public NodeTelegram SetMessageId(FieldGuid MessageId)
     if (MessageId == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(m_MessageIdName);
     return(new NodeTelegram(this.SetField(new FieldIdentifier(m_MessageIdName), MessageId), ChildCollection));
Example #2
 internal NodeBase ReceiveDeltaFromPeer(NodePeer FromPeer, FieldGuid BasedOnMessageID)
     if (CommunicationManager.LocalPeerList.Peers.Contains(this))
         return(OnReceiveDelta(FromPeer, BasedOnMessageID));
Example #3
 public NodePeer FindPeerByID(FieldGuid id)
     if (GetChildrenRecursive().ContainsKey(id))
         NodeBase find = GetChildrenRecursive()[id];
Example #4
        public static NodeDevice StaticBuild()
            FieldIdentifier code;
            FieldGuid typeId;
            FieldString address;
            FieldBase64 configuration;
            FieldDeviceName deviceName;

            code = new FieldIdentifier(CODE);
            typeId = new FieldGuid(TYPE_ID);
            address = new FieldString(string.Empty);
            configuration = new FieldBase64(string.Empty);
            deviceName = new FieldDeviceName(Resources.Strings.Unknown_Phidget_Name);

            NodeDevice device = NodeDevice.BuildWith(code, typeId, address, configuration, deviceName);

            return device;
        public static NodeTelegram BuildWith(FieldGuid MessageId, FieldString MessageType, FieldBase64 Payload)
            //build fields
            Dictionary <FieldIdentifier, FieldBase> mutableFields =
                new Dictionary <FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>();

            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_MessageIdName), MessageId);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_MessageTypeName), MessageType);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_PayloadName), Payload);
            //Add Fields here: mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_CodeName), Code);

            //build children
            KeyedNodeCollection <NodeBase> mutableChildren =
                new KeyedNodeCollection <NodeBase>();
            //Add Children here: mutableChildren.Add(SomeChild);

            //build node
            NodeTelegram Builder = new NodeTelegram(
                new ReadOnlyDictionary <FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>(mutableFields),
                new ReadOnlyCollection <NodeBase>(mutableChildren));

        public static IEnumerable<Tuple<NodeSignal, object>> ParseEncodedSignals(string encoded, IEnumerable<NodeSignal> signals)
            // parse it all into values
            var dict = new Dictionary<FieldGuid, object>();
            int index = 0;
            bool found = true;
            while (found)
                found = false;
                int commaPos1 = encoded.IndexOf(SEPARATOR, index);
                if (commaPos1 > 0) // signalId
                    int commaPos2 = encoded.IndexOf(SEPARATOR, commaPos1 + 1);
                    if (commaPos2 > 0) // DataType
                        int commaPos3 = encoded.IndexOf(SEPARATOR, commaPos2 + 1);
                        if (commaPos3 > 0) // value length
                            string valueLengthString = encoded.Substring(commaPos2 + 1, commaPos3 - commaPos2 - 1);
                            int valueLength;
                            if (int.TryParse(valueLengthString, out valueLength))
                                string valueString = encoded.Substring(commaPos3 + 1, valueLength);
                                if (valueString.Length == valueLength)
                                    string guidString = encoded.Substring(index, commaPos1 - index);
                                    if (FieldGuid.CheckSyntax(guidString))
                                        var signalId = new FieldGuid(guidString);
                                        string dataTypeString = encoded.Substring(commaPos1 + 1, commaPos2 - commaPos1 - 1);
                                        FieldDataType.DataTypeEnum dataType;
                                        if (Enum.TryParse<FieldDataType.DataTypeEnum>(dataTypeString, out dataType))
                                            if (FieldConstant.CheckSyntax(dataType + FieldConstant.SEPARATOR + valueString))
                                                var constant = new FieldConstant(dataType + FieldConstant.SEPARATOR + valueString);
                                                found = true;
                                                index = commaPos3 + valueLength + 1 + END_OF_LINE.Length;
                                                dict.Add(signalId, constant.Value);

