage.AddFreeString("Welcome, Dear Customer!", alignment: Alignment.LeftAligned); welcomeMessage.AddFreeString("What would you like to do today!", alignment: Alignment.LeftAligned); Menu buyOrSale = new Menu(29, menuStyle: BoxStyle.Limited, _alignment: Alignment.Centered, width: 5); buyOrSale.AddItem(new MenuItem("Buy", Alignment.Centered)); buyOrSale.AddItem(new MenuItem("Sale", Alignment.Centered)); buyOrSale.AddItem(new MenuItem("Exit", Alignment.Centered)); welcomeBox.Print(); welcomeMessage.Print(); buyOrSale.SetEntryPoint(0); int choice = buyOrSale.EnterMenuLoop(); switch (choice) { case 0: return(Pages.Buy); case 1: return(Pages.Sale); case 2: return(Pages.Ship); default: break; } return(Pages.Ship); }
public Pages MainMenu() { Console.Clear(); Menu menu = new Menu(36); menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("New Game", Alignment.Centered)); menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Load Data", Alignment.Centered)); menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Credit", Alignment.Centered)); menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Exit", Alignment.Centered)); menu.SetEntryPoint(1); XYPair bgSize = new XYPair(20, 6); BoundaryBox box = new BoundaryBox(35, bgSize); box.Print(); objH.PrintImage(new XYPair(35, 5), "Logo"); int i = menu.EnterMenuLoop(); switch (i) { case 0: return(Pages.NewCharacter); case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: return(Pages.Exit); default: break; } return(Pages.MainMenu); }
public void Print() { box.Print(); content.Print(); }