void show(Queue recv, stringclass stri) { string recvstr = String.Empty; while (true) { Thread.Sleep(200); if (recv.Count >= 1) { recvstr = recv.Dequeue() as string; int forn; for (forn = 0; forn <= (stri.set(@"@#").Length + 11); forn++) { Console.Write('\u0008'); } for (forn = 0; forn <= (stri.set(@"@#").Length + 11); forn++) { Console.Write(" "); } for (forn = 0; forn <= (stri.set(@"@#").Length + 11); forn++) { Console.Write('\u0008'); } // Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Recv => " + recvstr); Console.Write("Edit => " + stri.set(@"@#")); } } }
public void chatlaunch(System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket) { statesaver stdsav = new statesaver(); stringclass str = new stringclass(); Thread showth = new Thread(() => show(str, socket, stdsav)); showth.Start(); Thread inputth = new Thread(() => input(str, socket, stdsav)); inputth.Start(); Thread sentth = new Thread(() => sent(socket, stdsav)); sentth.Start(); Thread recvth = new Thread(() => recv(socket, stdsav)); recvth.Start(); }
//------------------------------------------------老的文件引擎<\> //------------------------------------------------new File engine void input(Queue send, stringclass str) { Console.Write("Edit => "); while (true) { char inputchar = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (inputchar != '\r') { str.set(str.set(@"@#") + inputchar); } if (inputchar == '\r') { send.Enqueue((object)str.set(@"@#")); Console.WriteLine("Sent => " + inputstr); str.set(String.Empty); Console.Write("Edit => "); } } }
void show(stringclass str, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, statesaver stdsav) { string recvstr = String.Empty; while (true) { Thread.Sleep(200); if (recvmsg.Count >= 1) { recvstr = recvmsg.Dequeue() as string; int forn; for (forn = 0; forn <= (str.set(@"@#").Length + 11); forn++) { Console.Write('\u0008'); } for (forn = 0; forn <= (str.set(@"@#").Length + 11); forn++) { Console.Write(" "); } for (forn = 0; forn <= (str.set(@"@#").Length + 11); forn++) { Console.Write('\u0008'); } // Console.WriteLine(""); if (recvstr == @"$%$filereq") { stdsav.set(0); Console.WriteLine("Recv => " + "FILE"); filerecvlaunch(socket); // Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------set state to 1"); stdsav.set(1); } if (recvstr != @"$%$filereq") { Console.WriteLine("Recv => " + recvstr); } Console.Write("Edit => " + str.set(@"@#")); } } }
void input(stringclass str, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, statesaver stdsav) { Console.Write("Edit => "); while (true) { char inputchar = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (inputchar != '\r') { str.set(str.set(@"@#") + inputchar); } if (inputchar == '\r') { // if(inputstr!=String.Empty) // { if (str.set(@"@#") == filesendkeyword) { stdsav.set(0); Console.WriteLine("Sent => " + "FILE"); filesendlaunch(socket); // Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------set state to 1"); stdsav.set(1); } if (str.set(@"@#") != filesendkeyword) { Console.WriteLine("Sent => " + inputstr); } sentmsg.Enqueue((object)str.set(@"@#")); // } // if(inputstr==String.Empty) // { // Console.WriteLine("--空内容--\n"); // } str.set(String.Empty); Console.Write("Edit => "); } } }
// byte[] hidecode=new byte[hidecodesize]; /* byte[] hidecode = new byte[64]{2,5,3,5,3,2,4,5,6,7, * 4,6,4,3,2,6,3,8,5,4, * 7,3,6,8,5,3,5,7,7,8, * 9,5,8,5,4,3,2,1,4,5, * 9,8,9,4,2,3,6,5,5,4, * 9,6,3,5,5,5,5,5,6,5 * 3,5,2,5};*/ //------------------------------------------------------package size public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "ConSocket"; Console.WindowHeight = 20; Console.WindowWidth = 56; Console.WriteLine("Hello ConSocket! by Tclauncher"); updatelog ul = new updatelog(); ul.showlog(); Console.WriteLine("Con => Prepareing..."); var chat = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); var client = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); int done = 0; int mode = 0; string filepath = String.Empty; Fileengine feng = new Fileengine(); stringclass stri = new stringclass(); Program pro = new Program(); IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); IPEndPoint point = new IPEndPoint(ip, 1000); pro.recvmsg = new Queue(); pro.sentmsg = new Queue(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Select Mode === n:new socket c:connect socket"); //------------------------------------mode 1---------mode 2 Console.WriteLine(" s:send file r:receive file "); //------------------------------------mode 3---------mode 4 //----------------------------------Wizard Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("---Write 'l' in IP 获取本机localhostIP(用于本机测试)"); Console.WriteLine("---Write 'p' in IP 获取本机内网IP(同一个路由器下的主机)"); Console.WriteLine("---Write 'w' in IP 获取本机外网IP(不同路由器下的主机)"); Console.WriteLine("---Write 'd' in IP 连接默认主机"); if (args.Length >= 1) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("File => " + args[0] + " ||-- Loaded"); } while (done == 0) { char key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Write('\u0008'); if (key == 'n') { done = 1; mode = 1; } if (key == 'c') { done = 1; mode = 2; } if (key == 's') { done = 1; mode = 3; } if (key == 'r') { done = 1; mode = 4; } } done = 0; if (mode == 1 || mode == 3) { while (done == 0) { Console.Write("MYIP =>"); string ipstr = Console.ReadLine(); if (ipstr == "l") { ipstr = ""; } if (ipstr == "d") { ipstr = ""; } if (ipstr == "p") { IPAddress[] list = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()); ipstr = list[1].ToString(); } if (ipstr == "w") { /* try * { * WebClient clientg = new WebClient(); * clientg.