            // match it up to the signals
            var retVal = new List<Tuple<NodeSignal, object>>();
            foreach (var signal in signals)
                if (dict.ContainsKey(signal.SignalId))
                    retVal.Add(new Tuple<NodeSignal, object>(signal, dict[signal.SignalId]));
            return retVal;
            private Collection<SignalTreeItem> BuildSignalTree(SignalChooserDialog dlg, NodeBase n, 
                NodePage pg, FieldGuid selectedSignalId, FieldDataType.DataTypeEnum dataTypeFilter)
                var items = new Collection<SignalTreeItem>();

                foreach (var child in n.ChildCollection)
                    var nPageCollection = child as NodePageCollection;
                    var nPage = child as NodePage;
                    var nInstructionGroup = child as NodeInstructionGroup;
                    var nInstruction = child as NodeInstruction;
                    var nSignal = child as NodeSignal;
                    var nDeviceConfiguration = child as NodeDeviceConfiguration;
                    var nDriver = child as NodeDriver;
                    var nDevice = child as NodeDevice;
                    var nDiscreteInput = child as NodeDiscreteInput;
                    var nAnalogInput = child as NodeAnalogInput;
                    var nStringInput = child as NodeStringInput;

                    // the following logic sets one or the other, or neither
                    SignalTreeItem item = null;
                    NodeBase searchChildren = null;
                    bool sort = false;
                    var adjustedChild = child;

                    if (nPageCollection != null)
                        item = new SignalTreeItem(dlg, nPageCollection.PageCollectionName.ToString(), null);
                    else if (nPage != null)
                        var pgToUse = nPage;
                        if (pg != null && nPage.PageId == pg.PageId)
                            pgToUse = pg;
                            adjustedChild = pg;
                        item = new SignalTreeItem(dlg, pgToUse.PageName.ToString(), null);
                        sort = true;
                    else if (nInstructionGroup != null || nInstruction != null || nDiscreteInput != null || nAnalogInput != null || nStringInput != null)
                        searchChildren = adjustedChild;
                    else if (nSignal != null)
                        if (nSignal.DataType.IsOfType(dataTypeFilter))
                            item = new SignalTreeItem(dlg, nSignal.SignalName.ToString(), nSignal);
                            if (nSignal.SignalId == selectedSignalId)
                                item.IsSelected = true;
                    else if (nDeviceConfiguration != null)
                        item = new SignalTreeItem(dlg, Resources.Strings.Solution_Pad_DeviceConfigurationItem_Header, null);
                    else if (nDriver != null)
                        item = new SignalTreeItem(dlg, nDriver.DriverName.ToString(), null);
                    else if (nDevice != null)
                        item = new SignalTreeItem(dlg, nDevice.DeviceName.ToString(), null);

                    if (searchChildren != null)
                        var childItems = BuildSignalTree(dlg, searchChildren, pg, selectedSignalId, dataTypeFilter);
                        if(childItems != null)
                            foreach (var childItem in childItems)

                    if (item != null)
                        var childItems = BuildSignalTree(dlg, adjustedChild, pg, selectedSignalId, dataTypeFilter);
                        if (childItems != null)
                            if (sort)
                                var sorted = from c in childItems orderby c.Text select c;
                                childItems = new Collection<SignalTreeItem>();
                                foreach (var c in sorted)
                            // make sure to have this branch of the tree expanded if the selected node is somewhere down there
                            if (childItems.Count((SignalTreeItem ti) => ti.IsSelected) > 0
                                || childItems.Count((SignalTreeItem ti) => ti.IsExpanded) > 0)
                                item.IsExpanded = true;


                if (items.Count > 0)
                    return items;
                    return null;
Example #8
 internal NodeBase ReceiveDeltaFromPeer(NodePeer FromPeer, FieldGuid BasedOnMessageID)
     if (CommunicationManager.LocalPeerList.Peers.Contains(this))
         return OnReceiveDelta(FromPeer, BasedOnMessageID);
         return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Searches the tree for a signal matching this signal ID.
 /// </summary>
 public NodeSignal FindSignal(FieldGuid signalId)
     if (m_signalLookup.ContainsKey(signalId.ToString()))
         return m_signalLookup[signalId.ToString()];
         return null;
 public NodeRuntimeApplication SetRuntimeId(FieldGuid RuntimeId)
     if (RuntimeId == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(m_RuntimeIdName);
     return new NodeRuntimeApplication(this.SetField(new FieldIdentifier(m_RuntimeIdName), RuntimeId), ChildCollection);
Example #11
        public static NodeTelegram BuildWith(FieldGuid MessageId, FieldString MessageType, FieldBase64 Payload)
            //build fields
            Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase> mutableFields =
                new Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>();
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_MessageIdName), MessageId);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_MessageTypeName), MessageType);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_PayloadName), Payload);
            //Add Fields here: mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_CodeName), Code);

