/// <summary>
        /// If user didn't hit anything than he and his body parts can move
        /// </summary>
        private void Check()
            // Move the snake
            Snake.X += Snake.XSpeed;
            Snake.Y += Snake.YSpeed;

            // Moves the body parts of a snake.
            for (int i = Score - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (i == 0)
                    SnakeBodyParts[i] = move.MoveSquare(Snake, SnakeBodyParts[i]);
                    SnakeBodyParts[i] = move.MoveSquare(SnakeBodyParts[i - 1], SnakeBodyParts[i]);

            // Player eats the apple if he gets close
            if (Snake.X > Apple.X - 10 &&
                Snake.X < Apple.X + 10 &&
                Snake.Y > Apple.Y - 10 &&
                Snake.Y < Apple.Y + 10)
                // Creates new body part
                SnakeSquare square = new SnakeSquare();

                // If this is the first body part to be created then use snake's coordinates
                if (Score == 0)
                    square = create.CreateSquare(Snake, square);

                // else use last snake body part
                    // Search for last snake body part
                    var lastBodyPart = SnakeBodyParts.ElementAt(Score - 1);

                    square = create.CreateSquare(SnakeBodyParts[Score - 1], square);


                // Create new apple