Example #1
        public ColorMipmap(IColorFunction2D colorFunction, int baseLevelSize, int tileSize, int border, int channels, string tempFolder) : base(baseLevelSize, baseLevelSize, tileSize, channels, 200)
            ColorFunction = colorFunction;

            this.BaseLevelSize = baseLevelSize;
            this.Size          = tileSize;
            this.Border        = Mathf.Max(0, border);
            this.MaxLevel      = 0;

            this.TempFolder = tempFolder;

            var size = BaseLevelSize;

            while (size > this.Size)
                MaxLevel += 1;
                size     /= 2;

            TileData = new byte[(this.Size + 2 * this.Border) * (this.Size + 2 * this.Border) * Channels];

            ConstantTileIDs = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            Left   = null;
            Right  = null;
            Bottom = null;
            Top    = null;

            Debug.Log(string.Format("ColorMipmap.ctor: BaseLevelSize: {0}; TileSize: {1}; Border: {2}; MaxLevel: {3}; Channels: {4}", BaseLevelSize,
Example #2
        public void SetCube(ColorMipmap hm1, ColorMipmap hm2, ColorMipmap hm3, ColorMipmap hm4, ColorMipmap hm5, ColorMipmap hm6)
            // NOTE : Ffffffffrrrrrrraaaaaacccccttttaaalls!

            hm1.Left    = hm5;
            hm1.Right   = hm3;
            hm1.Bottom  = hm2;
            hm1.Top     = hm4;
            hm2.Left    = hm5;
            hm2.Right   = hm3;
            hm2.Bottom  = hm6;
            hm2.Top     = hm1;
            hm3.Left    = hm2;
            hm3.Right   = hm4;
            hm3.Bottom  = hm6;
            hm3.Top     = hm1;
            hm4.Left    = hm3;
            hm4.Right   = hm5;
            hm4.Bottom  = hm6;
            hm4.Top     = hm1;
            hm5.Left    = hm4;
            hm5.Right   = hm2;
            hm5.Bottom  = hm6;
            hm5.Top     = hm1;
            hm6.Left    = hm5;
            hm6.Right   = hm3;
            hm6.Bottom  = hm4;
            hm6.Top     = hm2;
            hm1.LeftR   = 3;
            hm1.RightR  = 1;
            hm1.BottomR = 0;
            hm1.TopR    = 2;
            hm2.LeftR   = 0;
            hm2.RightR  = 0;
            hm2.BottomR = 0;
            hm2.TopR    = 0;
            hm3.LeftR   = 0;
            hm3.RightR  = 0;
            hm3.BottomR = 1;
            hm3.TopR    = 3;
            hm4.LeftR   = 0;
            hm4.RightR  = 0;
            hm4.BottomR = 2;
            hm4.TopR    = 2;
            hm5.LeftR   = 0;
            hm5.RightR  = 0;
            hm5.BottomR = 3;
            hm5.TopR    = 1;
            hm6.LeftR   = 1;
            hm6.RightR  = 3;
            hm6.BottomR = 2;
            hm6.TopR    = 0;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Preprocess a map into files that can be used with a <see cref="OrthoCPUProducer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The map to be preprocessed.</param>
        /// <param name="tempFolder">Where temporary files must be saved.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationFolder">Where the precomputed file must be saved.</param>
        void PreprocessOrtho(InputMap source, string tempFolder, string destinationFolder)
            var startTime       = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            var destinationSize = DestinationTileSize << DestinationMaxLevel;

            IColorFunction2D function = new PlaneColorFunction(source, destinationSize);
            ColorMipmap      mipmap   = new ColorMipmap(function, destinationSize, DestinationTileSize, 2, DestinationChannels, tempFolder);

            mipmap.Generate(0, 0, 0, destinationFolder + "/" + FileName + ".proland");

            Debug.Log(string.Format("PreProcessTerrain.PreprocessOrtho: Computation time: {0} s", (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime)));
Example #4
 public void SetCube(ColorMipmap hm1, ColorMipmap hm2, ColorMipmap hm3, ColorMipmap hm4, ColorMipmap hm5, ColorMipmap hm6)
     hm1.Left  = hm5; hm1.Right = hm3; hm1.Bottom = hm2; hm1.Top = hm4;
     hm2.Left  = hm5; hm2.Right = hm3; hm2.Bottom = hm6; hm2.Top = hm1;
     hm3.Left  = hm2; hm3.Right = hm4; hm3.Bottom = hm6; hm3.Top = hm1;
     hm4.Left  = hm3; hm4.Right = hm5; hm4.Bottom = hm6; hm4.Top = hm1;
     hm5.Left  = hm4; hm5.Right = hm2; hm5.Bottom = hm6; hm5.Top = hm1;
     hm6.Left  = hm5; hm6.Right = hm3; hm6.Bottom = hm4; hm6.Top = hm2;
     hm1.LeftR = 3; hm1.RightR = 1; hm1.BottomR = 0; hm1.TopR = 2;
     hm2.LeftR = 0; hm2.RightR = 0; hm2.BottomR = 0; hm2.TopR = 0;
     hm3.LeftR = 0; hm3.RightR = 0; hm3.BottomR = 1; hm3.TopR = 3;
     hm4.LeftR = 0; hm4.RightR = 0; hm4.BottomR = 2; hm4.TopR = 2;
     hm5.LeftR = 0; hm5.RightR = 0; hm5.BottomR = 3; hm5.TopR = 1;
     hm6.LeftR = 1; hm6.RightR = 3; hm6.BottomR = 2; hm6.TopR = 0;