            //build children
            KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase> mutableChildren =
                new KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase>();
            //Add Children here: mutableChildren.Add(SomeChild);

            //build node
            NodeTelegram Builder = new NodeTelegram(
                new ReadOnlyDictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>(mutableFields),
                new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeBase>(mutableChildren));

            return Builder;
 public static NodeRuntimeApplication BuildWith(
     FieldIdentifier Code, FieldGuid TypeId, FieldGuid RuntimeId,
     FieldString Address, FieldBase64 Configuration, FieldBool ExecuteOnStartup,
     NodePageCollection Logic, NodeDeviceConfiguration DeviceConfiguration)
     var rta = NodeRuntimeApplication.BuildWith(
             Code, TypeId, RuntimeId, Address, Configuration, ExecuteOnStartup);
     rta = rta.SetLogic(Logic);
     return rta.SetDeviceConfiguration(DeviceConfiguration);
Example #13
 public NodeInstruction SetSignalInToSignalId(int index, FieldGuid signalId)
     var oldSignalIn = this.NodeSignalInChildren[index];
     var newSignalIn = NodeSignalIn.BuildWith(oldSignalIn.DataType, signalId);
     var newInstruction = this.NodeSignalInChildren.Replace(oldSignalIn, newSignalIn);
     return newInstruction;
Example #14
        private static Tuple<string, NodeSignal> FindSignalAndName(NodeBase fromNode, string header, NodePage localRoot, FieldGuid signalId, 
            Dictionary<NodePage, NodePage> edits)
            const string SEPARATOR = "/";

            string prevHeader;
            if (header.Length == 0)
                prevHeader = string.Empty;
                prevHeader = header + SEPARATOR;

            var thisSig = fromNode as NodeSignal;
            if (thisSig != null && thisSig.SignalId == signalId)
                return new Tuple<string, NodeSignal>(prevHeader + thisSig.SignalName, thisSig);
                foreach (var child in fromNode.ChildCollection)
                    var nPageCollection = child as NodePageCollection;
                    var nPage = child as NodePage;
                    var nInstructionGroup = child as NodeInstructionGroup;
                    var nInstruction = child as NodeInstruction;
                    var nSignal = child as NodeSignal;
                    var nDeviceConfiguration = child as NodeDeviceConfiguration;
                    var nDriver = child as NodeDriver;
                    var nDevice = child as NodeDevice;
                    var nDiscreteInput = child as NodeDiscreteInput;
                    var nAnalogInput = child as NodeAnalogInput;
                    var nStringInput = child as NodeStringInput;

                    Tuple<string, NodeSignal> found = null;

                    if (nInstructionGroup != null || nInstruction != null || nDeviceConfiguration != null
                        || nDriver != null || nDiscreteInput != null || nAnalogInput != null
                        || nStringInput != null || nSignal != null)
                        found = FindSignalAndName(child, header, localRoot, signalId, edits);
                    else if (nPageCollection != null)
                        found = FindSignalAndName(child, prevHeader + nPageCollection.PageCollectionName, localRoot, signalId, edits);
                    else if (nPage != null)
                        string newHeader = prevHeader + nPage.PageName;
                        if (nPage == localRoot) // first, search local page, if there is one
                            found = FindSignalAndName(child, string.Empty, localRoot, signalId, edits);
                        if (found == null && edits.ContainsKey(nPage)) // search edited page, if there is one
                            found = FindSignalAndName(edits[nPage], newHeader, localRoot, signalId, edits);
                        if (found == null) // search from the root otherwise
                            found = FindSignalAndName(child, newHeader, localRoot, signalId, edits);
                    else if (nDevice != null)
                        found = FindSignalAndName(child, prevHeader + nDevice.DeviceName, localRoot, signalId, edits);
                    if (found != null)
                        return found;
                return null;
Example #15
 public NodeSignalIn SetSignalId(FieldGuid SignalId)
     return new NodeSignalIn(this.SetField(new FieldIdentifier(m_SignalIdName), SignalId), ChildCollection);
Example #16
        public static NodeDevice BuildWith(
            FieldIdentifier Code, FieldGuid TypeId,
            FieldString Address, FieldBase64 Configuration,
            FieldDeviceName DeviceName)
            //build fields
            Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase> mutableFields =
                new Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>();
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_CodeName), Code);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_TypeIdName), TypeId);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_AddressName), Address);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_ConfigurationName), Configuration);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_DeviceNameName), DeviceName);
            //Add Fields here: mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_CodeName), Code);

