public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews() { base.ViewWillLayoutSubviews(); NSError error = new NSError(); string backgroundMusicURL = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("background-music-aac", "caf"); background_music_player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(new NSUrl(backgroundMusicURL), out error); background_music_player.Volume = 0.2f; background_music_player.NumberOfLoops = -1; background_music_player.PrepareToPlay(); background_music_player.Play(); // Configure the view. var skView = (SKView)View; // Create and configure the scene. var scene = new MyScene(skView.Bounds.Size); scene.ScaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.AspectFill; new UIAlertView("How to play!", "Use swipe gestures to play:\n→ Turn rigth\n← Turn left\n↑ Go up\n↓ Go down\n Easy, right? ;) Enjoy it!", null, "Let's Play!!", null).Show(); // Present the scene skView.PresentScene(scene); }
public GameOverScene(SizeF size, int score) : base(size) { BackgroundColor = new UIColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.3f, 1.0f); SKLabelNode label = SKLabelNode.FromFont("Chalkduster"); label.Text = "Your final score is: " + score + " Points"; label.FontSize = 30f; label.FontColor = UIColor.Black; label.Position = new PointF(Size.Width / 2, Size.Height / 2); AddChild(label); RunAction(SKAction.Sequence(new [] { SKAction.WaitForDuration(3), SKAction.RunBlock(() => { SKTransition reveal = SKTransition.FlipHorizontalWithDuration(0.5); var scene = new MyScene(size); View.PresentScene(scene, reveal); }), })); }