private void Expenses_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.TouchOriented) { toolStripButtonVirtualKb.Visible = true; } // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dataSetExpenseTypes.sol_ExpenseTypes_SelectAll' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.sol_ExpenseTypes_SelectAllTableAdapter.Fill(this.dataSetExpenseTypes.sol_ExpenseTypes_SelectAll); // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dataSetCashTrays.sol_CashTrays_SelectAll' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.sol_CashTrays_SelectAllTableAdapter.Fill(this.dataSetCashTrays.sol_CashTrays_SelectAll); sol_Entrie = new Sol_Entrie(); sol_Entrie_Sp = new Sol_Entrie_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); //disable form resizing this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; //current cashtray flagInicio = true; comboBoxCashTray.SelectedValue = Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray; flagInicio = false; if (SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray)) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("The default cash tray is not open. You cannot add an expense!. Are you sure you want to continue?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Close(); return; } buttonSave.Enabled = false; } }
private void textBoxQuantity_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.textBoxDozen.TextChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.textBoxDozen_TextChanged); int qty = 0; int.TryParse(textBoxQuantity.Text, out qty); textBoxDozen.Text = SolFunctions.Quantity2Dozen(qty); this.textBoxDozen.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.textBoxDozen_TextChanged); }
private void textBoxDefaultDozen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal decValue = 0; decimal.TryParse(textBoxDefaultDozen.Text, out decValue); textBoxQuantity.Text = (decValue * 12).ToString(); int intValue = 0; int.TryParse(textBoxQuantity.Text, out intValue); textBoxDozen.Text = SolFunctions.Quantity2Dozen(intValue); }
private void toolStripButtonLogOff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SolFunctions.LogOff(ref toolStripStatusLabelUserName); SolFunctions.CheckComputerRole(ref toolStripButtonExit); if (!Main.CheckUserPermission(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirConnectionString, Properties.Settings.Default.UsuarioNombre, "SolShipping", true)) { toolStripButtonExit.PerformClick(); return; } CheckUserPermissions(); }
public static bool CheckCashier() { Sol_Entrie sol_Entrie = new Sol_Entrie(); Sol_Entrie_Sp sol_Entrie_Sp = new Sol_Entrie_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); if (SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray)) { //************************************************* //check if the Main.rc is enabled (RelojCalendario) //************************************************* //MessageBox.Show("You need to Open a new Cashier before using this option!"); //can pay a Return!"); //Close(); return(false); } return(true); }
private void buttonRePrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; string errorMessage = string.Empty; bool flag = SolFunctions.PrintReceipt(listView1, "", ref errorMessage, Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeEncoding , buttonSource , securityCode , totalSelectedOrders ); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; if (!flag) { MessageBox.Show("There was a problem printing the receipt, please try again.\nError: " + errorMessage); } }
private bool addItemStagedContainers(ref ListView lv1, string tagNumber, string product, int quantity, string container, int dozen) { string[] str = new string[5]; ListViewItem itm = new ListViewItem(); str[0] = tagNumber; str[1] = product; str[2] = String.Format("{0,3:##,##0}", quantity); str[3] = container; str[4] = SolFunctions.Quantity2Dozen(quantity); itm = new ListViewItem(str); lv1.Items.Add(itm); //this.arrayListViewCategoryId.Add(categoryId); return(true); }
private void comboBoxCashTray_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ignore on startup if (flagInicio) { return; } buttonSave.Enabled = false; int cashTrayID = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxCashTray.SelectedValue); if (!SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, cashTrayID)) { buttonSave.Enabled = true; } }