            //build children
            KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase> mutableChildren =
                new KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase>();
            //Add Children here: mutableChildren.Add(SomeChild);

            //build node
            NodeDevice Builder = new NodeDevice(
                new ReadOnlyDictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>(mutableFields),
                new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeBase>(mutableChildren));

            return Builder;
Example #17
        public static NodeSignalIn BuildWith(FieldDataType DataType, FieldDataType CompatibleTypes, FieldGuid SignalId)
            //build fields
            Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase> mutableFields =
                new Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>();
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_DataTypeName), DataType);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_CompatibleTypesName), CompatibleTypes);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_SignalIdName), SignalId);
            //Add Fields here: mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_CodeName), Code);

            //build children
            KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase> mutableChildren =
                new KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase>();
            //Add Children here: mutableChildren.Add(SomeChild);

            //build node
            NodeSignalIn Builder = new NodeSignalIn(
                new ReadOnlyDictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>(mutableFields),
                new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeBase>(mutableChildren));

            return Builder;
Example #18
 public static NodeSignalIn BuildWith(FieldDataType DataType, FieldGuid SignalId)
     return BuildWith(DataType, DataType, SignalId);
        private void Receive(string message)
            //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("receive_" + this.ID.ToString() + ".txt", true);

            if (ValidateXmlToSchema(message))
                FieldGuid toPeerID   = NodeBase.ToPeerFromXML(message);
                FieldGuid fromPeerID = NodeBase.FromPeerFromXML(message);
                if (toPeerID != null && fromPeerID != null)
                    //it's a peer-to-peer message

                    //find the ToPeer in the local peer list
                    NodePeer ToPeer = CommunicationManager.LocalPeerList.FindPeerByID(toPeerID);

                    //find the FromPeer in the remote peer list
                    NodePeer FromPeer = RemotePeerList.FindPeerByID(fromPeerID);

                    if (ToPeer != null && FromPeer != null)
                        //see if this message is based on another node
                        FieldGuid BasedOnNodeID = NodeBase.BasedOnNodeIDFromXML(message);
                        NodeBase  basedOnNode   = null;
                        if (BasedOnNodeID != null)
                            basedOnNode = ToPeer.ReceiveDeltaFromPeer(FromPeer, BasedOnNodeID);
                            NodeBase msg = NodeBase.NodeFromXML(message, basedOnNode.GetChildrenRecursive());
                            CommunicationManager.SendDeltaToPeer(ToPeer, FromPeer, msg, basedOnNode);
                            NodeBase msg = NodeBase.NodeFromXML(message, null);
                            CommunicationManager.SendToPeer(ToPeer, FromPeer, msg);
                        //TODO - log this - undeliverable message (peer lists not up to date?)
                    //it's a system message (not peer-to-peer)
                    FieldNodeType nodeType = NodeBase.NodeTypeFromXML(message);
                    if (nodeType.ToString() == typeof(NodePeerList).FullName)
                        lock (m_remotePeerList_Lock) //lock so we read/write in one operation
                            //When we receive a remote peer list, it is generally just a diff
                            //from the last peer list.
                            RemotePeerList = (NodePeerList)NodeBase.NodeFromXML(
                                message, RemotePeerList.GetChildrenRecursive());
                        //TODO - log this?  Unknown root message type?
                //TODO - log this?  Unknown garbage message?
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the runtime application for a signal matching the given signalId
        /// </summary>
        public Tuple<string, NodeSignal> FindSignal(INodeWrapper requester, FieldGuid signalId)
            var tpl = FindParentPageAndRuntimeApp(requester);
            NodePage pg = tpl.Item1;
            NodeRuntimeApplication rta = tpl.Item2;
            if (rta != null)
                var edits = new Dictionary<NodePage,NodePage>();

                if (pg != null)
                    // Searches the local page first
                    var tryLocal = FindSignalAndName(pg, string.Empty, pg, signalId, edits);
                    if (tryLocal != null)
                        return tryLocal;

