Example #1
        public void AddCurve(Curve curve, string name, Color color = default(Color))
            AddCurve(curve, color);
            var norm = new CurveNormalized(curve);

            AddTextPoint(name, norm.PointAtMid, color);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove kinks if possible.
        /// Works only for 3d curves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve">3d curve</param>
        /// <param name="kinks">kinks provided by a method '_FindKinksAtEnds'</param>
        /// <param name="failReason">if a method failed - this string will have fail reason</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Curve _Kinks_TryRemove_Simple(Curve curve, List <CurveKinkData> kinks, int DIVBY_FIX, int DIVBY_MIN, out string failReason)
            failReason = "";
            Percent cutPercents = 1.0 / DIVBY_FIX;
            var     crv         = new CurveNormalized(curve);

            // Div crv by small segments
            var divby = curve._GetDivBy(null, 0.01, DIVBY_MIN);

            Point3d[] points;
            double[]  ts;
            if (!curve._TryDivideByCount(divby, out points, out ts, out failReason))

            // Construct copy indexes (we will remove 5% from start and end, where the kinks found)
            var tMin = crv.Domain.T0 - 1;
            var tMax = crv.Domain.T1 + 1;

            foreach (var kink in kinks)
                switch (kink.CrvEnd)
                case CurveEnd.Start:
                    tMin = crv.T(0 + cutPercents);     // cut 5% from start

                case CurveEnd.End:
                    tMax = crv.T(1 - cutPercents);     // cut 5% from end

            // Copy points excluding kink diapasons
            var iadded = new List <int>();

            if (kinks.Exists(o => o.CrvEnd == CurveEnd.Start))
                iadded.Add(0); // add start point anyway, since we need it and it will be removed by condition 'tMin <= ts[i]'
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                if (tMin <= ts[i] && ts[i] <= tMax)
            if (kinks.Exists(o => o.CrvEnd == CurveEnd.End))
                iadded.Add(points.Length - 1); // add end point anyway, since we need it and it will be removed by condition 'ts[i] <= tMax'
            var validPoints = iadded.Select(o => points[o]).ToList();

            // Construct new curve
            var newCuve = Curve.CreateControlPointCurve(validPoints, 3);

            //var newCuve = Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(validPoints, 3); - makes zigzag - so we cant use it here

            if (DEBUG)
                for (var i = 0; i < validPoints.Count; i++)
                    var p = validPoints[i];
                    //                    Layers.Debug.AddTextPoint("" + tsadded[i]._ToStringX(2), p);

            if (newCuve == null)
                failReason = "failed to create curve from 3d points";
            newCuve = newCuve._Simplify(); //simplify crv after constructing if from many points
Example #3
        private const int DIVBY_TEST = 20; // 5% of domain length

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all kinks in a curve.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve"></param>
        /// <param name="crvLength">provide curve length if you have for speed optimization</param>
        /// <returns>List of kinks or Null </returns>
        public static List <CurveKinkData> _Kinks_Find(this Curve curve, double?crvLength = null)
            // dont work with very small curves
            var crvNormal = new CurveNormalized(curve, crvLength);

            if (crvNormal.Length < 0.01)
            var crvDomain = curve.Domain;

            // lines dont have kinks
            if (crvNormal.Degree == 1)

            // Fast check
            var PstepFast      = 1.0 / DIVBY_TEST; //step from start and end curve
            var pStart1        = 0;
            var pStart2        = PstepFast;
            var pEnd2          = 1 - PstepFast;
            var pEnd1          = 1;
            var pStart1Tangent = curve.TangentAtStart;
            //var pStart2Tangent = crvNormal.TangentAt(pStart2); //- v1 - slow
            //var pEnd2Tangent = crvNormal.TangentAt(pEnd2); //- v1 - slow
            var pStart2Tangent = curve.TangentAt(crvDomain.T0 + crvDomain.Length * PstepFast); //- v2 - faster
            var pEnd2Tangent   = curve.TangentAt(crvDomain.T1 - crvDomain.Length * PstepFast); //- v2 - faster
            var pEnd1Tangent   = curve.TangentAtEnd;
            var degreeStart    = pStart1Tangent._AngleOfUnitizedVectors(pStart2Tangent)._RadianToDegree();
            var degreeEnd      = pEnd2Tangent._AngleOfUnitizedVectors(pEnd1Tangent)._RadianToDegree();

            if (degreeStart < 5 && degreeEnd < 5)

