private void DoFull()
            grid1.Redim(20, 4);
            grid1.FixedRows = 1;

            grid1[0, 0]            = new MyHeader("1");
            grid1[0, 0].ColumnSpan = 3;
            grid1[0, 0].AddController(new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.SortableHeader());
            grid1[0, 3] = new MyHeader("2");
            grid1[0, 3].AddController(new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.SortableHeader());

            for (int r = 1; r < grid1.RowsCount; r++)
                if (r % 2 == 0)
                    grid1[r, 0]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("nospan" + r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                    grid1[r, 1]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("span" + r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                    grid1[r, 1].ColumnSpan = 2;
                    grid1[r, 0]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("span" + r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                    grid1[r, 0].ColumnSpan = 2;
                    grid1[r, 2]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("nospan" + r.ToString(), typeof(string));

                grid1[r, 3] = new SourceGrid.Cells.CheckBox("CheckBox Column/Row Span" + r.ToString(), false);

Example #2
        private void frmSample54_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount = 4;
            grid1.FixedRows    = 1;
            grid1.Selection.FocusStyle = FocusStyle.None;

            cbEditor = new SourceGrid.Cells.Editors.ComboBox(typeof(string));
            cbEditor.StandardValues = new string[] { "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3" };
            cbEditor.EditableMode   = SourceGrid.EditableMode.Focus | SourceGrid.EditableMode.SingleClick | SourceGrid.EditableMode.AnyKey;

            grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("String");
            grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("DateTime");
            grid1[0, 2] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("CheckBox");
            grid1[0, 3] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader("ComboBox");
            for (int r = 1; r < 10; r++)


            numericUpDownRowIndex.Value   = 0;
            numericUpDownRowIndex.Minimum = 1;
            numericUpDownRowIndex.Value   = 3;
            buttonEditCell.Click         += delegate { StartEdit(grid1.Selection.ActivePosition); };
		public Grid CreateGridWithRows(int rowCount)
			Grid grid1 = new Grid();
			grid1.ColumnsCount = 1;
			grid1.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.Row;
			for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++)
				grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Hello " + r.ToString(), typeof(string));
			grid1.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.Row;
			return grid1;
        public void LoadList()
            if (m_ItemType == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("ItemType is null");
            if (m_List == null)
                m_List = new ArrayList();

            if (m_Properties.Length != m_Editors.Length)
                throw new ApplicationException("Properteis.Length != Editors.Length");

            grid.FixedRows    = 1;
            grid.FixedColumns = 0;
            grid.Redim(m_List.Count + grid.FixedRows, m_Properties.Length + grid.FixedColumns);

            //grid[0,0] = new Cells.Header();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Properties.Length; i++)
                Cells.ColumnHeader l_Header = new Cells.ColumnHeader(m_Properties[i].Name.Replace("_", " "));   //GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ListEditor), false));
                grid[0, i + grid.FixedColumns] = l_Header;

                l_Header.AutomaticSortEnabled = false;
//				//If the column type support the IComparable then I can use the value to sort the column, otherwise I use the string representation for sort.
//				if (typeof(IComparable).IsAssignableFrom(m_Properties[i].PropertyType))
//					l_Header.Comparer = new ValueCellComparer();
//				else
//					l_Header.Comparer = new DisplayStringCellComparer();

            for (int r = 0; r < m_List.Count; r++)
                PopulateRow(r + grid.FixedRows, m_List[r]);

            grid.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;
Example #5
        private void DoFull()
            grid1.Redim(20, 12);
            grid1.FixedRows = 2;

            //1 Header Row
            grid1[0, 0]            = new MyHeader("3 Column Header");
            grid1[0, 0].ColumnSpan = 3;
            grid1[0, 3]            = new MyHeader("5 Column Header");
            grid1[0, 3].ColumnSpan = 5;
            grid1[0, 8]            = new MyHeader("1 Column Header");
            grid1[0, 9]            = new MyHeader("1 Column Header");

            //2 Header Row
            grid1[1, 0]  = new MyHeader("1");
            grid1[1, 1]  = new MyHeader("2");
            grid1[1, 2]  = new MyHeader("3");
            grid1[1, 3]  = new MyHeader("4");
            grid1[1, 4]  = new MyHeader("5");
            grid1[1, 5]  = new MyHeader("6");
            grid1[1, 6]  = new MyHeader("7");
            grid1[1, 7]  = new MyHeader("8");
            grid1[1, 8]  = new MyHeader("9");
            grid1[1, 9]  = new MyHeader("10");
            grid1[1, 10] = new MyHeader("11");
            grid1[1, 11] = new MyHeader("12");

            SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell viewImage = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell();

            SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.CustomEvents clickEvent = new SourceGrid.Cells.Controllers.CustomEvents();
            clickEvent.Click += new EventHandler(clickEvent_Click);

            for (int r = 2; r < grid1.RowsCount; r = r + 2)
                grid1[r, 0]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 0].ColumnSpan = 2;

                grid1[r + 1, 0]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell();
                grid1[r + 1, 0].ColumnSpan = 2;

                grid1[r, 2]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.CheckBox("CheckBox Column/Row Span", false);
                grid1[r, 2].ColumnSpan = 2;
                grid1[r, 2].RowSpan    = 2;

                grid1[r, 4]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Link("Link Column/Row Span");
                grid1[r, 4].ColumnSpan = 2;
                grid1[r, 4].RowSpan    = 2;
                grid1[r, 4].AddController(clickEvent);

                grid1[r, 6]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Button("Button Column/Row Span");
                grid1[r, 6].ColumnSpan = 2;
                grid1[r, 6].RowSpan    = 2;
                grid1[r, 6].AddController(clickEvent);

                grid1[r, 8]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Image Column/Row Span");
                grid1[r, 8].View       = viewImage;
                grid1[r, 8].Image      = Properties.Resources.FACE02.ToBitmap();
                grid1[r, 8].ColumnSpan = 2;
                grid1[r, 8].RowSpan    = 2;

                grid1[r, 10]            = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell("Text Span", typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 10].ColumnSpan = 2;
                grid1[r, 10].RowSpan    = 2;

            grid1.ClipboardMode = SourceGrid.ClipboardMode.All;
        private void SetColumnsAndRows(string[] columns, string[] rows, Grid grid)
            if (grid.InvokeRequired)
                SetNumberOfColumnsAndRows d = SetColumnsAndRows;
                Invoke(d, columns, rows, grid);



                for (int row = 1; row <= rows.Length; row++)
                    grid[row, 0] = new RowHeader(rows[row - 1]);

                    for (int column = 1; column <= columns.Length; column++)
                        if (row == 1)
                            grid[0, column] =
                                new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(columns[column - 1]);

                        grid[row, column] = new Cell();
                        grid[row, column].View = new SourceGrid.Cells.Views.Cell();


Example #7
 private void UpdateGridFromContractLists(IList<IBSimplefiedContract> contracts, Grid grid)
   var i = 1;
   foreach (var contract in contracts)
     SetupMarketDataGridRow(grid, i);
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.Symbol].Value = contract.Symbol;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.SecType].Value = contract.SecurityType;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.Expiry].Value = contract.Expiry;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.Rollover].Value = contract.Rollover;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.Strike].Value = contract.Strike;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.PutOrCall].Value = contract.PutOrCall;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.Multiplier].Value = contract.Multiplier;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.Exchange].Value = contract.Exchange;
     grid[i, (int) IBGridColumn.Currency].Value = contract.Currency;
   SetupMarketDataGridRow(grid, i);
Example #8
    private void SetupMarketDataGrid(Grid grid)
      grid.Parent.Tag = grid;
      grid.Controller.AddController(new PopupSelection());
      grid.ColumnsCount = (int) IBGridColumn.LAST_COLUMN;
      for (var i = 0; i < (int) IBGridColumn.LAST_COLUMN; i++) {
        grid[0, i] = new SourceGrid.Cells.ColumnHeader(((IBGridColumn) i).ToString());
        grid[0, i].View = _columnHeaderView;
      grid.Rows[0].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.EnableAutoSize;


      var cft = typeof (IBSimplefiedContract);
      foreach (var p in cft.GetProperties()) {
        var attrs = from a in p.GetCustomAttributes(false)
                    where a is GridCellInfoAttribute
                    select (a as GridCellInfoAttribute).Column;

        if (!attrs.Any())

        grid[1, (int) attrs.First()] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(null, p.PropertyType) {
          Tag = p.PropertyType,
          View = _yellowView
      grid.Rows[1].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.EnableAutoSize;

      SetupMarketDataGridRow(grid, 1);