public static UserInfo GetUserByUsernamePassword(string username, string password, string ip)
            // place log record
            // TaskManager create backgroundtasklogs in db and them immediately remove and move them into auditlog (if it is a short task).
            // The TaskManager is great for long tasks, but for short tasks that are called every second (from SOAP calls, for example) it puts a huge load on the DB.
            //TaskManager.StartTask("USER", "GET_BY_USERNAME_PASSWORD", username);
            //TaskManager.WriteParameter("IP", ip);

                // try to get user from database
                UserInfoInternal user = GetUserInternally(username);

                // check if the user exists
                if (user == null)
                    //TaskManager.WriteWarning("Account not found");
                    AuditLog.AddAuditLogWarningRecord("USER", "GET_BY_USERNAME_PASSWORD", username, new string[] { "IP: " + ip, "Account not found" });

                // compare user passwords
                if ((CryptoUtils.SHA1(user.Password) == password) || (user.Password == password))
                    AuditLog.AddAuditLogInfoRecord("USER", "GET_BY_USERNAME_PASSWORD", username, new string[] { "IP: " + ip });
                    return(new UserInfo(user));

            catch (Exception ex)
                AuditLog.AddAuditLogErrorRecord("USER", "GET_BY_USERNAME_PASSWORD", username,
                                                new string[] {
                    "IP: " + ip,
                    "Message: " + ex.Message,
                    "StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace
                //throw TaskManager.WriteError(ex);
                throw ex;
            //    TaskManager.CompleteTask();