private void comboBoxCashTray_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ignore on startup if (flagInicio) { return; } buttonSave.Enabled = false; buttonUseLastClose.Enabled = false; int cashTrayID = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxCashTray.SelectedValue); if (entryName == "Open") { if (SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, cashTrayID)) { buttonSave.Enabled = true; buttonUseLastClose.Enabled = true; } } else if (entryName == "Float") { if (!SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, cashTrayID)) { buttonSave.Enabled = true; } } else if (entryName == "Close") { if (!SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, cashTrayID)) { buttonSave.Enabled = true; } } //if (!SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, cashTrayID)) //{ // MessageBox.Show("You need to Close the Cashier before you can Open a new one!\n"+ // "Change the Default CashTray in Settings to Close it!"); // comboBoxCashTray.SelectedValue = Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray; // return; //} //Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray = comboBoxCashTray.SelectedIndex; //Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }
private void buttonRePrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; string errorMessage = string.Empty; bool flag = SolFunctions.PrintReceipt( listView1, "paynow" , ref errorMessage, Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeEncoding , "RePrint" , String.Empty , 0.0m ); if (!flag) { MessageBox.Show("There was a problem printing the receipt, please try again.\nError: " + errorMessage); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void FillForm() { //textBoxStageID.Text = sol_Stage.StageID.ToString(); textBoxUserName.Text = sol_Stage.UserName; textBoxDate.Text = sol_Stage.Date.ToString("G"); this.comboBoxProducts.SelectedIndexChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxProducts_SelectedIndexChanged); comboBoxProducts.SelectedValue = sol_Stage.ProductID; this.comboBoxProducts.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxProducts_SelectedIndexChanged); //comboBoxProducts.Text = sol_Stage.ProductName; comboBoxContainers.SelectedValue = sol_Stage.ContainerID; //comboBoxContainers.Text = sol_Stage.ContainerDescription; textBoxQuantity.Text = sol_Stage.Quantity.ToString(); textBoxDozen.Text = SolFunctions.Quantity2Dozen(sol_Stage.Quantity); textBoxRemarks.Text = sol_Stage.Remarks; }
private void buttonContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check max amount if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.CashierMaxAmount > 0.00m) { if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.CashierMaxAmount < totalSelectedOrders) { if (!SolFunctions.PermisosConfirmar("The amount to pay is over the maximum allowed!", "Please provide password for Manager Override.", "")) { //MessageBox.Show("Sorry, you cannot void orders!"); return; } } } //busy cursor this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (BottleDrop && !SaveOrderToBottleDrop()) { return; } //update orders UpdateOrders(); ordersProcessed = true; //print receipt //if (!onAccount) ??? not sure if (!Main.Sol_ControlInfo.CashOutPrintingOverride && !BottleDrop) { string errorMessage = string.Empty; bool flag = SolFunctions.PrintReceipt(listView1, "", ref errorMessage, Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeEncoding , buttonSource , securityCode , totalSelectedOrders ); if (!flag) { MessageBox.Show("There was a problem printing the receipt, please try again.\nError: " + errorMessage); } } //open drawer if (!onAccount) { //OpenDrawer(); PrinterCommand.Send(Main.AssemblyProduct, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsWsReceiptPrinter, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsWsTicketOpenDrawer); //coin dispenser if (AxCoinUSB2 != null) { //int iDecimalPart = (int)((totalPaidOrders - Math.Truncate(totalPaidOrders)) * 100); //int iIntegerPart = (int)(totalPaidOrders) * 100; //int iTotalPaidOrders = iIntegerPart+iDecimalPart; //Cajero_Automatico.Calculate("ca", totalPaidOrders, ref Main.billsAndCoinsByCountry); decimal totalCoins = 0; decimal totalBills = 0; Cajero_Automatico.Calculate( "CA", totalPaidOrders, //ref Main.billsAndCoinsByCountry, out totalCoins, out totalBills); int iCoins = (int)(totalCoins * 100); if (iCoins > 0) { bool flag = Properties.Settings.Default.CoinDispenserEnabled; if (flag) { switch (Properties.Settings.Default.CoinDispenserDevice) { case 0: // tflex coin dispenser decimal totalDiference = 0; // We call a subroutine to dispense it. DispenseByAmount(iCoins); //if (iCoins >= AxCoinUSB2.DispenseBelowValue) //{ // totalDiference = totalCoins; // decimal dispenseBelowValue = (decimal)(AxCoinUSB2.DispenseBelowValue)/100; // decimal amountDispensed = totalCoins - dispenseBelowValue; // totalCoins = amountDispensed; // totalDiference -= totalCoins; //} // Get our status and show the user UpdateCanisterStatus(true, iCoins, totalCoins, totalBills, totalDiference); utilDelay(1); break; default: MessageBox.Show("Invalid coin dispenser selection, please go to settings and fix this"); break; } } } else { // Show amount dispensed in the status bar UpdateStatus(String.Format("Total Bills:" + SirLib.Funciones.Indent(18) + "{0,9:$##,##0.00}\r\nTotal Coins dispensed:" + SirLib.Funciones.Indent(1) + "{1,9:$##,##0.00}", totalBills, totalCoins)); } } } buttonContinue.Text = "&Close"; this.buttonContinue.Click -= new System.EventHandler(this.buttonContinue_Click); this.buttonContinue.