 // Constructor
 public TutorialScreen()
     voice = false;
     explosionParticles = new ShipExplosionSettings();
     TransitionOnTime   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5);
     TransitionOffTime  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5);
     //actual gameplay objects
     _station        = new Station(new Vector3(0, _stationHeight, 0), 0);
     _planet         = new Planet(new Vector3(-1000, -2000, -1000), 0);
     _sphere         = new Sphere(new Vector3(0, _stationHeight / 2, 0), 0);
     _droneFleet     = new DroneBuilder();
     movementAllowed = false;
     Global.Money    = 1000;
     _sphereAlpha    = 0.1f;
     //UI + Frame + BG
     _ui             = new InGameOverlay(_station);
     _back           = new Background();
     _frame          = new Frame();
     dustParticles   = new DustParticleSystem();
     tutorialDialog  = new Dialog(0, 0, 80, 400, 8, false, true);
     captainDialog   = new Dialog(0, 0, 160, 400, 8, false, true);
     captain         = new UIItem();
     borderParticles = new BorderParticleSettings();
     _asteroidField  = new AsteroidBuilder(40);
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "Do you want to skip the tutorial? (Y/N)\n\nYour mission will begin immediately if \nyou choose to skip.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "This is your drone!\nPress [Space] to continue!");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "You can go back with (Back)!\nTry it!");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "You have to defend the station against\nwaves of enemys!");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "The alien threat is deploying multiple\nclasses of fighters and bombers.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "The Fighters attack your drone and try\nto distract you while the bombers\ndestroy your station.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "If your station dies, the mission is\nover. So you need to keep your drone\nand our station alive.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "The red bar is your dronehull \nand the blue bar is your shield!");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "The green bar is the stationhull.\nThe white bar is the stationshield!");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "The armor icon shows your\ncurrent amount of armor!\nArmor reduces incoming damage.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "The Number next to the rocket icon\nis the amount of your BIG rockets.\nUse them wisely.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "Your score is your combat rating!\nShooting stuff increases\nyour score!");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "Fragments are the common\ncurrency on this station.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "You can buy upgrades in the station\nshop in exchange for fragments.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "Press B to open the shop and\nnavigate through it with the arrow keys.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "But beware! \nYou need to be near the station \nto open the shop.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "W ] fly up\nA ] fly left\nS ] fly down\nD ] fly right");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "Left mouse button\n] Shoots your laser\nRight mouse button\n] Shoots your missile\n");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "If you search for close enemys, watch\nat the red dot on your Drone.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "I also heard of incoming asteroids.\nThe comets with the blue trail\noffer a nice income.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "Before you start, visit the shop\nand buy something with that loaned\nmoney we gave you!");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "I'll now give you your controls back!\nBut stay in radio range.");
     TutorialText.Add(TutorialText.Count, "Press (X) to start your mission!");
     TutorialText.TryGetValue(0, out tutorialMessage);
Example #2
        // Constructor
        public GameplayScreen()
            TransitionOnTime  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5);
            TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5);

            //actual gameplay objects
            _station       = new Station(new Vector3(0, _stationHeight, 0), 0);
            _sphere        = new Sphere(new Vector3(0, _stationHeight / 2, 0), 0);
            _asteroidField = new AsteroidBuilder(40);
            _droneFleet    = new DroneBuilder();

            _sphereAlpha = 0.1f;
            _waveBuilder = new WaveBuilder(10000, 15);
            Global.Money = 0;
            //UI + Frame + BG
            _ui    = new InGameOverlay(_station);
            _back  = new Background();
            _frame = new Frame();
            Global.HighScorePoints = 0;
            Global.Money           = 0;
            Global.DroneDmg        = 10;
            Global.NumberOfRockets = 1;
            _input       = new InputState();
            _planet      = new Planet(new Vector3(-1000, -2000, -1000), 0);
            _soundEngine = new ISpaceSoundEngine(SoundOutputDriver.AutoDetect, SoundEngineOptionFlag.LoadPlugins | SoundEngineOptionFlag.MultiThreaded | SoundEngineOptionFlag.MuteIfNotFocused | SoundEngineOptionFlag.Use3DBuffers);

            // Construct Particles
            borderParticles    = new BorderParticleSettings();
            dustParticles      = new DustParticleSystem();
            hitmarkerParticles = new HitMarkerParticleSystem();

            captainDialog        = new Dialog(0, 0, 320, 400, 8, false, true);
            captain              = new UIItem();
            deadTime             = 17000;
            voice                = false;
            Global.SpeakerVolume = 2;