            // Detailed check

            //lets calculate tangents
            var tangents = new Vector3d[DIVBY_TEST + 1];

            tangents[0] = pStart1Tangent;                 //speed optimization - lets reuse tangent (skipp duplicate tangent calculation)
            tangents[tangents.Length - 1] = pEnd1Tangent; //speed optimization - lets reuse tangent (skipp duplicate tangent calculation)
            Point3d[] points;
            double[]  ts;
            string    failReason;

            if (curve._TryDivideByCount(DIVBY_TEST, out points, out ts, out failReason) && // try get 'ts' - it is faster then make separate call to curveNormal.T()
                points.Length == tangents.Length)
                var Pstep = 1.0 / DIVBY_TEST;                 //5% of domain length
                for (int i = 1; i < tangents.Length - 1; i++) // from second for prelast for speed optimization (first and last is calculated just before)
                    //DEBUG  - test if 'crvNormal.T()' works same as 'curve.DivideByCount()'
                    //var p = Pstep * i;
                    //var tsNormal = crvNormal.T(p);
                    //var tdiff = Math.Abs(tsNormal - ts[i]);
                    //if (tdiff > curve.Domain.Length/1000)
                    //    var temp = 0;
                    tangents[i] = curve.TangentAt(ts[i]);
            else //  if DivideByCount fails - lets use crvNormal - its slower but works same
                var Pstep = 1.0 / DIVBY_TEST; //5% of domain length

                for (int i = 1; i < tangents.Length - 1; i++) // from second for prelast for speed optimization (first and last is calculated just before)
                    var p = Pstep * i;
                    tangents[i] = crvNormal.TangentAt(p);

            //lets calculate an avarage tangent change
            // we asume that on middle of the curve it doesnt have kinks.
            string[] changesStr     = null;
            var      changesRadians = new double[DIVBY_TEST];
            var      changes        = new double[DIVBY_TEST];

            for (int i = 0; i < changes.Length; i++)
                changesRadians[i] = tangents[i]._AngleOfUnitizedVectors(tangents[i + 1]);
                changes[i]        = changesRadians[i]._RadianToDegree();
            if (DEBUG)
                changesStr = changes.Select(o => o._ToStringAngle()).ToArray();
                log.temp("AngleChanges = " + String.Join(", ", changesStr));

            List <CurveKinkData> res = null;

            foreach (var end in ends)
                var DIVBY25 = DIVBY_TEST / 4;
                var iFirst  = 0;
                var iLast   = changes.Length - 1;
                var iO      = (end == CurveEnd.Start) ? iFirst : iLast;
                var iA      = (end == CurveEnd.Start) ? iFirst : iLast - DIVBY25;
                var iB      = (end == CurveEnd.Start) ? iFirst + DIVBY25 : iLast;

                double maxChange  = 0; //25% of start
                double summChange = 0;
                int    summCount  = 0;
                for (int i = iA; i <= iB; i++)
                    if (i == iO)
                        continue;          //skip first and last
                    maxChange   = Math.Max(maxChange, changes[i]);
                    summChange += changes[i];
                var avgChange = summChange / DIVBY25;

                var maxDeviation = maxChange - avgChange;
                var endDeviation = changes[iO] - avgChange;

                var deviationTimes = (int)(endDeviation / maxDeviation._GetNonZeroForDevisionOperation());
                if (deviationTimes >= 10 && endDeviation >= 5) // if end change is really bigger from previous changes - we have kink
                    var iTangent = (end == CurveEnd.Start) ? 0 : DIVBY_TEST;
                    var kink     = new CurveKinkData
                        Crv          = curve,
                        CrvEnd       = end,
                        DegreeChange = changes[iO],
                        DegreeDeviation_FromAvg_Closest25ofCurve   = endDeviation,
                        Closest25ofCurve_DegreeAvgChange           = avgChange,
                        Closest25ofCurve_DegreeDeviationMaxFromAvg = maxDeviation,
                        //Point = (end == CurveEnd.Start ? crv.PointAt((tStart1 + tStart2) / 2) : crv.PointAt((tEnd1 + tEnd2) / 2)),
                        Point                 = crvNormal.PointAt(end),
                        TangentCurrent        = tangents[iTangent],
                        TangentExcepted       = tangents[iTangent + ((end == CurveEnd.Start) ? 1 : -1)],
                        DegreesChangesStr     = String.Join(", ", changes.Select(o => o._ToStringAngle()).ToArray()),
                        DeviationBiggerNTimes = deviationTimes
                    if (res == null)
                        res = new List <CurveKinkData>(2);

            if (res != null && DEBUG)
                if (DEBUG)
                log.temp("AngleChanges = " + String.Join(", ", changesStr));
                foreach (var kink in res)
                    var problem = String.Format("Kink at {0} by {1}", kink.CrvEnd, kink.DegreeDeviation_FromAvg_Closest25ofCurve._ToStringAngle());
                    log.temp("endDeviation/maxDeviation = {0:0.000}", (kink.DegreeDeviation_FromAvg_Closest25ofCurve / kink.Closest25ofCurve_DegreeDeviationMaxFromAvg._GetNonZeroForDevisionOperation()));
                if (DEBUG)

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove kinks if possible.
        /// Works only for 3d curves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve">3d curve</param>
        /// <param name="kinks">kinks provided by a method '_FindKinksAtEnds'</param>
        /// <param name="failReason">if a method failed - this string will have fail reason</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Curve _Kinks_TryRemove_Smooth(Curve curve, List <CurveKinkData> kinks, int DIVBY_FIX, int DIVBY_MIN, out string failReason)
            failReason = "";

            Percent cutPercents = 1.0 / DIVBY_FIX;
            var     crv         = new CurveNormalized(curve);