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Cancel_Click); buttonContinue.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(241, 116, 85); buttonContinue.ForeColor = SystemColors.Control; if (!BottleDrop) { buttonRePrint.Enabled = true; buttonReOpenDrawer.Enabled = true; } //buttonViewReceipt.Enabled = false; Cancel.Visible = false; buttonSelectCustomer.Visible = false; this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void Float_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.TouchOriented) { toolStripButtonVirtualKb.Visible = true; } // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dataSetCashTraysLookup.sol_CashTrays' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.sol_CashTraysTableAdapter.Fill(this.dataSetCashTraysLookup.sol_CashTrays); sol_Entrie = new Sol_Entrie(); sol_Entrie_Sp = new Sol_Entrie_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); sol_EntriesDetail = new Sol_EntriesDetail(); sol_EntriesDetail_Sp = new Sol_EntriesDetail_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); //disable form resizing this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; flagInicio = true; //current cashtray //int currentTray = Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray; comboBoxCashTray.SelectedValue = Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray; flagInicio = false; dataGridViewFloat.ColumnCount = 9; dataGridViewFloat.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Navy; dataGridViewFloat.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White; //dataGridViewFloat.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = // new Font(dataGridViewFloat.Font, FontStyle.Bold); //dataGridViewFloat.Name = "dataGridViewFloat"; //dataGridViewFloat.Location = new Point(8, 8); //dataGridViewFloat.Size = new Size(500, 250); dataGridViewFloat.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.DisplayedCellsExceptHeaders; dataGridViewFloat.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle = DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle.Single; dataGridViewFloat.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.Single; dataGridViewFloat.GridColor = Color.Black; dataGridViewFloat.RowHeadersVisible = false; dataGridViewFloat.AllowUserToAddRows = false; int index = 0; //0 dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "Denomination"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 160; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].ReadOnly = true; //1 dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "Type"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 90; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].ReadOnly = true; //2 dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "Count"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].Width = 80; //3 dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "Total"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 120; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].ReadOnly = true; //4 dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "CashID"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 120; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].ReadOnly = true; //dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].Visible = false; //5 //CashValue dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "CashValue"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 150; //dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].Visible = false; //6 //Cash Item value dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "CashItemValue"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 150; //dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].Visible = false; //7 //Quantity dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "Quantity"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 150; //dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].Visible = false; //8 //MoneyID dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Name = "MoneyID"; dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index].Width = 150; //dataGridViewFloat.Columns[index++].Visible = false; closingDate = Main.rc.FechaActual; readCashDenominations(); if (entryName == "Open") { this.Text = "Open Cashier"; entryType = "O"; labelTotal1.Text = "Last Closing Value:"; labelTotal2.Text = "Opening Value:"; labelTotal3.Text = "";//New Value of Float:"; labelTotalAmount3.Text = ""; if (!SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray)) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("The current cash tray is already open. You cannot open it until it is closed. Are you sure you want to continue?