                // Make a list of edited page copies
                foreach (var d in layoutManager.Documents)
                    var pageEditor = d as PageEditor;
                    if (pageEditor != null)
                        edits.Add(pageEditor.PageItemParent.Page, pageEditor.EditorRoot.WorkingCopy);

                return FindSignalAndName(rta, string.Empty, pg, signalId, edits);
                return null;
        public static NodeRuntimeApplication BuildWith(
            FieldIdentifier Code, FieldGuid TypeId, FieldGuid RuntimeId,
            FieldString Address, FieldBase64 Configuration, FieldBool ExecuteOnStartup)
            //build fields
            Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase> mutableFields =
                new Dictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>();
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_CodeName), Code);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_TypeIdName), TypeId);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_RuntimeIdName), RuntimeId);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_AddressName), Address);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_ConfigurationName), Configuration);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_ExecuteOnStartupName), ExecuteOnStartup);
            mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier(m_TryModeName), new FieldBool(false));
            //Add Fields here: mutableFields.Add(new FieldIdentifier("Code"), Code);

            //build children
            KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase> mutableChildren =
                new KeyedNodeCollection<NodeBase>();
            var pc = NodePageCollection.BuildWith(
                    new FieldPageCollectionName(m_LogicName)
            pc = pc.SetLogicRoot(new FieldBool(true));
                    new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeDriver>(new Collection<NodeDriver>())
            //Add Children here: mutableChildren.Add(SomeChild);

            //build node
            NodeRuntimeApplication Builder = new NodeRuntimeApplication(
                new ReadOnlyDictionary<FieldIdentifier, FieldBase>(mutableFields),
                new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeBase>(mutableChildren));

            return Builder;
Example #22
 private NodeTelegram readSignals(NodeTelegram request)
     // incoming request should just be a bunch of Guids that represent signalIds
     var inPayload = request.Payload.Decode();
     var outPayload = new StringBuilder();
     if (runtimeApplication != null)
         for (int index = 0; index < inPayload.Length; index += m_guidLength)
             string oneGuidString = inPayload.Substring(index, m_guidLength);
             if (FieldGuid.CheckSyntax(oneGuidString))
                 var signalId = new FieldGuid(oneGuidString);
                 var signal = runtimeApplication.FindSignal(signalId);
                 if (signal != null)
     return request.SetPayload(FieldBase64.Encode(outPayload.ToString()));
Example #23
 public NodeTelegram SetMessageId(FieldGuid MessageId)
     if (MessageId == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(m_MessageIdName);
     return new NodeTelegram(this.SetField(new FieldIdentifier(m_MessageIdName), MessageId), ChildCollection);
Example #24
 public NodeDevice SetTypeId(FieldGuid TypeId)
     if (TypeId == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(m_TypeIdName);
     return new NodeDevice(this.SetField(new FieldIdentifier(m_TypeIdName), TypeId), ChildCollection);
        public static NodeDevice StaticBuildHelper(string deviceName, string typeId, Guid instanceId, string code,
            int buttons, int axes, int povhats)
            FieldIdentifier c;
            FieldGuid typ;
            FieldString address;
            FieldBase64 configuration;
            FieldDeviceName dName;

            c = new FieldIdentifier(code);
            typ = new FieldGuid(typeId);
            address = new FieldString(instanceId.ToString());
            configuration = new FieldBase64(string.Empty);
            dName = new FieldDeviceName(deviceName);

            NodeDevice device = NodeDevice.BuildWith(c, typ, address, configuration, dName);