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default; * string response = clientg.UploadString("http://iframe.ip138.com/ipcity.asp", ""); * Match mc = Regex.Match(response, @"location.href=""(.*)"""); * if (mc.Success && mc.Groups.Count > 1) * { * response = clientg.UploadString(mc.Groups[1].Value, ""); * string[] str1 = response.Split('['); * response = str1[1]; * string [] str = response.Split(']'); * response = str[0]; * Console.Write(response); * } * } * catch (System.Exception e) * { * pro.Writeyel("---获取本机外网ip失败 请手动填写(百度搜“本机ip”就有)"); * }*/ pro.Writeyel("---获取本机外网ip失败 请手动填写(百度搜“本机ip”就有)"); } done = 1; try{ ip = IPAddress.Parse(ipstr); } catch (Exception) { done = 0; } } done = 0; while (done == 0) { Console.Write("MYPORT =>"); string portstr = Console.ReadLine(); done = 1; try{ point = new IPEndPoint(ip, int.Parse(portstr)); } catch (Exception) { done = 0; } } done = 0; client.Bind(point); client.Listen(10); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("IP " + point.ToString() + " Waiting Connect "); Thread wat = new Thread(pro.waitingth); wat.Start(); chat = client.Accept(); wat.Abort(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("\a"); pro.Writeyel("Connected to IP " + chat.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()); Console.Title = "ConSocket => " + chat.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); // pro.Writeyel("Connected"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); } if (mode == 2 || mode == 4) { while (done == 0) { Console.Write("CONIP =>"); string ipstr = Console.ReadLine(); if (ipstr == "l") { ipstr = ""; } if (ipstr == "l") { ipstr = ""; } if (ipstr == "p") { IPAddress[] list = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()); ipstr = list[1].ToString(); } if (ipstr == "w") { /* try * { * WebClient clientg = new WebClient(); * clientg.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default; * string response = clientg.UploadString("http://iframe.ip138.com/ipcity.asp", ""); * Match mc = Regex.Match(response, @"location.href=""(.*)"""); * if (mc.Success && mc.Groups.Count > 1) * { * response = clientg.UploadString(mc.Groups[1].Value, ""); * string[] str1 = response.Split('['); * response = str1[1]; * string [] str = response.Split(']'); * response = str[0]; * Console.Write(response); * } * } * catch (System.Exception e) * { * pro.Writeyel("---获取本机外网ip失败 请手动填写(百度搜“本机ip”就有)"); * }*/ pro.Writeyel("---获取本机外网ip失败 请手动填写(百度搜“本机ip”就有)"); } done = 1; try{ ip = IPAddress.Parse(ipstr); } catch (Exception) { done = 0; } } done = 0; while (done == 0) { Console.Write("CONPORT =>"); string portstr = Console.ReadLine(); done = 1; try{ point = new IPEndPoint(ip, int.Parse(portstr)); } catch (Exception) { done = 0; } } done = 0; int ifturnmode = 0; Thread watx = new Thread(pro.waitingth); try{ Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Connecting"); watx.Start(); client.Connect(point); watx.Abort(); chat = client; } catch (Exception) { watx.Abort(); Console.WriteLine(""); pro.Writeyel("IP Not Found === Create Socket with IP? (y/n)"); char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (input != 'y') { return; } if (input == 'y') { client = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); client.Bind(point); client.Listen(10); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("IP " + point.ToString() + " Waiting Connect "); Thread wat = new Thread(pro.waitingth); wat.Start(); ifturnmode = 1; chat = client.Accept(); wat.Abort(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("\a"); pro.Writeyel("Connected to IP " + chat.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()); Console.Title = "ConSocket => " + chat.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); // pro.Writeyel("Connected"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); } } if (ifturnmode == 0) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("\a"); pro.Writeyel("Connected to IP " + point.ToString()); Console.Title = "ConSocket => " + chat.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); } } //--------------------------------------------IO----------------------------------------------- if (mode == 1 || mode == 2) { Thread showth = new Thread(() => pro.show(pro.recvmsg, stri)); showth.Start(); Thread inputth = new Thread(() => pro.input(pro.sentmsg, stri)); inputth.Start(); Thread sentth = new Thread(() => pro.sent(chat, pro.sentmsg)); sentth.Start(); Thread recvth = new Thread(() => pro.recv(chat, pro.recvmsg)); recvth.Start(); } if (mode == 3) { if (args.Length == 0) { done = 0; while (done == 0) { Console.Write("Filepath => "); filepath = Console.ReadLine(); if (File.Exists(filepath)) { done = 1; } } done = 0; } if (args.Length >= 1) { filepath = args[0]; } feng.filesend(filepath, chat); // pro.filesend(filepath,chat); } if (mode == 4) { feng.filerecv("", chat); // pro.filerecv("",chat); } while (true) { } Console.ReadKey(true); }