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Close(); return; } buttonSave.Enabled = false; //buttonUseLastClose.Enabled = false; } else { buttonUseLastClose.Enabled = true; } } else if (entryName == "Float") { this.Text = "Add Float"; entryType = "F"; labelTotal1.Text = "Current Value of Float:"; labelTotal2.Text = "Amount to add:"; labelTotal3.Text = "New Value of Float:"; //comboBoxCashTray.Enabled = false; if (SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray)) { buttonSave.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("You need to Open a new Cashier before you can add a Float!"); //Close(); //return; } } else if (entryName == "Close") { this.Text = "Close Cashier"; entryType = "C"; labelTotal1.Text = "Calculated Float:"; labelTotal2.Text = "Closing Amount Entered:"; labelTotal3.Text = "Discrepancy:"; if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.SacCashTrayID >= 0) { if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.SacCashTrayID == (int)comboBoxCashTray.SelectedIndex) { buttonUseCalculatedInventory.Visible = true; } } //buttonOpenDrawer.Visible = false; //comboBoxCashTray.Enabled = false; if (SolFunctions.IsCashierClosed(ref sol_Entrie, sol_Entrie_Sp, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsCurrentCashTray)) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("The current cash tray is already closed. You cannot close it until it is opened. Are you sure you want to continue?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Close(); return; } buttonSave.Enabled = false; } } //SAC //leer opciones //if (sac_Setting_Sp == null) // sac_Setting_Sp = new Sac_Setting_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); //sac_Setting = sac_Setting_Sp.Select("BillDispenserId"); //if(sac_Setting != null) // int.TryParse(sac_Setting.SetValue.ToString(), out billDispenserId); billDispenserId = 0; }
//private void SelectItems(bool select) //{ // ListView.ListViewItemCollection Items = listViewBags.Items; // foreach (ListViewItem item in Items) // item.Checked = select; //} #endregion private void buttonMissingBags_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection checkedItems = listViewDrops.CheckedItems; if (checkedItems.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("No Drop selected"); return; } string strDropId = string.Empty; int orderId = 0; foreach (ListViewItem item in checkedItems) { strDropId = item.SubItems[0].Text; orderId = 0; Int32.TryParse(item.SubItems[4].Text, out orderId); break; } int missingBags = 0; List <int> listOfBagsCounted = new List <int>(); List <int> listOfBagsNotCounted = new List <int>(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString)) { string sql = string.Empty; using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { connection.Open(); sql = @" select [BagID] from [qds_bag] where [DropID] = @DropId AND YEAR([DateCounted]) > 1753 "; sql = sql.Replace("@DropId", strDropId); command.CommandText = sql; using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { listOfBagsCounted.Add((int)reader[0]); } } sql = sql.Replace("> 1753", "= 1753"); command.CommandText = sql; using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { listOfBagsNotCounted.Add((int)reader[0]); } } } } missingBags = listOfBagsNotCounted.Count; string m = String.Format("{0} bags from this drop have not been counted yet. Do you want to complete this order and set the status of the rest of the bags to MISSING?", missingBags); if (MessageBox.Show(m, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { return; } //busy cursor this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; SolFunctions.CompleteOrder( orderId , "Q" , ref listOfBagsCounted , ref listOfBagsNotCounted ); //Add comment to order if (sol_Order_Sp == null) { sol_Order_Sp = new Sol_Order_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); } sol_Order = sol_Order_Sp.Select(orderId, "Q"); if (sol_Order != null) { sol_Order.Comments += string.Format("Bags Counted: {0} Bags Missing: {1}. ", listOfBagsCounted.Count(), missingBags); sol_Order_Sp.Update(sol_Order); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show("Ready!"); buttonRefresh.PerformClick(); }
public static bool PrintReceipt( ListView listView1 , string printParam , ref string errorMessage , int barcodeEncoding , string buttonSource , string securityCode , decimal totalSelectedOrders ) { errorMessage = string.Empty; try { //query string query = " SELECT " + " sol_OrdersDetail.CategoryID, sol_OrdersDetail.Description, " + " sol_Orders.OrderID, sol_Orders.OrderType, sol_Orders.ComputerName, sol_Orders.Date, ISNULL(c.Name, '') as Name, sol_Orders.TotalAmount, sol_Orders.FeeAmount, " + " sol_Fees.FeeDescription, " + "SUM(sol_OrdersDetail.Quantity) AS TotalQuantity, sol_OrdersDetail.Price, SUM(sol_OrdersDetail.Amount) as TotalAmountDetail, " + //"ISNULL(c.Name, '') as Name, " + " u.UserName, " + "sol_Orders.Comments " + "FROM " + " sol_Orders sol_Orders " + "LEFT JOIN sol_Customers as c ON c.