static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 3, Console.WindowHeight / 2 - 5); Console.WriteLine("Snake"); //create users UserManagement userlist = new UserManagement(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 15, Console.WindowHeight - 10); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your username: "******"Please enter your username: "******"Please select difficulty: [1]Easy ; [2]Normal ; [3]Hard"); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 27, Console.WindowHeight - 14); string difficulty = Console.ReadLine(); while (difficulty != "1" && difficulty != "2" && difficulty != "3") { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 27, Console.WindowHeight - 15); Console.WriteLine("Please select difficulty: [1]Easy ; [2]Normal ; [3]Hard"); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 27, Console.WindowHeight - 14); difficulty = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Clear(); //help var path = "help.txt"; using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(path)) { string ln; while ((ln = file.ReadLine()) != null) { Console.WriteLine(ln); } } //press enter to continue Console.WriteLine("\n Press ENTER to continue"); ConsoleKeyInfo conKey = Console.ReadKey(); while (conKey.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { conKey = Console.ReadKey(); } Console.Clear(); // initialize background music System.Media.SoundPlayer bgm = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); if (difficulty == "1") { bgm.SoundLocation = "../../sound/first.wav"; bgm.Play(); } else if (difficulty == "2") { bgm.SoundLocation = "../../sound/second.wav"; bgm.Play(); } else { bgm.SoundLocation = "../../sound/third.wav"; bgm.Play(); } byte right = 0; byte left = 1; byte down = 2; byte up = 3; int lastFoodTime = 0; int foodDissapearTime = 16000; //bool isGameOver = false; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); Position[] directions = new Position[] { new Position(0, 1), // right new Position(0, -1), // left new Position(1, 0), // down new Position(-1, 0), // up }; //change sleepTime parameter based on difficulty Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight; double sleepTime; if (difficulty == "1") { sleepTime = 100; } else if (difficulty == "2") { sleepTime = 70; } else { sleepTime = 30; } lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount; // Initialize obstacle and draw obstacles int obsNum; if (difficulty == "1") { obsNum = 5; } else if (difficulty == "2") { obsNum = 10; } else { obsNum = 30; } Obstacle obs = new Obstacle(obsNum); // Iniatitlize food and draw food Food food = new Food(); food.Generate_random_food(); // Initialize snake and draw snake Snake snake = new Snake(); snake.DrawSnake(); int direct = right; // Begin timing. stopwatch.Start(); // looping while (true) { // Set the score at the top right Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth - 10, Console.WindowHeight - 30); Console.WriteLine("Score: " + user.getScore); // check for key pressed if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo userInput = Console.ReadKey(true); //hides users input if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { if (direct != right) { direct = left; } } if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { if (direct != left) { direct = right; } } if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { if (direct != down) { direct = up; } } if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { if (direct != up) { direct = down; } } } // update snake position Position snakeHead = snake.GetPos.Last(); Position nextDirection = directions[direct]; Position snakeNewHead = new Position(snakeHead.row + nextDirection.row, snakeHead.col + nextDirection.col); // check for snake if exceed the width or height // boundary is WindowWidth+11 to WindowWidth-11 if (snakeNewHead.col < 11) { snakeNewHead.col = Console.WindowWidth - 11; } else if (snakeNewHead.row < 0) { snakeNewHead.row = Console.WindowHeight - 1; } else if (snakeNewHead.row >= Console.WindowHeight) { snakeNewHead.row = 0; } else if (snakeNewHead.col >= Console.WindowWidth - 11) { snakeNewHead.col = 11; } // check for snake collison with self or obstacles if (snake.GetPos.Contains(snakeNewHead) || obs.GetObsPos.Contains(snakeHead)) { bgm.Stop(); System.Media.SoundPlayer crash = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); crash.SoundLocation = "../../sound/crash.wav"; crash.Play(); Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5, Console.WindowHeight / 2); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Game over!"); Console.WriteLine("\n Press ENTER to quit"); ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); while (keyInfo.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); } return; } // check for collision with the food if ((snakeNewHead.col == food.x && snakeNewHead.row == food.y) || (snakeNewHead.col == food.x + 1 && snakeNewHead.row == food.y)) { System.Media.SoundPlayer eat = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); eat.SoundLocation = "../../sound/coin.wav"; eat.Play(); user.ScoreIncrement(1); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth - 10, Console.WindowHeight - 30); Console.WriteLine("Score: " + user.getScore); //spawn new food while increasing the length of the snake Console.SetCursorPosition(food.x, food.y); Console.Write(" "); food = new Food(); food.Generate_random_food(); snake.AddSnake(); bgm.Play(); } // draw the snake Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeHead.col, snakeHead.row); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; Console.Write("*"); // moving snake.GetPos.Enqueue(snakeNewHead); Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeNewHead.col, snakeNewHead.row); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; // draw the snake head if (direct == right) { Console.Write(">"); } if (direct == left) { Console.Write("<"); } if (direct == up) { Console.Write("^"); } if (direct == down) { Console.Write("v"); } // moving... Position last = snake.GetPos.Dequeue(); Console.SetCursorPosition(last.col, last.row); Console.Write(" "); //change score needed to clear the game based on the difficulty int goal; if (difficulty == "1") { goal = 5; } else if (difficulty == "2") { goal = 10; } else { goal = 20; } // set winning condition score if (user.getScore == goal) { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2, Console.WindowHeight / 2); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Stage Clear!"); userlist.AddUser(user); // Stop timing. stopwatch.Stop(); double ClearTime = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; user.getTime = ClearTime; //Record and display users data var x = userlist.getUsers; userlist.recordUser(); userlist.sortRecord(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2, Console.WindowHeight / 2 - 12); Console.WriteLine("High Score: "); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 10, Console.WindowHeight / 2 - 11); Console.WriteLine("Time Name Score"); userlist.readRecord(); //Press enter to quit Console.WriteLine("\n Press ENTER to quit"); ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); while (keyInfo.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); } System.Environment.Exit(0); return; } // food timer if (Environment.TickCount - lastFoodTime >= foodDissapearTime) { Console.SetCursorPosition(food.x, food.y); Console.Write(" "); food = new Food(); food.Generate_random_food(); lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount; } sleepTime -= 0.01; Thread.Sleep((int)sleepTime); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // initialize objects UserManagement userlist = new UserManagement(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your username: "******"../../sound/bgm.wav"; bgm.Play(); byte right = 0; byte left = 1; byte down = 2; byte up = 3; int lastFoodTime = 0; int foodDissapearTime = 16000; // bool isGameOver = false; Position[] directions = new Position[] { new Position(0, 1), // right new Position(0, -1), // left new Position(1, 0), // down new Position(-1, 0), // up }; Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight; double sleepTime = 100; lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount; // Initialize obstacle and draw obstacles Obstacle obs = new Obstacle(); obs.Generate_random_obstacle(); foreach (Position obstacle in obs.GetObsPos) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.SetCursorPosition(obstacle.col, obstacle.row); Console.Write("="); } // Iniatitlize food and draw food Food food = new Food(); food.Generate_random_food(); // Initialize snake and draw snake Snake snake = new Snake(); snake.DrawSnake(); int direct = right; // looping while (true) { // Set the score at the top right Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth - 10, Console.WindowHeight - 30); Console.WriteLine("Score: " + user.getScore); // check for key pressed if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo userInput = Console.ReadKey(); if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { if (direct != right) { direct = left; } } if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { if (direct != left) { direct = right; } } if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { if (direct != down) { direct = up; } } if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { if (direct != up) { direct = down; } } } // update snake position Position snakeHead = snake.GetPos.Last(); Position nextDirection = directions[direct]; Position snakeNewHead = new Position(snakeHead.row + nextDirection.row, snakeHead.col + nextDirection.col); // check for snake if exceed the width or height if (snakeNewHead.col < 0) { snakeNewHead.col = Console.WindowWidth - 1; } if (snakeNewHead.row < 0) { snakeNewHead.row = Console.WindowHeight - 1; } if (snakeNewHead.row >= Console.WindowHeight) { snakeNewHead.row = 0; } if (snakeNewHead.col >= Console.WindowWidth) { snakeNewHead.col = 0; } // check for snake collison with self or obstacles if (snake.GetPos.Contains(snakeNewHead) || obs.GetObsPos.Contains(snakeNewHead)) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Game over!"); return; } // check for collision with the food if (snakeNewHead.col == food.x && snakeNewHead.row == food.y) { System.Media.SoundPlayer eat = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); eat.SoundLocation = "../../sound/coin.wav"; eat.Play(); user.ScoreIncrement(1); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth - 10, Console.WindowHeight - 30); Console.WriteLine("Score: " + user.getScore); //Console.WriteLine("Eaten"); bgm.Play(); food = new Food(); food.Generate_random_food(); } // draw the snake Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeHead.col, snakeHead.row); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; Console.Write("*"); // moving snake.GetPos.Enqueue(snakeNewHead); Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeNewHead.col, snakeNewHead.row); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; // draw the snake head if (direct == right) { Console.Write(">"); } if (direct == left) { Console.Write("<"); } if (direct == up) { Console.Write("^"); } if (direct == down) { Console.Write("v"); } // moving... Position last = snake.GetPos.Dequeue(); Console.SetCursorPosition(last.col, last.row); Console.Write(" "); // set winning condition score = 5 if (user.getScore == 5) { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth / 2, Console.WindowHeight / 2); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Stage Clear!"); userlist.AddUser(user); var x = userlist.getUsers; userlist.recordUser(); //userlist.readRecord(); return; } // food timer if (Environment.TickCount - lastFoodTime >= foodDissapearTime) { Console.SetCursorPosition(food.x, food.y); Console.Write(" "); food = new Food(); food.Generate_random_food(); lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount; } sleepTime -= 0.01; Thread.Sleep((int)sleepTime); } }