            // Cut curve at kink ends
            var crvCutted       = new CurveNormalized(curve);
            var cutPointAtStart = Point3d.Origin;
            var cutPointAtEnd   = Point3d.Origin;

            foreach (var kink in kinks)
                switch (kink.CrvEnd)
                case CurveEnd.Start:
                    cutPointAtStart = crv.PointAt(0 + cutPercents);                       // cut 5% from start
                    crvCutted       = crvCutted.Trim(0 + cutPercents, 1, out failReason); // remove outside interval
                    if (crvCutted == null)

                case CurveEnd.End:
                    cutPointAtEnd = crv.PointAt(1 - cutPercents);                       // cut 5% from start
                    crvCutted     = crvCutted.Trim(0, 1 - cutPercents, out failReason); // remove outside interval
                    if (crvCutted == null)
            //if(DEBUG) Layers.Debug.AddCurve(crvCutted);

            // Extend cutted crv
            var crvExtended = crvCutted.Crv;

            foreach (var kink in kinks)
                switch (kink.CrvEnd)
                case CurveEnd.Start:
                    crvExtended = crvExtended._ExtendToPoint(CurveEnd.Start, curve.PointAtStart);
                    if (crvExtended == null)
                        failReason = "failed to extend crv";

                case CurveEnd.End:
                    crvExtended = crvExtended._ExtendToPoint(CurveEnd.End, curve.PointAtEnd);
                    if (crvExtended == null)
                        failReason = "failed to extend crv";
            //if (DEBUG) Layers.Debug.AddCurve(crvExtended);

            // Move ends of extended curve
            var divby = crvExtended._GetDivBy(null, 0.01, DIVBY_MIN);

            Point3d[] pointsExtended;
            double[]  tsExtended;
            if (!crvExtended._TryDivideByCount(divby, out pointsExtended, out tsExtended, out failReason))

            foreach (var kink in kinks)
                var end           = kink.CrvEnd;
                var extendToPoint = curve._P(end);
                var direction     = extendToPoint - crvExtended._P(end);
                var iStart        = (end == CurveEnd.Start)                                      // will be more close to middle of curve
                    ? -Math.Abs(Array.BinarySearch(tsExtended, crvExtended._T(cutPointAtStart))) // negative value, like '-5'
                    : Math.Abs(Array.BinarySearch(tsExtended, crvExtended._T(cutPointAtEnd)));
                var iEnd = (end == CurveEnd.Start) ? 0 : pointsExtended.Length - 1;              // will be at ends of curve

                for (int ii = iStart; ii <= iEnd; ii++)
                    double shiftByPercent = (ii - iStart) / (double)(iEnd - iStart); // from 0 to 1
                    var    i = Math.Abs(ii);
                    if (DEBUG)
                    pointsExtended[i] = pointsExtended[i] + direction * shiftByPercent;
                    if (DEBUG)

            // Construct new curve
            var newCuve = Curve.CreateControlPointCurve(pointsExtended, 3);

            if (newCuve == null)
                failReason = "failed to create curve from 3d points";
            if (DEBUG)
                Layers.Debug.AddCurve(newCuve, "Smooth");
            newCuve = newCuve._Simplify(); //simplify crv after constructing if from many points

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove kinks if possible.
        /// Works only for 3d curves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve">3d curve</param>
        /// <param name="kinks">kinks provided by a method '_FindKinksAtEnds'</param>
        /// <param name="failReason">if a method failed - this string will have fail reason</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Curve _Kinks_TryRemove_Smooth_Iternal(Curve curve, List <CurveKinkData> kinks, int DIVBY_FIX, int DIVBY_MIN, out string failReason)
            failReason = "";

            Percent cutPercents = 1.0 / DIVBY_FIX;

            // Cut curve at kink ends
            var crvCutted = new CurveNormalized(curve);

            foreach (var kink in kinks)
                switch (kink.CrvEnd)
                case CurveEnd.Start:
                    crvCutted = crvCutted.Trim(0 + cutPercents, 1, out failReason);     // remove outside interval
                    if (crvCutted == null)

                case CurveEnd.End:
                    crvCutted = crvCutted.Trim(0, 1 - cutPercents, out failReason);    // remove outside interval
                    if (crvCutted == null)
            //if(DEBUG) Layers.Debug.AddCurve(crvCutted);

            // Extend cutted crv
            var crvExtended = crvCutted.Crv;

            foreach (var kink in kinks)
                switch (kink.CrvEnd)
                case CurveEnd.Start:
                    crvExtended = crvExtended.Extend(CurveEnd.Start, CurveExtensionStyle.Arc, curve.PointAtStart);
                    if (crvExtended == null)
                        failReason = "failed to extend crv";

                case CurveEnd.End:
                    crvExtended = crvExtended.Extend(CurveEnd.End, CurveExtensionStyle.Arc, curve.PointAtEnd);
                    if (crvExtended == null)
                        failReason = "failed to extend crv";
            if (DEBUG)
                Layers.Debug.AddCurve(crvExtended, "Smooth_Iternal", Color.Bisque);