[CustomerID] = sol_Orders.[CustomerID] " + "AND sol_Orders.[CustomerID] != 0 " + " INNER JOIN sol_OrdersDetail sol_OrdersDetail ON (sol_Orders.OrderID = sol_OrdersDetail.OrderID) " + " INNER JOIN sol_Fees sol_Fees ON (sol_Orders.FeeID = sol_Fees.FeeID) " + " INNER JOIN Sol_Categories Sol_Categories ON (sol_OrdersDetail.CategoryID = Sol_Categories.CategoryID) " + " INNER JOIN Solum.Dbo.aspnet_Users u ON (sol_Orders.UserId = u.UserId) " + "WHERE "; string strBarCode = String.Empty; //select orders bool flagFirstTime = true; ListView.ListViewItemCollection Items = listView1.Items; foreach (ListViewItem item in Items) { string c = item.SubItems[0].Text.Trim(); int orderId = 0; try { orderId = Int32.Parse(c); } catch { continue; } c = " OR (sol_Orders.OrderType = '" + item.SubItems[4].Text.Trim() + "' AND " + "sol_Orders.OrderID = " + orderId.ToString() + ") "; //if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strBarCode)) strBarCode = orderId.ToString("0000000"); //else // strBarCode = strBarCode + orderId.ToString("0000000") + " "; if (flagFirstTime) { c = c.Replace("OR", ""); flagFirstTime = false; } query += c; } query += "GROUP by sol_OrdersDetail.CategoryID, sol_OrdersDetail.Description, " + "sol_Orders.OrderID, sol_Orders.OrderType, sol_Orders.ComputerName, sol_Orders.Date, c.Name, sol_Orders.TotalAmount, sol_Orders.FeeAmount, " + "sol_Fees.FeeDescription, " + "sol_OrdersDetail.Price, u.UserName, " + "sol_Orders.Comments " + "ORDER BY sol_OrdersDetail.Description "; //query 2 string query2 = ""; string subReportName2 = ""; //query 3 string query3 = ""; string subReportName3 = ""; //receipt message Sol_Message sol_Message = new Sol_Message(); Sol_Message_Sp sol_Message_Sp = new Sol_Message_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); sol_Message = sol_Message_Sp.Select(Main.Sol_ControlInfo.ReceiptMessageID); CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument rp = new Solum.Reports.Receipt2(); string imagePath = String.Empty; string imagePath2 = String.Empty; bool printComplete = false; //0 = Quick Cash Out 1 = Print Chit if (printParam.ToLower() == "paynow") { printComplete = true; } else if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.ReturnButtonExtra == 0 || buttonSource == "Cashier") { printComplete = true; } else { //0 = complete 1 = order number only if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.ChitTicketComplete == 0) { printComplete = true; } if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.ChitTicketIncludeBarcode) { if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.IncludeSecurityCode) { strBarCode = strBarCode + Main.SecurityCodeSeparator + securityCode; } //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("barcode = {0} length = {1}", strBarCode, strBarCode.Length)); //try //{ // System.IO.File.Delete(Main.temFolder + "\\barCode.bmp"); //} //catch { } //generate barcode imagePath = Main.temFolder + "\\barCode.bmp"; //Barcodes\\ errorMessage = string.Empty; SolFunctions.GenerateBarcode( Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeEncoding , Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeWidth , Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeHeight , BarcodeLib.AlignmentPositions.LEFT , System.Drawing.RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone , BarcodeLib.LabelPositions.BOTTOMLEFT , strBarCode , imagePath , BarcodeLib.SaveTypes.BMP , null , ref errorMessage ); } } if (Main.Sol_ControlInfo.ReceiptAmountBarcode) { //generate barcode imagePath2 = Main.temFolder + "\\barCodeAmount.bmp"; //Barcodes\\ errorMessage = string.Empty; SolFunctions.GenerateBarcode( Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeEncoding , Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeWidth , Properties.Settings.Default.BarcodeHeight , BarcodeLib.AlignmentPositions.LEFT , System.Drawing.RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone , BarcodeLib.LabelPositions.BOTTOMLEFT , totalSelectedOrders.ToString() , imagePath2 , BarcodeLib.SaveTypes.BMP , null , ref errorMessage ); } object[,] parametros = new object[, ] { { "1_BusinessName", Main.Sol_ControlInfo.BusinessName }, { "2_StoreNumber", Main.Sol_ControlInfo.StoreNumber.ToString() }, { "3_Address", Main.Sol_ControlInfo.Address }, { "4_City", Main.Sol_ControlInfo.City }, { "5_State", Main.Sol_ControlInfo.State }, { "6_PhoneNumber", Main.Sol_ControlInfo.PhoneNumber }, { "7_Message", sol_Message.Description }, { "8_Print", printParam }, { "9_PrintComplete", printComplete }, { "imagenPath", imagePath }, { "email", Main.Sol_ControlInfo.EmailAccount }, { "imagenPath2", imagePath2 }, { "", "" } }; bool imprimirReporte = false; bool exportarReporte = false; short fileFormat = 0; // 0 = rtf 1 = pdf 2 = word 3 = excel bool preverReporte = false; short numeroDeCopias = 1; if (Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsWsReceiptPrintPreview) { preverReporte = true; } else { imprimirReporte = true; } ReportesPrevista f1 = new ReportesPrevista( Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString, Properties.Settings.Default.SQLServidorNombre, Properties.Settings.Default.SQLBaseDeDatos, Properties.Settings.Default.SQLAutentificacion, Properties.Settings.Default.SQLUsuarioNombre, Properties.Settings.Default.SQLUsuarioClave, rp, query, query2, query3, parametros, subReportName2, subReportName3, Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsWsReceiptPrinter.Trim(), fileFormat, String.Empty, numeroDeCopias, exportarReporte, imprimirReporte, preverReporte, null, String.Empty, true, true ); f1.ShowDialog(); f1.Dispose(); f1 = null; } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = ex.Message; return(false); } return(true); }
private void comboBoxProducts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Id = -1; try { Id = (int)comboBoxProducts.SelectedValue; } catch { return; } //delete row if it was new if (sol_Agency != null) { if (sol_Agency.AutoGenerateTagNumber) { if (buttonClicked == "&New") { DeleteStagedRow(); } } } //Sol_Product sol_Product = new Sol_Product(); if (sol_Product_Sp == null) { sol_Product_Sp = new Sol_Product_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); } sol_Product = sol_Product_Sp.Select(Id); comboBoxContainers.SelectedValue = sol_Product.ContainerID; //open table connection if (sol_Agency_Sp == null) { sol_Agency_Sp = new Sol_Agencie_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); } sol_Agency = sol_Agency_Sp.Select(sol_Product.AgencyID); //if (sol_Agency != null) //{ // Int32.TryParse(sol_Agency.VendorID, out intValue); // vendorId = intValue.ToString("0000"); //} if (sol_Agency.AutoGenerateTagNumber) { //add row if (AddStagedRow()) { textBoxTagNumber.Text = sol_Stage.TagNumber; textBoxTagNumber.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxContainers.Focus(); comboBoxProducts.Enabled = false; } else { buttonCancel.PerformClick(); } } else { textBoxTagNumber.ReadOnly = false; //textBoxTagNumber.Focus(); } //Sol_StandardDozen_Sp sol_StandardDozen_Sp = new Sol_StandardDozen_Sp(Properties.Settings.Default.WsirDbConnectionString); //Sol_StandardDozen sol_StandardDozen = sol_StandardDozen_Sp.Select(sol_Product.StandardDozenID); //textBoxDefaultDozen.Text = sol_StandardDozen.Quantity.ToString(); textBoxQuantity.Text = sol_Product.TargetQuantity.ToString(); textBoxDozen.Text = SolFunctions.Quantity2Dozen(sol_Product.TargetQuantity); }
private void CustomerOrdersPayNow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dataSetCashTraysLookup.sol_CashTrays' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.sol_CashTraysTableAdapter.Fill(this.dataSetCashTraysLookup.sol_CashTrays); if (Properties.Settings.Default.TouchOriented) { //this.Height = this.Height + (OK.Height) + 150; //OK.Height = OK.Height * 2; //buttonSelectAll.Height = buttonSelectAll.Height * 2; //buttonRefresh.Height = buttonRefresh.Height * 2; //Cancel.Height = Cancel.Height * 2; this.radioButtonCheckNumber.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.textBoxCheckNumber.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.radioButtonCashTray.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.comboBoxCashTray.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.textBoxReference.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); toolStripButtonVirtualKb.Visible = true; //this.CenterToParent(); } //disable form resizing this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; //check cashier is open radioButtonCashTray.Enabled = SolFunctions.CheckCashier(); comboBoxCashTray.Enabled = radioButtonCashTray.Enabled; radioButtonCheckNumber.Checked = true; //listview with headers listView1.View = View.Details; listView1.Columns.Add("Order #", 80, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listView1.Columns.Add("Amount", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listView1.Columns.Add("", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listView1.Columns.Add("", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listView1.Columns.Add("Type", 60, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listView1.Columns.Add("Fee", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Center); DisplayOrders(); if (paymentType == 0) //cash { radioButtonCheckNumber.Enabled = false; radioButtonCheckNumber.Checked = false; textBoxCheckNumber.Enabled = false; radioButtonCashTray.Enabled = true; radioButtonCashTray.Checked = true; comboBoxCashTray.Enabled = true; textBoxReference.Enabled = true; } else if (paymentType == 1) // check { radioButtonCheckNumber.Enabled = true; radioButtonCheckNumber.Checked = true; textBoxCheckNumber.Enabled = true; radioButtonCashTray.Enabled = false; radioButtonCashTray.Checked = false; comboBoxCashTray.Enabled = false; textBoxReference.Enabled = false; } }