            // Add the inputs
            var inputsMutable = new Collection<NodeDiscreteInput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < buttons; i++)
                int buttonNumber = i + 1;
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.Button + buttonNumber),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(Resources.Strings.Button + " " + buttonNumber)));
            var inputs = new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeDiscreteInput>(inputsMutable);
            device = device.NodeDiscreteInputChildren.Append(inputs);

            var analogInputsMutable = new Collection<NodeAnalogInput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < axes; i++)
                if (i == 3) break; // only supports up to 3 axes

                int axisNumber = i + 1;
                string axisName =
                    axisNumber == 1 ? "X" :
                    axisNumber == 2 ? "Y" :
                    axisNumber == 3 ? "Z" :

                    new FieldIdentifier(axisName),
                    new FieldString(axisName),
                    new FieldSignalName(axisName)));

                string rotationName = "Rotation" + axisName;
                    new FieldIdentifier(rotationName),
                    new FieldString(rotationName),
                    new FieldSignalName(rotationName)));

            for (int i = 0; i < povhats; i++)
                int povNumber = i + 1;
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.PoVHat + povNumber.ToString()),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(Resources.Strings.PoVHat + " " + povNumber.ToString())));
            device = device.NodeAnalogInputChildren.Append(new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeAnalogInput>(analogInputsMutable));

            return device;
Example #26
        public static NodeDevice StaticBuildHelper(string deviceName, int serialNumber, string code, string typeId, 
            int discreteInputs, int discreteOutputs, int analogInputs, int analogOutputs, int stringInputs, int stringOutputs,
            string analogOutputNameOverride, string discreteOutputNameOverride)
            FieldIdentifier c;
            FieldGuid typ;
            FieldString address;
            FieldBase64 configuration;
            FieldDeviceName dName;

            c = new FieldIdentifier(code);
            typ = new FieldGuid(typeId);
            address = new FieldString(serialNumber.ToString());
            configuration = new FieldBase64(string.Empty);
            dName = new FieldDeviceName(deviceName);

            NodeDevice device = NodeDevice.BuildWith(c, typ, address, configuration, dName);

            // Add the inputs
            var inputsMutable = new Collection<NodeDiscreteInput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < discreteInputs; i++)
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.Input + i),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(Resources.Strings.Input + " " + i)));
            var inputs = new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeDiscreteInput>(inputsMutable);
            device = device.NodeDiscreteInputChildren.Append(inputs);

            var analogInputsMutable = new Collection<NodeAnalogInput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < analogInputs; i++)
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.AnalogInput + i),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(Resources.Strings.AnalogInput + " " + i)));
            device = device.NodeAnalogInputChildren.Append(new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeAnalogInput>(analogInputsMutable));

            var stringInputsMutable = new Collection<NodeStringInput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < stringInputs; i++)
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.StringInput + i),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(Resources.Strings.StringInput + " " + i)));
            device = device.NodeStringInputChildren.Append(new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeStringInput>(stringInputsMutable));

            // Add the outputs
            var outputsMutable = new Collection<NodeDiscreteOutput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < discreteOutputs; i++)
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.Output + i),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(discreteOutputNameOverride + " " + i)));
            var outputs = new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeDiscreteOutput>(outputsMutable);
            device = device.NodeDiscreteOutputChildren.Append(outputs);

            var analogOutputsMutable = new Collection<NodeAnalogOutput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < analogOutputs; i++)
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.AnalogOutput + i),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(analogOutputNameOverride + " " + i)));
            device = device.NodeAnalogOutputChildren.Append(new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeAnalogOutput>(analogOutputsMutable));

            var stringOutputsMutable = new Collection<NodeStringOutput>();
            for (int i = 0; i < stringOutputs; i++)
                    new FieldIdentifier(Resources.Strings.StringOutput + i),
                    new FieldString(i.ToString()),
                    new FieldSignalName(Resources.Strings.StringOutput + " " + i)));
            device = device.NodeStringOutputChildren.Append(new ReadOnlyCollection<NodeStringOutput>(stringOutputsMutable));

            return device;
 NodeBase peer_OnReceiveDelta(NodePeer FromPeer, FieldGuid BasedOnMessageID)
     NodeBase originalMessage = null;
     IRuntime runtime = getRelationship(FromPeer);
     if (runtime != null)
         originalMessage = runtime.DeltaReceivedFromPeer(BasedOnMessageID);
     return originalMessage;