Example #1
        private void Draw()
            // update instance data
            // NOTE: this is called here instead of in `Update` because buffers can only be updated once per frame
            _instanceBuffer.Update(_positions.AsMemory().Slice(0, _currentParticleCount));

            // begin a frame buffer render pass
            var pass = BeginDefaultPass(Rgba32F.Black);

            // describe the binding of the buffers
            var resourceBindings = default(ResourceBindings);

            resourceBindings.VertexBuffer()  = _vertexBuffer;
            resourceBindings.VertexBuffer(1) = _instanceBuffer;
            resourceBindings.IndexBuffer     = _indexBuffer;

            // apply the render pipeline and bindings for the render pass
            pass.ApplyBindings(ref resourceBindings);

            // apply the mvp matrix to the vertex shader
            pass.ApplyShaderUniforms(ShaderStageType.VertexStage, ref _modelViewProjectionMatrix);

            // draw the particles into the target of the render pass
            pass.DrawElements(24, instanceCount: _currentParticleCount);

            // end frame buffer render pass