/// <summary> Constructor for a new instance of the Builder_Source_Folder class </summary>
        public Builder_Source_Folder()
            Folder_Name = String.Empty;
            Inbound_Folder = String.Empty;
            Failures_Folder = String.Empty;
            Processing_Folder = String.Empty;
            Perform_Checksum = false;
            Archive_TIFFs = true;
            Archive_All_Files = true;
            Allow_Deletes = false;
            Allow_Folders_No_Metadata = false;
            Allow_Metadata_Updates = false;
            //Can_Move_To_Content_Folder = true;
            BibID_Roots_Restrictions = String.Empty;
            IncomingFolderID = -1;

            Builder_Module_Set = new Builder_Module_Set_Info();
        /// <summary> Constructor for a new instance of the Builder_Source_Folder class </summary>
        public Builder_Source_Folder()
            Folder_Name               = String.Empty;
            Inbound_Folder            = String.Empty;
            Failures_Folder           = String.Empty;
            Processing_Folder         = String.Empty;
            Perform_Checksum          = false;
            Archive_TIFFs             = true;
            Archive_All_Files         = true;
            Allow_Deletes             = false;
            Allow_Folders_No_Metadata = false;
            Allow_Metadata_Updates    = false;
            //Can_Move_To_Content_Folder = true;
            BibID_Roots_Restrictions = String.Empty;
            IncomingFolderID         = -1;

            Builder_Module_Set = new Builder_Module_Set_Info();
        /// <summary> Gets the most recent updates for the builder including the builder settings and scheduled tasks </summary>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Dataset with all the builder updates </returns>
        public static List<Builder_Module_Set_Info> Builder_Get_Folder_Module_Sets(Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Engine_Database.Builder_Get_Folder_Module_Sets", "Pulling the information about the current folder module sets");

                // Pull the data
                DataSet tempSet = EalDbAccess.ExecuteDataset(DatabaseType, Connection_String, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "SobekCM_Builder_Get_Folder_Module_Sets");

                // Build the module sets to return
                List<Builder_Module_Set_Info> returnvalue = new List<Builder_Module_Set_Info>();
                foreach (DataRow thisRow in tempSet.Tables[0].Rows)
                    Builder_Module_Set_Info thisModule = new Builder_Module_Set_Info
                        SetID = Int32.Parse(thisRow["ModuleSetID"].ToString()),
                        SetName = thisRow["SetName"].ToString(),
                        Used_Count = Int32.Parse(thisRow["UsedCount"].ToString())


                return returnvalue;
            catch (Exception ee)
                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Engine_Database.Builder_Get_Folder_Module_Sets", "Error during execution: " + ee.Message);
                Last_Exception = ee;
                return null;